A\N HI! A friendly reminder: English is not my native language so please, don't be a grammar nazi, i'm trying to make it as readable as possible (no pun intended). I constantly trying to improve myself in grammar and storytelling, so please bear with me for a while. Also updates will be two weeks apart from each other, sometimes sooner, sometimes later, but usually i need two weeks to think, rethink, and write a 2k-2,5k chapter, this chapter(almost 6k) is an exception that i make times to times(though i have no idea what length of chapters this story will have). Well, with that out of the way, i present to you my third Kim Possible fanfiction!
Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible.
Chapter 1
Forget me not
"Don't let them know that it's bothering you, just smile. It is your best shield and best weapon. Come on Ronnie, let me see your smile. That's better. No matter how hard life kicks us in, never let it bother you. Just smile…"
"Sir?" somebody tapped his shoulder lightly.
"Ah?" Ron opened his eyes. "Yeah?"
"We are going to land soon, please be ready." flying attendant said politely and went towards another sleeping passenger.
'Sir? Weird to hear it when you only 16.' Ron thought and stretched, as much small space of a seat allowed him.
An announcement was voiced throughout the airplane:
"Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Please turn off all electronic devices until we are safely parked at the gate. Thank you."
After airplane landed, and one tedious waiting for his luggage to appear on a conveyer belt, 16-years old boy proceeded to the airport's Arrival area. He looked around, in hopes of find a familiar face in a crowd. Red-haired woman noticed him and waved.
"Over here Ron!" she waved to him.
"Thanks for picking me up Mrs. Possible!" he put his smile on and approached her.
"No problems Ron." She smiled back at him happily. "Welcome to the Middleton!"
They went to the parking lot, where Ann's minivan was parked. While she was opening the trunk, Ron just stood near the car. A sucking feeling appeared in his stomach. He started to shake slightly.
"Ron?" Ann Possible noticed it. "Are you ok?"
"I'm ok, Mrs. Possible." Ron smiled at her.
"You know, we can ditch this thing here." she tapped the roof of the car. "And take a train, there is a station around, and we could just walk…"
"I'll be fine on a front seat, don't worry." Ron put his luggage at the trunk.
"If you say so." Ann said and went to the driver's seat. "But if you feel too uncomfortable just tell me, and i'll stop the car, ok?"
He hated the smell of the car, the sound of it, a fast changing view from the window made his discomfort even bigger. But he can't allow himself to show it, especially in front of Mrs. Possible. He visited Middleton before at least three times. Once when he was around 3-years old, so he doesn't remember much, second time when he was 8, and once more at the age of 12. Each time he and his family stayed at Possible's house. Despite of the life circumstances of living and working different cities, somehow Possible and Stoppable families managed to hold on their friendship.
"Here we are." Ann stopped the car. "Let's get your luggage and i'll show you your room."
Each time Ron saw that house, he was amazed my it's design. It looked like it was ripped strait from a movie. He took his luggage from the trunk and they went inside.
"Boys! Kimmie!" Ann said loudly. "Come down here!"
Two twins went downstairs, with smudges of machine oil all over their faces and clothes.
"Just as i thought!" Ann rolled her eyes.
"Hello!" Ron smiled at raised his hand.
"Hey Ron…" Tim said.
"Hey." Jim followed.
"Where is your sister?" Ann asked twins.
"We don't know." Tim shrugged.
"We aren't her babysitters." Jim followed.
"Honestly, this girl." Ann sighed deeply. "The dinner will be in an hour, take a shower by then, or i'll cut your allowance in half."
"Yes mom."
Boys ran back upstairs to finish whatever monstrosity they were working on.
"They have really grown up since my last visit." Ron put a hand on his neck, an awkward habit.
"And got much smarter to, and more troublesome." she half-smiled. "Let's go upstairs, i'll show you your room."
They went upstairs, and Ann opened the door to his new place. It was really spacious, with a big bed, a nightstand, closet, and a desk with a computer and printer/scanner on it.
"We decided that you'll need a computer, it's James's old one. I guess it isn't much for games, but it's working fine, and help you with studies." Ann said to him.
"Sweet, i always wanted to try the retro gaming." he smiled happily and put his luggage near the bed.
"Ron, i know that we discussed it already, but are you sure that you don't want anything from your old room shipped here?"
"No, thing i took with me are enough Mrs. Possible, as for other ones… I'll bring them, when i'll be ready to. "
"I see. Well, get yourself comfortable here. From now on, it's your room. Right across it is boys' room, so don't panic if you hear any explosions."
"Got it! Explosions are normal."
"Under this house, sadly yes." Ann sighed again. "I'll call you to the dinner, James should come home to it, and Kim…i need to call Kim."
With these words Ann left the room, leaving the boy alone. As he close his door a smile that was present since he met her at the airport disappeared. He quietly walked to his bed and started to unpack his luggage. It was only one bag, with some clothes, notes from old school, and a photo album. Ron put the album in one of desk's drawers almost instantly. After this he put all clothes into the closet, and notes on the desk. To kill some time, Ron decided to check the computer. It was pretty old model, by modern standards, however not too old. Internet was already connected, which made him smile again for a second. He checked what games can be played with specs he has, and was pretty satisfied with a range of them he can actually try. Currently there weren't any games on the computer, except solitaire, that came with the system. With a lack of an alternative, Ron started it and played until he heard Ann's voice, calling for him and twins to go downstairs. He came down to the kitchen and noticed a familiar man sitting at the table, sipping his coffee.
"Ah, Ronald! Welcome boy. How was your flight?" James smiled to him.
"Thank you Mr. Possible. It was smooth. I slept like a baby almost all way to the Middleton." he smiled back.
"Good, good. Since you are living with us from now on, i have to tell you about one very important roof under this house." Mr. Possible sipped some coffee from his mug. "Any unappropriated move towards Kimmie is punished by the one-way ticket to the orbit. Do you understand this?"
"Loud and clear!" Ron answered instantly.
"James." Ann glared at her husband. "What did i tell you about scaring Ron."
"I'm not scaring him dear, just having a civil conversation, honestly."
"It's alright Mrs. Possible." Ron sat at the table.
Twins appeared at the same table a minute later, without oil smudges on their clothes or faces. A sound of front door opens and light stomping was heard, as the last part of this family entered the house.
"I'm home!" girl said and went to her room to change.
A minute later red-head teen girl entered the kitchen. Last time Ron saw her, she was 12. He still remembered her ponytail and brackets, and how ridiculous she looked at them. However there wasn't a single thing to ridicule her now, at least in looks department.
"Heya." Ron greeted her.
"Yeah, hi." Kim answered unenthusiastically and sat at the dinner table.
"Kimmie, why are you late?" Ann asked her, while bringing food to the table. "I told you this morning to be home as soon as you can."
"I was discussing a new cheerleading routine with girls." she answered. "Competition isn't that far off, and we need to come up with something new."
"Wow, you are cheerleader now?" Ron asked.
"I'm a captain." she said dryly.
"Well, since all of us are here…" Ann put a bowl of mash potato on a table and sat near her husband. "Then let's make it official. Welcome to the Possible house Ron."
"Welcome, Ronald." James smiled and raised his mug.
"Welcome to hell." Twins smirked.
"Welcome." Kim said with the same lack of enthusiasm.
Dinner went a bit awkwardly, but Ron was expecting that. Despite of that he really did enjoy it, mostly because of Ann's cooking. Kim wasn't really talkative and spent most of the time checking her phone, boys were constantly discussing some technical stuff, the most of it he couldn't understand, and Mr. and Mrs. Possible just talked about work plans for tomorrow.
"Ronald." Mr. Possible spoke to boy, trying to be careful with his words. "Me and Ann arranged you in Middleton High School. You can start from tomorrow, if you feel ready of course."
"I'm ready Mr. Possible." Ron nodded to him and finished his mash potato.
"Glad to see you in such high spirit." James smiled.
"Kimmie will help you tomorrow." Ann added.
"Thanks for the dinner, i'll be in my room." Kim stood from the table and went upstairs.
"We done!" twins ran to their room.
"Do you need a help with dishes?" Ron asked Ann.
"No, we have a dishwasher now." she answered. "But thank you for asking."
Ron spent the rest of the day at his new room. He spent time surfing the internet. Funny images, viral videos, online series, anything that can make his brain just stop thinking and enjoy. He needed it. Ron didn't really want to sleep, especially since he doze off during the flight that day, but he made himself go to bed eventually. He didn't want to be sleepy at his first day in the school. It was a dreamless night.
Ron woke up in a good mood. After brushing his teeth he went towards the kitchen. Ann was already there, dressed for the work.
"Good morning Ron!" she smiled as she noticed him.
"Good morning Mrs. Possible." he answered cheerfully.
"Did you sleep well? Adjusting to a new place can be troublesome."
"Don't worry, i slept like a baby."
He poured himself some cereal with milk in a bowl. Ann and James soon drove away to the work, leaving him and Kim some lunch money. After finishing breakfast Ron went upstairs to his room, to prepare for school. He put just empty notes and couple pens in his bag pack, since he didn't have any books yet.
"Hey!" Kim knocked at his door. "We need to go, are you ready?"
"Ah? Yeah, i'm ready!" he grabbed his bag pack and went out of his room.
"School bus is broken, so we have to walk." Kim said, as she went downstairs and opened front door.
"That's good." Ron breathed.
"Good?" she gave him a look.
"Uhm yeah, good, for heart you know. Walk and stuff."
"Whatever." Kim just went down the street.
Ron followed her quietly. He remembered her being more talkative when they were twelve. Kim was a bit shy at start, but as they played she become more and more energetic and open. She didn't look shy now though. There was a certain feeling of determination coming from her every movement. She wasn't a 12-years old girl he remembers anymore.
"Before we get to school, i need to ask you some things." Kim suddenly interrupted an awkward silence.
"Yeah, of course, ask away!"
"What did you do in your old school?"
"Excuse me?" Ron didn't understand the question.
"What was your clique?"
"I don't think i ever had one."
"Seriously?" Kim sighed. "Anyway, forget about old school now. What are you going to do in Middleton High?"
"Uhm… i have no idea honestly. Is this important?"
"Of course it is!" Kim raised her voice a little. "Ok. Are you good at sports?"
"Not particularly."
"Are you going to at least try any of it?"
"Probably not, especially sports."
"Just great." she appeared to be irritated by that. "No skills and no will to do anything. Do you know who are you after that?"
"A loser."
"A what?"
"A loser!" she repeated. "Listen. I have a reputation in Middleton High. I stand on a top of food chain. I don't need you messing with that. So i want ask you NOT to speak with me at school, or mention ANYONE that you live in my house. Got it?"
"Yeah, i got it." he answered, trying not to lose his smile.
"Good. The school is that way, you can see its reader board from here." she pointed the direction. "Stand here and count to ten when i say so, and i'll go further. That way no one will see us together. Start counting."
'Well…that was a good mental punch in guts.' Ron thought as she went towards school without him. 'One…two…three…four…'
"And…" Kim said more softly than usual, stopped and turned to face him. "I'm sorry for your loss."
With the sinking feeling in his stomach he went towards a school building. He was able to find principal's office rather quickly and was given books he need, at least the one that was in school library, a school map, with his locker marked on it, and a code to it. As Ron put extra books into the locker he noticed a bunch of school student gathered together around something. Out of curiosity he went towards the group to see what's going on. They all stood around a beaten up wending machine, chattering about what happened to it. It glass was broken, goods were scattered everywhere, it was covered with a lot of slash marks and had a gash on the side. Pieces of it were torn out. From a looks of it, some assume that a wild animal sneaked up in school and trashed the machine.
"Yes!" a girl with brown hair, standing beside him, whispered happily.
Ron looked at the girl. She was smiling widely, her teal eyes were full of excitement. A moment later she noticed blond teen, looking at her with confused expression on his face, and swiftly went away from him and the crowd.
'That was…weird…' Ron thought.
Soon the school bell ringed and all students quickly left the scene. Ron looked at the map he got, and went towards the English class. It didn't take too long to find it too. As he opened the door, he was met with the stern stare of a large-build man in brown suit.
"Uhm…hi." Ron said a bit nervously. "This is the English class, right?"
"I guess you are the new student." man said in his growly voice.
"Yes, that's right. Ron Stoppable. Nice too meet ya." he said in more relaxed fashion.
"Steve Barklin. Substitute teacher. Don't cause any trouble in school kid, and i'll be happy. You got that?"
"Yes sir!" Ron saluted.
"Your sit is all the way in the back, at the window. And no chit chats with other students during the class!"
As he walked to his sit he noticed two familiar faces. First was Kim, who looked irritated by the fact they were in the same class. And the second one was a girl with brown hair that he saw earlier in the group of people ogling at the trashed wending machine. Her sit was right in front of his. As girl noticed and recognized him, she immediately shifted her look towards the wall, avoiding his eyes. As soon as class ended he tried to speak with her, but she disappeared in hallway before he managed to breathe a single word.
Ron used the lunch break to learn the layout of the school. He didn't make any friends to spend it with anyway. From a looks of it all people were already sorted out to their cliques. Ron was new, and obviously wasn't part of any of it yet, and he wasn't interested in entering one yet. He didn't have any interest in join one anyway. Not now at least.
As classes were over, Ron decided to go at the place he calls home from now on, however something stopped him. At one of the school hallway he noticed a group of three buff guys, they were wearing jackets with school symbol on them. There was also a much smaller guy surrounded by those three. He was thin, wearing thick glasses, and looked very distressed. It was obvious that whatever conversation was held between him and other guys it wasn't very friendly.
'Oh great. Jocks are jerks in this school too. Just ignore it, that's for better.'
Ron tried to make another step, but couldn't. His morality refused to go away. He knew he couldn't just go away after witnessing this.
'Maybe i should call a teacher….no, never again i trust a teacher about this stuff. I have to try for myself.'
He put his easy-going smile on and went towards the group.
"Hey man!" Ron waved energetically and approached the group. "Some student council guy was asking for you just now, sounded really urgent, like now or never urgent."
"Student council? What do…" an imaginary light bulb appeared above the skinny guy's head. "Ah yes, that thing i need to do…right now!"
Boy squeezes between buff guys and ran away, leaving Ron alone with them. As he tried to do the same two arms held his shoulder, grounding him on the spot.
"Haven't seen you around here before." boy with blond spiky hair said and pointed at the door. "Let's have a little chat."
Two other guys dragged Ron through the doors into the boy's locker room. Their grip was too strong to him to escape it.
"You are probably the new kid here." Spiky hair guy said slyly. "So let me explain some rules to you. In this school people who are on top of the Food Chain are the law. Simple isn't it?"
"Eat or be eaten i got it." Ron smiled nervously and made a step on the side.
"Smart guy i see." a hand hit the locker, cutting the escape way for him. "But still, you interrupted our talk with little Seymour earlier. So, a little punishment must be implied."
"No, no punishment needed, really guys. I'm good."
"Shove him in here." Spiky guy commanded and opened the farthest locker from the doors.
"Hey stop it guys, come on!"
Ron tried to struggle, but it was futile. He was crammed into the grey locker a second later.
"Welcome to the Middleton High." spiky guy slammed the locker door. "And if anybody asks, you tripped and fell inside. Or next time will be worse, got it?"
Three boys left the locker room, leaving Ron in the locked locker.
"Hey Daemon." one of the guys said. "What is it really ok to leave him like that? We'll get in the trouble…"
"Don't be a wuss." spiky hair guy answered. "The janitor will probably find him before closing the school and that wimp won't tell anything, for his own good."
"But what if Brick will know about it?" the other guy asked. "We will be kicked out of the team."
"Then he will not know about it." Daemon said. "And even if he will, he won't kick me out, i'm the best quarterback this school had in years, and i can vouch for you two. So listen to me and keep you mouths shut."
Kim was waiting at the front gates of school for several minutes now. She was looking for a certain blond boy. She felt bad about how she treated him this morning, and was going to walk him home.
'I know what i said wasn't pleasant, but at least it was truth.' she tapped her foot impatiently. 'Where is he? That's it, i'm waiting for 10 minutes and go home.'
The locker was too small to allow any movement. Ron tried to shout for minutes, but no one came to help. He didn't know was it because no one could hear him from here, or they just ignored. His throat felt soar as he continue to shout for help.
'I should know shit like this will happen. When do i freaking learn.'
As he tried to get somebody's attention again and again he became more tired. Every other shout was weaker than the previous one, and in the end he lost all energy he had. He fell asleep in the dark locker in the end.
"This is unfair!" he shouted in aggravation.
"We did everything we could Ronnie." his mother put her hand on his shoulder.
"Why I should be on a short side of the stick here? I did nothing wrong! They did!"
"Listen, let me be honest with you. Sometimes life isn't fair at all. But even in situations like this, when everything is wrong and twisted you have something to protect yourself. Don't let them know that it's bothering you, just smile. It is your best shield and best weapon. Come on Ronnie, let me see your smile. That's better. No matter how hard life kicks us in, never let it bother you. Just smile…"
A loud bang woke Ron up. The locker door wasn't locked anymore. It was slightly bunted and had a claw mark on it. Ron was still inside locker, trying to understand what just happened. His body was a little numb from staying is such uncomfortable position for some time.
"Argh! I'll get you little bastard!" a girl's voice was heard nearby.
Through the gap between locker and its door Ron noticed two figures. There was a girl with brown hair, the one he met today in the crowd, and in front of her stood a strange creature. It was half of her size, and looked like a monkey with a head of the bat and had claws on its hands and feet. Pieces of machinery and circuits were tied to its torso, elbows and knees, like armor. The creature hissed at the girl angrily.
"Gust!" girl's voice obtained an echo-like feature, and she threw her hand forward.
A strong wind appeared from nowhere and slammed strange creature to the wall. Ron was in shock from what he witnessed. In this state he accidentally moved forward, he lost his balance and, with a loud thud, fell on the floor.
"What the heck?" girl noticed him.
Creature used the moment of confusion and rushed to the exit.
"Oh no you don't!" girl went after it.
She followed it to the half-lit hallway, but it already disappeared in shadows. After a heavy sigh she went back to the locker room. Ron stood up from the floor, and noticed girl approaching him.
"Great! Just great!" she mumbled and pulled out what looked like a small perfume bottle from a fanny pack on her hip. "The first time i was allowed to do it on my own, and i blew it!"
"What was that thing?" Ron asked her trying to stay collected. "And that wind, where did it come from?"
"Doesn't matter, you won't remember any of it anyway." she sprayed something from the perfume bottle at his face. "You will forget everything that you saw or heard for the last ten minutes, you never saw me or the little weird guy."
"Uhm? What do you mean forget?" he asked her, trying to understand such weird gesture from her.
"What? How did you…" she sprayed his face two more times, making a strong smell of herbs in the air. "Ok, this should work."
"What should?"
"Why potion doesn't work on you?!" girl went to the panic mode. "You should be all quiet and suggestible right now! Dang it… Can this day be any worse?"
"Ehm…i'm sorry?" Ron scratched the back of his head in confusion.
"Looks like i have no other choice." she ignored him and sighed again.
Girl pulled out small amulet from the fanny pack and grabbed Ron's hand.
"Return!" she said in the echo-like voice.
Everything around them flashed with a brightest light, and in a moment, they were transported somewhere else. Ron's heart was beating fast. No lockers or benches around anymore. Now he was in a middle of someone's living room.
"This way." girl grabbed his jersey's collar and dragged the boy after her.
"Hey wait! What happened? Where are we?" Ron, in state of utter shock, followed her.
She didn't answer it and just went towards one of the rooms in the house.
"Dad!" girl went through the door, with Ron still in her grip. "We have a problem here!"
Room was filled with books, with a bookshelf at every wall. Middle-age man in glasses stood from the wooden desk. He had brown hair with grey areas on the sides.
"What is the problem Sweety?" man noticed a third person in the room. "And who is he?"
"He IS the problem." she dragged Ron to the chair in the corner and pointed at it. "Sit here."
"What is going on?" Ron asked her, trying to comprehend all that happened.
"Just be quiet and everything will be over soon." she said nonchalantly.
"Over soon?!" panic in him grew stronger. "Um, no thanks, i think i'll go home now, where's the exit?"
"Bind!" girl pronounced with echo and put her palm on his chest.
It was as Ron's hands got glued to his torso, as well as his legs got tied up. Brown haired girl pushed him slightly and his body dropped on soft comfortable chair.
"BonBon, care to explain what happened?" man said softly while correcting his glasses.
"While i was chasing gremlin, this guy fell from the locker and saw me using magic and the thing. I sprayed the potion at him, but it didn't work. So i brought him home to ask you for help."
"Smart choice." he praised her and went back to the desk to pull out a wooden box. "Let's see."
Man opened the box and took a small glass vial with some green-ish liquid form it. He pulled a cork from it and brought it to Ron's nose. Boy tried to move out of it, but his body refused to listen to him.
"Bleh!" Ron held the gag, his eyes watered slightly from it. "Smells like rotted grass."
"Interesting. Very interesting." Man pushed cork back in the vial. "No effect at all."
"So my potion was fine?" girl said.
"It looks like the problem is indeed in the boy." man put his hand on boy's shoulder. "This will sting a little."
"OW!" Ron felt a momentary pain flying through the whole of his body.
"Hm… From the feel of it, he doesn't have any magic. He is a perfectly normal human."
"Then why our potion didn't work on him?" girl asked.
"I have one or two theories. Is this boy from your school?"
"Yes. He started today actually."
"I see." man put the vial back to the box and pulled out a little paper amulet. "Sweety, i want to talk to the boy privately."
"Why?" girl raised one brow.
"Just a little man to man talk." he smiled to her fatherly. "And make me some herbal tea please."
"Ok, fine." she rolled her eyes and went out of the room.
"And no eavesdropping!" man said loud enough.
"FINE!" he voice came from the other side of the door.
As her father heard steps fading away from the door, he took his glasses off, what made him actually look pretty intimidating.
"So you transferred to my daughter's school, saw her using magic at your first day and the potion that should make any human forget about it doesn't work on you. Sounds really suspicious."
"No sir, not suspicious at all!" Ron, who still was unable to move properly, was terrified right now. "This is all just a coincident! Honestly!"
"Honesty is a very good thing, but rare as well." man put the paper talisman at Ron's chest. "But i know how to bring up this feature in people. Activate."
The echo spread through the room, and Ron found himself in a state of trance.
"This talisman will make you speak truth and only truth. What is your name?"
"Ron Stoppable." boy answered with no emotion in his voice.
"What do you now about my daughter or me?"
"You two are weird and have some strange powers."
"Do you know anything about magic?"
"No, i thought it was just a fiction."
'It does look like he knows nothing.' man thought and sighed.
"Why you were in a locker?" he asked the boy.
"I was locked by bullies. Something broke the lock on locker and i fell out from it."
"What broke the lock?"
"There was a claw mark, it was probably the weird bat-head monster that broke it."
"I see. You were transferred to the Middleton high today, right?"
"Why were you transferred?"
"I had to move to the Middleton."
"Because…" Ron made a small pause. "My parents died in car accident and my caretaker, Mrs. Possible, lives in Middleton."
"Stop!" man commanded with echo immediately as he heard boy's words and took the talisman from his chest. "Release!"
Man clicked his fingers. Ron could move his body normally again, so he sat in chair more comfortably. Boy was out of the strange trance-like state now, and his eyes were watering.
"I'm sorry." man said, while putting his glasses back. "I needed to make sure you aren't here to harm my daughter. And i guess i went too far."
Ron sat quietly.
Man went toward the door and opened it a bit.
"Bonnie." he said loudly. "Make some tea for our guest too."
"Guest?" her confused voice came from the kitchen.
"Yes, guest." he answered and sat behind his desk.
Ron took his emotion under control at wiped the tears from his eyes with a sleeve. His daughter came to the room with two mugs of tea in her hands and handed one to her father and another to the blond boy.
"Th-thanks." Ron put a smile on his face, but he was still visibly distressed as his hands shook uncontrollably.
"So, he's a guest now?" girl asked the man in glasses.
"Yes he is." he made a sip of tea and turned his attention to boy again. "I'm truly sorry for such, let's say, aggressive way we met. My name is Ryan Rockwaller. My daughter Bonnie and I are witches. That is why we could do things you saw."
"Witches?" Ron was processing the information. "Really?"
"Yes." man nodded.
"But you are a man. H-how can you be a witch?" Ron asked the first that came to his head.
"That's a common misconception." Ryan smiled. "There are male witches in the world, and i'm one of them."
"So there are MORE witches?"
"Yup." Bonnie answered. "But in Middleton it's only dad and me."
"You see, witches exist as a wall between non-magical folk like you, and magical creatures from different worlds." Ryan tried to explain. "We catch them, send them back their world, or, in rare cases, annihilating them."
"Worlds?" Ron grabbed his head with one hand. "There are other worlds?"
"Dad, i think it's too much information for him to handle." Bonnie pointed at the guy. "And why do you explaining it too him?"
"You see, it appears we can't use potion to alter his last memories." Ryan said. "And i don't think neither of us is capable to create a memory altering spell that won't scramble poor boy's head. I need some time to figure out how to take out the memories about you and me, without harming him. And while i'm looking for a solution, i want him to assist you in your hunts."
"Say what?" both teens asked at the same time.
"Ron, the witches, magic, and existence of the real monsters and otherworldly creatures is a secret that should be kept, do you understand that?"
"Y-yes, sir." Ron answered automatically.
"Wait Dad, you can't be serious!" Bonnie said. "You want him to tag along with me?"
"Yes." he answered.
"But you promised that i will be allowed to do it on my own, and now you bring him as a babysitter?"
"I promised that i'll allow it if you will succeed in this one. And did you succeed?"
"No." she lowered her head.
"Exactly. You failed to capture gremlin and got a witness. You have to answer the consequences."
"Yes dad. I got it."
"As soon as i find the way to harmlessly remove some memories from his head you two have to work together. Bonnie will help Ron to adapt, and Ron will help Bonnie during her duties. What do you think about it?" he looked at the boy.
"Is…" Ron scratched his head. "Is there any other way? I promise, i won't tell a soul about you!"
"I'm sorry, but i can't leave you without supervision."
"And if i refuse?"
"Then i would have no choice, but to try the memory altering spell, with 95% of failure, which will probably turn you into a vegetable, figuratively speaking."
"Wow, what a choice." Ron sighed. "I agree."
"Bonnie?" Ryan looked at his daughter.
"Fine, i agree." she spoke through her teeth.
"Good." Ryan smiled. "Now, it's getting pretty late, and you probably tired after…"
"Late?" Ron started to panic again. "How late? "
"It's almost six." Bonnie said.
"No no no! I need to go home, fast!"
"I can give you a lift if you want." Ryan offered.
Ron was hesitating for a moment, but the situation left him little of choice. He asked Ryan to get him to the school. He remembered the way from there.
"Here we are." Ryan stopped the car near the school gates.
"Thank you for the ride." Ron said a bit weekly, feeling sick in the stomach.
"No problem, and, i'm truly sorry for all this." Ryan corrected his glasses. "But i must keep Bonnie safe, and keeping our abilities in secret is a part of it."
Ron nodded to him and went out of the car. As Mr. Rockwaller drove away, boys went towards his new home with a fast pace. Thankfully his memory didn't fail him and soon he entered Possible's house. As Ron sneaked through the hallway he was noticed by Kim, who was sitting on the couch in the living room.
"Hey!" she said, while casually changing the channels.
"H-hey!" he smiled at her and waved.
"Mom called and asked how you were feeling after the first day."
Ron gulped.
"I told her that after school you were too tired to talk and went to take a nap in you room." Kim explained. "She'll be home in an hour by the way."
"Thanks!" Ron felt an ease. "I owe you!"
"And don't forget it." she changed another channel.
Ron went to his room and dropped on the bad. He was worn out mentally and physically. An idea to actually take a nap didn't look so bad at the moment.
"Welcome to the Middleton." Ron mumbled and closed his eyes, falling asleep.