My Paper Heart


Jasper completed rehab about eight months ago and things have been going pretty good since then.

He'll still have some days of self-doubt, but we work through them, and move on.

He's working with a defense contracting company and he's enjoying that, the boys are happier than they've been and Haley being almost 2, she has Jasper wrapped around her finger. She can seriously do nothing wrong.

The twins are excited to start kindergarten and I've been trying to talk Jasper into letting Haley go to preschool a few days a week so I can get out of the house as well, he's worried about all the germs she'll pick up; even though it's the same preschool the boys went to. I told him he made no sense and he laughed. I loved his laugh.

Edward had been working at a radio station, he'd bumped into an old friend and went in to mess around and ended up with a job. He was the overnight DJ, but it suited him just fine and he'd met a great girl named Rebecca who was a single mom of a 3-year-old little girl who adored Edward and vice-versa.

Rebecca's family all lived in New York, so she was alone here. We made her feel welcomed and part of our family.

Tayen was beautiful, and played great with the kids.

Rebecca's husband had died in the line of duty and she'd met Edward in a grief recovery group; Edward went and tried to get Jasper to go, for all the friends they lost. Jasper felt more at ease talking to his therapist one on one though.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Jasper walked in from work one afternoon without the kids.

"Wait, where are the kids? You were supposed to get them from my parents."

"I called in a favor." He smirked, stalking towards me.

"Hmmm…" I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him.

"I say we go upstairs and have some mommy and daddy time." He wiggled his eyebrows.

After a few hours of quality time together, that we rarely got because the kids were always in bed with us, we showered and headed out to dinner.

Dinner was great, it was like when we were first dating and nothing could come between us.

He was learning to be attentive and loving and I was loving every minute of it, as were the kids.

Three years and another set of twins later we were the picture-perfect family.

You'd never guess that we'd been through the horrible things we'd been through.

Jasper still went to the occasional meeting when he had a stressful week, but he hadn't had any setbacks.

Our newest twins, a boy and a girl were now three, Hunter and Haven were two of a kind. They were not opposites like their twin brother's Hunter and Haven were thick as thieves. They say twins have their own language, it was true with these two; from the time they were born, until now, they still shared a room. They did not like to be separated.

Harrison and Hudson were eight now and although they were they oldest, Haley ruled the roost. She was the most outgoing of all our children and at six she was in everything she could possibly be in. She took dance, gymnastics, voice lessons, Jasper was teaching her guitar, Edward was teaching her and Tayen piano and Haley was all for the attention.

My dad and Sue had been helping us out until last year, then Sue fell ill and my dad retired to take care of her and I'd given up on an actual job with trying to keep the house clean and the kids activities, while the kids were in school and daycare, I'd go over to my parents and help with cleaning or taking them to lunch or doctor's appointments.

Edward and Rebecca had got married on the sly one weekend.

Tayen stayed with me while they went watching. Jasper had been out of town on a business meeting, so it was me and the kids; we had a pizza and movie party that Friday night, then I piled them into the SUV and we went to the zoo on Saturday. When we arrived home Edward and Jasper's cars were in the driveway.

"We're home." I yelled as all the kids went running through the door and in opposite directions.

Rebecca came up and shoved her hand in my face. "We did it!" she squealed.

"Finally!" I hugged her.


"Hey, it had to be the right time." Edward scoffed.

We decided to all go out to dinner to celebrate with Esme and Carlisle too, dad and Sue declined, she was having a bad day.

Dinner was great, we had a nice time, the kids all behaved, thankfully.

We congratulated Edward and Rebecca again and offered to keep Tayen again, but they declined saying they wanted to spend the night as a family.

Jasper and I headed home with the kids, tucking them in and then snuggling on the couch together.

"You know, we've been through a lot together and I'm sorry I put you through so much. But I'm glad we're here now. I wouldn't change our lives today." He pulled me onto his lap.

"I wouldn't either." I leaned down and kissed him.

"I'll love you forever Bella." He whispered.



I hope you enjoyed this story…