Rating: Mature
Warning: Violence
Disclaimer: Do I really have to say it?
Chapter 11
Harry sighed as he walked down the hall, Malfoy hanging onto his arm as they headed toward the interrogation room.
"I'm glad that it's almost over." Harry stated, sighing and running a hand through his hair. "Now we only have to finish questioning and then we're done."
Draco nodded tiredly, the adrenaline that had coursed through his body earlier leaving him drained. "Glad of it." He agreed as the came to the door, Harry reaching forward and pushing it open. They both walked inside, the door shutting quietly behind them.
Inside the room stood Kingsley and sitting in the chair at a table, Blake. The Hufflepuff was chained to a loop of iron that was bolted into the table, and the table was bolted to the floor. The man glanced up when they walked in and uttered a curse, his lips twisting into a snarl.
"Hello, my two gay Aurors. How has your day been going?" He sneered, his gaze hot. He gasped when Harry lunged at him, grabbing his collar and yanking him up. He trembled in pure fear as the Gryffindors eyes darkened, magic crackling in the air around him as the man's lip curled into a snarl.
"Excuse me?" Harry said softly, his eyes black as his magic tugged on its leash, trying to escape in his moment of anger. "You have no right, none, to insult me or Draco. Understood? If you don't realize that, I will show you personally."
Blake nodded, his cheeks pale. "F-Fine." He stuttered, slumping when Harry let go of him.
The Gryffindor stood, stepping back, reining in his anger as he grabbed Draco in order to calm himself. "Now that that's out of the way, we can begin questioning." He said briskly, reaching into his pocket and taking out a vial of veritaserum.
Blake shook his head, shaking off the paralyzed panic the other man had put him through. "Fine, let's get this over with."
Draco watched as Harry walked over and poured the contents down the man's throat, his cock throbbing with lust. When the Gryffindor had pulled Blake from his chair, it had turned him on, the power and strength of the raven setting him off. The strangest thing was, when Harry became angry, his magic had swirled around his body, reaching for Draco and encasing him in crackling energy.
It had coursed through his body, setting him on fire. It caused his skin to sensitize and become hot. His arse and cock had throbbed, wanting to be touched and plundered. He suddenly jolted when he felt Harry lean toward him and grab him by the shoulders.
"Hey, Draco. Would you like to ask the questions or should I?" The Gryffindor asked, bringing the man close to his side.
Malfoy nodded and sat in the chair opposite of Blake's, the table between them. "Alright, the first question I want you to answer is, what were you selling?" He said, grabbing a pad and quell from his robe pocket and slapping them onto the table.
Blake clenched his jaw and when it became too hard to resist he gave in, the answer spilling from his lips. "I was creating candy's full of aphrodisiac in order to sell them to illegal markets in London." He blurted, his lips curling in a snarl as the potion prodded him to answer.
Draco nodded, some of the things they had found at the Hufflepuffs apartment clicking and making sense. "Now I can see why you had the wrapper designs and bought all the herbs from the apothecary." He said to himself, making a note on the paper in front of him. He glanced up when he was done, his eyes hard.
"Why did you buy the owls, and other things? Such as robes, honey, tea leaves and adult items?" He asked, his voice holding no emotion as Blake sputtered.
"You can't ask about the toys!" He cried, twisting against the bonds on his wrist. "It's none of your business!"
"Oh yes I can. You bought them with my body. It is my business. If you think otherwise, we can go to Kingsley about it." He stated, turning in his seat to stare at the Minister. "Can I question him about the toys?" He asked, smiling wanly when the man nodded. He turned back around, facing the Hufflepuff. "See? I can. Now answer me."
Blake clenched his teeth, shuddering in pain when the potion slapped him in the face, causing his mouth to open and spill all his secrets. "The owls were messengers for my clients." He said tightly, cursing when he opened his mouth again. "The robes were to make it appear as if I was you."
"Why were you me?"
"Because the men I work with would never ally themselves with a Hufflepuff." He said grimly, spitting the last word as it left a bad taste in his mouth. "I had to be someone who was ruthless. Who could order them around and not face the repercussions. A Slytherin was perfect for the job."
Draco nodded in agreement, jotting that down. "Slytherins are the best at undercover work. And they are in fact ruthless." He mused, not bothering to mention that he knew all too well how 'ruthless' they can be.
Blake sighed, giving into the potion, knowing it was futile to resist. "The honey was to make the candy prototypes, and the tea leaves were to flavor it in case you wanted to put it into water. You could just drop it in and drink to have the same effect you would have had if you sucked on it." He explained, tugging onto the chains and giving up.
"The adult items were for me, no one else." He said, hoping in vain the potion would leave it at that.
Draco raised an eyebrow. "What did you use them for?" He asked, leaning back in his chair and waiting.
Blake cursed heavily, his eyes flashing. "I'm not telling that!" He hissed, groaning in effort as the potion coursed through his veins. "I-I used them when I w-was polyjuicing as you." He gritted out, his body shuddering in pain. "I used them on your body. I thought, 'if I can't have the real thing, I might as well use your body for my own purpose'."
Draco blinked, shocked, until the shock burned away in a white hot fury. He lunged across the table and punched the man in the cheek, the resounding smack of skin hitting skin echoing. He snarled in animalistic rage, his vision funneling to focus on Blake as he punched him again.
The man cried out in pain, recoiling from the hard smack, the strength in the other man's fist causing his eyes to widen in fear. He gasped when the blonde grabbed his collar and jerked him up, the Slytherin bringing his head back and forward, hitting forehead to nose.
Blake shouted loudly as the impact broke his nose, blood gushing onto his shirt. He blinked and reeled, almost passing out from the pain.
Malfoy grinned in malicious delight when he saw the crooked, broken nose. He gritted his teeth and raised his fist again, about to bash holes in the man's face, when he felt a hand grab his arm and pull him back.
His eyes widened and he whirled, staring into the face of Harry. "Potter! Let off!" He hissed, wiggling when the man brought him to his chest and smothered him. He mumbled loudly, struggling to break away when he felt Harry kiss his temple, causing him to still.
"It's fine. You did enough. Let it be for now." He said, staring down at the blonde with a steely gaze. "Alright?" He asked, reaching up and rubbing the red spot on the blonde's forehead from butting the Hufflepuff.
Draco sighed, the raging anger subsiding. He pouted, admitting defeat. "Fine." He grumbled, stepping away and reseating himself. He waited as Blake jerked away from him, causing a jolt of pleasure through him.
Blake stared with wide eyes, cupping his face as it throbbed, his eyes full with tears.
Malfoy grinned slowly, leaning forward and relishing the fear he saw in the other man's eyes. "One last question before I put your sorry ass in jail." He snarled, his cheeks flushed in renewed anger. "Where did you get my hair?"
Blake blinked, not expecting that. He thought it would be the people he was working with, but obviously the blonde and Gryffindor team weren't here for that. Must be what Kingsley was waiting for. "I found them on Harry's robes when he left them in his office. You two are always so close to each other. It wasn't that hard. I walked in and grabbed a few from the cloth of Potters Auror robes. He has a bad habit of forgetting them when on break." He said, his voice stuffed from his broken nose.
Draco nodded, surprised at where the Hufflepuff had found them at. "Alright, thank you. That was all I needed." He said as he stood, walking to the door and wrenching it open, not wanting for Harry as he strode down the hall.
Harry frowned and trailed after him, grabbing his arm and pulling him to his chest. "Are you alright?" He asked, knowing how exhausted the blonde was.
Malfoy turned in his arms and cuddled against his chest, grateful for the man's warmth. "Yes, just tired. At least we know all the answer and don't have to keep tearing ourselves up about it." He said softly, burying his nose in the Gryffindors neck and breathing in his scent. "I just find it disturbing that Blake used my body like that."
Harry nodded, wrapping his arms around Draco's waist. "I know, me to." He said, kissing the top of the Slytherins head. "Do you want to go home?" He asked, grinning when the blonde nodded vigorously.
"Bloody hell, yes." Draco said, glancing up at the raven and grinning. "If I don't hog the bed I can spend the night?" He said, rehashing the old joke that was said every time he asked to come over. Even if they were now lovers, it felt right to say it, even in a joking manner.
Harry laughed and nodded. "If you don't hog the bed. Deal?"
Draco grinned warmly and snuggled against Harry's chest, his bare skin rubbing against the other mans. "Hey, Harry." He muttered, gazing up at the Gryffindor in the half light, the soft glow from the candles hovering around the room providing little light. "I realized something today."
Harry groaned when the blonde rolled on top of him, crushing him with his weight. "What?" He asked, running a hand through the blonde's hair, caressing the soft strands. "Did you finally realize that your mine? Or that you're a ruthless Slytherin who can break peoples noses with his forehead?" He teased, grinning down at his gorgeous lover.
Draco huffed and rolled his eye, smacking the man in the chest. "No, it's something that I should have said I long time ago." He whispered, leaning forward and kissing the raven on the lips. "I love you."
Harry froze, his heart stuttering in his chest. With a sudden loud exclamation, he rolled, pinning the man against the mattress. "Draco! Are you serious!?" He asked, his eyes brimming with joy.
The blonde laughed and nodded, gasping when Harry lunged and pulled him into a hug. "Hey! Harry!" He cried, embarrassed.
Harry chuckled, peppering kisses all over the man's collarbone and chest, his heart bursting with happiness. He suddenly jerked upward, his face split with a wide grin. "Does this mean you will live with me?!"
Draco nodded, reaching up and cupping the ravens face. "Yes you idiot Gryffindor. It does." He said, laughing when Harry hooted and tackled him into the bed.
Harry wrapped his arms around the man's waist and brought him close, snuggling up as Draco chuckled. They became quiet as Harry rubbed his face against the Slytherins throat, joy slowly burning away to passion.
Draco sighed quietly, his cock hardening when Harry licked his throat, biting the bruise that was on his neck. "You remember when you said I was yours?" He asked quietly, shifting when Harry rolled on top of him.
Harry grinned, possessiveness flashing as Draco lay beneath him. "Yes." He answered, pushing the covers away so he could see all of Malfoys pale, soft skin.
"Well, I'm not. Not yet." The Slytherin said, his voice becoming breathless when the other man yanked off his night pants and threw them behind his shoulder. "Why don't you fix that?"
Harry smiled, his teeth flashing as he jerked Malfoys hips up, grinding his erection against the blondes. "Fair enough. What should I do?" He asked, nipping gently at Draco's nipples.
The man arched and shivered, his fingers tangling in the Gryffindors nest of hair. "Take me, as hard and as fast as you want. Don't stop, don't ask what I like. Just claim me." He growled, tugging at the hair he held as Harry bit his chest.
The Gryffindor trembled at the demand, moaning softly as he rubbed his cock against the blondes, his pants hindering contact. He growled in frustration and sat back, pulling and tugging at his pajamas, his fingers fumbling in his haste.
He cursed, his eyes narrowed when finally, they came loose, pooling around his knees. He grinned, triumphant, kicking off the offending garment and throwing himself on the blonde, his hands caressing and hips thrusting.
Draco smothered a chuckle, gasping instead when Harry bit his already sore neck, the skin immediately turning pink. He huffed, his neck tingling as he hit the Gryffindor on the shoulder. "Why the hell do you keep biting me?" He asked exasperated.
Harry rose onto his elbows and grinned, his eyes flashing. "Because if I don't, I might go crazy." He admitted, running his tongue up the blonde's chest.
Draco shuddered, gasping softly. "Well, we wouldn't want that, would we?"
"No, no we wouldn't."
"I'm glad it's over." Kingsley said, leaning back in his chair and scrubbing his face with his rough palms. "I never thought the case would get solved. Much less so quickly." He admitted, staring at the two men who cuddled in the chair across from his desk. He raised his eyebrow but said nothing, waiting for the men to tell him themselves, when a sudden thought popped into his head.
"Harry. Can I ask you a question?" He said, his brow wrinkled in thought. He continued when the Gryffindor nodded, his eyes quizzical. "How did you know that it was Blake? And not Malfoy?"
Harry grinned, glancing down at the blonde, not caring one bit about the answer he gave. "Well, it was actually quite simple." He confessed, glancing up at the Minister with a smile. "He wasn't the one with the hicky."
YEAH! DONE! FINALLY! i hope you guys liked this story, because i sure did! i know there was only one sex scene, but who cares! im done! hope you guys favorit and review! until next time!