A/N – Well, here it is; the final chapter in the Say Something trilogy. Not that Jane and James' story is over, mind you! But the story of their get together is. A big thank you to everyone who has been following along and supporting me! Jane and James are very special to me and telling the story of their post-war get together has been important. I hope everyone enjoys the final chapter! It is NSFW!
Jane's hair seemed to catch fire in the mid-morning sun as she caught hold of James' hand and pulled him along the shore of the lake, her red locks flaming as the light streamed down. Her fingers curled around his, firm and warm, and he grinned as he remembered the way the water had poured around her body in the shower that morning, the way her skin has tasted as he'd kissed the water from her thighs, and the way she'd held him close. Her eyes met his, sparkling mischievously as she somehow read his mind and tugged him close for a kiss.
James went to her, helpless to resist or stop himself from wanting more; more of everything, as much as he could get, and he greedily wrapped his arms around her. He slid his hands down her body and felt her soft curves melt against the harder planes of his body. Her mouth opened under his and their tongues swirled together, gentle strokes of velvet heat as they clung tightly in hunger born from months of loneliness.
"I love you," James said as he broke away, his voice grating roughly from somewhere deep in his chest. He could never say the words often enough. "And I'm going to be there for you no matter what you go through from now on."
"James," she drew back, her eyes searching his as she gently touched his face and stroked his scars. Her fingertips traced his eyebrow and nose, down his cheek and along his lips. He had the feeling she was going to argue with him, to tell him no, but her eyes filled with tears and instead she nodded and smiled. "I'd like that; I don't want to be alone anymore."
"Good." He kissed her; a shower of light kisses over her face that made her smile. "Now, lead on and show me why you chose to live by the forest instead of the ocean, because I still say it's insanity to give up the chance to surf each day."
"You would!" She chuckled.
Jane took his hand again and pulled him towards the edge of the forest that bordered her property. They cut through the garden around her house, and he spied her herb and veggie patch; confessing that his Abuela had always gardened with him as a boy and that he enjoyed cooking with fresh veggies. He was toying with asking her to let him cook her dinner tonight when she dragged him onwards, towards the towering wall of evergreens and the scent of pine.
The forest seemed to swallow them before he knew what had happened; as though they had stepped through an invisible doorway into another world. The carpet of pine needles hushed their footfalls to near silence and the trees cast a faint greenish hue over everything in their shadowy realm. It was peaceful, and the buzzing of cicadas and the chirping of birds was soon the only sounds he could hear.
"You do know where you're going right, Lola?" he joked as he led him through the maze-like forest, apparently with a destination in mind, though everything looked the same to him. "We're not going to get lost out here are we?"
Jane glanced at him and quirked an eyebrow. "Would it really be so bad? Getting lost with me?" She took both his hands and swung around suddenly, leaning back and letting James hold her weight as she looked up at the towering trees above them. "Just the two of us with no one around?"
Her whimsy was enchanting, and James grinned at the idea of being alone with her in the forest.
"Well, when you put it that way," he pulled her into his arms, enjoying the way her green eyes sparkled happily up at him, "lead on."
"As you wish!" Jane bowed and, with a flourish, pulled him onward.
She led him to a mossy clearing where a tree had fallen and created an open space amongst the dense forest. It was a beautiful spot; towering trees stood like silent sentinels around the glade, and smaller ferns and green bushes created a feeling of being enclosed. James spread the picnic blanket out in the middle of the clearing and they set themselves up with their their treats; Jane snuggling up in his arms.
She fit against him perfectly, just as he'd always known she would, and James held her tightly to his chest as they snacked on cheese and olives and drank beer. It wasn't the healthiest of mid-morning snacks, but he didn't care; he felt so happy he wouldn't have been surprised if the forest burst into a Disney-like song around him.
Though … deep down a tiny nugget of fear wriggled around, the smallest fragment of doubt; what if Jane didn't feel the same way he did? The thought of losing her again was terrifying, and he swallowed his mouthful of beer; he needed to put his mind at ease.
"So," James snaked an arm around Jane's waist and tried to sound casual as he pulled her flush against him, "what exactly are we? This thing we have? Us? I mean, are we dating? Can I tell people you're my girlfriend?" He felt her shift in his arms and his stomach plummeted as, for the briefest of moments, he thought she would pull away. "I don't want to pressure you, Janey. I know this is only new and all," he added hurriedly.
Dios! Way to go Vega! He mentally berated himself as the silence stretched for what felt like an eternity. You finally get the woman of your dreams and you start smothering her with too much affection! Idiot!
But she slowly turned in his arms and curled up more securely in his lap, her green eyes thoughtful as she scanned his face. "Well, this is our first date, so we are officially dating." A small smile crossed her lips and her eyes twinkled. "And I'm not adverse to being called your girlfriend if that's what you want to call me. I mean, I'm not about to share you with anyone else. This thing, you and me, it's exclusive, right?"
"Hell yeah." The possessive tone in her voice was music to his ears, and James caught her chin in his hand and tilted her face up so he could kiss her. "You're the only girl for me." Jane murmured an agreement against his lips, and he broke the kiss slowly. "So we're a proper couple, huh? You and me."
It felt right.
"Yep." She returned his smile, her cheeks flushed and glowing. "About time, huh?"
James chuckled and tucked her long red hair behind her ear, enjoying the soft texture against his fingertips. "We may have taken our time, but it was worth the wait." He kissed her again, his body stirring as she shifted on his lap. "We should do something to, uh, celebrate," he suggested as he gave her backside a slow squeeze.
Jane grinned, and James wondered if he sounded as horny as he felt. He probably did, but she made him feel things he had little control over. One look or touch and his body went into meltdown, and making love and spending the night had only made things worse. He felt like a drug addict craving his next fix, but Jane made him forget everything else in his life but her.
She always had.
"Oh, I can think of just the thing," she purred.
Jane led him over to the fallen tree and pushed him down, then knelt in front of him, a wicked smile crossing her full red lips. James leaned forward and kissed her, holding her head in his hands. He slid his tongue against hers and groaned in disappointment when she pushed him away and settled herself on her knees.
"You going to propose to me, Lola?" he joked, and immediately cursed himself; their relationship was only new, and Jane had struggled with her feelings for him for a long time. Making jokes about marriage and putting pressure on her felt like the stupidest thing to do given their history.
Thankfully she just grinned as she pushed his legs open and ran her hands up his thighs, her nails skating lightly over the fastenings at the front of his pants. James grunted at her soft touch, his body tightening as she hooked her fingers in the waistband of his BDUs and unsnapped the top button of his pants. He stilled under her hands, eager for her to continue, yearning for her to reach inside his pants and take him in her hand; to touch and stroke him.
The image of her bent over him the night before, pleasuring him with her mouth, flashed through his mind, and James' body trembled as lust rushed through him like a freight train; smashing through his good intentions to be a gentleman and wait until they got back to the house to make love to her.
He needed her.
"Actually," she drawled, "I was thinking about how good you were to me this morning, and how I really should repay the favour." Jane winked at him again as she undid his pants and, to his relief, released his quickly stiffening member, her slim fingers wrapping around his length rolling him gently in her palm. "Unless you have any objections?"
James could only manage to groan and shake his head as she pumped her hand up and down his length, her light touch doing things to his body which he could barely describe. Jane smiled, apparently pleased to have left him speechless as she lowered her head down and flicked her tongue over the tip of his erection, sending shivers of pleasure arcing through his body. She swirled her tongue around his head and then took him into her mouth, sucking gently as she worked her lips down his shaft.
Dios, how many nights had he lain awake dreaming of this? Touching himself and fantasying about having Jane doing this very thing to him? Of having her warm wet mouth wrapped around his cock while he fucked her mouth? James shivered and tangled a hand in her long red hair, thrusting his hips forward gently, unable to help but gently push himself deeper into her throat as she went down on him.
He'd always felt so guilty when he'd got himself off on the Normandy by fantasying about her. Knowing that she was his superior and that they were supposed to be friends had left him wracked with guilt every time he imaged making love to her, but he hadn't been able to help himself. He'd imagined going down on her her and fucking her, and he'd dreamed of her doing the same for him.
Just like this.
Jane flicked her eyes up to meet his as she bobbed up and down, her lips stretched around his length, and James' stomach clenched at the intensity in them. Heat flooded his body as she dug her nails into his thighs and deep throated him, sucking hard as she held his gaze for several long seconds, and then pulled back to take a breath, grinning madly as James let out a disappointed whimper as she let him fall from her mouth and took him in her hand again, stroking her nails daintily along his length.
"Fuck, Jane!" he rasped, his hips moving unsteadily under her touch. He slid off the fallen tree and kissed her as he hauled her into his arms; thrusting his tongue deep into his mouth and swirling it around hers erotically. His erection throbbed painfully with desire, and he pulled her tightly against him; his aching flesh pushing against her belly.
Jane laughed huskily and broke the kiss, then she winked at him as she reclined back on the mossy ground and reached under her dress to remove her panties. "You know," she said conversationally, though she was breathless and her skin was flushed with desire, "I've never made love outside."
"Never, huh?" James was surprised he could think clearly, let alone speak, but he managed to grin as he crawled between her legs. He kissed her thighs as he slid her dress up and slipped his hands under her ass, breathing in the musky scent of her sex. Dios! He wanted to plunge himself inside of her again and again, and make love until she screamed his name. "I always had you pegged for a wild child, what with you being a calendar model and all."
There was something strangely intimate about making love with most of their clothing still on and joining their bodies in the open air surrounded by nature, and Jane bit her lip as he pulled her to him and settled her legs either side of him, positioning himself at her entrance. Despite the intimacy of their situation James didn't miss the flash of vulnerability that passed over her face as he looked down at her, and he hesitated.
"Janey?" he prompted gently. "You okay with this?"
"Yeah, it's just … the calendar was only something they asked me to do because of Elysium, you know," she said quietly. "It wasn't because I'm sexy."
James shook his head as he slid his hands under her ass, changing the angle of her hips so that his erection pressed against her opening. "Oh Lola," he rubbed the tip of his nose against hers in an Eskimo kiss, "baby, you're one of the sexiest women I know. Believe me, I've owned that pinup of you in your lingerie since I was a recruit. You drove me wild. I used to fantasise about making love to you."
She looked up at him with wide green eyes and a slow smile crept across her mouth. "You're lying!"
"Hey, I'm admitting to being a horny young marine who jacked off to a poster of you; that's not something I'd admit lightly. You're fucking hot and you always have been. And between the two of us, I'd say we're at supernova temperature."
She laughed and the knot of tension in James' stomach loosened at the sound.
"So, you fantasised about me, huh?" She trailed a hand down his chest, one finger circling the marine logo on his shirt as she raised an eyebrow at him teasingly. "Anything you want to share with me?"
James kissed her; a gentle kiss that built into something wilder and full of heat until he caught her lower lip in his teeth, biting softly as he pushed forward and slipped the tip of his length inside of her. Jane moaned and writhed beneath him, trying to force him deeper inside of her, but James refused to give into her pleas to go deeper and harder.
Not yet.
"I'm a simple man, Janey," he managed to mutter as he held himself there, teasing them both. "I mostly dreamed about fucking you. Just … like … this." He thrust forward and sheathed himself inside of her; Jane's tight warmth welcoming him back as though she'd been made for him.
She laughed and gasped at the same time, winding her legs around his waist as she dug her nails into his shoulder. "I think we both thought about this!" Jane told him breathlessly and pulled him close for another kiss. "God, that feels amazing. I think I'm addicted to you!"
"Good!" He gave her a kiss, happily, eagerly; only too willing to surrender himself to her needs in this moment.
James looped an arm around her waist and held her close as he found a rhythm and began to move within her, in and out in and out, driven on by her cries of pleasure and the tight rhythmic squeezing of her legs around his body. She nipped at his jaw and neck as they made love; kissing and nibbling his skin as she gasped in ecstasy.
"Roll over!" Jane moaned suddenly, her tone urgent. "I want to feel you beneath me."
James obligingly rolled them over, keeping his body buried tightly in hers as he did so; fearing the loss of connection between them. But there was no loss, and he found himself staring up at Jane as she smirked down at him, her hair hanging lose around her shoulders in tangled red curls. She rolled her hips and took him even deeper inside of her; swaying and moving as she arched her back and rode him.
She dragged her nails down his chest and tossed her head back, seeming to revel in being with him as they made love. Part of James wished they were naked, so he could cup her breasts in his hands and see the light of the forest dance on her skin, but there was no rush; he had all the time in the world to do this again with his Janey.
He groaned as she tightened around him in a flutter of muscles and he thrust himself deeper into her body, slow and deep, over and over; their hips rolling in dance-like movements. James closed his eyes as his body tensed and he gripped Jane's waist tightly, trying to prolong the sensation for as long as he could. But it felt so fucking good! She was so warm and wet and tight, and with a rush of pleasure his orgasm overwhelmed him and he groaned as he spilled himself inside of her.
"Damn, I love that I can do that to you," Jane purred softly, her movements slowing as she rode out his orgasm with a smirk.
Sexy Minx!
James looped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him. "And I love that I can do this … ."
Tempting though it was to go down on her again after how much she'd enjoyed it this morning, he instead reached between their sweat-slicked bodies and used his thumb to tease the nub at the apex of her thighs. He teased her slowly, carefully, working her up and then slowing to ensure she wouldn't come too fast, and then working her up again. By the time he had her at fever pitch, her cheeks were flushed bright pink and she was trembling against him, her hips grinding desperately against his hand as she sought her release.
"Please," she begged him. "Please."
James smiled. "Anything you want."
He slipped two fingers inside of her, pumping them in and out as he swirled his thumb over that bundle of nerves and gave her the release she desired. Jane whimpered and shuddered as she came, her body pushing against his as she groaned his name. She was a beautiful sight, and they lay together happily in the afterglow, the dappled light of the forest making patterns over them.
"That was incredible," she said eventually, her voice alive with warmth and love. "I'm putting sex in the forest on the list of things I want to try with you again."
"You read my mind." James traced her jaw with one finger. "This doesn't have to end today, you know. I'm on leave for another two weeks. You could come back to my place tonight and I could cook you dinner?"
She hesitated for a moment, her face unreadable, and James wondered if he was pushing for too much too soon. But after a moment she nodded and that gloriously heart stopping smile broke out across her lips again.
"I think I'd like that, though if I can suggest it, I think we owe Cortez a dinner for getting us together. Without him forcing us," Jane pulled a face, "well, forcing me, to face up to how I felt we might never have figured things out. You two may have been a little devious about it, but I owe him big time." Jane tapped him on the nose, her eyes glowing warmly, showing James that she didn't harbour any ill-feelings for the way he and Cortez had manipulated the situation the previous day.
James nodded. "Agreed. Dinner at my place tonight. I'll cook and we'll invite Esteban to say thank you." He kissed the side of her head, unable to help but casually suggest, "you can bring an overnight bag if you want. Just in case it's too much trouble to drive yourself home tonight. There could be alcohol and driving might not be wise."
He felt Jane's lips twitch into a smile against his neck and she pressed a kiss against his skin. "I might at that," she agreed. "Something tells me I might be spending a bit of time at your place, Mister Vega."
James glowed. "You're welcome any time, Lola. You know I love you."
She kissed him again. "And I love you."
A/N – I hope you enjoyed the story; reviews are always loved! Thank you for following along!