"I loathe Scorpius Malfoy with every ounce of my being!" I shouted as I walked into my dormitory. My best friend Sarah rolled her eyes.

"What did he do this time?"

"In Care of Magical Creatures, he made fun of me for being scared of the Jarvey!"

Sarah snorted, "You were afraid of a Jarvey?"

"They are so rude! Besides, the Ministry of Magic classified it as a level 3!"

Sarah was used to me complaining about Malfoy. He and I have had a bitter relationship since first year, when I quickly became every professor's favorite student. I was the smartest in my year; I had my mom's intelligence, but I also could be very fiery when I was angry. At first he started with teasing and poking fun at me, but over the years it turned to insults. And I fought with him right back. Scorpius is one of Albus's best friend, and Al hates that we don't get along.

I plopped down on my bed and unpacked my homework. Even though it was Friday night, I wanted to get a head start on my essay. But I didn't get the chance to begin, because my cousin Lily burst into the room. "Rose, did you forget? We are supposed to have family dinner tonight!"

I groaned, "Do I have to come?"

Lily came and grabbed my arm. "Yes you have to come, it's a tradition! And Dominique is bringing her new boyfriend, so that should be interesting!" I was really close with my younger cousin, almost as close as I was with Albus. Lily was the sweetest and bubbliest girl I knew. It was rare to see her without a smile, and she often skipped down the corridors.

"She hadn't told me she had a new boyfriend?" I asked. Dom shared a dormitory with me, and usually told me everything. Ever since she turned 14, she had become boy crazy. Now we were in our fifth year, and she had a new boy every couple weeks. I looked at Sarah, who just shrugged her shoulders. She had no idea she had a new boyfriend either.

"I think he's a sixth year," said Lily.

"Want to come Sarah? We can meet this mystery guy."

"No thanks, I'm not hungry." I raised my eyebrows at her, but she just buried herself in the magazine she was reading. I knew the real reason she didn't want to come was because she had a crush on Albus. Lately she couldn't be around him without getting flustered, which was every day in class.

"Your loss, come on Lil. Let's go eat with the family."

When we got down there, most of my family was already sitting down and chatting. Every once and awhile, us cousins all got together for dinner. It was Nana Weasley's idea, I think. My older cousins, James and Fred, were throwing grapes at Roxy. Lucy and Jack were practicing charms on each other while Perry and Louis watched in awe. I slid on the bench next to Albus and Hugo.

"Hugo, how did you do on your potions exam?" I asked. Hugo's cheeks started to turn red.

"I tried, I really did! But I kept getting names mixed up! How am I supposed to remember like 20 names of dead people, it was hard!"

"It's alright Hu," said Fred, "I don't remember names well either. In fact...which cousin are you again?" Hugo reached across the table and punched Fred in the arm. James was shoveling his food in his mouth when his eyes grew wide. I glanced around to see what caused his reaction when I saw it. Dominique was walking towards us with a boy on her arm.

"No way," said Al, "Is that?"

"Solderini." sneered James.

"Solderini? The Slytherin captain?" I asked, "As in the one who is keeping Al from trying out for the team?"

"That's the one," grimaced Al.

"But isn't he a seventh year?" I looked at Dom who was gleaming. She looked perfect as usually, with her strawberry blond hair, and shining blue eyes. She seemed very pleased with herself being on the arm of a seventh year. She gave a bright grin as she reached the table.

"Hi guys! This is my boyfriend, Blaine." The only one who spoke up was Lily. "Hello Blaine, I'm Dom's cousin Lily." Blaine gave her a look of disgust, followed by a simple nod. It was then that we all decided we hated him.

Dom started introducing us all to her boyfriend, but I could tell he could care less what our names were. Then she and Blaine sat a little way away from us all so they could eat privately.

James turned to us. "Out of all the boys in school, she had to pick him?"

"Be quiet James!" scolded Lily, "You don't want Dom to hear. I don't like him either, but if Dom likes him, we will give him a chance. Or at least put up with him."

Dominique giggled very loudly, making James violently stab his steak with his fork. "You don't know him Lil, he's bad news."

I turned to look at Blaine and Dom. He had his arm around her and was whispering in her ear. Dom was hanging on to every word he said. It was obvious she was head over heels for this guy, which was odd. Usually with Dom, it was reversed.

After dinner, the family started heading to our separate common rooms. I headed up the stairs with Lily, James, Fred, and Hugo when I remembered I forgot to get the book I needed after class. "You guys go ahead, I have to stop at the library real quick!"

Fred shook his head, "Rosie, Rosie. When are you ever not at the library?"

I rolled my eyes. "I just need to grab a book for my transfiguration homework. It'll be like five minutes," and I sprinted off towards the library.

After a while of searching, I found the book I needed... on the very top shelf. I was relatively short, so I was forced to get the stool so I could reach. I pulled it down and started flipping through the pages when I heard the cold, sniveling voice that ruined my night in an instance.

"Well, well. If it isn't Weasley."

And the first chapter of my Scorpius and Rose story is finished! I wasn't so sure of writing this, because I've read so many fanfics about them, so I picked bits and pieces of my favorite headcanons and put them together in my story! Here's a list of Rose's family and their current ages and houses.

Teddy Lupin-23, Gryffindor

Victiore Weasley-20, Gryffindor (Bill's daughter)

Molly Weasley-18, Ravenclaw (Percy's daughter)

James Potter-6th year, Gryffindor

Fred Weasley-6th year, Gryffindor

Roxy Weasley-5th year, Ravenclaw (George's daughter)

Rose Weasley-5th year, Gryffinndor

Albus Potter-5th year, Slytherin (he's the only one, poor dear)

Dominique Weasley-5th year, Gryffinndor (Bill's daughter)

Jack Dursley-4th year, Hufflepuff (Dudley's son)

Lucy Weasley-4th year, Ravenclaw (Percy's daughter)

Lily Potter-3rd year, Gryffindor

Hugo Weasley-3rd year, Gryffindor

Perry Dursley-2nd year, Hufflepuff (Dudley's son)

Louis Weasley-2nd year, Hufflepuff (Bill's son)