"You are breaking his spirit."-Mama Momo, Eona

They call you Mama Momo
I guess it's quite fitting
You wipe his eyes and his mouth
When he's crying, raging, and spitting
You nag at me, your Mirror Dragoneye
To pamper him because he's your little angel
Well that might be what he is to you
But to me he is the Devil

Do you even know who I am?
This whole land is jam-packed with lies
No wonder I'm so good at it
You people promised me respect when I became Ascendent Dragoneye
Instead I got a woman who can't breathe without her bodyguard
A bodyguard who can't even defend his own body, much less mine
And a foster mother who will bite me and run a lawsuit
Right through my veins
If I don't make sure he's got his pants on tight enough
"You're breaking his spirit" you ignorantly say

Spirit? What spirit? His misogynistic tirade
And sweeping judgments toward me
And betrayal are all his 'spirit's' made of
He has no spirit
I just lied, my apologies
He has the spirit of a Whoreson
Which is precisely what he is

And you are the happy whore he is the son of.

The way they cheered for Chart
It's so adorable how you all gather around
Deciding who's to throw the next stone
Who's to take the next swing
Who's to kick the next bit of dust
Up in my face
When all I ever tried to do was make you happy
Without dying, if that's okay
If that's alright
I'd like to keep my life
Is that alright?

So the rundown is
If I don't want to betray you
I have to betray myself
It comes down between me and you
And you expect me to place you over my head
If I want to remain loyal to myself?
Stay true to myself?
Never abandon what I've worked for my entire life
To better myself?
No matter
Because you apparently matter more

I've protected my life
I've protected your life
I've pushed myself to my limit
I've supported you with yours
I've asserted myself
While keeping my heart intact
I've respected you
Regardless of your attacks

What have you done for me?
What have any of you done for me?
What have any of you even done for yourselves?
Constantly playing the victim can only serve to convenience you for so long
Eventually it becomes a disservice
Because I'm still here

And you're not.

Author's Note: College has seriously been kicking my ass. But I am finally finished with these poems, and I've got 2 more Eona projects in the works. Thank you to everyone who has commented on these. :)