Snow and ice had completely coated Danville Mountain.

Trevor the Doberman pinscher stared at the white blanket of snow through his binoculars, trying to find some kind of sign of life. He was wearing five layers of heavy jackets, and yet he was still shivering.

"Nothing yet?" Harry the husky asked him.


"Perhaps the information we got from Cecily was wrong."

"Cecily's never wrong." Trevor said. He lowered his binoculars as Perry the platypus approached them, completely unrecognizable in his heavy coat and goggles.

"No one's down there?" He wheezed.

"No one so far." Trevor responded. "I'm sorry. Cecily heard they were meeting here. She was almost certain."

"We'll wait a little longer, and then we'll leave before I catch hypothermia." Perry said.

"It is kind of cold up here, isn't it?" Harry commented.

Perry didn't respond. He began nervously chewing on one of his gloves.

Trevor looked through the binoculars again. Suddenly he saw movement.

"Down there!" He barked. "They're here!"


Perry grabbed his snowboard from Harry and thrust it onto the snow. He was followed by a few more of his comrades, including Trevor.

"All right, guys." Perry said. "Remember, we're ambushing humans, not animals, so be extra careful. If caught in an avalanche, keep a hand in front of your mouth so you'll have more chance for air. Devon, you may not want to be chewing gum while you're sliding down a mountain at five billion miles per hour. And if you see Thad Badley… be even MORE careful than you would with any other enemy. Pinky, if you're freezing, go on up to the cabin."

"T-t-hanks." Pinky the Chihuahua stammered. Shaking uncontrollably, he made his way toward Harry.

Perry got on his snowboard and pushed off. The cold winds stung him as his snowboard streaked toward the gathering group of people.

The men shouted and pointed at the coming agents. Gunshots began to ring out.

"THEY'RE ARMED!" Perry shouted. "DON'T GET HIT!"

He heard a horrible wail and looked back. Carrie the cat had stopped her board and was hiding behind a tree. The rest of the agents were blasting forward.

Perry ran into one of the men, knocking him off his feet. A second man ran out of the way.

"DON'T SHOOT!" Someone yelled. "HERMAN, YOU IDIOT!"

One of the people had fired a shot at Kyle the kangaroo, missed, and hit a snowbank instead. Snow began toppling down the mountain.

"AVALANCHE!" The men shouted, running in all directions.

"Inevitable." Perry muttered. He leaned forward, trying to pick up speed.

He heard the snow thundering behind him. If he could just make it to a safe spot…

He was hit hard in the back and fell forward, plunging into cold darkness.

Great, he thought.

It was like being completely glued into a space just big enough for him. More annoyed than scared, he tried to figure out what to do while he waited to be found. Sleeping was certainly out of the question.

He felt the snow shift a little bit after a few minutes. Then he heard barking.

"Hang on, we know you're down there." Harry said. "Trevor's digging Kyle out further up the mountain. Hang on."

Perry finally felt some of the snow break away. Once Harry had dug a big enough hole, he pulled Perry out.

"You okay?" He asked. "Anything broken?"

Perry looked around. The mountain was deserted.

"The others?"

"Trevor found Kyle, and everyone else is fine. Even Carrie. Does anything hurt?"

"I'm just a little stiff." Perry stretched.

"Nothing's broken, then?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"Good. Come on." Harry led him over to the O.W.C.A jet. "We caught a prisoner. He told us some more information about Thad. Turns out Thad's planning to take over the agency because he's mad at Monogram. We have no idea why he wants control over all of Danville, though."

"Mad at Monogram?"

"One time, when they were younger…" Harry lowered his voice. "Monogram cheated at hopscotch."

Perry frowned. "That's ALL?"

"That's all." Harry said.

"Must have been one huge game of hopscotch."

"Strange but true." Harry said.


"Perry, you have a plump tummy."

Perry looked up from his book. "Sorry, Phineas?"

"Your tummy is plump when you sit. It's cute."

"His tummyplump plumpifies when he sits." Ferb said.

"Tummityplump." Phineas said.

"You guys are disturbing." Perry said, shifting his position so as to straighten out his belly.

"I remember when I was little, and Perry was little and chubby, I drummed on his tummyplump." Phineas said.

Perry rolled his eyes. "If you'll excuse me…" He looked back down at his book.

"How has the hunt for Thad been going?" Phineas asked.

"Not great. We haven't cornered him. And I haven't located that master file yet. Monogram gave it to a former agent to keep safe. That narrows it down to about fifty possible animals. And they could be anywhere. I know he wouldn't have given it to a rogue, though."

"Reminds me." Phineas said. "We saw a picture of Monogram painted downtown. Someone graffittied it."

"Thad." Perry muttered. "He's been mocking me with that stupid graffiti."

"That would explain why there was a mural of your name on the back of the restaurant." Ferb said.

Perry groaned.

Candace entered the room. Perry immediately set down his book and lay down on the bed.

"Smile, boys!" Candace said, taking a picture of the two with her phone before they had posed.

"Why?" Phineas asked.

"I got this new app, InstantPictureroo! And it's so cool. Look, I can add effects to your picture and post it to the internet!"

Phineas glanced at the screen. "Why would you wanna change the colors of the picture?"

"Because it's cool. You wouldn't understand. It's a teenage thing." Candace left the room.

"Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!" Phineas said. "Let's make our own app!"

Perry yawned and sat up again.

"We can make one called Tummyplump, in honor of Perry!"

"I'm not fat." Perry mumbled.

"Oh, by the way." Phineas stood up. "Halloween is coming."

"I know. It's a few weeks away."

"Can we go to Disney for Halloween with you?" Phineas begged.

"If I'm not doing anything, sure."

"Yay!" Phineas said.

"But we are NOT going back in that mansion thing." Perry said.

"The lady told us to come back." Ferb said.

"Well, we'll just have to rebel against her." Perry said. "Defy the lady."

"Seriously, Ferb, what should our app be called?" Phineas asked.

"Defy the Lady." Ferb said.


"I get royalties." Perry said. "I thought up the name."

"It's gonna be an app where you have to outsmart this technological lady trying to take an InstantPictureroo of you!" Phineas said.

"And then on the last level, she tries to graffiti you on a wall and you have to stop her." Ferb said.

"Yeah. There's been a lot of graffiti of us, lately." Phineas said. "Maybe Thad's mad at us too?"

"He knows you guys mean everything to me. He's taunting me."

"Or maybe Baljeet painted it." Ferb said.

Phineas stared at him. "Why would BALJEET vandalize a wall?"

Ferb shrugged. "Or it could have been Worthington DuBois, father's antiquing nemesis."

"He doesn't exist, Ferb!" Phineas shouted.

"It was just a joke." Ferb said.
"Oh." Phineas said. He smiled a little. "That was funny. Let's think up some more! Maybe Meap could have done it!"

Perry sighed and tried to focus on his book.

"Or Django!"

"We never see him anymore, I wonder where he is. Oh, or Blubbles!"

"Or Vance Ward!"

Perry stared at the wall, thinking hard. "…No."

"Or not Vance Ward." Ferb held his hands up. "It's cool."

"No. I know who did it now. I just don't know why."