A/N: For the first time ever, Meloetta gets her review show.

This is originally Matthais Unidostres' idea in the first place, but for the past few years, nobody will take it.

Now I came to help to support the idea and make it a reality.

Now it's time.

Time for Meloetta to review.

Here she is, Meloetta the Chick.

Virizion 2.6 OUT!

In the living room of Virizion 2.6's home, Damian Capulet was laying on the couch, watching American Horror Story on Netflix while Meloetta was sitting on chair, looking at romantic fanfictions on a laptop.

"Arghh! There's not that many good romance fanfics around lately." Meloetta said.

"So? Just find one that you're interested in." Damian said.

"It's not like that, Damian. When you're a critic, you have to find a fanfic you want to review, not for your own desire." Meloetta explained.

"Like I give a crud about criticism." Damian exclaimed.

"Of course you won't care." Meloetta said.

"So what's the point of a critic? It's just a guy or girl watching a movie."

"Actually, it's more than that. You'll see."

"Boo. Whatever."

Meloetta continued to look through romantic fanfics as she slammed her laptop shut, making Damian jump in surprise.


Meloetta pouted as she crossed her arms and legs.

"I can't find anything." Meloetta said in anger.

Damian paused the show as he got up and floated over to Meloetta.

"So you can't find a fanfic that's good for you? What the heck is with the attitude?" Damian asked.

"I just can't find anything good for me to review. I just can't." Meloetta said as she grabbed and empty soda bottle and threw it.

Damian faced palmed.

"Alright. Don't get your panties in a bunch." Damian said, getting Meloetta's attention.

"Let me help you with that."

Damian grabbed the laptop and scrolled a list of romance pokemon fanfics as he spotted one and clicked on the link.

He then placed the laptop on top of Meloetta's lap.

"Look, this might be something you'll like." Damian said.

"This?" Meloetta questioned in surprise.

"Yes. The fanfic is called 'Never Too Late' by DragonNiro. One of Virizion's favorite authors and closest friends. You'll want to review this." Damian explained.

Never Too Late

By: DragonNiro

It has been five weeks since White was put in a coma by the collapsing of N's Castle. Black has stayed by her side. Her Pokemon, however, are upset. It is up to Black's Pokemon to cheer them up. But about falling in love as well? And what about Black & White?

"Mmm. Interesting. In fact, I will review this fanfiction." Meloetta said as she smiled.

"Thank you, Damian."

"You should probably get some sleep. It's almost midnight." Damian said as he floated to his room.

Meloetta floated to her room.

Meloetta's room was filled with pictures of music notes, a desk with a laptop and a picture of her with Keldeo, Victini, the Swords of Justice, and Matthais Unidostres in the Moor of Icirrus, and finally, a queen size bed with a picture of Meloetta in both her Aria and Pirouette Form.

Meloetta plugged the charger on her laptop as she jumped on her bed with a smile on her face.

She fluffed her pillow, grabbed a Resolute Form Keldeo plush toy, and covered herself with a green blanket.

"Kelde, wherever you are, I'm going to make you proud." Meloetta said.

"I miss you every day. I always worry about you. In the morning, at night, while having lunch or dinner, reading fanfics, everything I do, I always think about you. I never had the chance to tell you this before you went into that Plot Hole, but I love you. I know you'll come back and review."

Meloetta's eyelids started to get heavy as she was closing them.


Meloetta held on the Keldeo plush toy with all her might.

"I...love...you." Meloetta finished as she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Meloetta the Chick

Never Too Late

By: DragonNiro

Ft. Lazercorn the Shiny Keldeo

(Reminder: This is Meloetta's point of view. Lazercorn is from the upcoming Pokemosh Games)

It was 5:20 pm as Meloetta was finishing a Quesarito from Taco Bell.

"Man, Virizion 2.6 wasn't kidding when he said that the Quesarito was delicious." Meloetta said as she threw away the wrapper and used her psychic powers to put the plate in the kitchen sink.

Meloetta was floating to her room so that she will get started on reviewing the story Damian helped her look.

She was about to open the door until she heard,

"AAAAAAAA SH**!" A voice was heard in her room.

"What the? Who's there?" Meloetta said as she opened the door to her room to find a shiny Keldeo sitting on a chair, on Meloetta's laptop, playing Five Nights at Freddy's.

She gasped because she recognizes the shiny Keldeo.

"Lazercorn?" Meloetta exclaimed.

The shiny Keldeo turned around to see Meloetta.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Meloetta the Chick. Remember me? Lazercorn?" The shiny Keldeo said, now known as Lazercorn.

"Well of course I remember 's been 2 months since I last saw you." Meloetta said.

"What are you doing here and why are you playing Five Nights at Freddy's?" Meloetta asked.

"Both of those questions have the same answer, I'm here because my computer had a virus, so I took it to Office Depot and they're fixing it right now. I wanted to play Five Nights at Freddy's, but I don't have a laptop, so I came here." Lazercorn explained.

"I see. Well, can you kindly please get out? I'm going to start reviewing a story." Meloetta said with her sweet, gentle voice.

"You're going to review, I'm in." Lazercorn said as he pressed the red X on the game and went on fanfiction.

"Wait, you want to review with me? But you're more of a pokemon video gamer than a pokemon critic." Meloetta said.

"I know, but what's wrong with me reviewing with you. I could be called Lazercorn the Nostalgia Keldeo Critic." Lazercorn joked.

Meloetta started giggling at Lazercorn's little joke.

"If you want to review with me, that's fine. The story I'm reviewing is 'Never Too Late' by DragonNiro." Meloetta told Lazercorn.

"I just found it." Lazercorn said as he clicked the link and loaded up the story.

"Alright. All I need is my camera and..."

"Got it." Lazercorn said as he pulled out a camera from Meloetta's closet and set it up.

"Perfect. Alright, let's get started."

The camera turned on, showing Meloetta and Lazercorn the shiny Keldeo.

"Hello everybody, I'm Meloetta the Chick."

"And I'm Lazercorn the shiny Keldeo."

"And this is my first review show and my first episode." Meloetta smiled.

"So after having a few troubles finding a fanfic about romance, a Meloetta named Damian Capulet helped me look for one."

"Though, living with Virizion 2.6 is okay, but Damian can be very annoying at times. Exhibit A,"

Meloetta was sleeping in her bed while Damian entered her room and for some reason, he's dressed up as Jeff the Killer.

Meloetta was about to wake up as Damian turned invisible.

She was about to get up, but being sleepy put her back to sleep.

Damian turned visible as he crept closer to Meloetta.

Damian took out a plastic knife as he...


The memory cloud poofed away after Lazercorn in his Resolute Form used Secret Sword on it.

"I think you should go to the review, Meloetta. You can talk about your time here later." Lazercorn said as he deactivated Secret Sword.

"Right. The review. Let's get to it."

Five weeks.

Five freaking weeks.

Five freaking, stupid weeks.

"Okay, we get it. It's been 5 weeks." Meloetta said.

Five weeks since the battle at N's Castle

Black had trouble getting past the Elite Four with his team.

Samurott had trouble with the Psychic but was fine with the Dark.

"Obviously the Dark Type Elite wasn't hard. He's easy." Lazercorn said.

"If I was there, I would kick Grimsley's pokemon in the balls."

"You and your hate of balls. Where did that come from?" Meloetta asked.

"That is something you'll learn when Pokemosh Games comes out."

Black had ran through the Champion's room, regardless of the damage.

He ran up the stairs, regardless of the height.

"Why is Black in such a hurry?" Lazercorn asked.

"I don't know. He even passed the Gym Leaders fighting the Seven Sages and they didn't even notice him." Meloetta said.

Black ran right through the castle to find the two people he was looking for.

N and White.

M. Bison: OF COURSE!

He got to the last room. White had already beaten the last Seven Sage.

What was his name again?


Black didn't know.

"His name is Ghetsis." Meloetta said.

"His name almost sounds like Get and then Sis." Lazercorn said.

What Black knew is that N was leaving. And White was there talking to him.

What Black saw that N flew off and White falling to the floor.

She cried.

"I would be sad too if I was White." Meloetta said.

"It's kinda funny how the author is calling Hilbert and Hilda 'Black and White' because of the game and the manga." Lazercorn said.

"You read manga?" Meloetta asked.

"Yes." Lazercorn answered.

Black was heartbroken.

"Why would you be heartbroken?" Meloetta exclaimed.

She didn't cry because the whole "Free the Pokemon" thing was over.

She cried because she loved N.

"Oh, now I see." Meloetta said.

"So it turns out that Black was in love with White and now he's mad at N for taking that away from him."

"Yeah, then the whole castle started breaking apart and White wants to die in there, but Black saved her but she's in a coma. That's great." Lazercorn sarcastically laughed.

Portal 2 Announcer: Sarcasm Self Test Complete

"It's kinda complete." Meloetta said.

"So now we go to the pokemon's point of view. They seem to be sad and not at their normal behavior. It turns out, it was Black's team of pokemon."

"So..." said Simisear glumly. "What do we do now?"

Kookodile then shouted...

Phoenix Wright: HOLD IT!

Lazercorn raised his eyebrow. "I just noticed something. Play that again."

Kookodile the shouted...

"Okay stop right there." Lazercorn said.

"You spelled his or her name wrong. You spelled most of it write, but you forgot the R."

"It appears that Krookodile is a girl in Black's team. She wants Black to feel better by forcing White to wake up from her coma, which is impossible, but Haxorus stopped her." Meloetta explained.

"No, don't do that" started Haxorus. "You may attempt to wake her up but it might make matters worse and it will hurt Black even more"

"You forgot punctuation. You forgot about punctuation at the end of a sentence." Meloetta said.

Unfezant then said, "He's right. You might make the coma worse or you could make her die. I know our master will forgive you but I cannot say he'll blame himself for it."

Unfezent then...

Phoenix Wright: HOLD IT!

"You spelled her name right and then you spelled it wrong. What was that?"

Unfezent then looked into the distance, with a tear running down her face.

Kookodile sat down. "I know, I know... It's just so frustrating to see Master in pain and it's that girl's fault this is happening"

"Punctuation!" Meloetta shouted.

"Cool it!" Lazercorn shouted.

Samurott then said, "It's not that girl's fault either. It's that N and that guy Dennis or whatever his name is. If they didn't want to free pokemon, we wouldn't be here in the first place!"

The other pokemon looked in him and agreed.

"Now that's taking things seriously." Lazercorn said.

"So Simisear and the others heard Cheren and Bianca arguing and learn that White's pokemon ran away. So Samurott makes a plan to split up and look for her pokemon so that his master, Black, won't be even more sad than before." Meloetta explained.

Samurott smiled. "It's decided then. I'll go find Serperior and the last team-mate who's name I cannot remember.

Simisear, you find Simipour.

Unfezent, you find Scrafty while Kookodile finds Daramanitan.

"3 pokemon spelling errors? Is there more coming?" Meloetta exclaims angrily.

Haxorus finds Vanilluxe. Is everyone agreeing with that?"

Simisear remained silent.

Unfezent nodded in agreement.

She knew Scrafty back when they were Pidove and Scraggy.

They were best friends then.

Scrafty might come back if friend helps here cope.

Kookidile was in deep thought.

Meloetta's left eye started twitching.


"Ahh, the whole critic rage. Classic." Lazercorn said with a smile.

"In case some of you don't what I'm talking about, this is what I mean by the classic critic rage. Exhibit A,"

Nostalgia Critic: How does that work? I don't care how stupid you are. If you just say "I'm over there," nobody's gonna go, "Oh he's over there." EVEN THE MENTALLY ILL AREN'T THAT STUPID!

"Yeah. That's what I mean. I mean, we all know how Keldeo reacted to Purple Flowers and Chocolate Cake."


What the heck is this- this- gah! Look, Team Rocket can swear, Paul can swear, Trip can swear, Georgia can swear, Burgundy can swear, even Cilan can swear. But Ash Ketchum does not swear!

"I can never forget that since I was 15. I'm freaking 16 years old for crying out loud and it's been a year since I've seen Keldeo rage out like that. You calm now, Meloetta?"

Meloetta took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Yeah, I'm calm. If it weren't for you putting up Keldeo's act in his first fanfiction he reviewed, I would still be angry." Meloetta said with a smile.

"I'm guessing you miss Keldeo."

"You think? Alright, let's get back to the review. Turns out that Krookodile doesn't trust Darmanitan that much."

Haxorus was angry. "What do you mean I have to find that Ice-Cream?

"Ice cream may be 2 words, but it doesn't mean that you have to put a dash between them. I also just noticed that team mate also has a dash in it. Team mate can be separated or one word, I think."

I'm a dragon type! We hate ice types! Besides, she'll freeze me!"

Simisear then muttered, "Shut up and just do it"

George Lopez: Órale

"More missing punctuation? Really?" Meloetta said.

Haxorus became silent. Simisear had a terrible anger problem. It was the best idea to shut up.

Samurott then said, "Alright! Let's move out!"

"So Black's pokemon decides to leave the hospital and find White's pokemon. So let's go to chapter 2,"

Meloetta starts to frown.

"Or should I call it chapter 1 because the first chapter was called Prologue which is kinda dumb."

"So we start it off with a flashback of Black and Oshawott when they was young, moved to his new home in Nuvema Town. Then he plays Hide-And-Seek with Oshawott until he meets Cheren, Bianca, and White." Lazercorn explained.

"I'm not going to talk about the flashback since you already spoiled it." Meloetta said.

"So Samurott was looking for Serperior until he gets an idea that she might be at the treehouse they used to hang out at."

"Ah...The tree house...So many memories..." though Samurott.

The tree house was old but stable.

It had be weathered a bit since they left.

"Almost close to Arthur's tree house."

Samurott noticed that there are some tracks going to the tree house.

Samurott knew that Serperior is in the tree house, because there is no Pokemon in Unova can make those tracks.

Samurott climbed slowly up the ladder, as it was old.

Because he doesn't want to scare Serperior.

"So Samurott got to the top to see Serperior in the corner. She wasn't talking to him and Samurott gave her a reason to talk and then she starts talking. Then Samurott made her think that if she was in a coma and wakes up, then she would feel a lot of pain." Meloetta explained.

"I-it's just that my mistress was so stupid. Why on earth did she fall in love with that green-haired twat?

I mean, freeing all the Pokemon?

We were happy just the way we were.

But then that N twat had ruined everything.

I swear that my mistress was thinking of releasing us to go join N, just because she had fallen in love with him.

There was a person that was there for here..."

Phoenix Wright: HOLD IT!

"I think you mean, 'there for her,' not 'there for here.'" Meloetta said.

"My master" continued Samurott.

"More missing punctuation. What's wrong with the author forget about punctuation?" Meloetta asked.

"I have no idea." Lazercorn laughed.

"Yes, indeed..." said Serperior " Your master is the right person for her.

Shy, sensible, strong and always went for his ideals.

But my mistress was too dense to see that...She had to fallen in love with N, that twat.

In my journey with Mistress, I noticed that your master was always trying to catch up with her and the third to last time he caught up with her, I finally realized that your master was in love with her.

Darwin Watterson: It took you two days to think of this?

I was trying to figure out how to get them together when this happened..."

"Basically, my master is in love with her and she is too stupid to see it." Interrupted Samurott bluntly.

"Shut up, Ozzy!" shouted Serperior.

"Be quiet, Samantha" snickered Samurott.

Serperior blushed.

"That's a really cute nickname for a Serperior." Meloetta said with shining eyes and a cute smile on her face.

"One question, how can White not pronounce Snivy's name right?" Lazercorn asked.

"Don't know. She called her that when she was a kid." Meloetta said.

Samurott smiled. "See? You're no upset anymore. You cheered up a bit.

I can tell because you shouted at me. When you are upset, you don't shout at anyone."

Serperior returned the smile.

Then she asked, "Can you stay with me awhile? I just need some company."

Samurott nodded and sat with Serperior for an hour.

"For that long you sat with Serperior? Something tells me that the author likes to ship Samurott and Serperior as a couple." Lazercorn said.

Samurott realized that Serperior must be really dense as well as her Master as Samurott was blushing the whole way through.

That happened because Samurott likes Serperior.

"How the f*** did I get that right?!" Lazercorn asked in a shocked way.

"Maybe it's because pokemon fans like to ship Oshawott and Snivy. So it makes no difference for Samurott and Serperior." Meloetta said as she smiled.

Lazercorn blushed and lowered his head.

"Point taken." Lazercorn said.

After a while, Samurott asked, "Can we search for your last member? I promised my team that we do."

Serperior smiled.

"Of course we shall."

"Well that ends that cute scene." Meloetta said with a smile.

"Hey guess what?" Lazercorn said.


"We're back at the hospital."

"Say what?"

Meanwhile, at the hospital...

"Oh wow. We're back at the hospital. Hospitals creep me out." Meloetta said.

"Why? Because of Grey's Anatomy?" Lazercorn joked.

"No. It's because it's so lonely in there and it's starts to feel like you're alone with creepy voices and sounds." Meloetta said as she quaked in fear.

"It reminds you of Jane, doesn't it?" Lazercorn asked.

"SHUT UP!" Meloetta shouted angrily as Lazercorn laughed in enjoyment.

Cheren looked around.

No one was around. Bianca had gone to get something to drink and Black was still with White.

He sighed.

Things were so complicated these days since N had appeared and disappeared in White's life.

Sweetie Belle: OH COME ON!

Cheren was like a brother to White, same with Bianca being a sister to Black.

They look out for each other.

Cheren was very unsure with N when he first appeared and he was right.

This happened all because of N.

White's in a coma, Black is very upset, Bianca is unhappy and Cheren cannot think what is going through White's team mind.

Cheren cannot believe what her team has done.

Come on, running away?

"Yeah, really? Running away? Sure, if Keldeo was in a coma in a pokemon center, I wouldn't abandon him. I would stay with him until he wakes up." Meloetta said.

"What would you do, Lazercorn, if one of your friends is in a coma?"

"I would stay with them, even if it's Joven." Lazercorn said.

"You don't like Jovenshire the Genesect, do you?"

"He's a good friend and really cool to hang out with, but sometimes, he can just be a bit embarrassing when he's around girls. So you're lucky he's not here."

"Cheren! Cheren!" came a voice from down the hall.

Cheren turned around to see Bianca running down the hall, looking tired and out of breathe.

(B&W) Bianca: Out of the way! Out of the way! OUT OF THE WAY!

"What's wrong Bianca?" asked Cheren.

"W-White is... White is..." breathed Bianca heavily. Then she took out an inhaler and breathed in the medicine.

Cheren knew that Bianca was asthmatic. That's been one of the reasons why her dad didn't want her to go on Pokemon Journey.

"Calm down, Bianca! What's happening?" asked Cheren.

He notices that Bianca was very distressed.

"White is beginning to wake up!" shouted Bianca with a red face.

"WHAT?" shouted Cheren.

Bad News Barrett: I'm afraid I got some bad news.

"Oh no. Seems like White is going to figure out her pokemon are gone." Meloetta said.

"So we move on to chapter 3 and we have another flashback of Black thinking about who does he like. We all know who that is." Lazercorn said.

"In the end, White started an argument and Black was the only one who wasn't arguing,"


"And then Oshawott came and hit him with his scalchop and then Black started yelling."

"DAMN IT! DAMN IT! DAMN IT!" shouted Simisear as he was looking around.

Meloetta widen her eyes in shock

"Oh boy. Here it comes." Lazercorn said as he ducked down and covered his ears, with a smile on his face.

Meloetta puffed her cheeks as an anime angry mark appeared on her head.

Freddie Benson: In 5...4...3...2...


Meloetta's eyes started glowing red with pure anger, similar to the red eyes in the Undersea Temple.


After that loud yelling, some things started vibrating from the sound of Meloetta's voice as a bowling ball started rolling across the counter, high up on the wall, rolling to where Lazercorn is.

The said Keldeo opened his eyes and uncovered his ears as he let out a breath.

"Glad that's over. I'm used to Keldeo the Critic and Genesect the Angry Bug, but I never heard Meloetta herself yell like that. Except on Unova's Survival Crisis, but that was on TV."

The bowling ball rolled off the counter and...


The bowling ball landed on Lazercorn's head, hard as imaginary small Flying Types like Flechlings, Pidoves, etc, flying around Lazercorn's head.

Meloetta heard the loud dong and saw her bowling ball on Lazercorn's head and rushed to him.

"LAZERCORN! Are you okay?" Meloetta asked.

Lazercorn's eyes was swirling around like Derpy Hooves eyes as he said,

"Hey Sohinki, the pizza arrived. Let's invite Joven and have a video game pizza party."

After that was said, Lazercorn fell to the ground with a thud.

"Please tell me you're not dead." Meloetta whimpered with worry as she placed her head on Lazercorn's stomach, to feel breathing.

"Oh thank God. I hope you'll wake up to the review with me soon, but for now, I have to continue."

Meloetta used her Psychic to lift Lazercorn up and placed him on her bed.

"So let's continue. Simisear was made because he got lost. He also failed to ask for directions from a Pidove."

Simisear then went into a deep thought.

He quite liked Simipour, like the way his master liked her master.

But it was different.

White was dense, Simipour was shy, Black was thoughtful and Simisear himself, well, quite violent.

Simisear has a nasty temper.

Bill O'Reilly: Yeah, I'm obnoxious, yeah, I cut people off, yeah, I'm rude. You know why? Because you're busy.

"I'm just going to skip the temper anger issue and continue chapter 3."

Simisear had his eyes on a terrible scene.

Pokemon from left to right were either frozen or in massive puddles of a mixture of blood and water.

"Oh my. Either Jeff the Killer was there or a monstrous sea monster with feet came by and attacked."

Meloetta took a deep breath and continued reading.

Suddenly he heard coughing. Simisear turned around to see a Timber coughing up water. He rushed over to it.

"Aww man... are you ok?" asked Simisear.

"*Cough...Cough* I think I'm ok..." replied the Timburr horsely.

Simisear looked around then asked "What happened here?"

"A Simipour walked into this Village, looking sad and upset.A Watchog asked what was the matter and she attacked us all! She first drowned some of us, then froze most of us then sent a giant tidal wave through the village. I played dead after that. But after all that, I heard crying."

"When did Simipour turn into the Irish and Scottish legend, Kelpie? She just had a rampage after a question. That's just stupid."

"Here, have some Sitrus berries" said Simisear as he gave the Timburr some berries "Stay here and rest. Maybe some other members of your village might still be alive"

Meloetta had a bored blank expression on her face.

"No, I'm not mentioning it anymore. The missing punctuation in this story, I'm not mentioning it anymore. Why? 'Cause it's starting to get annoying. Throughout this story is missing punctuation and I'm starting to get sick of it. I'm just going to ignore it and go through the rest of the story."

The Timburr gave a cheeky smile "Ok...Thanks"

Simisear then ran in the trail of destruction left by Simipour.

"So while going through the forest, Simisear used a Flame Burst and found Simisage following him."

"Jeez! I knew that following somepoke else is wrong but you didn't have to shoot a Flame Burst at me!" complained Simisage.

Simisear sweat-dropped. When he was younger there wasn't a day without Simisage, then Pansage, gone without complaining.

"Ah...No matter! I saw you were chasing after my sis. What happened?"

Simisear explained what happened.

Simisage was completely shocked. He can not believe something like that happened.

"Grr...You go find my sis, Sear-Boy! I go find that bastard N, no matter where he is in the world, and kick his ass!" shouted Simisage as he ran off.

Simisear blinked his eyes for a moment then went back on his search.

"Apparently, Simisage will never find N. Who knows where he went after the game, Black and White. So Simisear heard crying and he knows it Simipour."

"Damn!" shouted Simisear, only to realized that wasn't the best idea he ever had.

In fact, trying to find a pissed-off water type that almost killed an entire village and could kill you straight away, it was Simisear's most worst idea ever.

Simipour turned round and Simisear knew she wasn't pleased to see him.

She was shaking in angry and had a murderous red aura around her.

Simisear only manage a few words.

"Um...Hi?" he said with fear in his voice.

"SURF!" Shouted Simipour as a giant tidal wave began to rise.

"Shit!" shouted Simisear.

Coach: Excuse me? EXCUSE ME?!

Simisear ran as fast as he could. There is tidal wave after him which will kill him. Then Simisear thought,

"No, I will not be a coward.

I am a coward for my master, I am a coward for my team-mates and I am a coward for Simipour. Not any more.

Too many people and Pokemon are hurting at the moment.

Although I cannot help them through this tough time, I can help somepoke.

I shall help Simipour get pass this tough time.

Even if my temper or my crush, no, screw that, my LOVE for her gets in the way!"

Simisear turned round and roared!

He ran towards the tidal wave and was consumed by it.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Meloetta yelled in a shocked anime way.

"Are you that stupid enough to run into a tidal wave for your love? You're a Fire Type. Weak against water. COME ON!"

"Simisear? Simisear? I'm sorry that I was angry...I'm really hurting at the moment. M-my m-mistress is almost dead and I could b-bare t-to see her. That's w-why I-I r-ran away. I'm sorry Simisear...I'm so sorry..." cried Simipour.

Simipour fell to her knees and began crying when she felt a palm on her shoulder.

She looked up to see Simisear smiling, but covered in mud.

Meloetta widen her eyes as a broken glass sound effected played.

"HOW DID HE SURVIVE THAT?!" Meloetta yelled in a shocked anime way.


Meloetta calms down and takes a deep breath.

"Okay. I'm getting ahead of myself. So Simisear somehow survives the Surf attack and forgives Simipour for attacking him."

"Why are you blushing, Simisear?" asked Simipour.

"Damn!" thought Simisear "I'm still blushing! This is too embarrassing!"

Simipour smiled. "I guess you like me in some kind of way, do you?" she said.

Simisear blushed even more.

"Don't worry" smiled Simipour confidently. "I like you too"

"So Simipour expressed her feeling to Simisear and gave him a kiss? Come on, there's got to be more than that."

Meloetta looked at the screen and shakes her head.

"Nope. They just walks back to the hospital. Ironically, we're back at the hospital."

Pit: I was there so much they named it after me: hosPITtal. Get it?

"Sigh..." sighed Black. "Boy, am I tired..."

Black was sitting in White's room. He had gone back to his home to rest up.

He, Bianca and Cheren have taken shifts to look after White.

This was decided after Black kept on falling asleep and becoming delusional.

It was Bianca's shift this time. Black was visiting and was askes by Bianca if he could watch White while she went to get a drink.

It's been a tough time since the incident at N's Castle. Everyone who knew White closely are having to cope with her.

It must have been really hard for her Pokemon. Black overheard the argument between Bianca and Cheren.

Black was proud of his Pokemon when Cheren told him that they ran off to find White's Pokemon.

"I would be proud too. In fact, I am proud of Black's pokemon trying to find White's pokemon."

"Hey." came a voice. Black turned to see it's Bianca with her drink. "Anything change while I was gone?

Black shaked his...

Powerpuff Girls: NOT SO FAST!

"If that's the end of a person talking, then where's the quotation mark?" A voice asked.

Meloetta widened her eyes and turned around to see Lazercorn on his hooves, walking towards Meloetta's desk.

"You're awake. Thank goodness." Meloetta sighed of relief.

"But yeah, he's got a point. Where's the quotation mark? Bianca stopped talking. Where is it?"

Meloetta turned to Lazercorn.

"How do you feel?" She asked.

"I feel fine. Minor head injury, but fine." Lazercorn said with a smile.

"Let's continue."

Black shaked his head sidewards to say no.

Bianca sighed. "I wish everything was back the way it was. Carefree and peaceful. You know, what our childhood was.

Our Pokemon journey was suppose to be together. Me, you, White and Cheren. I wished it never happened"

"Mmm. There's no punctuation. Shouldn't you be yelling right now?" Lazercorn asked.

"I made up my mind to ignore it."Meloetta said.

"Oh. Okay." Lazercorn said in a confused way.

Black looked up to the ceiling. "It's hard to imagine but guess destiny had plan this from the start. Things like this were meant to happen. No one has the power to change it"

Bianca frowned. "It's just not fair that something like this happened. Why couldn't it happen to someone else?" she said when she notice Black wasn't listening.

"Are you even listening to me, Black?"

Black wasn't paying attention.

Something was happening.

"Oh my..." said Black

"What's happening, Black?" asked Bianca.

"Get Cheren quickly" demanded Black "White's waking up!"

Bruce: Oh No.

Bianca turned her head to White's bed and notice that White's eyes were flutting and the heart monitor was beating face.

Lazercorn and Meloetta had looks of confusion on their faces.

"...um, I can't really think of anything from what I just read." Meloetta said.

"I can help you with that. I think the author meant 'White's eyes were fluttering and the heart monitor was beating fast.' What we just read made no sense. I get that he's telling us that White's waking up and it sounds like bad news, but you might want to fix that mistake." Lazercorn explained.

"So let's go to chapter 4 or should I say, chapter 3." Meloetta said.

"And another flashback of Black and White's childhood. Go ahead Lazercorn. Take it away."

"Okay. So this flashback talks about White wanting to get a Pokemon, but Bianca told her that they have to be 15 years old to get one, but she can't wait. So Cheren asked how she's going to do that until White took out a Pokeball and mentioned that her dad is a Pokeball designer. She then asked Black to borrow his Oshawott, but Oshawott only listens to Black. White then asks Black to borrow Oshawott, with Lillipup puppy eyes of desperation. Black couldn't resist and said yes. Then Oshawott hits Black with his scalchop and runs away from White." Lazercorn finished explaining as he started laughing.

"Hilarious." Lazercorn said while laughing.

"And then, White attempted to catch a Snivy with Oshawott. She did catch it, but then got busted by the parents. The only parents that weren't mad were White's parents and Black's parents. White's dad was proud and Black's mom offered ice cream. Funny."

Unfezant flew through the air. She had a hard time time finding Scrafty.

"You said 'time' twice. Saying it once is good enough." Meloetta said.

"Who knew finding a fighting type was so hard?" she asked herself.

Unfezant didn't know Scrafty that well.

But she knew enough to know that Scrafty, despite being a Pokemon that is known to be trouble, was actually sensitive.

Unlike the other members of her team, Unfezant is the most mature one.

"If she's mature, then why did the first chapter in this story said that Unfezant is a blabber mouth?" Lazercorn asked.

"Don't know. It's like Damian with his swearing. He fights like a beast. I really don't think of Damian as a nice pokemon." Meloetta said.

"He can be really violent. I mean, sure he's my species, but that didn't change his attitude."

"Uh...Meloetta?" Lazercorn asked, but Meloetta didn't hear him.

"Also, some of Virizion's other OC's have a bit of an attitude, except Raven and some most others."

"Meloetta?" Lazercorn said, slightly annoyed.

"And even Virizion himself has an aggressive personality, but at least he can control it. He is really nice once you get to know him, and you'll even learn that..."

"JUST READ THE FANFICTION, YOU BITCH!" Lazercorn yelled as he hoof slapped his mouth shut, making Meloetta stop talking and turn around.

"Lazercorn?" Meloetta said in a shocked way.

"I'm sorry, Meloetta. You were just making me frustrated. Look, you can talk about your time with Virizion later, right now, read and review." Lazercorn said.

"Right. And I forgive you. Let's go." Meloetta said as she turned to her laptop.

Unfezent noticed something yellow on the floor.

It was hitting some trees down.

It was Scrafty.

"That's funny about what Scrafty is doing right now because Virizion used to have a Scrafty named 'El Chopo.'" Lazercorn said.

"Why is that?" Meloetta asked.

"What Scrafty is doing in the story is the same thing Virizion's Scrafty does." Lazercorn said.

"Hey, you ok?" asked Unfezent.

Scrafty turned rounded with a normal Scrafty look.

Droopy eyes and frown.

"I know why Scrafty's sad." Meloetta said.

"It's hard to tell." Lazercorn said.

"Why? Scrafty is so sad."

"That's what Scrafty normally looks like."


Lazercorn took out his cell phone and showed Meloetta a picture of Scrafty.

"Oh. I see." Meloetta said as she blushed.

"It's hard to tell how Scrafty's feeling because his face always looks like a bored blank expression, but in this case, he's feeling sad." Lazercorn said.

"Yep." said Scrafty. "I cried for a bit then realized I won't be good enough for Mistress if I'm weak. Decided to train until somepoke came"

Unfezent smiled. "I'm so glad I don't have to convince you to come back" she said.

Scrafty gave a small smile.

Unfezent began to fly. "Follow me to the hospital, then"

Staples Easy Button: That was easy.

"How come Samurott and Simisear had a hard time getting White's pokemon to change their minds, but not Unfezant?" Meloetta asked.

"Don't know. How come through the first part of the chapter after the flashback, Unfezant's name was spelled right, and then spelled wrong?" Lazercorn asked.

"I have no idea." Meloetta said.

"And there's so many missing punctuation throughout the whole story. I'm getting sick of it." Lazercorn said.

"Me too, but I'm trying my best to ignore it, but it's just so annoying. I feel the same annoyance Keldeo feels when he reviews a fanfiction with errors." Meloetta said.

"So how about you? How were you caught?" asked Scrafty.

Unfezent thought for a moment then said:

"Go ahead, Lazercorn. Unfezant has a flashback she likes to share." Meloetta said.

"Okay. But before I tell, Unfezant and Scrafty were talking about how they were caught by their trainers. So Unfezant says that she ran into Oshawott and injured her wing. Black told them off and helped heal Unfezant's wing, well at this point, she's a Pidove. Then when Black ran into N, she offered to battle with Black to return the favor for helping her heal. She won, then followed Black to the pokemon center. Surprised to see Pidove, Pidove pecked a pokeball and made Black caught her. Technically speaking, she caught herself." Lazercorn finished the flashback.

"Now I have to say, that's a great story." Meloetta said.

Scrafty smiled "Wow. What an amazing story" she said.

Meloetta had a confused look on her face.

"Did Scrafty just agree with me?" Meloetta said.

"Did the story broke the 4th wall? No. So Scrafty doesn't know you're there." Lazercorn said.

Unfezent looked down as Scrafty jumped through the trees. "I know" Unfezent said.

"Space out your sentence, dude." Meloetta exclaimed.

Scrafty suddenly stopped.

Unfezent flew down towards Scrafty. "What's happening?" asked Scrafty, nodding her head forwards.

Unfezent grabbed Scrafty with her claws and flew above the trees.

The hospital was insight.

But something was happening.

Both their master's friends, Cheren and Bianca were outside shouting at the roof. Then Unfezent looked at the roof.

Unfezent's eye's widened. "You see that?" asked Scrafty.

"Yep..." replied Unfezent.

Carly and Sam: Uh Oh.

Spencer: Yeah, uh oh.

"So we're back at the hospital with Black panicking because White was waking up from her coma." Meloetta said.

"I would be panicking too if I was Black." Lazercorn said.

Theory of a Deadman: WELCOME TO THE PANIC ROOM!

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap..." panicked Black as he paced around.

This was too soon. N is gone, she's in the hospital and now her Pokemon were missing. Black will have no idea how White will react.

Perhaps she smile and say it's ok that her Pokemon ran away. She was hurt and they needed some time to cope.

Or, Black dreaded, she'll get angry or upset at Cheren, Bianca and him for not stopping them running away.

Black was still panicking when Cheren and Bianca rushed into the room

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap.." panicked Black continuously.

Cheren sighed "Calm down, Black!" shouted Cheren.

Black continued to panic.

Then Bianca went up to Black and slapped him in the face.

Twilight Sparkle: Keep it together.

"Ow..." said Black "Thanks, Bianca. I needed that."

Bianca smiled. "You're welcome. Anyway, White's waking up. She'll probably needs us."

Black nodded.

Then the three gathered round White's bed.

Her eyelids began to open and and half of her blue eyes came out.

Jeff the Killer: Go To Sleep.

"Hello, sleepyhead" said Cheren with a smile. "We're been waiting...

Phoenix Wright: HOLD IT!

"It's 'we've been waiting for you,' not 'we're been waiting for you.' That makes no sense." Meloetta said.

"Tell me about it." Lazercorn chuckled.

White suddenly got up. "Where am I?" she asked.

"Unova's best hospital." said Bianca happily. "It's been five weeks since the battle at N's Castle."

BEN: You shouldn't have done that.

"We've been taking shifts" said Cheren, while smiling an little bit. "We didn't want to abandon you."

"..." went White.

Black noticed something was amiss.

"What's a matter, White?" asked Black.

"Where..." she started "...my Pokemon?"

"Umm..." went Cheren.

"Oh crap.." thought Black

"T-they're training..." Lied Bianca. This was bad as Bianca was bad at lying. "They're training with Black's Pokemon"

Grumpy Cat: You shouldn't have done that. He's just a boy.

"If Bianca was bad at lying, then why did she do it?" Lazercorn asked.

"I don't know. That was a poor choice." Meloetta said.

After Cheren had got his food, he turned to Black.

"Have you notice something?" he asked.

"What?" replied Black.

"I mean, have you notice something with White?" asked Cheren.

Black had a think. White was acting strangely when she woke up.

"Yeah, I have" said Black. "Why?"

Cheren looked down the corridor where White's room is.

"She seems to be acting strange. If this is the White we know, she'll be jumping around and talking loads. But she's now sitting still and being all quiet." remarked Cheren.

"You're right." said Black. "It just as sh-"


"Arghh!" screamed a voice.

Suddenly, White ran out of her room and ran down the corridor.

"Oh, shit!" said Cheren.

Meloetta widened her eyes in shock.

"EXCUSE ME?!" She yelled in anger.

Coach: Excuse me? EXCUSE ME?!

Black began to run after White. "Cheren, check if Bianca is ok! I'll catch up with White!"

Cheren nodded and ran to White's room, where Bianca was.

Black was focused on White.

"What are you doing, White?" He thought.

"Things sounds like they've gone from bad to worse. Time to move on to chapter 5." Meloetta said.

"Um...Meloetta?" Lazercorn asked.

"Yes?" Meloetta replied.

"Can you hold on for a moment? I have to do something." Lazercorn said.

This caught Meloetta's attention as she turned to face Lazercorn.

"What do you have to do?"

"I have a show I got to do before Pokemosh makes their debut."

"But you're not in the show. You're waiting for the game studio to finish."

"True, but today, I told Virizion if I could do a small talk show. Will it be okay?"

Meloetta thought for a moment.

"Alright. I'll hold." Meloetta said.

"Thanks. I promise I'll come right back when I'm done." Lazercorn said as he ran out of Meloetta's room.

"LOOK UP LAZERCHAT ON YOUR TV!" Lazercorn yelled, loud enough for Meloetta to hear.

So, what do you think?

I did try my best.

Give me your thoughts in your review if you think it's bad or good.

Virizion 2.6 OUT!