Me: okay so I wrote this for my friend who said there wasn't enough Godric fics out there. So here you go. By the way this yaoi, slash, m/m, boy love whatever you wanna call it. Don't like don't read. Also I own nothing if I did I wouldn't be eating ramen every night.
Alec stared out the window blankly one head phone in barely paying attention to the scenery or the music. He was already dreading this week and he hadn't even arrived yet. He shrugged out of his ratty faded blue hoodie. His mother had tried desperately to get him to wear something other than his band t-shirts and ratty jeans, but he had adamantly refused much to her dismay. If he was being forced into this he was sure as hell going to be comfortable. Why is Texas so hot? He thought bitterly. He was already missing New York. The crowds, the bustling pace of life and the fact it wasn't 100 something degrees. Yes Alec defiantly knew that this was going to be the worst seven days of his 16 years of life. He not only was being forced to give up a week of his summer, but he was going to be spending it at this leadership church camp thing. To make matters even worse it was being held by The Fellowship of the Sun Church. Nothing could be better than spending time with a bunch of judgmental radical Christians. Sometimes Alec really wished he smoked.
His parents had said it would be good for him to be around young people who shared his views. His views he chuckled lightly under his breath. He seriously doubted anyone on this bus shared his views on anything. Not only did he not hate vampires, he was actually friends with one, but what really had Alec cursing whatever being was out there for his terrible fate was the fact that Alexander Christopher Woodland happened to be about as straight as a circle. And he knew for a fact these people defiantly weren't going to like that. Lucky Alec had years of experience hiding it from his conservative parents only difference was he was stuck here a whole week with no reprieve. At least back home there were people who knew, who supported him. It was then that he felt himself ache for his younger sister Sophia. She had figured out his secret 3 years ago and not only had she accepted it and acted as if it was no big deal. She had somehow decided it was her new mission to find him a boyfriend. He smiled fondly at the thought. If only she knew who he had the hots for.
"Hey guy, what made you decide to heed God's call?" Alec realized then that there was a good chance they had been talking to him for a while. He turned from the window to lock eyes with a male who happened to be his complete opposite. This guy seemed to be the definition of what Sophia would call a hottie. He looked like buff football player all bulging tan muscles. With blonde hair blue eyes and a goofy smile. Alec was not at all the definition of classic handsome man. He was 5'5, skinny with muscles that were only noticeable if he was shirtless. He had long shaggy black hair and dark brown eyes, which only helped in making him appear paler. "My parents." Alec answered honestly and slightly monotone.
"Oh how old are you?" the brunet sitting next to the blonde asked.
"Wow," the blonde exclaimed "ain't that kinda young?" he asked. Alec shrugged.
"I guess…" he noticed the blonde look eager and he sighed mentally, "my parents donate a lot to the church so it's not like they could say no." both the other males nodded.
"Well since you're so young. We'll look out for ya. My names Jason Stackhouse and this here's Luke."
"Nice to meet you" he said "my names Alec" Jason smiled at him and started talking about where he lived and his high school. Occasionally asking Alec questions which he replied to halfheartedly. Well maybe it wouldn't be so bad. After all both these guys were attractive, if not really his type, and Jason seemed nice enough. And for the first time since he left New York Alec felt himself smile.
Two days into the week and Alec realized he had defiantly spoken to soon. This place wasn't a church camp it was the military. Alec wasn't by any means out of shape but he was sure as hell not running 5 miles a day. Screw that. As soon as he saw an opening he broke from the group and headed back to the church. And if this place being boot camp from hell wasn't bad enough it also turned out Luke hated him for some unknown reason the only thing that could be seen as a mercy was that he defiantly hated Jason more. Honest to God if he didn't find a place away from Sarah's plastic smile and Steve's perfect hair he was going to go crazy. If they told him one more time that he needed to "let the glorious light of the lord chase away your darkness." He was going to go crazy.
He was standing in the chapel head phones in his ears trying desperately to take the edge off. Where some people had cigarettes Alec had music. This is what he did when he didn't think he could take it. When his emotions became so intense that he just went numb. He would put his music on and let it sooth him. It helped with the pain and emptiness. He listened to the guitar play cords and the lyrics. Alec sang softly "I wish I could give you my heart and my soul…"then he heard the door creak open. He panicked and scanned the room he saw a door and headed into it, he pressed himself against the frame.
"Where'd the hell did that little freak go." he heard Luke yell.
"Now now," he heard the fake chipper voice of Steve start, "this is a place of worship besides he's useless and unworthy of God's love" Alec backed away from the door and bit back the wave of painful emotions that filled him. Why did everyone see him that way? He tried. God he tried so hard to be the son his parents wanted. The friend his friends wanted. And yet this was how they all saw him. A poor excuse for a son. The friend you call just to emotionally abuse when they felt like it. And most of society what did they see when they looked at him. Just some fucking fagot. He looked around and saw some stairs heading downwards. He took them. Leading him into what he assumed was a basement and away from the hateful words.
He looked around the room and shut the door behind him. From the looks of it the room was sound proof. Perfect. He thought. There was a time not long ago those words and these feelings would have sent him searching for the pills his mother kept in the cabinet or the knife in the pantry. Anything to make him feel something other than the pain or at least numb it. But after Sophia had caught him, her blue eyes full of tears, begging him to stop. He had. So he did the only other thing he knew that would stop the pain. He turned up the music and sang. He sang until he felt his heart would burst. He sang until the pain lessened. He sang until his throat felt sore. He sang until it didn't hurt. He took a breath after the song ended. He smiled a little at least until he heard clapping.
Me: tada the end of chapter one I'm going to post a new one ever Sunday.
Songs (if you even what to know) are: in order
The End by My Chemical Romance, Animal by The Cab, and I am Machine by Three Days Grace.
This isn't a song fic I'll never list out lyrics maybe a line or two but not a whole song I want everyone to enjoy despite your musical tastes.