Perry woke up towards the middle of the night. The menu screen for 'On The Trail' was on the television.

Ferb and Candace were snoring on the couch. Phineas, however, was mumbling in his sleep.


Perry looked sleepily towards Phineas.

"Perry…" Phineas said again.

"I'm here."

Phineas still didn't open his eyes. "Make all the people go away."

"The people?"

"There are too many people around me." Phineas murmured.

Perry yawned and tried to lift Phineas off the couch. Phineas was very heavy.

He dragged Phineas upstairs and into his room. Then he lifted him into his bed.

Completely worn out, Perry flopped down on the floor.

"Perry…" Phineas whimpered, rolling over in his sleep. "Perry, make all the people go away."

"There are no people here." Perry wheezed.

"YOU." Phineas growled.

Perry stood up and backed out of the boys's room. Phineas said nothing more.


"I said that?" Phineas asked.

"Yes. It was very terrifying. What were you dreaming about?"

"I dunno. Maybe I'm just creepy when I'm asleep."

"I'm creepy when I'm asleep." Ferb said. "When I was a baby the first words I learned were 'I see you'. One time my father put me in my crib and I fell asleep. Then I sleep-climbed out of the crib, crawled into my father's bed, and said 'I see you'. Father didn't know it was me at first."

Phineas laughed. "Are you a creepy sleeper, Perry?"

"I'd like to think not."

"You run in your sleep sometimes." Phineas said. "And you snort a lot."

"Platypuses tend to do that, Phinny."


And Roanna looked into Michele's eyes, and she said, "Michele, never before have I ever in my life anywhere at any given time in any place in the world ever in any spot whether animal, vegetable or mineral have I ever, never, ever in my twenty-three years of life met anyone like you."

And Michele looked back at Roanna and said, in his smooth, rich voice, "Roanna, I have no idea what you just said. Could you paraphrase it?"

"Oh, I would paraphrase anything, Michele. For you…"

They drew closer together, and their lips met, and…


Perry jumped and tossed his book halfway across the room. "WHAT THE…"

He whirled around. Pinky was standing behind his chair.

"How many times do I have to ask you to knock?" Perry growled. "I was reading."

Pinky picked up the book and looked at the back. "A chance encounter between a man and a-"

"Give me that." Perry snapped, grabbing the book away from Pinky. "What do you want?"

"Well, the O.W.C.A is having its first-ever musical."

"I thought Devon had one-"

"'Devon: The Musical' doesn't count." Pinky said.

"So what's it of?"

"We don't know yet. But tryouts are this weekend. Carrie's definitely getting in."

"So you're trying out, then? Break a neck or whatever that expression is."

"It's 'break a leg'." Pinky paused. "And I don't think I'll get a big part. I came here to ask if you-"

"Why would you tell someone to break a leg?" Perry asked. "'I hope you get the part and then fall off the stage and land in the orchestra pit and severely injure your hind leg'. How does that help anyone?"

"Perry, you should audition."


"Because you have a great singing voice."

"So does Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Greatly horrible."

"Your voice is really good, Perry. Besides, it'll give you a chance to do something other than read cheesy romance novels."

"For your information, Michele has some awesome fighting scenes in this book."

"Come on."

"I don't know any musicals." Perry said.

"Sure you do. You know North-Side Tale. Remember that song Sophia? I met a girl named Sophia?"

"Isn't that the song that goes like: 'Sing it loud, and it's music playing. Sing it soft, and you can't hear what I'm saying.'"

"Wrong words."

"My lyrics make more sense."

"Okay. Well, that aside, you still know a musical. And didn't you ever see Tiny Store of Terrors?"

"The boys watched that once. Isn't that the one about the tree that eats everyone? And that guy that sings about himself?"

"Um… I guess."

"Yeah. I know that one. I don't want to audition, but thank you."

"Maybe you'll change your mind."

"Maybe I won't."

Pinky shrugged. "Fine then. But can I at least bring you some CD's? It may be fun to learn a few songs."

"Can't physically stop you from doing that." Perry mumbled.

"Great! See you later." Pinky said.


"So what's this song from?"

"It's from a musical called 'Haircurlers'." Pinky said. "Good song, right?"

"Why is she singing about hearing the bells? There aren't even any bells in this song. Except those chiming noises just now."

"She just got bumped into by the guy she likes and he noticed her."

"Wow. So he rammed into her so hard she went delusional and started hearing bells?"

"Perry… just listen."

"I can hear the bells!" The girl sang on the CD player. "Round one, he'll ask me on a date and then, round two…"

"I'll tell him that I ate." Perry supplied.

"You're teaching yourself all the wrong words." Pinky said.

"Round three, he gets annoyed I blew him off, our relationship ends before it even starts…"


"Come on. It's funnier this way."

"If you sing all the wrong words, they won't put you in the musical!"

"I think I told you yesterday I'm not interested in being in it." Perry said.

"Perry, it could be fun."

"Not if I have to be the guy who sings about himself."

"Perry, it's probably not even going to be Tiny Store of Terrors!"

"But it may be Hairdye. How am I going to make it through an entire song about bells?"

"I give up." Pinky sighed.


"So after I wore him down, he finally left me alone about it." Perry said. "The O.W.C.A sure is noisy, though. Animals singing everywhere."

"I'm in a musical for school." Phineas said. "It's gonna be preformed in a couple of weeks."

"Which one?"

"Middle School Musical." Ferb said.

"It's about this guy who plays soccer." Phineas said. "And he falls in love with the science geek. I'm Brian Stevens. By the way, can I borrow your fedora? Brian wears a fedora all the time."

"Don't touch the fedora." Perry said. "Get your own."

"Testy." Ferb said.

"Who does Ferb play?" Perry asked.

"He plays Roy Hingeton, the soccer player." Phineas said. "Isabella is the science geek."

"And Baljeet is Roy's best friend, Tad Jeffforth. There are like seven F's in his name." Ferb said.

"The girl who's supposed to be my sister is this girl named Dinah." Phineas said.

"I know her pet duck." Perry said.

"Yeah. But we watched the movie of Middle School Musical and the girl who is Brian's sister actually sounds exactly like Candace. I thought Candace should have played her, but we don't go to the same school."

"What's the sister's name?"

"Poodle or some dog name. I don't remember." Phineas said.

"For some reason, Isabella wanted to be the girl who plays accordion." Ferb said. "Instead of her starring role."


"I don't know. The girl who plays the accordion is Brian's girlfriend, but she doesn't have many lines." Phineas said.

"How do you fall in love with an accordion player?" Perry asked. "Girl, I love the way you play that obnoxiously loud instrument."

"Accordions are cool." Phineas said.

"I played one once when I was little." Ferb said. "The neighbors complained."

"I can't imagine why."