A/N: Big Hero Six was probably the best movie I have seen in a long time! It's rare that I ever write fanfiction, but I couldn't help it. And, yes, I know this idea of Tadashi being alive is overused at best but I would love for Tadashi to see how his younger brother grew. And I also love time travel. What's the harm in mashing them up!?

The last time Hiro had been at this event was the night his brother died. But, it had been a year, and the Robotics Showcase this year was being held at the Tadashi Hamada building, in honor of his late brother. Hiro had practically begged for some supervillain to break out of prison that night, so he would have a reason to skip, but the police scanners came up consistently empty, leading the young boy to attend to competition.

"Come on, Hiro!" Honey Lemon said, seeming to appear out of nowhere, and getting a harsh grip in his shoulder. "You've gotta cheer up! I hear there's a young boy here presenting!"

"Really?" Hiro said, without much enthusiasm.

Honey nodded. "Mhm! And he's fourteen! The same age as you were when you got admitted!"

"That's great." Hiro said, smiling at her. He actually didn't care; the fact that he had shown up to this thing, after what he had lost last year was a miracle. It would take ten more to get him to really enjoy it.

If he wasn't here, Hiro would probably either be working up a new set of armor for his robot, Baymax, or having a movie night with Aunt Cass. Ever since the boy and Baymax watched one movie with her, she insisted that they watch every one of the ones she had in the house. Hiro suspected she really liked to use Baymax as the world's most expensive pillow, but he never said anything.

"Nice to see you showed up." Gogo said, as always, looking unimpressed

"Yeah! Hiro's here!" Fred said, running over to him. "Did ya tell him about the new kid?"

"He's supposed to be pretty smart." Gogo said. "Maybe he'll give you a run for your money."

"Aw, don't tell him that!" Wasabi said, walking up with a smile. "Good to see you, Hiro."

Hiro nodded at his friends, and looked at all of them.

There was a short moment of silence, before they all saw a young boy take center stage. He looked scared, and even from a distance, Hiro could see him shaking.

The only difference was this boy didn't have a big brother to help him out, so as his eyes scanned the crowd, Hiro gave a reassuring smile to him.

"Uh, hello everyone." The boy said. "My name is … Indigo Martinez. And I'm here today … to show you something I made. B-but first, I need a volunteer!"

Hiro looked around, hoping to see someone raise their hands, but to his surprise, no one did.

"Oh, we have one!" Honey Lemon was suddenly saying. "Right here!"

Hiro looked up with wide eyes, only to see Honey pointing to him. When he met Indigo's eyes, he sighed.

"Sure, why not?" Hiro said, dragging himself to the stage. He put his hands on his backpack; if this went wrong, he could always simply activate Baymax, from his new portable backpack station.

"Okay!" Indigo said, looking relieved. "I have created something that could change the world. It's always been science fiction, but today, I bring to you, a time travel machine!"

Indigo gestured to the tall cylinder-like pod. "If our volunteer would step inside, please." The boy gestured at Hiro, who did what he was told. He stepped in the pod, and nodded at Indigo.

"Now, we're going to send him forward five minutes. Meanwhile, we'll take this pod down, and he will appear in this exact spot." Indigo turned to Hiro. "Are you ready?"

Hiro nodded, giving him a smile. Indigo walked over to him, and turned the machine on. There was a steady hum all around him, and Hiro thought it was all going well. Then, he saw a spark above him. Panicking, Hiro looked out to everyone in the crowd, and say them all with equally shocked expressions. He reached out to touch the glass, hoping to find a way to escape.

"Hiro!" He heard someone from his team call. Hiro tried to figure out who it was, but he was gone before he could do so.

Hiro slowly opened his eyes. He had thought about activating Baymax, but he knew the robot would do no good in this situation. He was currently floating endlessly, and he had no idea where he was going.

Hiro looked around, trying to get a good gauge of where he was, but the boy yelled when suddenly he was pulled somewhere, and suddenly, his body felt whole, and he was laying on a bed.

"Oh, come on Hiro." A male voice said, and suddenly, the covers that had been over his head were gone, and Hiro froze. "How do you fall asleep with your backpack?"

Hiro stopped breathing as his mind registered the voice. He didn't move, and only felt the backpack lift off his shoulders.

"What is in this thing, knucklehead? A bowling ball?"

Hiro suddenly sat up. His mind must have been in shock, because, right there, in front of him, was Tadashi, who had died a year ago.

But that wasn't possible.

Hiro started breathing again, but it was rapid, and too fast. His heart rate was racing, and he blurted out the only thing he could think of.

"Ow!" Hiro said. "Ow! Ow! Ow!"

"Ow?" Tadashi said, confused. "What are you-?"

Before he could say anything else, they both heard the telltale sound of Baymax inflating. The robot did not seem to notice Tadashi as it appeared out of Hiro's backpack. His only concern was for Hiro.

"Are you hurt?" Baymax asked. His voice was the only thing normal to Hiro right now, who jumped out of his bed.

"Baymax! Scan my brain! Do I have a tumor? Am I sleeping? Have I gone crazy? Give me an explanation!" Hiro grabbed the robots head, somehow thinking that it would help.

"You seem to be under a lot of stress, Hiro. What is the matter? Does it have to do with Tadashi's anniversary?"

"B-Baymax?" Tadashi then said, and the robot turned to him. "My anniversary? What are you two talking about? And how did you get inside my little brothers backpack?"

"Oh no." Baymax said simply.