Stories Untold

Chapter One: Ends

AN: I almost put this at the bottom of the chapter, but I need to explain myself. I know that there are thousands of 'got thrown into such and such' stories out there, but I've never tried writing one myself. If you go back and read some of my other stories, you won't find one of these because I normally only write them as a sort of writing exercise when I have writer's block. I have never posted one of them anywhere. I've been playing Awakening for the past week and it reminded me of how much I love the Dragon Age games and the fact that I really need to write a story for at least one of them. Two is the one I'm most familiar with, having played it well over 50 times after I was first introduced to it. Not even kidding. You don't even want to know how many times I've played Halo:CE since it's release a very long time ago. I'm a gamer. I can't help it.

For those of you that aren't familiar with how I write, I tend to mention music a lot and name the chapters (and at times the story itself) after songs that help me get through the chapter or describe the contents really well. I also never release a chapter shorter than 2,000 words, so this chapter is really short at just over 1,400 words. I actually went crazy writing and I had to split the chapter in half. The next chapter will be over the 2k mark for my sanity.

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I have so far enjoyed writing it.

Updated 3/5/2017

There was a time when I accepted the world as it was. A never changing horror full of death and wars we should have had nothing to do with. A place where people just had to have the latest tech and all the new fashion- regardless if it was new or a rehash of old shit no one wanted anymore. I was never really one of those people, but I never actually tried to change the way things were either.

Have you ever heard that song by Nine Inch Nails that goes 'every day is exactly the same'? That line summed up my day to day life perfectly. I did the same shit day after day with very little variation. I was stuck in a rut and I didn't want out. I was comfortable with my life. After a while, you would think my brain would let me know that my life was stagnant.

If I told you that I just didn't notice, I'd be lying. I did notice. I just never did anything about it. It was easier for me to live like that than to change my ways. I lived that way for three years and I wasn't ready to change.

At that point, I had already lost all my friends and didn't really care that I had. After all, wouldn't true friends have stuck around no matter what? I didn't realize that they had become disgusted with my constant excuses and unwillingness to do... well, anything. It was my fault they were gone.

I always felt like an outsider observing the habits of normal people. Like the Staind song goes, I'm on the outside and I'm lookn' in. That was my life and I was complaisant with it. I never stepped outside my comfort zone. Not for anything. I was alone and no one wanted to pull me out of what I had become because I wouldn't let them and they knew it.

I wish someone would have done it sooner. I really have to wonder why She felt the need to interfere in my world and life.

I wish someone would have cared as much as someone that didn't know me at all.

My name is Korbin Mondshien and I wish I had remembered who I am sooner than what I did.

Thank Mythal I didn't find out sooner.

My days started with feeding the horses, then the chickens, then the pot bellied pig someone dumped on me, then the quail, and finally the cats in the house and the ones outside. It had always been part of my daily life and in my stagnant state of mind, it didn't change. The day went on as always. That is until I noticed that one of my geldings, named Jax, had gone missing. He wasn't with the others when I brought out the feed for them that afternoon. I only knew of one place he could be and it actually scared me to think he could be hurt.

I packed my backpack with my 'stupid horse' kit just in case he was hurt and a few random things in case I got stuck out looking for Jax. I took the four-wheeler out to the old well. It had been boarded up and fenced off since I was a kid and now that I owned the farm it was my job to check the fence from time to time. I hadn't been out there in a month and if Jax was hurt or dead it would be my fault.

As I reached the well I noticed two things. First of all, Jax was on my neighbor's side of the fence near the well. He would have had to walk over the well to get to the only tree-free section of the fence to pass through. The second thing was that none of the rotting boards had cracked or broken under his weight and the fence was intact. He was at least a thousand pounds and it didn't make any sense.

I pulled on my backpack, grabbed my lead rope, and gingerly climbed through the barbed wire. I caught the back of my shirt twice and the pack three times before getting to where Jax stood. Now I had a problem. I needed to lean over to get through the fence, but I was standing over the well since it was almost under the fence on my side. The boards cracked and popped under my weight. I looked down nervously. I wasn't sure I wanted to do this. I should just go around to the gate at the front of the property and walk to him. This was insane!

Just as I was getting ready to step the short distance to the edge of the well I heard something move in the well. It was a fifty-foot drop to the bottom. There was no way in hell I was hearing something down there. The boards weren't even out of place. They were in the same place they had been for twenty years. I was five when they blocked it off to keep my cousins and me from falling in.

"Help me, please!"

I froze. I know I did NOT just hear an old woman with a French accent yelling for help under my feet. That was completely impossible. Nu-uh. No way. No how. I was having flashbacks of The Ring and Ju-on. The woman was going to come out and kill me... with her hair. Eww.

But, wait. Why wasn't she still calling for help? My question was answered when Jax screamed in terror and bolted across the neighbor's field. I heard a loud whooshing sound- like massive owl wings- over my head. I looked up and fell back in shock as what looked to be a massive, red dragon flew over me. The rotten and termite-eaten boards shattered as my back hit them. As I fell into the darkness of the well I only had one thought. What have I done?

"JAX!" I screamed as I woke up. As the events before I blacked out came back to me I sat up and looked around. It was pitch black. I must have been out for a few hours. It wasn't quite late afternoon when I'd gone to feed the horses and discovered Jax was missing. There was no sign of a woman down here with me. That just figures.

Maybe the well was haunted? I thought long and hard about it. Just when I was about to give up I remembered a bright and smiling face that had very suddenly disappeared when I was four. My Aunt Jordan. She was the reason they'd covered the well. I think she went missing one day while she was out riding. They found her horse a half mile into the woods and a hole where she had to have fallen through. I had loved my Aunt dearly. It doesn't surprise me that it took me so long to think of her. If it weren't for all the photos of us together I probably never would have remembered her.

I would just have to wait until dawn to see if there was a way out.

I slept in short intervals throughout the night. At one point I realized that I was laying on something soft, kinda angular, and very lumpy. I started to panic. What if I landed on something of the dead persuasion? I eased off of it and at the last second I remembered that I'd had my backpack on when I fell. I felt really, really stupid. Both straps were broke, which explained why my shoulders hurt so badly. Still, I thanked my lucky stars that my grandfather had insisted on making me carry around a backpack like this.

Technically it didn't have a bunch of random stuff in it. I had a whole bunch of survival gear in it. A fire wouldn't do me any good down here, but the flashlight would make me feel a little better. It's all about keeping your spirits up and staying alive until someone can rescue you. I shuffled things around until I found the flashlight, shook it a few times, and clicked it on. No need for batteries and it made you think over just how badly you needed light. I really needed it right now. I needed to- I shudder just thinking about it- check for spiders. I'm deathly afraid of them.

Once I was satisfied I wasn't sharing a space with the creepy little bastards I turned my attention to the contents of my backpack. I found six energy bars on the bottom and four of them were dangerously close to their expiration dates. Sometimes I just threw things in it without checking. When I got out of there I was going to make sure to never let this happen again. I had slipped when it came to making sure that the emergency food was good. I couldn't even use the three dried food packs without hot water. I needed variation. Why did I have to think of these things now?

I pulled out one of the few bottles of water I had thought to bring. I had packed only three bottles, but I had a full carton of cigarettes. I was really starting to confuse myself. When had I gotten so lax in keeping this thing up to date? I sighed. Around the same time, I had started pushing my friends away. That's when.

I was at the bottom of a well and just now thinking of how badly I had ruined my life. With a sigh, I turned my attention, and my flashlight, to the hole above me. I gaped at what I saw, shook my flashlight hard to charge it up, then gaped again. There was... a ceiling or maybe a big rock blocking the way. I stood up quickly to try and reach it, but I couldn't. I took deep, gasping breaths. No one would ever find me! I was under the well. How had this happened?

I started to cry. I sat down and cried as hard as I thought I possibly could. I was going to die down here and there was nothing I could do about it. I started screaming in my hysteria. I didn't want to die. Not down here where no one would ever find me. I was going to be just like my Aunt Jordan. Everyone but those that had cared the most would forget about me. Hell, with how I'd been for the past few years they'd probably think I'd wandered off into the woods and killed myself.

I heard something shuffling around outside the walls of the well, but I was too far gone to care if some giant mole or something stupid like that was coming to eat me.

"Serrah, are you alright?" A soft male voice asked near me.

I let out a hysteric laugh and said back to it, "Go figure, not even the voices in my head care to get my name right." I hugged myself tighter. Then I froze. Wait, a voice? I looked up sharply and saw a worried looking man in a dress sticking half way out a curtain of hanging moss. Why hadn't I noticed that? I blinked a few times, muttered about mole people being blond, and promptly passed the fuck out.