Okay so I haven't updated in awhile and I wanted to update. It's been around SEVERAL months since I updated Still and I wanted to update for you guys.

I'm going to be quite busy this summer so I don't know if I'm going to update as soon as possible.

I might be going on a hiatus soon.

Anyway, here's a special new chapter for Still.

Still Chapter Eight, Part Eight

Deloria Island Part One

I stared at the man. I felt my heartbeat increased rapidly and my eyes were wide with shock. My father was calling me; he wanted me. Why? What did he want from me? Why did he want to see me?

I scanned my surroundings. I see Wendy and Carla on the ground. Wendy and Carla were knocked unconscious. Erza was on the ground, gritting her teeth. She wanted to kill the man. I can see it in her eyes.

"Y'know, you can tell the old man he can go to hell," A voice said. I stared at the man next to me. I saw a glimpse of pink hair and I felt somewhat reassured.

"Natsu," I whispered. It was my fault that my friends are getting hurt for my sake. I should just leave and go see what my father wants from me but I'm scared.

Natsu glanced at me. He grinned widely. His onyx eyes soften. He was reassuring me that everything was going to be alright. He's the best.

I returned his smile before glaring at the guy in front of me. "Well Gerald, I agree. You can tell that man to go to hell. After all, he almost killed his damn daughter."

Natsu clenched his hands to form a fist. He hated when I say that word. He smiled while laughing. "Now, you heard the girl. You can get your ass out of here."

Gerald laughed before pointing at me. "I won't leave without Lucy Heartifilia."

"Well then," Erza said while grabbing her sword. She pointed it at Gerald. "I guess you have to wait longer then."

Natsu, seething in anger, narrowed his eyes. "You injured Lucy and Wendy and that's something that I will never forgive you."

"Nice said flame-brain," Gray said. He was forming ice from his hands. He was ready to attack. "Get the hell out of here."

I smiled. I was grateful that I met these guys. I'm so glad Mom. In the end, I found the Fairy Tail gang and now sooner or later I'm going to meet my father.

My keys started to vibrate. My hands immediately went over towards my pocket. Why is it acting like that?

Trying to avoid Gerald catching me, I hid behind Natsu. Natsu turned to face me. "Luce," He whispered. There was a flickered of emotion in his eyes.

I smiled at him. I needed to figure out how to control my powers. My keys were trying to tell me something. What was it trying to tell me?

"Go ahead Natsu," I said. I touched his shoulders. I feel heat warming my skin. "Go kick his butt."

Natsu nodded at me while smiling as his fist collided with his palm. He yelled, "I'm all fired up."

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" Natsu yelled. Gerald smiled before disappearing for a moment.

"What?" Erza said.

"Where did he go?" Gray said.

I watched as Erza's eyes widen and screamed in agony. Gearld, visible again, attacked Erza, beating onto the ground.

I watched as Erza was being thrown across the wall. She was next to Wendy and she was completely immobile.

Gray glared at the man. "You asshole." He iced the floor only to see that Gerald disappeared again.

I then felt a sudden power near Gray. "Gray, right next to you!"

Gray turned towards the wall only to be thrown towards the door. I didn't know what to do. I was lost and it's my fault for being so weak.

"Now," Gerald said as he clasped his hands. He stared at me. "I guess you have no choice but to be taken away from your friends."

I didn't say anything until I saw sword being thrown at Gerald. Gerald dodged it easily. His eyes shifted towards Erza.

She grinned at him as she tried to stand up. Hand pressed against the wall, she smiled. "Don't you ever think that you were done with me?"

Gerald smiled. "You're a tough one. I like that about you—"

I didn't know what happened in that moment. One minute Gerald was next to Natsu and I and then the next moment he was near Erza.

"—I will love to play with you but I'm pretty busy. Why don't you take a rest?" Gerald suggested.

He then pinched Erza on her shoulders and I heard the terrifying scream once again. Erza collapsed on the floor, unconscious.

Gray came on running full speed to attack Gerald but only to be met by a wall. Gerald disappeared again and I didn't know where he went.

I then heard a sudden scream. I saw Gerald and he seemed to be draining Gray but how?

Gerald then disappeared again. I was frightened to death but I didn't dare moved. "Gray, are you okay?"

Gray ignored my question before shouting incoherent stuff towards me. I didn't quite understand what he was trying to say.

My eyes widen as I felt a sudden power behind me.

"I guess I take you with me now," Gerald said. I pivoted my body around and I then felt my entire body parts went numb.

"Lucy! Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu said. I moved out the way as Gerald was trying to grab me.

Gerald laughed as he saw Natsu's horrified face when he disappeared again, for a moment. He stood behind Natsu. "You really don't get do you?"

I heard an agonizing pain. "Natsu!"

I stared widely as I saw the man lying on the ground. He didn't even land a blow on Gerald yet, but he was the one receiving the blows.

I ran towards him. I touched his back. Natsu gritted his teeth as he lay on the floor. He tried getting up but he couldn't move. I glared at Gerald.

"You little—" I couldn't finish my sentence as I felt a dangerous power behind me.

Natsu gasped before yelling. "Lucy!"

I wanted to run away but I couldn't. I just sat there, my knees on the ground, touching Natsu. Natsu kept yelling at me to leave but I couldn't just leave him. He's my friend and I wanted to help him.

"Aw, how cute," Gerald chuckled. "I'm guessing I should leave you two with your last moments together."

I know it wasn't the time to be embarrassed but I automatically turned red. I felt my cheeks warmed up.

"We're not a couple," I retorted. Shrugging his shoulders, Gerald responded with the roll of his eyes. He disappeared again.

I scanned the room. Where could he be? Before I could form out a word, Gray yelled, "Lucy, behind Natsu!"

I turned towards my side. Natsu was gone. I turned around and my eyes widen in shock.

"Natsu!" I yelled. Gerald, hands around Natsu's neck, was choking Natsu. I ran over towards Gerald.

I wanted to do something but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything. Gray couldn't do anything because he had to help protect Wendy and Erza who were completely immobile.

"Stop!" I shouted and then suddenly my keys started to glow brightly. I felt immense power entering through me.

What is happening?

I then saw a mermaid in front of me. She narrowed her eyes at me.

I was currently rendered speechless. I stared at the mermaid. "Who are yo—?"


"I'm sorry," I said. I hid behind the back of my hands. The mermaid glared at me before sighing.

"It's fine. I see you have a sudden problem here," she said. She glanced at Natsu before bringing out her bucket of water and twirling it around like crazy.

Suddenly the room was filled with water. I see Gerald, disappeared again but I couldn't feel any sense of magic. He probably left for good.

I glanced at Natsu. His eyes were closed and he was falling deep into the water. I swam towards him. As I grabbed him saving him from snaking any further, I looked at him. He seemed so precious and vulnerable. I glanced at his one dragon earring.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder. Gray looked at me and I knew what to do. I went to grab Erza and Happy. I forgot that Happy passed out when Wendy and Carla got hurt. He was next to them. Erza's eyes were closed tightly but I knew she was still here. I knew that Happy was here also. He will always be here.

Gray and I went up to the surface.


Natsu slammed his hand on the desk. We were currently at the hospital. We were checking if Wendy and Carla were doing alright.

"Natsu, stop, you'll wake Wendy and Carla," Erza said. Erza was fine. The doctor said her injuries weren't too deep and that it was treatable. I felt relieved that she was alright.

But I was more relieved about Natsu. If that mermaid weren't there to protect us then Natsu could've died.

I have to send my gratitude towards her once I see her again.

"Yeah flame-brain, I know that you're pissed," Gray said calmly. I saw him clenching his fist. His knuckles were turning white. Gray probably had a hard time not being able to do anything.

It wasn't his fault that Gerald disappeared for a moment and took his powers during the fight at the end. It must've been hard for him.

Erza sighed. Her strain fingers fiddled with her hair. "On the bright side, Wendy and Carla are okay. We have to keep them safe."

Happy, casting his eyes downward, replied sadly, "Aye."

The atmosphere pressured me a lot so I decided to lift up their spirits.

Clasping my hands together, I stood from the chair, "Do you guys want to check on Wendy and Carla?"

Natsu glanced at the door for a moment before whipping his head to face me. He grinned. "Yeah, Happy let's go see Wendy and Carla."

Happy didn't move an inch. Gray chimed in.

"C'mon Happy, Carla is not mad at you."

Erza smiled. "Gray is right, Happy. Carla is not angry at you that you didn't protect her. Besides, you just met the girl. Don't be too down."

I walked towards happy. Hands on my knees, I bend down to stay on his level. "I'll tell you what if you can be brave enough and go see Carla, I'll take you out to go eat."

I'm assuming that brought cheers to Happy's ears because the next thing you know he was gone.

Gray and Erza chuckled before running after him. It was Natsu and I alone. The thought of that made me blush.

Natsu laughed before staring at me. "Thanks Luce. You made him feel better. Thanks."

I watched as his back turned away from me following the rest of the groups trail. I stared at his back before smiling.

"Luce, I actually really loved that name," I muttered before following Natsu.


"Wendy, are you feeling better now?" Erza asked. There was a smiled crept upon her face but she had fear in her eyes. She was extremely worried about Wendy's condition.

Wendy smiled at Erza. "We're fine Erza. Carla and I wounds are gradually healing. We should thank you for bringing us to the hospital."

Gray smiled sadly. "It was nothing. You needed help right away."

Natsu grinned from ear to ear. "Yeah, there's nothing we can do for a friend."

Wendy's eyes widen in fraction before a smile appeared on her face. There was light pink dusted on her cheeks. "Thank you Natsu."

I smiled at her. "Well, we're going to leave you alone Wendy."

Wendy nodded. "Okay."

Happy smiled. "I'll bring you back some fish Carla."

Carla rolled her eyes at Happy before turning her head away. Happy nearly squealed. "She's so cute when she's shy."

I rolled my eyes; that's not exactly, Happy.

We got out of Wendy's room and Erza closed the door behind her. We nodded at her.

"It's time for a plan," She said.

I nodded. "We know that Gerald came looking for me but what we need to know is why is my dad requesting for me."

Natsu shifted his gaze towards me. He seemed a little worried. He's probably disappointed that he couldn't save me or all of us and somehow I knew that. I knew how Natsu felt because I felt the same way. I could understand his frustrated feelings.

"He probably wants to kill Lucy since he didn't do it last time. He's probably wants to finish the job," Gray stated. I glared at him and he raised his hands in defense. "What? I'm just suggesting that for a reason it's most likely might be incorrect."

Natsu didn't say anything for a moment. His eyes just stared directly into mines. His gaze was hot and his eyes burned with tears. He didn't want anything to happen to me. I know that because I can see it.

"We have to protect each other," Natsu said before his gaze shifted for a moment. He continued, "I don't know what's going to happen and I don't want to find out why but I know we have to protect each other."

Erza nodded while grinning. "Natsu's right; no matter what happens we're Fairy Tail and we are going to finish the job without denouncing Fairy Tail's name."

Happy yelled excitedly. "Aye!"

Gray and I locked eyes for a moment before grinning from ear to ear.

I made the right decision to come to this gang mom.

And with that thought, I smiled.

End of Chapter Eight, Part Eight,

Deloria Island Part One

Okay, so I am done for today. I know that I haven't updated in a while but I have been super busy and I most likely will be busy until August because of my job.

I have no idea when I'm going to update but all I know is that I updated this story and my other story Tender Love. Please check it out.

Please review and I'll see you next time. :)