Hi! Shadow talking! This is my first fic, so please be, uh.. a little forgiving if it's really bad? Anyway, this story takes place in the 'time' when Sarah and Eiko would have grown up together, and Zidane, well.. you'll find out about him if you read the fic! Thanx & Enjoy!

Iifa's Soul

Chpt 1: Prologue

People would say that I didn't care. They would call me heartless, if they had a mind of their own. I'm talking about the Genomes. Those soulless, zombie like creatures that wander around on Terra all day, blindly following orders.

Garland created me with a soul, and expected me to obey him? Me, Kuja? Never. When he sent me down to Gaia I was reckless. He wanted me to destroy villages and towns. I disobeyed him. I met a girl. A girl called Mariah. She was beautiful.. But Gaian nevertheless. And what would anger Garland more than to find out I was besotted with a Gaian Summoner girl? He would tear the soul I was blessed with out of me. So I kept it a secret.

It wasn't long before Garland started experimenting in secret again, just like he did when I was made. And it had made me nervous. He would shut himself in the lab and come out in a foul mood. One day he went away on the Invincible, no doubt to check on his precious Iifa Tree, so I crept into his lab, and what I saw terrified me.

He looked like a Genome, blond hair, and that blank expression on his face... but he had a tail just like mine, not straight and short like the other Genomes, but long, and it had a slight curl at the end.
Was this what Garland had been pondering over? I had to know more, so I went deeper into the lab..

I saw many souls, Garland had tapped into the spirit road.. but one soul, one shining soul was captured in a capsual. I looked closely at it. It seemed bright, but in the centre of it was darkness, the kind of pitch darkness that swallowed life, that created evil.. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was slowly being transferred into this Genome's body..

I sat and watched the soul for several minutes, I had time to kill. Garland wouldn't be back for several hours. But something bothered me about the Genome itself. It seemed to be made to be the age of eight, or nine.. Terra knows how long ago he had actually made it.. I looked closer at him.

It wasn't the fact that I was in the room with something that was barely alive, it was the fact that this Genome was unique. I had white hair, the Genomes' had blonde hair, this Genome had blonde hair with dark streaks in. I had brown eyes, the Genomes' had a sullen blue colour, but this Genome had cerulean eyes, it was an incredibly deep colour, and he also had slitted pupils...

A loud noise broke my examination. The soul was gone, and the last of it had just entered the Genome. I stepped back from the Genome's watery glass prison. What was this.. this creature? It was more than a Genome.. I had a bad feeling that Garland had tampered with something which was way out of his control.. and power.

The Genome did not stir.. I looked around quickly, there had to be something in the lab that could tell me what was going on. I spotted a heavy book on a table at the far side of the room. I flicked through it hastily. It had Garland's entries on my creation.. and something new...

Kuja is getting out of my control, he must be disposed of. I am currently searching for a soul that will house the new angel of death. The body will be simple to make, but the soul will be hard to come across, I need a soul with obedience, and that can be controlled. But with absolute power...

I had the most fortunate turn of events, I have found a soul which is made of raw power. But it is not a normal soul, it is not an Eidolon either... it is an entity beyond my knowledge. It is made of pure darkness, but I'm sure with the right indoctrination it can be mastered.

It has taken me months to harness the soul's power, but I am now currently transferring it to the Genome body I have made. I managed to make an estimate on it's origins, it may be a direct result of the fabled life crystal trying to send souls past the Iifa tree. I may guess that normal souls collided with stagnant souls, and created some kind of dark entity. But this is only a guess... I am still researching.

My research is complete. I believe that the crystal has given a soul to the Iifa tree. I cannot believe that after centuries, my first creation has been blessed with a soul. But this soul.. it is the Iifa tree, and the Iifa tree....is the soul. So if the transferring process is complete, the Iifa tree will be able to obey my commands as the new Angel of Death! The only let down is that if my new creation goes out of control, then so will the Iifa tree. I believe they share the same mind, as this creature possesses the ultimate spells, Flare, Doomsday, Ultima, and something else...

I must leave to visit the Iifa tree. When I return, the transferring process will be complete, and I will have the ultimate Angel of Death and Iifa, the Soul Divider in one! Kuja's disobedience will no longer be tolerated. I have also discovered the amusing fact that the summoners of Mandain Sari believe that the ultimate Eidolon resides in the Iifa tree, along with Leviathan and Carbuncle who dwell outside, they believe it to be an Eidolon garden! Well, their prophecy is about to become true, since the Iifa tree as my servant is coming to life! It is a shame it will be their doom.."

It was the last entry.. but that ment that Mariah was in trouble! I looked at the Genome. So, it was the Iifa tree.. manifested into a controllable being. It might as well be the ultimate Eidolon, even Garland was afraid of its naturally destructive power.. but he was tampering with something that he shouldn't touch. If the Iifa tree was given a soul, that would mean it would have a mind of its own, and Garland didn't want that...

I began to shake.. I was being discarded by something new, but really it was something older... and more dangerous, evil, even. I had to do something... there was no way I could destroy it... But why not do what Garland intended to do himself? I could use him, to protect Mariah from Garland! So it will be his doom, not hers!

Now I was in control. Now it was my turn to play god.. I strode over to it's glass prison and smashed the glass case. He along with the water splashed out. I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. It was a funny feeling, carrying Garland's first, most ancient but newest creation of mass destruction over my shoulder.. In the form of a small Genome.. no, he looked more like a child..

I had to cover myself, so I dragged the nearest Genome into the lab and covered him in the blue water that filled the glass case. He stayed in exactly the same position like I told him to, and told him to say "the soul escaped, so I disposed of the body". This would give me a cover story, unfortunately for the random Genome I picked, he would be disposed of when Garland returned. But, it was only an empty vessel, why should I care?

I took Iifa's soul to my quarters and laid him on my bed. His eyes were closed now, showing he would be ready to wake up any minute. I had to be careful, bringing up 'Iifa' (as I called him) would be a tricky business. From the diary, I worked out he was about nine.. but he would continue to grow into a man, as I did.


When Garland came back from Gaia, he quickly saw me as the culprit behind the kidnap of Iifa. This proved that the mere cover story couldn't save me this time. Garland also found out about my love for Mariah, and the fact that Iifa was now awake and being brainwashed by my ways, so he vowed to destroy Mandain Sari. I knew that Iifa was not ready for this fight, no matter how powerful he was. He still couldn't decide to follow me, his liberator or Garland, his master of old. So, I fought Garland, and suffered for it. Garland fled to the other side of Terra, where no doubt he is waiting for revenge, and I lye here, dying. I am all by myself... But even if I am dying, Mariah will be safe. With the last of my strength I sent Iifa to his original form, the Iifa tree. When I sent him there, the vines of the mighty tree opened up themselves in welcome, and protectively cocooned it's soul, Iifa, deep within it's roots. It even created a monster, Soulcage to guard him. So, indeed, there is a powerful spirit in the Iifa tree, even if Iifa isn't an Eidolon, and he will continue to grow there.. just like a normal person..
I can still remember the last thing I said to him.. "When you are released, protect Mariah." That is the last thing I thought.. of her beautiful face... I only wish I could hold her again... With that, darkness covered my vision. So, therefore, farewell Kuja...

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