
By: RosexKnight

Aurora is dealing with the after effects of her sleeping curse. Killian helps.

Home is Where you Lay your Head

Some say that captains had a sixth sense. A way of them to know when the fickle mistress that is the sea would turn on them. It was really no wonder then, when Captain Hook awoke only moments before the screaming started.

Aurora was upright in bed, crying out in fear. She was in his arms in a breath, the captain wrapping them around her like a protective vice.

"Hush, Rora. It's alright. You're safe now." He cooed as he rocked her.

The princess was shaking, though the screaming had thankfully stopped. It was nights like these that the captain dreaded. Thankfully they seemed to be growing less frequent lately. But his heart still broke for her every time she jolted awake with a scream or a sob and trembled in his arms as he rocked her back to sleep.

"Please..." She whimpered against the crook of his neck, her favorite place to bury in and sob. "Please don't make me go back to sleep, Killian."


"Please...I can't take it tonight."

He hated this. Hated how helpless he felt when she got like this, closing her eyes only to be in the room on fire, alone. He wasn't so naive to think that's all her nightmares were about. After all, she'd lost her long-beloved to a wraith right before her eyes. He knew how unforgiving loss was.

He'd tried everything he could think of, even seeking out advice from Prince Charming himself. But the candle didn't work. Neither had the dream catcher. They couldn't go on like this.

"This isn't working..." Killian said into her hair.

Aurora went stiff, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes holding nothing but fear.

"No, Rora no! I didn't mean it like that." He pulled her in for a kiss, a sweet and tender kiss he reserved only for her. She relaxed instantly. "I'm not leaving you, Rora."

"What did you mean, then?"

"I mean this. The sleeping. Your nightmares."

"Well it's not like I can help it, Killian! Don't you think if I would I would have been done with it by now?"

She was right. She would have. But Captain Hook fancied himself a clever man. His eyes wandered the room. It was her room, a room they'd given to her at Granny's until she found a place of her own. It wasn't particularly homey, but Aurora seemed to like it. Still it felt far too...sterile for Killian. Made him restless. It was no wonder, really neither of them could sleep. The room was the problem.

Killian stood abruptly, scooping Aurora up with him, making her let out a startled squeak before she flung her arms around him.

"Come on lass I've carried rum barrels heavier than you." He teased as he started out the door and down the stairs, heedless of the fact they were both only in their pajamas. It wasn't as of Storybrooke had a night life.

"Wait a minute!" Aurora protested, "Killian where are we going?"

"Don't worry, love. I'm merely remedying our little problem."


"Rora." His serious tone made her finally meet his eyes. "If it doesn't work I'll never try to get you back to sleep again. I'll stay up all night with you for the rest of my days."

Aurora gave him a skeptical look, then finally nodded. "Alright."

Killian grinned, kissing her forehead as the smell of salt water drifted to them. Soon they were at the docks, and Killian was stepping on to his ship.

"The Jolly Rodger!" He said proudly. "It's good to be home."

"Your ship?"

"Ah don't sound so skeptical, love." He said as he brought them to his cabin. "You simply needed a place more homey."

"My home was destroyed."

"Well then you need a new home. No better one than a ship. And no better ship than the Jolly Rodger."

It was more than obvious Captain Hook was in his element, even though his hook was back in the room she'd gotten at Granny's. But she felt oddly out of place. She wasn't a pirate. She was a princess. She didn't belong here.

Not seeming to share her thoughts, he settled Aurora onto the small bed before coming to lay beside her. She snuggled up to him instantly, letting his arms chase away any discomfort.

"I still don't see how this will help..." She muttered, sounding afraid. "This isn't homey to me...I'm a princess, Killian, I don-"

Killian kissed her hair. "Shhh...Just relax, love. Relax and listen. And feel."

After some time Aurora finally let her exhaustion win and her eyes flutter closed. At first all she heard was the familiar beat of Killian's heart. But then the sound of the waves drifted to her, the ship rocking lazily with the waves as the tide came in.

"Let me hold you, Rora." Killian whispered. "Let the ocean rock you...I'll be here when you wake up."

She made a sort of cooing noise as she snuggled closer to him, letting her breaths rise and fall in time with the waves. For the first time in ages, in the arms of a pirate on his ship in the Storybrooke harbor, she truly felt safe. Perhaps this could be homey. Perhaps all she really needed was him. Perhaps it was finally time to let go of her guilt.

"I love you, Aurora." Killian said against her hair, his low tone almost inaudible.

Aurora's response was a slurred "Love you too, Killian." And he held her tighter, almost not wanting morning to come, when he'd have to face whether or not she truly meant those words.