First of all, I would like to apologize for the misspelling near the end of the last chapter. Due to me not going over the chapter as well as I should have, I missed the errors. I would also like apologize for having the previous chapter bolded. As well as haveing this lat-

Berserker: Stop the apologizing and get to the story already!

...How did you get here?

Berserker: I go wherever I want, whenever I want!

Your Territory Thevery is blocked here. Do the disclaimer.

Berserker: I don't wanna.

****, do the disclaimer.

Berserker: Perfecto Ultima Cantium does not own any sort of Canon in any way, shape, or form. However, he owns the story and myself in mind, body, and soul. (Blinks) Hey!

On with the story!

5 - Boy Meets Girls



To say that Emiya Shirou was having a bad day would be an understatement. He had another one of his dreams about swords, then was woken up by his kohai Matou Sakura. Who got angry at him (well, as angry as a sweet little kohai like her could get, anyway) for once more sleeping in his shed. Later, during breakfast, he made a comment that had both his older sister figure, Fujimura Taiga, and his kohai to both nearly choke on their food. He still was not sure why they got so worked up with him agreeing that Sakura would be a good wife.

Then, when he got to school, he had to put up with Tohsaka Rin trying to thank him properly for helping her a few nights ago. That is when he found out that the model student and probably the smartest girl in Fuyuki was a Tsundere. After the major denial that Tohsaka had to get out that she wasn't a Tsundere, she told him to not stay out after dark. After that confusion, he met up with his friend Ryuudou Issei who asked him if he liked girls. After a few moments of more confusion, he realized that the monk-in-training was warning him about Tohsaka. Later, he had his old sub-captain of the archery team ask him to clean up where the team had practiced.

And then he was stabbed in the heart by a guy in blue tights.

Sure, Shirou survived it, but he still was stabbed in the heart. And now he was walking home, looking like he was not a dead man walking. He had figured out how to do that years ago.

Once again, he scratched his chest where the wound was previously. He had checked, and saw a starburst scar on his chest. There was probably one on his back as well, because he had felt the guy in blue tights' spear exit. Don't ask how.

Suddenly, Shirou felt something slam into him and wrap it's arms around his waist. He flinched, went to search for a weap-


Well, so much for that. He turned to see a small girl around ten to twelve years old looking up at him with her arms wrapped around him in a hug. Her red eyes wide with pure adorableness. Heck, her outfit was radiating pure adorableness. The purple hat, the coat, the boots…

Shirou decided to ignore the moe radiating from the little girl hugging him and said the only thing that came to mind.

"Who are you?"

Immediately, the effect on the girl was apparent. The smile on the girl's face faltered, her expression turning from one of great happiness to one of disbelief and sadness. That did not, however, change the pure amount of moe being expelled from the girl.

"You… Don't know me?"

Tears welled up in girl's eyes. The type of Moe changed from happy moe to sad moe. Shirou suddenly had the urge to buy the girl a pony and play with her until she fell asleep and then tuck her into bed and reading her a story…

The moe was affecting him. Really affecting him. Was this some sort of influencing magecraft?

"Ahh… No, sorry." Shirou replied. "But I would like to."

The girl immediately brightened up. "My name is Illyasviel von Einzbern! But you can call me Illya. I am searching for my brother. But I don't know his name, only his appearance. He looks a lot like you!"

Shirou blinked. He was about to respond that he was the only person in the city that looked like him when he was interrupted.

"There you are, Imouto!" A new voice yelled out. Shirou turned to see someone blur past him. That person picked up Illya, spun her around, and pulled the little girl's face in her bountiful bosom. "Do you know how worried I was when you rushed off like that? Seriously, you could have been picked up by some creep and I would had to have rescued you!"

Illya was unable to answer due to her voice being muffled by the older girl's bust. She was struggling to get out, but the little girl was not able to. The older girl suddenly realized that there was someone else there then the two of them. "Oh, I'm sorry for anything that my Imouto did to upset you. You look really like her brother."

Shirou blinked. He did not respond immediately to her due to watching the younger girl trying and failing to get out of the older girl's chest. "Uh, it's fine." He eventually said. "My name is Shirou Emiya."

"You may call me Berserker." The older girl said. Illya continued to try and escape, but was slowly getting slower. "I'm Illya's older sister and Servant."

"Her servant?" Shirou said, still watching Illya. How would someone so young already have a servant to do everything for her?

"Servant, with a capital S." Berserker said. Illya finally went limp, and Berserker let her out of the devious trap. The poor little girl was unconscious, and Berserker was able to somehow get her on to her back without turning away from Shirou. "Anyway, we are looking for her brother, who is said to live in this city. Plus, our family has buisness here, so we decide to come over here to settle it as well as look for her brother."

Shirou nodded. It made sense, taking out two goals at once. Or, like that one saying went, taking out two birds with one stone. "So, you're basically her supervisor."

Berserker nodded. "Yep, I'm here to look after my Imouto. However, it does not help that she is always running off to find her brother. This is the second time today that I had to do this to her."

Shirou blinked. "You have done this before?" 'Shouldn't a servant do what their master wanted?' He thought.

"Capital S and a capital M for Master." Berserker said, then continued like it was not strange that she could read minds. "Yes, I have. Anyway, I need to leave before she wakes up and tries to lecture me in public. I do have one thing I need to tell you."

"What?" Shirou asked in confusion.

"Your dream is beautiful, but it will destroy you." She said, her eyes gaining a steel that Shirou had never seen before. "You must find those who will make your life worth living. Those who will save you." With that, Berserker turned around and left.

Shirou stood there, stunned in both confusion and worry. How did the girl know about his dream? Where the two of them Mages?

Shirou shook his head and continued on. He could worry about that later, right now he had to work.

She slowly opened her eyes. She squinted against the light, and looked around. She was in a simple room. She moved to sit up, then groaned in pain. She lifted up the covers on the futon she was laying on to see that all she was wearing were bandages and an odd black cloth with white trimming wrapped tightly around her left arm.

She wondered how she got all the wounds that the bandages were covering, only to grip her head in pain.

The door opened, and the girl looked up. Standing in the doorway was a silver haired man, about a few years older than her apparent age. He was wearing a white button shirt tucked into black pants. His red eyes showed warmth and compassion.

"I see you are awake." The man said. He smiled kindly. "You were pretty beat up when we found you."

"We?" The girl asked.

"Yes, we." A new voice said. The man turned around and took a step back. A new woman showed up in the doorway. Her long, violet hair flowing back behind her. Her eyes were actually shut, and somehow the girl guessed she could see even without her eyes.

"I'm Miya Asama. And I welcome you to my home." The woman, Miya, said. She continued to smile.

"And I'm Kagari." The man said, now identified as Kagari.

The girl opened her mouth to return the courtesy, then stopped. Her brow scrunched up in concentration and confusion. "I would like to tell you my name," The girl said. "But I don't know mine."

The girl's two hosts showed surprise. Miya's eyes opened and her smile faltered. Kagari was a little more vocal.

"What!" The silver-haired man exclaimed. His entire body language showed shock. "Can you remember anything else?"

The girl paused to think about it. Suddenly, a searing pain shot through her head. The pain was was so great, the girl fainted almost immediately


Berserker looked at Illya's softly smiling face as she slept and wondered if she should let things change. This is an Alternate Universe, after all.

'No, I need to keep the things the same as much as possible. That way, I will know exactly how to react to the things coming up. I've already changed enough already.' She thought. Besides, if she was going to do this right, she needed to keep everything the same till the end than she could take out all of the other Servants and the Grail with one go. She could save all of them.

'Things are already different, though. Both Ganondorf and Ghirahim have been summoned, and unless I want to unleash Postremus, I cannot fight them without backup.' The pessimistic side of Berserker spoke up. Her hand went over to her left arm and gripped it. She could feel the boney, metallic segments that made up her ultimate Noble Phantasm. If it weren't for the arm, she would have lost her life a long time ago. She just wished that it had never went out of control.


Berserker's grip tightened around her arm as the memory of that day hit her. The day that she lost it. The day where she killed all the inhabitants of the world. The day when she began not to care of others.

'Stop. I'm not him anymore. I am not Valor Vasondra.' Her grip slowly relaxed, her anger fading. However, her train of thought did not go to happier thoughts.

"Izanagi, Kagari…" Berserker muttered. "How am I supposed to keep sane without you two?"

The image of her two companions flashed through her mind. A dark-skinned boy with black, curly hair and a silver-haired man, eyes full of warmth and compassion.

She shook her head. She had her job to do, and as an Incarnation of Yin she was not allowed to leave it. She then reached down and gently stroked Illya's cheek.

"Besides, I have you." She murmured. "My beloved Imouto. We both needed each other, so you took me right before I died. And I have somehow…" Berserker trailed off there. She stared at her Master for a few more moments, then leaned down and kissed her on the forehead.

"I will change your fate. I will let you live a happy life with your family." Berserker smiled. "I wish that this would be the end of my path, but it is not. Live on, my Master."

A surge of power flashed through Fuyuki. For those of them who knew what it meant, they could tell that it was the final Servant being summoned. Berserker's smile turned from one full of caring to one that terrified all who saw it. "Now time for some fun." She said as she turned to leave.

30 Minutes Later

Saber, who had been known as Arthur Pendragon, who was actually named Arturia Pendragon, was reasonably annoyed. Her Master, who was the son of the man she loathed, was a self-sacrificing idiot who seemed to have almost no desire in life other than to help people. Sure, that is a noble goal and all. But when you are willing to take a spear just for someone who you had just met, that is pushing it a bit.

Saber's Master was now speaking to Archer's Master, with her Servant in spirit form to heal from the injury that Saber had dealt to him. They had just crossed a bridge when she appeared.

It started with the clapping. The noise was coming from the bridge that they had just crossed. Saber turned around to see a girl around her Master's age on the bridge. She had long, brown hair and was wearing a sleeveless black shirt with a skull shown proudly on it. Her left arm was wrapped in some odd black cloth with white trimming. She had black sweatpants on as well. All in all, you wouldn't be able to tell that this girl was anything unusual except for the huge sword on her back. However, the words the girl spoke next were what got Saber's attention.

"Welcome back, Arturia Pendragon." The girl said, still clapping. Saber froze. She stared at the odd girl in horror as she continued to speak. "I am the Servant of the Einzbern Heir, Berserker."

Saber blinked. "How are you sane?" The King of Knights asked in confusion. She did, however, bring forth Excalibur and get into her ready stance. Berserker smurked and gripped the hilt of her sword. There was an odd, mechanical noise as she wiped the blade from behind her.

"My Noble Phantasm." The Incarnation of Yin answered. Then smiled sweetly. "Oh, and don't worry about your Identity being revealed. I put all those observing under an illusion. They won't be getting out of it for a while."

Saber immediately turned around to see her Master staring off into space, his eyes vacant and drooling. Archer's Master was in the same state. She turned around with a new sense of cation. This Berserker was able to take away the madness from the Madness Enhancement and could cause illusions. This was not good. Wait, how did she know if-

"You don't." Berserker said with slight glee. "I put it on them ever since you left the church."

Saber paled. That long ago? How did she not notice? How did-

A clash of steel on steel. Saber's eyes widened as she barely blocked Berserker's initial swing. The amount of force behind the blow was staggering. How the heck did someone swing a sword that large so quickly and strongly?

The two disengaged and backed away a few paces from each other. The Incarnation grinned as she lifted her sword skyward. Red energy began to spark from the blade. She swung her blade down with a cry of "EXITIUM!" A sword beam launched to the King. Saber jump to the side to avoid being cut in half by a blade of pure energy. The petite King rolled, got up on her feet, and dashed at Berserker.

The Incarnation of Yin grinned terrifyingly as she began to dance around her opponent's strikes. The scene would look incredibly odd to an onlooker. They would see two girls, one in an odd dress and armour, the other wearing something that looked like something you would see only in an anime. The armoured girl seemed like she was wielding air, and the cosplayer had a huge sword. The cosplayer ducked, weaved, and spun around where the sword would have been if it wasn't air. However, there actually was a sword, and Berserker was somehow dodging it with ease.

How does she know the length of my sword? Saber thought. Her eyes widened as Berserker disappeared in a flurry of diamonds. She sensed the Incarnation of Yin appear behind her. She turned around to see the sword, crackling with energy, swinging down upon her. Her eyes widened in horror as she realized she couldn't react in time.

"Saber!" A voice yelled out. Saber's eyes widened as she was pushed out of she way of the sword slash by her Master. The sword came down…

...and stopped. The blade covered in red crackling energy had stopped a few inches from the redhead's neck. Her Master's eyes were closed in preparation for the pain, and he slowly opened them when he realized that his head hadn't been chopped off. He looked up at Berserker and asked, "Why did you stop?"

The Incarnation of Yin smiled sweetly. "We can't let our little Hero die at the start of this war, can we?"

"A hero…" The redhead repeated, then shook his head. "No, I'm not a hero."

Berserker blinked, her smile fading. "What?" She asked.

"A hero is someone who saves everyone, even the ones he fights. That sort of person is impossible to become." He explained. "I am a Guardian, a protector of the weak. I save those in need of saving."

Berserker's eyes were wide in horror. "No…" She whispered. "No no no no no no no no no no no no! Not you too!" She stabbed her sword into the ground and rushed to Saber's Master. Her left hand grabbed Shirou's face. There was a surge of energy, or more like a suction of it, and Berserker backed up quickly. The redhead fell backwards onto his back, then slowly sat up, gripping his head.

"You… You're not a Sword." Berserker whispered in confusion and horror. "You're a Blade."

The Servant of Madness disappeared in another flurry of diamonds. A few seconds later, her sword disappeared as well.

Author's Notes-

And done! This starts where things will truly go off of Canon and into AU territory.

Berserker: Not a Sword, not a Sword, not a Sword, A BLADE!

...Yep, Berserker is having a HBSD. This changes a lot. To you Nasuverse lovers out there, you know what this small change will bring.

Berserker: He is a true blade, with a body of steel and a soul of fire…

Anyway, Berserker's Stats!

Servant Class- Berserker

True Name- Valor Vasondra?

Additional Titles- Incarnation of Yin

Master- Illyasviel von Einzbern

Gender- Girl/?

Alignment- True Neutral

Birthday- ?

Place of Birth- ?

Age- ?

Likes- Cute things, ?

Dislikes- Changes to a plan, ?

Talents- Killing Thing, ?

Strength- EX

Endurance- EX

Agility- EX

Mana- EX

Luck- EX

Noble Phantasms- EX

Class Skills-

Madness Enhancement: X (D)*

* When true Noble Phantasm is in play

Personal Skills-

Territory Thievery: C+ - A skill for those who were able in life to take the territory of others and make it their own.

Berserker can only take the territory of those she is allied with, and only for her personal needs.

Presence Concealment: B

Berserker can absorb most of her presence, but not all of it.

Memories of Another Age: EX- A skill that allows the Servant to know who anyone is just by seeing them, depending on it's rank

Berserker can see anyone and know who they are and what they are planning due to her knowing the "Truth".

Battle Continuation: EX

Berserker can battle for as long as she wants and not sucume to any wounds in or after battle.

Noble Phantasms-

EXITIUM- The Edge of Ruin: A+(Anti-Unit) - Berserker's sword. It can only be unleashed when swearing to protect all and never willingly leave your duties. That oath is bound to your life, so the wielder can never willingly stop his/her duties or else she/he dies. It also can only be wielded by an Incarnation of Yin, and only other Incarnations can chose who is to become Incarnations.

Postremus: EX (Anti-?/Anti-?) - Berserker's True Noble Phantasm which allows her to absorb the energy of others. All energy that is absorbed by Postremus can be used by Berserker herself. However, some energy can only be absorbed directly.

As you can see, there are a few changes to Berserker, such as the addition of Presence Concealment and what might be her true name.

Next chapter: Shirou and Saber talk to each other about Berserker and the things she said, and Archer makes a huge mistake. Berserker tries to make sense of these changes, and decides to change more things. It is the First Aftermath. Ultima Out!