AN: Something that came to me after tonights episode. I know for a fact that Killian won't go down without a fight, and perhaps not even then. This is him realizing that. Enjoy!

He tries his best not to stare, but damnit, this woman is so beautiful. After having her back in his arms, the pit of dread that took home in his stomach is beginning to dissipate, though now it's replaced with an entirely new kind of worry. The dark one always makes good on his promises; that's something killian knows all too well. The words play over and over again in his mind, making his realize just how little time he may have. So he doesn't stop himself when his gaze travels over every inch of her stunning face, trying to commit to memory every curve and dip. The way light shimmers through her green eyes; the color of her lips after he's kissed her; the dent in her chin that he's become quite fond of; everything. So he stares, and of course, she notices. He does his best to smile it off, but he knows the second he finishes speaking that the smile didn't quite reach his eyes and his words didn't quite satisfy his swan. But she's flustered and drained, so she drops the subject at the mention of her family being outside. He lets her go ahead, staying behind to clean up the dark ones mess. Without her presence, his heart aches instantly, even if it's not in his chest. The dark one may have his heart, but he does not have his brain. And as his gaze follows Emma out of the manor, a realization hits him. He loves Emma Swan, more than he's ever loved anything in his 300 years, and he'll be damned if he dies before he can fufill every hope and dream he's ever had with her in it.