Hi guys! Well this is the last chapter, and im glad for all the reviews and follows/favourites you left! I hope my English was good enough! I really liked this story, and I enjoyed writing it! Okay there's a lot of prucan shipping in this chapter just to let you know. Anyway, on with the story!

Gilbert wrapped his arms around the taller man, the Canadian smiling to himself as he leaned into the hug. Alfred made obnoxious kissy noises behind the two as he carried both the Canadian's and his own suitcase into the house. Ludwig greeted him and took the suitcases away to be stored in the bedroom.

Gilbert eventually broke away from the hug, smiling genuinely at Canada. 'Aww yes birdie, this Christmas is gonna be the best!' he crowed and stuck his fist in the air. Matthew grinned whole-heartedly and was about to say something before Alfred pushed past him, snorting loudly.

'Yeah, as if your boring German Christmas could ever match my totally amazing ones' he scoffed. Gilbert's eyes narrowed playfully. 'Fight me Yankee' the American smirked and raised his fists, before a slightly put-out Canadian smacked him irritably. 'Shut up Alfred, god you're such a dork. I almost never get to spend time with Gilbert, go play with your guns or something- the American had rushed out the door, muttering something about rifles before Matthew could say another word.

The Canadian smiled softly and wrapped his arms around gilberts neck. 'How long do we have until the others get here?' he breathed. 'Gilbert felt a smirk spread across his face as he caught onto what the Canadian was implying. He looked down at his lover, and smirked. 'I think we have at least an hour..' he trailed off, nodding in the direction of the bedroom ' and Ludwig is gone out to pick up feli..' Matthew didn't say another word, but allowed himself to be scooped up bridal style, and carried into the darkness of the bedroom.

Steve roger's head was aching. Turn out being the world's only super solider didn't mean you were exempt from migraines. He groaned and let his head sink to the table, trying to block out the afternoon sunlight that pierced his eyelids and made the headache ten times worse. Of course he just had to pick the only room in stark tower without window blinds. Lucky him. The pile of unfinished mission reports loomed before him, and he glared at it, as if doing so would make it disappear.

A door shut quietly to his right, and he raised his head quickly. Natasha raised a single eyebrow at his response, crossing the room to pick up a discarded tablet on the counter.

He sighed and let his head fall to the table again, drifting off into a dreamless sleep

A loud yell of triumph awoke him from his slumber. He groaned and stood up, swaying slightly as he opened his eyes and regained his balance.

A very excited tony stark grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into another room, all while the super solider protested sleepily and struggled to get his arm out of stark's vice-like grip.

When Steve finally awoke properly, he was sitting in a chair in one of Tony's many labs in avenger's tower. The genius was tapping excitedly on a keyboard, lines of code appearing before him as he seemingly hacked some impenetrable system. Steve sighed. He really hoped tony's antics wouldn't get them in trouble, again.

Ever since the incident with the mysterious UN official two months ago, tony had been reprimanded for no less than ten separate hacks into various government databases, searching for information on the strange albino and his brother, who, after fifteen minutes of standardised questioning, had let Steve go with nothing more than a warning that he was getting himself in way over his head, and would eventually pay the price for delving into 'our world' as the German had put it.

Steve shook his head. The blonde German's statement had only piqued his curiosity, resulting in him not exactly encouraging tony's hacks, but definitely not stopping him. Stark's thirst for knowledge was unquenchable, and after being informed about Steve's past with the man, tony had been on a one-man quest to find out who he was.

Eventually tony finished typing, sitting back with a huge grin on his face. 'well you can thank me now captain, because I've just found a file on your little albino friend, and guess what? I've hacked it. Wanna read?' Steve had just been dozing off again when tony made this statement, and he sat up so quickly when he heard what the self-important genius had said, he made the man jump slightly, and then cover it up by pretending to move his chair as he cleared his throat in order to start into another speech about how he was brilliant at everything and how they really should just build a monument to him already.

Tony grinned as Steve looked on, his immensely curious eyes betraying his mildly interested façade, as tony typed in the last few words of code, holding his breath in anticipation.

Gilbert was just putting his belt back on when Alfred burst into the room, panting heavily. Gilbert narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms across his well-muscled chest, while Canada glared passive-aggressively at Alfred from the bed. The American took a moment to compose himself, sucking in deep breaths. Gilbert began to feel a slight pinch of worry nagging at him, but he disregarded it and glared down at the American for walking in on himself and matt. Alfred straightened himself and opened his mouth to speak, almost, looking rather shaken. 'Gilbert.. There's been a hack... Someone got into your American file!'

Canada let out a worried gasp from the bed and Gilbert felt his eyes narrow even further. He wasn't too worried, having dealt with the threat of being exposed more than once, but he definitely had an idea of who may be responsible, and he didn't like it, not one bit. 'Do you have the location of the hack?' he asked.

Alfred nodded. 'Yeah, I got my guys on it as soon as we found out; the hacker covered his tracks really well. You'd almost think it was kiku...Although he wouldn't do that obviously. But this is a pretty smart human we're dealing with here, not to be underestimated'. Gilbert nodded and raised an eyebrow 'you know who it is?' Alfred shook his head uncomfortably. 'I have an idea of who it might be'

Gilbert nodded, knowing exactly who Alfred was talking about. A knock on the door broke the line of thought, and a look of terror passed over Canada's face as he visualized what Arthur would do to him if he found out he was fucking Prussia, and he leapt to his feet, hurriedly shoving his clothes on.

Alfred rushed to the door to allow the remaining countries to enter, followed closely by Ludwig, who had returned from Feliciano's house with the smaller Italian hanging off his arm and singing 'bon natale'.

Prussia turned to Matthew as he made to leave the room. 'I have to go'. He said quietly, ignoring the loud arguing of a certain French man and a certain Englishman directly outside the door. Matthew nodded

'I got it you've gotta make sure the hacker isn't a threat and all that. But im afraid you're bringing me and the others with you, I haven't spoken to nick fury in forever, after all.' He smiled slightly and pushed past the albino, leaving the room. Gilbert grinned softly to himself. Boy were tony stark and captain damn America gonna get what was coming to them in a few hours time.

Hi so I've decided to actually split the last chapter into two parts, as I don't have the time to write it all now, and I want to leave you guys with something before the new year. Hope you enjoy and please leave me a review, I want to improve my writing in any way I can.