Author's Note: So...let me just start off by saying that I am NOT a fan of the book Eona at all. In fact, I was severely disappointed and upset by it. I am, however, a big fan of Eona herself. She is a fierce kickass girl, and I love her. What I don't love is the side characters. They ruined the book entirely for me. I thought Eona should've stood up for herself a lot more and fought back. These here poems express my rage at them and somewhere along how I thought Eona should've reacted. If this offends anyone (which it inevitably will) that's fine, but it's my opinion and I'm not changing it. Plus, there's no rule saying that you can't write fanfiction about things you hate :P

"You are wrong when you say there is no power in being a woman. I found power in accepting the truth of who I am."—Lady Dela from Eon, by Alison Goodman.

"He is dying because of you. You owe him your life and your power. Don't fail him again."—Lady Dela from Eona, by Alison Goodman.

Say you want me to be me
Then turn your back when I am
Say there's power in being a woman
But you turn me away for a man
A man who would die an inevitable death
For it kills him to serve another woman
He cannot bear it, he cannot believe it
He thought Eon was his last chance

Three days robbed from me
From my life
As you laid me down to sleep
And whole lives robbed of their Huas
Thirty-six laid down to sleep
Only to never awaken again
At no cost to you
Thirty-six laid on my shoulders
At no cost to you
You never even uttered a single defense

Wearing pretty dresses
Doesn't make you a woman
Wearing makeup
Doesn't make you a woman
Having long nails
Doesn't make you a woman
And doesn't absolve you from your victim-blaming ways

When the consequences came for him
You suddenly had nothing to say
You wanted me to do this
But you hide from the truth
While they crucify me
For being cursed by you
My time is limited
You're pushing me over the edge
Keep pushing and you'll see just what happens
I can be deadly when you ask me to be

And now you have to wear pants
And armor
And things
That aren't as glamorous
As you'd like them to be
Suck it up
Dry your tears
I've been having to do it for years
Somehow what made me the villain now makes you the victim
Interesting how the rules changed

"I found power in accepting the truth of who I am"
Says the twit who enabled others to take mine
Congratulations on having it come so easily
But have you ever been on the brink of death?
So close to the end you can practically taste it?

I thought not.

Your kind is gladly accepted into the royal palace
Mine is not
Comparing apples to oranges doesn't make your words meaningful

When I accepted the truth of who I was
You turned me away and watched me fall apart
You wanted me to trust you and I finally did
I finally worked up the courage and took that leap
Even let you go and spill the beans
To him
Only to become the board that you step on
You told me I could trust you
You told me I could trust you

And you told me there was power in being a woman.

You are contrary in more ways than one
Supposed to be empowering but toxic to the cause
Supposed to be a companion but draining me to a loss
Supposed to be good but setting forth the motion of events
That led us astray

Indeed you are female but a Lady you are not
Ladies stand by their sisters
When their backs are against the walls
Ladies help them stand proud and tall
Ladies fight fiercely and defend through it all
Ladies do not place the value of their brothers' lives over their sisters'
And Ladies have two legs, even when one fails

You have four.

You tossed me to the pack
Threw me to the alpha wolf
While you pined after him as his mistress bitch
Even in the darkest hour of my life
You stood by and watched
You were a bystander
As he yanked the pride right out of me
Like a mad surgeon
Because you need him
To validate your existence

You will always choose him over me.

People say they want a third one
But I know just what would happen
You would pull a Bella Swan, New Moon-style
Because now I can't bring him back for you

They claim I'm the one who got a happy ending
And that you didn't
When I settled for a callous oppressive bastard
Because I had no one else
And was desperate for even
A little affection
Now I'm stuck in a whole new cycle
While you're set free

You were happy while it lasted
You're left with the sweet sugary memories
He treated you like a Queen
As he shat on me every waking moment
Now I'm supposed to feel sad that he's gone

I may not be as pretty and confident
But I have something you will never have
And I am something you will never be
I am unafraid
I am not afraid anymore
I am not fearful of the truth anymore
For as the Mirror Dragoneye
The Keeper of Truth
It is my duty to vocalize your failures
And the lies that surround you
Both of you
In this tale
In this fraudulent painting of inspiration and honor
You are depicted in
Where the bad are good and the good are bad
I went through hell and back and to hell again
And I outshine you by a thousand stars

You were never my mentor
You were never my guiding light
You were only a deadly reminder
Of what I was trying to escape
You were only the reason
Why I did this in the first place
To prove to you what
Is wrong with the world

The girls on the salt farms
The girls who are sold
The girls who are beaten
The girls who are starved
The girls who see blood, death, and destruction
The girls who never get a way out
You don't care about them
Any of them
Because you got yours


You're not the friend I thought you were.