New story! Yes, it's a AcexOc but the idea came to my so I wrote it.

Onto the chapter!


Ace walked off the Moby Dick, yawning after having just woken up.

"Get up Sleeping Beauty!" Thatch had yelled at him, pulling him out of the crows nest and letting him fall onto the deck. "Were going to a island to stock the ship and your coming to carry things, Oyaji's orders!"

Ace yawned again as he looked over at Thatch. "Oi, what are we getting anyway? We stocked up just last week?" He asked, looking sideways at him as he walked. Haruta, who had come with them, chuckled evily. "Oh, let me guess, a prank?" Ace said, lifting one eyebrow.

Thatch put his hands behind his head and said, "I have no idea what your talking about..." Ace rolled his eyes.

"Certainly..." Ace stretched his arms before shoving them into his pockets. "As long as its not on me, I don't want to know. Marco nearly killed me the last time, and I didn't even take part." Ace closed his eyes as he started getting tired again. He instantly fell forward, his eyes bulging out of his head in shock, landing face first on the hard dirt. He heard a muffled 'auugh!' From behind him.

"A what the he—" he began.

"Ah, what the Hell! Oooowwww! My head!" Ace stood up, brushing off the dirt on him before turning around to where the voice came from. Haruta and Thatch had stopped walking, waiting for Ace to catch up.

Sprawled across the ground was a girl with long, pure white hair and bright, blue eyes. She wore a long wavy gray-blue dress that didn't have any sleeves or straps. An equally bright hat, that resembled a sun hat, was on her head, though the hat was tan and didnt go with the outfit. Around her neck was a silver choker that had a large pearl in the front. She had matching flats and earrings on. Ace held out his left hand to her. "Sorry for bumping into ya miss! Wasn't looking where I was going!" He said as he smiled.

The girl looked surprised for second before taking his hand. Immediately she and Ace recoiled back, hissing, while holding their hands. "What the hell, are you trying to kill me?!" She yelled, glaring daggers at the boy across from her as she stood up.

"What?!" He argued.

"What do you mean 'What?!' Your the one that burnt me! How the hell did you manage that with your bare hands?!" She said poking his chest repeadily, pushing him back. He had this 'oh shit' face on as he saw her ruby red hand hanging by her right side.

Thatch and Haruta were just standing by. Haruta watched with slight amusement as Thatch started sniggering at something that slipped by everyone else. "Well," He said. "If your hurt that badly we could take you back to our ship and have our doctors take a look." Thatch was still snickering after he had finished talking.

"What?!" Ace said walking up to Him. "Why do we care what happens to her! It's just a little burn!" The frustration on his was growing.

"YOU were the one that inflicted said burn, right Ace?" Haruta said. "Take responsibility or you will be included in the prank on the other commanders!" Ace grilled the commanders with his eyes before giving in. 'Though there is still something that I don't like about this girl.' He thought to himself.

He walked over to the girl and scooped her up, making sure to only touch her clothes in case he accidentally burned her again. "Hey! What are you doing!" She wriggled in his arms trying to get out. "I can walk by myself! I don't need help from some flaming moron!"

"Too bad!" He replied, acting like a child. "You probably waaay to slow and it will take Fooorevvveeeerrr to reach the ship!" Ace wrinkled his nose and stuck out his tongue to the girl. He then turned his head to his friends, who were suppressing laughs as they looked at some picture from their camera. Ace groaned, knowing it was of him. "Hhumum," he cleared his throat, getting their attention. "You guys go shopping buy yourselves, now that I knows it's a prank there is no obligation for me to help you go shopping. I'm getting some sleep!"

Ace darted off into the forest, the trees looking like blurs as he passed them. "The names Eca!" The girl said when Ace slowed down some. "Your Ace, right?" Her eyes wandered to his arm tatoo.

"Yeah the names Ace." They approached the beach where the Moby Dick was docked and let her stand.

Glaring at her he told her some things while they walked towards the ship. "1. Don't touch anything! 2. Don't go anywhere except the infirmary! Aka don't leave and wander the ship!"They boarded the ramp leading to the deck and started walking towards the infirmary. "And 3. This is a pirate ship! If you don't want to end up losing an eye or getting toasted, don't mess with anything, got it?"

"Already got the toasted part down" she muttered. He faced her, glaring at her comment, as they got to the infirmary door.

"Yeah, yeah! Don't go anywhere, don't do anything! Got it!" She put her arms behind her back as she walked inside, Ace holding up the door. As soon as she was inside he followed.

"Oi, Marie! Tek! You there?" He yelled and a nurse scurried out from a room deeper in the ship.

"Ace I've told you over and over I can't treat you for every little scratch you get in battle." the nurse, supposedly Marie, said pushing her glasses higher up on her face.

"It's not me!" Ace interrupted her. "Isn't for the little squirt right there!" Ace shoved his thumb towards the girl, Eca, next to him.

Eca was about to protest her nickname when the nurse pushed Ace out of the room saying something along the lines of 'crowding the room' and went to inspecting Eca. "So darling, what's wrong?" Her voice seemed less agitated now that ace had left the room. "Whats your name?" Pausing she added, "You don't seem very scared about being on a Yonkõs ship."

Eca smiled politely. "This isn't the first time I've been on a pirate ship of this calliber! Also, I had to lie to Ace-San so he would let me on board, I hope you don't mind!" Eca walked towards the door, wiping the makeup off her hand, and right before leaving she turned her head. "The names Eca, (the C pronounced like a S) nice to meet ya!"

She closed the door behind her and leaned against the nearby wall, hoping the nurse didnt come after her. She breathed in and out slowly and deeply, trying to calm her fluttering heart. 'I do this time and time again, so why am I bugging out now?' She thought to herself. She got back on her feet. 'Ive gotta find Whitebeard...'


Yeah! Chapter 1 is finished! I've had the first five chapters of this story typed up and just sitting there for sooo long so I decided to start posting it! Tell me if you guys think I should finish it. I'm not entirely sure if I do yet.

Until next time Dumplings,
