Author's 1st Note: Soo, yeah. I wrote "Just a Dream" about 2 years ago, and actually just recently updated it, and I always had this idea to make a sort of 'part two' for it, but never got around to it...UNTIL NOW!

This will be a short story, but not just one chapter. I'm aiming for about 3. Fingers crossed!

Any who, enough chatting, hope you enjoy the story! :D

The sweat from her bangs dripped down her forehead as her panting increased. She could still see the smirk on his face. He was getting better at predicting her next move and she hated him for that. Korra was not a predictable kind of girl and she wanted to make that point very clear.

"What's the matter Korra? Run out of surprises?" Mako's smirk turned into a satisfied smile as he spoke.

He thinks he's won.

Over time, Mako and Korra's friendship had turned into some what of a love/hate game. Korra won most of the time, but Mako had his fair share of victories as well. Although they would deny having any feelings for each other, the sexual tension between them was inevitable.

They spent most of their time arguing and challenging each other. Especially during their Pro-Bending practices. Physically fighting one another gave them an adrenaline rush.

This evening's practice was one Fire Ferret short. Bolin had recently gotten the flu and decided to stay upstairs in his room.

Mako would say he still practiced because he wanted to perfect his technique. Korra would say it gave her a break from air bending training. But secretly, both teens couldn't help but take advantage of the alone time.

I'll give you a surprise, Korra thought as she flung a ball of water at Mako and began running towards him.

Mako quickly reacted and broke the ball with a fire bending punch. He noticed Korra rapidly approaching so he kicked in her direction. Korra easily dodged the wave of fire by sliding on her knees, still moving towards her target.

Mako backed up and could feel the wall lightly brush his back. This gave him an idea.

As Korra stood up and attempted to bend another water ball, Mako instantly grabbed her wrist and spun them around so Korra was now pinned to the wall.

Although Korra was indeed very strong for a girl, the fact that Mako was still physically stronger than her could not be denied.

She struggled and squirmed against Mako's grip which made him chuckle.

"Just admit it Korra, I win." His hot breath tickled her face, which weakened her knees.

She needed to take control of the situation again and she knew just how to do it.

"Oh is that so?" Korra asked innocently as she slowly started moving her right leg in between his. She noticed him gulped when her knee brushed against his manhood, which made her grin. "Are you sure about that?"

Mako grunted and his heart started to pound in his chest. Come on Mako, focus!

His eyes naturally looked down to where her knee was. Korra took advantage of his distraction and in one swift motion hooked her right leg behind his left and pushed her weight onto him.

Mako, loosing his balance, fell backwards but was quickly caught by Korra before his back could slam onto the floor. He opened his eyes and met two blue gems that were glaring back at him.

Spirits did he love her eyes. They were one of his favorite things about her. He easily got lost in them when they would have their usual arguments. Which helped Korra win most of the time. If he stared into her eyes long enough, he immediately forgot why he was right and she was wrong.

Korra leaned down by his ear and whispered in a sultry tone, "No Mako..."

Shivers ran down his spine as she spoke his name.

Korra felt him against her hand and she couldn't help but smirk. This is too easy, she thought.

Mako looked up at her and had the strongest urge to kiss her right then and there. Everything about how she looked turned him on. The victory in her eyes. The tease on her lips. The light sweat apparent on her face. He just couldn't keep his eyes off her. Especially when he felt something grow a little in his pants.

Korra noticed his change of expression as he stared at her. His eyes became half-lidded and his irises turned a shade darker. His lips were parted and a slight blush began to appear on his cheeks. She never saw him like this before but she had to admit she enjoyed it.

Korra lightly bit down on her lip, trying not to get lost in the moment. She wanted to kiss him, she wanted to give in. She wanted him to take charge for once. But she couldn't. She won this battle and there was no way she was going to give it up that easily.

She slowly started leaning down towards Mako's face. Just when their lips were about to touch, Korra stopped, much to Mako's disappointment. She laughed to herself, placed her forehead on his and said, "... I win."

Mako attempted to close the small space between their lips, but Korra suddenly let him go. Resulting in Mako hitting the floor with a loud 'thud'.

"Ow..." he said, as he rubbed the back of his head. Korra laughed.

"See ya later, Cityboy." She waved 'good-bye' without turning back and headed for the door. Taking off her head gear as she walked.

No. This was not happening. Korra was not going to win.

Mako's emotions were running wild. Frustration, indignation, attraction, confusion. He couldn't take it anymore. This girl was driving him insane.

Why does she always have to win? He thought. I mean I do kind of like it when she gets rough, but I can't take this anymore! I have to take charge now. I have t–...

"Korra." said Mako. His voice was firm.

Korra turned to see Mako standing and still panting. His eyes seemed focused and yet uneasy.

"Yes?" she asked. What's wrong with him?

Mako didn't reply with words. Instead, and from this moment on, he let his actions do the talking.

He quickly approached Korra and roughly pushed her up against the double doors of the gym. Korra gasped at his actions but was cut off by Mako's lips kissing hers' feverishly.

"–Mmh!" Korra's eyes went wide. What are you doing Mako?! We can't do this! We...we ca–

Korra's thoughts disappeared when Mako's tongue traced her lips, begging for entrance. She fought against it, but Korra couldn't control herself any longer and she happily obliged.

With Korra's permission, Mako began exploring her mouth. He wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled her in to deepen the kiss. Korra moaned through her nose at his actions.

Korra didn't want the moment to end and was disappointed when Mako suddenly broke the kiss.

Korra looked at him with puzzled eyes. Mako was pleased to see Korra seemed to want this as bad as he did. His thoughts ran wild. He knew what he wanted to do to her. He knew what was going to happen. He knew that this time, Korra was not going to win.

"My room. Now." His voice was intense. Korra was not one to follow demands. Especially from guys. But this was Mako. And wether she wanted to admit it or not, she had been dreaming of this moment since she first laid eyes on him.

Korra's heart beat increased. She tried to speak but realized a knot had formed in her throat. All she could do was rapidly nod her head in agreement.

Mako quickly picked her up, off her feet and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Mako smashed his lips onto hers once again.

He held her up with his right hand, while his left opened the gym doors.

Author's 2nd Note: Heh...hehe... Yeahhh, I left ya hangin. ;) Sowwiieee. But hey, where's the fun in just giving you all the good stuff all at once? xD Stay tuned for the next chapter!