Here's chapter two. Enjoy, nerds.

Also, I clarified the timeline a little bit more in this chapter. Lily has landed in the gap between season 3 and 4. After Hook and Emma returned from the past and had their giant make-out session, but before Else made her dramatic appearance. We're going to pretend that Elsa hid out in the forest for a few days for the sake of the story, ok? Ok.

According to this timeline, Lily will be conceived 2-3 years from now. Wow, Hook works fast amirite. Also, yes, Emma has kissed Hook, but they're not "together" together. No one thinks they're end-game yet, so don't worry, Lily being their daughter will still come as a surprise.


Snow White kept half her mind on the hysterical girl on the bed in front of her, and the other half on her sleeping newborn son in the other room. His safety was her first priority, although she doubted the mysterious teenage girl in front of her meant any harm. Especially not now that she'd called herself and David her grandparents, and apparently regretted it.

"Wait, no!" the girl cried mournfully. "I didn't mean it. I was just delirious. Didn't know what I was saying. I'll just go now. Thanks for looking after me, bye."

The girl made to get out of the bed, but cowered under Snow's unimpressed look. She slowly slipped back under the covers and laughed nervously.

"Nice try, kiddo," said David. "What's your name?"

Lily groaned. "Please just let me go?"

Snow shook her head. "Sorry, but you fall out of the sky, look oddly like my daughter, then call me grandma?" Snow spoke as if checking items off a list. "Not a chance. You're staying with us. Now, again, what's your name?"

The girl pouted. "You're both much meaner in this time, you know that? My name is Lily."

"And you're Emma's daughter?" Snow asked. Hope filled her so completely she thought she might burst. Her daughter would get a happy ending with her own family!

"Well, I'm certainly not Henry." Lily was sulking, apparently. David hid a laugh behind a cough.

"Who's your father?" Snow was now the delirious one, except her mood was caused by happiness. "Oh, I bet he's a handsome prince!"

Lily stared at her grandmother, but part of her was comforted to see that Snow's familiar, buoyant personality had returned. Clearly, she had landed in a time before her mother and father had gotten together officially. She'd always been told that it'd been touch-and-go for a long while.

"I really can't say. I shouldn't be here. I've probably already completely ruined the future by meeting you guys, let alone telling you both who I am." Lily put her head in her hands and sighed deeply. "I've ruined everything. I'm such an idiot."

David, who had been watching the scene with a serious expression, turned to speak to his wife

"Snow, she's right," he said. "Uh, not about the idiot part. But the rest. She's shouldn't be here, talking to us. She could change something and end up not being born. The fact we know who she is could put her in serious danger. No one else can know."

Snow's demeanor changed quickly from a happy new grandmother, to a solemn and thoughtful woman who was determined to protect her family.

"Okay," she said slowly, still thinking. "Lily, we need to hide you somewhere. Then we're going to have to figure out how to get you back to your own time. How did you end up here, anyway?"

Lily perked up, excited to finally be able to add something useful to the conversation. "You don't have to worry about getting me back. The spell…it was accidentally cast, you see… well, it should wear off eventually and I'll get back to my own time," she explained. She carefully omitted the information about the trickster god. It wasn't really relevant. All they needed to know was she was here against her own will, and she would leave again easily enough. Hopefully. "I just need to stay hidden and eventually I'll fade away. But… the fact that the two of you know who I am could still change something."

"You're right," David agreed. "We need something to help us forget we ever met you."

They all paused.

"Could you…" Lily began, sounding hesitant. "Could you take me to Uncle Ru- uh. I mean, Rumplestiltskin."

Snow decided to firmly ignore the "Uncle" part, and focus on the plan. "He's called Mr. Gold here, and yes, I think he'll be able to help us… if he wants to."

"Mr. Gold. Yes, I remember hearing that." Lily nodded, rising from the bed again. "And he'll help. He has as much reason to want to save my future as I do. Not that he knows it now, but I'm sure I can convince him. And I'm also sure he'll be able to erase your memories, and his own, of ever meeting me."

The three stood in unison. "Alright, let's do this. Lily, try to stay out of sight if you can. We'll need to drop Neal with Belle at the library on our way, I don't want him involved in any of this," said Snow.

Lily avoided reacting to the fact that her uncle was here as a baby. At least she had a better idea of what year this was.

They headed for the door, towards the library, where Snow went in alone, then Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop.

Lily couldn't help but stare as she walked down Storybrooke's main street. Well, maybe walk wasn't the right word. More like "sneak". She had a suspicion that her grandpa was laughing at her poor attempts at being subtle and unnoticeable, but she wouldn't dignify that with any sort of response.

The cars, the buildings, the electricity. She'd been conceived here, but born in the Enchanted Forest. She'd grown up with stories of The World Without Magic, so the things here didn't seem entirely unfamiliar. She felt she could name almost everything, but still, they were sights she hadn't seen before. However, she kept her awe to herself. She was a princess and princesses didn't walk around with their mouths open, damnit. (At that moment, a motorcycle roared past. She stopped and stared with her mouth wide open. David had to drag her along.)

Finally, the trio reached Mr. Gold's shop, and the door let out a merry jingle as it opened.

"Ah," said the familiar, low voice of Rumplestiltskin. Auntie Belle used to tell Lily of a time when her Uncle Rumple spoke with a high-pitched, off-putting voice, like a creature. She was glad she'd never heard it, she much preferred his comforting drawl. "Mister and missus Charming. I was not aware there was some new catastrophe in town. How can I help?"

At the moment, Lily came into his view from behind David's broad shoulders. Mr. Gold paused, and watched her closely.

"You're not from here," he said.

"No," she confirmed. "No I'm not. I'm not from this time either. I'm from the future."

"The future?" he said. Lily couldn't decide whether he sounded excited or exasperated. "Let me guess, you've changed something?"

Lily looked ashamed. "I didn't mean to!" she defended herself. "I was just-"

Snow stepped in, sensing an impending tantrum of some sort. "Look, Gold, we just need something to erase our memories of her, and yours too. She doesn't need any help getting back to her time. We just need to minimize the damage."

Gold nodded. "Aye, I could do that," he said. "But why should I?"

Lily sighed. This wasn't the Rumple she knew at all – her Uncle Rumple never demanded anything in return for the gifts he gave her (and he gave a lot). But she knew, again from Auntie Belle's stories, that this was the Rumplestiltskin who never did anything unless he gained something from it.

"If I change the past, you might never meet your future children," she said loudly, gaining the adults' attention.

Immediately, Gold's demeanor changed. "C-children?"

"Well, seeing as you're going to erase your memories anyway…" she spoke with an air of consideration.

Gold couldn't hide his curiosity. For all his flaws, his love for children, especially his own, couldn't be denied. "Yes?"

"You and Auntie Belle have three children," she said, watching as his eyes lit up. "I call them my cousins. They're all younger than me, but I practice magic with the eldest sometimes. She's much better at it than I am."

"A daughter?" Gold breathed reverently.

Lily nodded. "Yes, and twin sons. They're very much like Auntie Belle. Kind and gentle and studious. Your daughter's like you. Very magically powerful, and, well, a little bit mad." She smiled fondly.

Gold ignored that. "If we don't forget, something might change. They might not exist." He looked horrified at the thought. "I'll help you. Erasing the thoughts of one person is easier with a potion, but for a group a spell is easier. It'll take me a while to get it ready." He turned to Snow and David. "The two of you need to hide her, somewhere in the woods where she can't change anything or meet anyone else. Give me two days."

Snow nodded at his words, and David moved towards Lily, ready for action.

Just then, the bell to the shop chimed again, and four heads moved in horrified unison towards the opening door.

"Wait! No! Don't come i-," David cried.

But he was too late. Emma Swan, looking a little alarmed at her father's reaction, stepped through the door.

"What… what's going on?" she asked. "I saw the two of you sneak in here, and I was worried. I thought I could help…"

Her eyes took a quick inventory of the scene in front of her. Nothing seemed terribly wrong. If it weren't for the fact it was Mr. Gold, she'd assume nothing was amiss at all.

Then, her eyes landed on a blonde haired, blue-eyed girl half hidden behind her father. The girl looked anxious, and was staring at Emma with an intensity that made her uncomfortable.

"Who's this?" she asked.

"Oh no," said the girl.

"Snow, don't," David warned.

Snow danced on the spot. "I'm no good at keeping secrets!" she cried.

"Snow, you can't!" David said more urgently.

"What is going on?" Emma demanded. "What secret? Who is this?"

"I can't lie!" Snow said, looking miserable. "Emma… thisisyourdaughter."

Damnit, Snow, this is why we can't have nice things!

Haha, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next one should be up within the next few days if all goes well.

Remember, any dramatic scenes or conversations you want to see happen? Just ask. This story is here to be an indulgent, dramatic revelation fic. I'm here to give you guys what you want. (because I'm trash. I'm trash. Just. Trash).

A review and favourite would really make my day!