It has been about one year since the end of the Aparoid invasion. General Pepper had been healed and he resumed command of the Cornerian Army as the Lylat rebuilt itself from the vicious war... So everything just went back to normal... For the Star Fox team... They continued in their line of work. Slippy was working on the new upgraded Arwings and Peppy was getting some of his items packed, readying himself for his retirement, which he had promised to do. Falco was flying recon work in his Arwing, making sure the skies remained safe. He remained as cocky as ever when he took down enemy ships... Then there's Krystal. She was twenty-one now, as she had been fighting in missions for the Star Fox team for about two years to this point, and she still remained on the team, offering her close support.

Fox had remained in his role as leader of the team. A week had passed since Peppy retired from the team and now lived in a private resort. Since the end of the Saurian Crisis, Fox and his team had fought in countless missions, much more busy than the dull period before the Saurian crisis. Fox also wondered what had happened to Wolf and his team, now only consisting of Leon Powalski and Panther Caruso. The other, former members of Star Wolf, Pigma and Oikonny, were kicked out and subsequently killed in the Aparoid war... Well good riddance.

Still, Fox and the team had gained great respect for Wolf, due to his honour and assistance in the Aparoid War. Fox, however, made it abundantly clear that his respect for Wolf did not extend to his team mates, Leon and Panther. Leon was a sadistic and chilling individual who would make arrogant and insulting comments to the Star Fox team and Panther, although a very skilled pilot, was also very smooth and showed himself to be a bit of a "Ladies' Cat" and, thus, would pine after the beautiful Krystal, which annoyed Fox. However, Krystal wasn't interested in Panther's advances, which gave Fox some relief. Still, Fox disliked both of them, and Falco didn't like them much either, having a rivalry with both of them.

Fox was a little bit saddened by the loss of the Great Fox, as it was something that belonged to his father. Still, Fox had quickly gotten over the loss as he remembered, after all, it was just a ship. The team was able to make temporary use of a Cornerian X-1 freighter until a replacement could be finalized, as the freighter couldn't perform as well. Still, they had hoped to earn enough money to eventually get a new upgraded ship.

Right now, Team Star Fox was just able to get by...

As Fox worked on the hologram projector with ROB, his team mates, Krystal, Falco and Slippy, walked in. Fox looked at each one as they walked in, Krystal; now twenty-one, Falco; now twenty-five and Slippy; now twenty-four. Fox himself was also twenty-four at this point, but he had grown into a skilled, mature and responsible leader, though he could get a little hot headed at times.

"Ya' wanted to see us, Fox?" Falco asked with his arms wrapped across his chest.

"Yeah," Fox answered, "General Pepper called."

"He's still in command?" Krystal asked, holding her hands behind her back.

"Yup. Takes a lot more to bring him down."

"Wasn't Peppy gonna take his spot?" Slippy asked.

"Not any time soon," Fox answered, "For now, he still leads the Cornerian Army."

"So what's he got for us?" Falco asked.

Fox turned to ROB and spoke, "ROB, contact Pepper."

"Affirmative," ROB spoke as he typed in a message to Cornerian command. Very soon, General Pepper appeared on the hologram board.

"Good afternoon, Members of Star Fox," Pepper spoke, "You been holding up?"

"As much as we can, General," Fox answered, "Still hoping we can get a replacement for the Great Fox."

"I'm still seeing what I can find, Fox. You're all looking well rested... Cause I've got a new job for you."

"Just tell us where you need us."

"Where I need you is Gazarus... Our recent reports have indicated that one of Andross' projects have been found there."

"I thought those were all deactivated."

"Most have been... But this is a type of super weapon that has just been reactivated."

"Andross is dead... Who reactivated it?"

"We're not sure, but recent reports have lead us to believe that Gizar Veras was involved."

"Who's Gizar Veras?"

"Dr. Gizar Veras... is a Venomian scientist. He works especially in weapons development, makes fortunes off it... He was also a commander in the Venomian Army during the Lylat Wars... He still retains his extreme Venomian nationalism, to the point where he's been accused of having terrorist connections... But, so far, it's never been proven, but if you bring down this weapon, it could lead us right to him."

"Any read out on what we're facing?"

"We don't know the exact model, just one of Andross' old bio mechs... Nothing new... But, it is in the area near an industrial sector. If not shut down, it could threaten the Gazarusian facilities."

"We'll check it out."

"Be careful... There could be more to it. Veras was a tricky person during his job as a commander."

"We'll be okay, General... This is Star Fox, remember."

"That's good to know, now get ready to move out... Oh and, how's Peppy enjoying his retirement?"

"Don't know... But I'm glad he's finally retired."

"Well, say hello to him for me... Pepper out."

Pepper faded quickly away from the hologram projector and Fox turned to ROB, "ROB," Fox spoke, "Set coordinates for Gazarus." As ROB proceeded to set the coordinates and move the ship into light speed for quick travel to the planet, Fox nodded to his team mates and they proceeded to exit the bridge. As the ship soared through space towards their destination, Krystal noticed someone not with them, Slippy. Krystal looked back and saw Slippy standing in the hallway. He looked rather uneasy.

"...Slippy," Krystal said, "You all right?"

"Yeah," Slippy replied, "I-I'll be along in a sec."

Krystal still could sense his unease, so she walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure you're all right?" she asked.

"Yeah," Slippy said, "It's just..." Krystal looked at him with concern as Slippy paused. Finally he continued speaking, "...I'm worried about everyone... Pepper said we're goin' up against one of Andross' old weapons... I got bad memories about them... I know we've been doing this job for years but... I'm scared, Krys."

Krystal gave him a look of understanding. She knew just how he felt and, in fact, she shared how he felt. She was always scared for everyone, worried about what would happen to her friends. "...I know, Slippy," Krystal said, "Honestly, I'm scared as well... I'm always scared in war. I'm always concerned with everyone."

"I'm just... really confused."

"It's all right... I have faith everyone will be fine in the end."

"You really think so?"

"Of course... We'll help one another, right?"


As Krystal stood back up, she heard ROB speaking on a com link above. "We have arrived at Gazarus." Krystal turned back to Slippy.

"Come on," Krystal said, "Let's get moving."

Krystal and Slippy rushed down to the hangar, where they regrouped with Fox and Falco, who were readying their Arwings. Krystal jumped in hers and turned it on, and while the Arwing warmed up, she looked around and saw Slippy. Since she had become a member of Star Fox, she had become like a family member to them. Krystal was very much like an older sister to Slippy, despite the fact that she was younger than him, and she helped him with advice and showed great concern for him. Peppy was also like a father to her, looking after her with sound protection. She also took the time to actually listen to some of his stories. Fox and Falco were Krystal's best friends and she spent most of her time with them, as well as fighting alongside them in battle, but she also had a close intimacy with both of them. Indeed the team was like family to her... and that's why she was particularly worried whenever they went on missions... Krystal knew the possibility that she or any of her team mates would not make it out. Still she kept her faith that they would as she knew they would always protect each other.

As the team readied their Arwings, they each looked out the hangar and saw the planet Gazarus before them. Once The Arwings' procedures were finalized and Fox gave the go ahead, ROB proceeded to launch each Arwing from the ship, and the four Arwings sailed down to the planet's surface.