The Scent of His Woman
Chapter 1
A/N - So the inspiration for this story is the Maroon 5 song Animals, the movie Wolf and a smidgen of the Twilight series (just in terms of locale). I tell you, if I heard Animals once today I heard it 20 times. Every time I hear the song I think of Olitz; not the band's video that's just a little to kinky. The chapters for this story will be capped at 1000 or less words because I want to challenge myself to focus on character interaction and not so much on the depiction of the surroundings. I want the dialog to speak to your imagination and let you set the scene. Please let me know if this writing approach is working so I can make adjustments if need be.
Disclaimer – I own nothing the Scandal characters belong to Shonda Rhimes.
The Connection is Made
"I saw her Cy. After all these years, there she was standing in front of me smiling as if no time had elapsed. Beautiful as ever with that smile that lights up your soul. We sat in the airport bar talking about anything and everything for hours. Our conversation was engaging, unhurried and effortless. We were so caught in our talk we missed our flights." Fitz paces back and forth, as he recounts his recent encounter to his partisan. "I touched her Cy. I had to; we were like magnets, drawn together by an invisible force. The strange thing is the moment I stepped into the airport I had this feeling I was going to see her. I knew she was somewhere near. It's the sign I've been waiting for Cy."
"Fitz what are planning to do? Do you really think she will be able to handle your affliction?"
"I'm confident this treatment will cure me. I done the research and studied the writings. The time I spent with the remnant of the Mandan tribe affirms all I have read and what the Cowlitz have told me. My challenge will end very soon Cy. The shaman assured me as long as I have this and stay indoors during the designated times, I will be free of this cursed disease in due course."
"I thought the Mandan were extinct," Cyrus comments crinkling his brow.
"No they are part of what's known as The Three Affiliate Tribes; the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara."
"Fitz, I don't want to dash your hopes but we've been down this road so many times before and the result is always the same. I am sorry you see your condition as a disease that has befallen you rather than a component of your being that makes you who you are. The affliction as you call it has not prevented anyone in your family from leading full, productive, accomplished lives. You have managed to live a normal life, well at least as normal as possible given the circumstances."
"Don't you see Cy our meeting was not happenstance. For god 's sake, Cy we were in North Dakota. What are the chances of us meeting in North Dakota? I am telling you Cy this is no fluke. I have longed for her for nine years and fate delivered her into my lap in the most unlikely of places. Olivia is it for me. I can have no other. "
"So what exactly is your plan?"
" I'm a writer Cy I can write anywhere, plus I sit of the Board of Grant Pharmaceuticals which is based…"
"I know, I know, which is based in Seattle." Cyrus reluctantly nods his head in agreement.
"She's working at a law firm in Seattle. She was in North Dakota to settle the estate of one of her clients. The minute she walked through the doors of the terminal her scent filled my nostrils. It had been years since I reveled in her scent. For a moment, I thought I was dreaming. I could not believe it, I was afraid to acknowledge it and tried to ignore the smell but the pull got the better of me and I followed the scent to the airport gift shop. It was 10:45 in the morning on a Tuesday in Fargo North Dakota when I was reunited with my truth, the love of my life, my mate. There stood my beautiful Livvie in all her sweet glory."
"Is this why you and Mellie have never connected? Did you…? When I caught her in your room during the change, had you already?"
"Yes, I had already imprinted on her. I can be with no other."
"Abby I tell you it is was surreal. I mean really, what are the chances of us running into one another in North Dakota? It was like something out of a movie." Olivia shared excitedly.
"Well dish, how did he look? We have not seen him since high school. Is he still the walking sexsicle that all the girls want to lick?
"He looks good, really good. He's more muscular, I think he may be a little taller also and his voice, OMG, that baritone voice made the hairs of the back of neck stand on end."
"Details Olivia, give me the details," Abby blurts.
"I was standing in the gift shop about to purchase a few magazines for the flight and felt someone staring at me. I nonchalantly turned around and he was just there, staring at me. He had the most wanton look in his eyes; it was exciting and unnerving at the same time."
"Even after all this time?" Abby questioned.
"Even after all this time," Olivia whispered. I don't remember seeing him walk over to me, but literally within the blink of an eye he was standing right in front of me. I said 'hi" he said "hi", we grinned at each other and the next thing I know the magazines, my purse and my coat are falling to the floor of the gift shop. My hands are his waist, his hands are cupping my face and we are kissing. Not the, "oh it is good to see you" type kiss, it was a "book'em Dan O" for lewd behavior type kiss." Olivia fans herself as she retells the story.
"What! Are you kidding me? You made out with a man you have not seen in nine years in the middle of a gift shop! Good for you Prudence Von Chastity," Abby howls.
"Yep. Strangely enough I did not care we were standing in the middle of a gift shop. Honestly it seemed as though we were in a bubble or some alternate world all our own."
"Olivia, I don't know what to say. You have lived like a nun since he left. I have to admit I have never understood what kind of hold he has on you that you willingly pined for him for nine years. He left you and he never tried to find you. Frankly, we all thought he was dead. I mean he did leave to undergo treatment for some terminal illness; at least that is what his family told everyone. Anyway Liv, continue, you were making out in the gift shop between the beef jerky and the refrigerated drinks."
"I know, I know, but there is something about him that drives me wild. The second he touches me or I breathe in his scent all I want to do is take off my clothes and let him do whatever to me."
"Did you?"
"Did I what?"
"Take off your clothes and let him do whatever to you." Olivia smiles but does not answer the question.
"Oh my God, Olivia, seriously!"
"What the hell else is there to do in North Dakota?"
Hope you enjoyed it. Drop a review if you have a chance.
Next up, how they met.