Chapter Six
Fred Weasley looked at Harry then at his twin with raised eyebrow as he finally was near enough to notice the familiarity of the two. "You two know each other?"
Frankly, he didn't like that he was not included in it as well. He and his twin were always together. No secrets at all. They never told each other lies and they always held each other's back. It was weird and dismaying that George didn't mention him that he knew Harry Potter. There was that suspicion as well of a secret his twin never told him.*
"I don't know him per say," the mischievous glint in the other's eyes relieved him to some extent but he had noticed the guilt in them as well. Guilty in what, he didn't know but he was certain that his twin was not exactly lying. He's just withdrawing some details. He could live with that and he knew that his twin would tell him soon.
Or God helped him. He already added the small Potter in his prank target list and if things would turn differently, he might as well make the younger boy his main target, never mind the lectures and glares he would receive for humiliating the Boy-Who-Lived.
"You could say that Little Potter challenged you two in a prank war," the two-colored eyed Zabini announced loudly with a wicked smirk and casually laid his arm in the petite shoulders. It never escaped his observation how his twin seemed to be displeased with the action. "He heard that you two are the best pranksters in the school so as fellow prankster, he wanted to have a prank war."
He frowned inwardly. He was no idiot. That was bullshit and he didn't need to notice the disbelief of the boy in question to know the dishonesty in it. What he was getting annoyed at was his twin agreeing to the claim. 'Is he seriously going to go with this? With them, not me?' his slightly narrowed eyes stared at his other half, who stared back unblinkingly.
George smiled brightly like there was nothing wrong and he even relaxed for Merlin's sake!
'Are you bloody serious?!'
Sometimes, his twin could be the most trolling person he knew, even by his standards. Fred wondered if it's on purpose or not but he supposed that it was all this odd group's fault. If his sibling wouldn't tell anything yet, then he would find out himself. It did help calm him down at the thought of gaining information about the younger kids, especially the Potter.
He nodded at his twin, who widened his smile in relief and happiness. Seriously, things he did for his brother...
"You have guts-" he and his twin simultaneously moved towards one another, throwing shared smirks. "-As expected from the Boy-Who-Lived-"
This was how it should be. "-Of course-" the two of them were in sync. No one could and would throw them apart. His twin continued after him or it was vice versa. "-We're up for any prank war!"
"Why don't we have it next Monday?" Fred finished with a sly smirk. The thoughts of pranks would help him ignore the feelings he didn't want to voice out...especially that anger for being kept in the dark.
"And he's glad for it," the two-colored boy's smirk widened and he eyed his shaking scared 'friend'. The Weasley felt a tiny concern for the raven head but he shook it off. He shouldn't pity an enemy, or at least a rival, when it came to wars and pranks.
They went into a lighter topic and Fred watched how his twin acted around these odd strangers subtly. He frowned. He still hated it and he was going to talk about it later when they're alone. His twin wasn't going to escape that topic.
It was night time when they had the talk.
"So that was interesting," he started dryly and wondered if the other would catch his sarcasm. "Who would have thought the Boy-Who-Lived would be a prankster?"
George chuckled at that, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "I didn't know about that as well," he said with honesty and continued to chuckle in amusement. "Guess we just can't judge appearances but I don't think he'll do anything hurtful."
"It's a prank," he countered. "They might not hurt physically but they do damage people's pride even a little plus they're meant to hilarious and sometimes, humiliating."
"Somehow, I doubt it'll be like that," the certain tone in his voice made Fred grimaced sadly though the other twin was too caught up in a memory to notice. The wilder Weasley kind of knew it already after many years of being together. The two of them were the most similar and closest twin people had seen but there was a wall that divided the two.
In the past, George would act strangely and looked at things differently. Fred loved Quidditch with all his might but George was so-so around it. Fred loved pranks as well but again, George just liked it.
He didn't know how it was possible as well but his twin knew and loved baseball and swordsmanship of all sports. Their father had never heard of it until George had mentioned them with such passion. The other had practically begged for a sword and a bat when he reached six years old. At that time, Fred wanted something to do with his pranks.
It was awkward to say the least. They had settled in a more comforting thoughts after some time and Fred nearly had forgotten about their differences.
"You seem close to them," the statement was casually said but there was slight edge there. He had forgotten but seeing and acknowledging how George was familiar with the odd group before made him remember. He didn't think he would want to let go of this now.
He let a small glare for intimidation. "So tell me, dear twin of mine, what's going on?"
To say George or Yamamoto was surprise would be a lie. He and Fred knew almost everything about one another. He knew that the other would immediately notice his interaction to Tsuna and the others. It didn't mean that he could just give up and tell. Actually, he had wanted to tell the truth for a long time but he didn't know what their reactions would be.
Call him a coward but he had experienced something similar in the past as Takeshi when it was about mafia. It was only a good thing that his father hadn't been that angry though it was still nerve wrecking. It did pain him more when he realized how worried his father was whenever it was something about mafia.
In this life, he wanted to give false security for his family at least but he hated lying to his family. He wondered if this was what Tsuna experienced before with his mother. He wanted to ask for an advice but this was his family. In his mind, it was supposed to be him, who fixed the problem.*
"It's nothing," damn it, he seriously loved and hated reincarnation. Lying in his twin's face was the worse he had done and he was in a mafia before. He smiled brightly like there was nothing wrong. It was his mask after all and the only person, who seen through it was Tsuna...and maybe Gokudera to some extent. "I'm just looking forward to the prank war!"
'That had seriously hurt,' Fred thought, frowning inwardly as he listened to the lies the other was sprouting. 'And he thinks I can't see through it? He's a bloody idiot! I'm his twin, damn it! Practically his other half!'
"If you think that I'm going to believe, then you have to get reality check," he spat angrily but he could do nothing else when those similar eyes looked at him with such surprise and guilt. He swallowed a little, biting his lip and sighed heavily. He was certainly too soft with George. "And I'm going to regret this but I won't ask anything yet."
"It doesn't mean that I can't try to find out about your secret," he teased, trying to ease the uncomfortable tension that he started. He really should have ignored it since nothing dramatic changed but he was tired of being kept in the dark. "Just don't lie to me anymore, would you?"
Something flashed to those familiar yet unfamiliar eyes of his twin and he walked away before anything was said. His heart suddenly didn't feel like hearing the apologies that George would say. It had been thumping loudly and repeatedly since his encounter with Potter and his odd group. Somehow, he knew that if he didn't stop, if he didn't leave, then he would change.
...especially, with the deepest part of him wanting to say something to the small black-haired boy.
He wondered if he was sick.
"Are you nuts, Mukuro?!" Tsuna shouted at the top of his lungs, slipping in Japanese and people could only wonder how no one had scolded him from the sound. After his encounter with Yamamoto, he couldn't talk to the other as they had classes. He decided to talk senses to the dark Ravenclaw when he was in the library. He glared, which wasn't that effective to Mukuro. "Why did you say that I wanted a prank war? I don't even know how to prank!"
"Little Vongola-chan, you're slipping again," the Zabini ignored him and read a book about charms. "And you don't want to tell some stranger about us so I needed to improvise. It's nothing serious. You will just prank someone and anything will do."
"You can't expect to do pranks, Muku-I mean, Blaise," the short boy still wasn't used to their new names and it made him sometimes make mistakes like now. Also, he seemed to be acting like his dame-self. He was just glad that Reborn wasn't there to see it. "There's no way I can do it! It's impossible!"
Pausing for a second, Mukuro frowned in annoyance. "Don't call me that," there was a slight edge in the tone that the former mafia boss blinked. "If it's're the only one who can't forget what I did as Rokudo Mukuro."*
"Mukuro?" the Potter called out in confusion. That was the first time he had seen the other react badly to something. Even their past lives, the illusionist never showed his real emotions that much.
Mukuro didn't answer. He pulled out a book in the piles he was reading. "Here," he said simply before smirking. "Well, it's better to get started with what you're going to do, right?"
"Pranks and Jokes for Monkeys," Tsuna wanted to bang his head or hit the taller boy, forgetting the oddness a while ago. "I told you that I'm not doing it! And what's with the book? You're not taking me seriously!"
Seriously, he had forgotten how much the ex-Guardian liked to tease him. It really shouldn't surprise him if the other would be using his magic to create more chaos. 'Oh Kami,' he suddenly thought. 'I forgot that we have magic now! I'm terrified of what this guy could do now!'
"Want me to help you then?" Blaise leaned closer to the other, his hand childishly waving his wand. Two colored-eyes flashed with mischievousness. "I can show you stuffs that I learned here...maybe I would show you an illusion, too."
Shivering in fear, Harry backed away, "No way! Your illusions are always the worst, Rated A for Adults only!"
"So you'll do it instead?" the other's smirked widened when he replied without thinking, "Yes!"
"Kufufu, then, I'll be looking forward to it~"
Tsuna paled as the realization hit him. He wondered why he was always surrounded with sadists and how he would be able to do the prank. "Can I please back down?" he tried asking.
"Okay," he was about to sigh in relief when Mukuro continued still with the same smirk. "If you can stomach my most favorite illusion."
'And I thought that I was freed from Reborn's ridiculous demands...If I didn't know any better, I'd think this was Reborn, not Mukuro!'
It took him a while to notice how it was quiet. Usually, the other boy wouldn't stop unless he cried. He watched unblinkingly when the former Mist Guardian set strange smiles to some students, who he now had seen in the library, whispering among themselves.
His emerald eyes turned honey-brown. His intuition flared a little, telling him that whatever they were talking about was something he wouldn't like. He frowned slightly, seeing that their focus was more on his companion, 'Aren't they Ravenclaw students? Then, why Mukuro?'
He was about to comment when the dark wizard opened his mouth first, "Anyway, isn't it dinner already? Kufufu, I'm so hungry that I might eat you, Usagi-chan. I can just imagine how Xanxus will be so close into killing someone~"
'He's changing topic? Now, that I think about it...he also changed topic about his name,' he narrowed his now orange eyes. 'Why?'
He sighed, wishing that his other Mist Guardian was here. She would be the person Mukuro trusted the most. He was seriously having insecurity problems due to being de-aged into an eleven-year-old boy. He briefly feared what other changes would occur before shaking his head. He decided to worry all about it tomorrow.
He was getting hungry and the other didn't want to talk about his strangeness that day. They left the library and went to the Hall. He sighed again when he sat next to Enma, who was already eating.
"Did something happened?" the red-haired wizard asked with concern. "Are you still concerned about the prank war that Mukuro suggested?"
"Something like that," the raven head didn't elaborate, thinking that it would be worse if he mentioned anything about Mukuro. "I still don't want to prank anyone. I mean, I don't want to humiliate or hurt anyone. It feels like I would be like those bullies who made fun of Dame-Tsuna."
It wasn't like it was that impossible for him to prank someone. In all honesty, it had to do with his previous as Sawada Tsunayoshi. He didn't know if it was because of being back as a child again but he was remembering forgotten memories he tried so hard to bury.
Before he had met Reborn and had formed his own family, he was simply Dame-Tsuna. He didn't understand it back then nor did he dwell on them too much but other children had liked play pranks on him. He never told anyone and his mother didn't want to relieve the memory. The pranks came to a point where he had almost died.*
His tutor might have known it so he was unusually being kind to the brunet every time he messed up and screamed at night. He only remembered it faintly but the fear was always with him. It wasn't his usual fear of everything like his neighbor's chihuahua.
His mind played the memory of a distant past where other children asked the little him to play with them as the sun was setting. He was innocent back then and didn't think of the danger in being outside at night. They had suggested of playing hide-and-seek and at that time, Tsuna was far too happy about finally being called for a game to question.
Suffocated and terrified, he could just feel himself feeling them and could imagine his child self waiting for someone to find him despite his fears. Darkness surrounded around him and he couldn't tell what time it was. He could no longer hear or see any form of life other than himself.
Something moved around the bushes and he heard an inhuman growl. Waiting out there in the dark was the scariest moments of his life. His encounter and involvement with mafia didn't even catch close to it.
He had closed his eyes in fear, that much he could remember and then, the feeling of a ghost hand touch caused him to hit the road and run desperately away from whoever or whatever it was. His eyes, still shut close, felt the breeze of the wind and it almost calmed him down. Keyword: almost.
His fear didn't let him rest. It forced him to keep on running and blocked the intuition of his, which told him to stop and look around. The warning of danger was lost in the drowning emotion and the next thing he knew, he was falling from a deep cliff somewhere in the forest.
He was only lucky for a person had wandered in the place he had fallen and he got saved. However, the damage was done. He had lost most of his innocent and he grew pessimistic about everything, especially his nickname. Fortunately, he had his mother with him and he was able to move on though nightmares still haunted him here and there.
They had stopped immediately with Reborn coming into his life and that was what he had most appreciated about the ex-Arcobaleno and his sudden arrival.
"You can use it to celebrate something...," the red-haired muttered, snapping the former Sky in his dazed and took a bit of his food. "I heard that your father actually used his pranks to court your mother and that he and his friends created a group, which never failed to do the greatest prank in their time."
"Coming from those two, it must mean that truth and that they were impressed," Tsuna didn't know what to think about that. He never liked prank. They still left a bad taste in his mind. "I never pegged Lal-san and Colonello to be fans of pranks. Maybe Colonello but..."
He paused a minute before frowning bemusedly, "I still can't get over the fact that your parents are Lal-san and Colonello. I know that Mukurowl had gotten the letter and gave it to me but it still really shocking."*
Enma's mouth twitched in visible amusement. "Even I can't believe it...they don't act like they're a couple. They seem to be the same as before," he commented. "It's a little awkward when I first realized that they were reincarnated as well but it was a relief, too, since I wouldn't lie if I had acted differently."
"I guess that's true," the Potter finalized before getting back to topic. His emerald eyes got a glimpse of Ravenclaws glaring at Mukuro and Slytherines backing away from Xanxus at the corner. "If I'm going to do a prank to celebrate, what's the occasion?"
"It is September, after all," the answer was spoken so softly that he had thought that he had imagined it but the wistful eyes of his friend let him know that he truly had heard of it. "I think that next Monday seems to be a little coincident, too. Maybe Mukuro planned it?"
"I see," the face of the Wizard World's savior turned to the face of a reincarnated mafia boss. The caramel hues hidden by blackness, he tried to keep himself from changing his appearance. He would stay as the child he was in front of everyone but in his heart, he would cry for his friends. "It's his birthday, isn't it?"
It wasn't like Tsuna had forgotten that he was reincarnated to a new life now. It was far from the truth but he had gotten used to being with his past friends and he had found most of his friends, too, so he might have been a little caught off guard when he realized that the person, who he thought he would see first among any other, was still not with him.
Somehow, his mind had thought that Fred Weasley was actually reincarnated to that person because Takeshi and that person were always together. The three of them had gone through many situations and danger that it was natural to be together. However, it wasn't the case and it pained him even more now that he realized that the other still wasn't with them.
'This is selfishness and impatient on my part,' because in truth, the ex-Sawada was still waiting to be awaken up from this dream, where everything wasn't real and that they were still all alive.
"Are you okay?" the uncertainty in the question made him guiltily happy because of the familiarity. He supposed that he still wasn't used to Enma being more confident than before or Xanxus and Mukuro being expressive than usual. A part of him still saw themselves for their previous life and not for their current life.
"It's nothing," the lie came more naturally than usual and he sadly realized that he seemed to be getting used to lying to other people, especially his friends. This was worse than keeping mafia a secret from Nana in his past life.
He paused for a second before inwardly frowning, 'And I'm back to thinking of the past again. I need to stop. I have my life as Harry Potter now and the others have their own life, too. I can't keep on looking selfishly at our previous life.'
"I wonder if it's okay to celebrate his birthday when I don't know if it's the same date now," he sighed heavily.
The red-haired Hufflepuff bit his lip nervously. "In your previous years, do you really not celebrate celebrate our old birthdays?" he asked, trying to be casual about the topic. It had always been a sensitive thought for him but he never had the courage to ask if it was okay to keep on celebrating two birthdays. Even with how Lal and Colonello took care of him, he still had moments of doubt.
Anything about their previous lives was that moment and he could tell that his parents didn't also know what to make out of their previous lives. To forget or to remember, it was always a question in the back of their minds.
"To be honest, I still celebrate them," Tsuna gave an odd smile. It was hard to do just that as he didn't have the money to do anything grand and the Dursley wouldn't help him but he felt that he needed to do it for his friends. He was able to make it a point to always have a present whenever it was his friend's birthdays. "It's not normal, isn't it?"
Silence thickened around the two and before the Potter could apologize for saying something strange, the unusual Longbottom glanced at him with determination and resolve and answered, "It's normal. It's not strange or pathetic. It's normal to do it."
'Because it's precious to us,' was left unsaid but the message was clearly sent to the Golden Boy. Tsuna was just glad to have his friend's support him and be with him, past or present.
Until the end of the day, the other students, especially the Hufflepuffs, wondered why there was a tranquil smile on the young boy and another rumor sailed out of the hour.
"I wasn't expecting you to willingly come to me so early," the heterochromic-eyed Blaise commented lightly though his glance was as sharp as ever. His lip curved up into a dangerous smirk. "Kufufu, are you willing to let me possess you now? Or do you miss me, Vongola?"
He watched the faint blush that appeared to Tsuna and felt like he had accomplished something already. It was always fun to tease the younger boy, more so in the past. It really just made his day.
"N-no!" the rather childish retort made his smirk widen and he almost let out a chuckle. Seeing the other like this caused him to remember their past. It was always the calming memories. "I just want to talk about the prank thing..."
"Oya?" he raised an eyebrow, staring intently at the smaller boy. It was a strange thing. He had thought that it would take until two or three days before the other would change his mind. He was pleased by the suddenness though the reason made him curious. "Having a change of heart?"
"Enma talked to me about it."
Mukuro held back the urge to frown at the name. It oddly irritated him to know that the two of them were getting closer with each other. He let a mask fall into place and continued the conversation like nothing was wrong, "So the fanboy did, eh? Then, why are seeking me, oh Boy-Who-Lived?"
His aggravated feeling disappeared at the frown of the black-haired wizard. 'Better him be annoyed than me,' he thought gleefully. 'Being called Boy-Who-Lived seems to always make him annoyed. He must really hate the title.'
'...or he disliked my nickname for that red-head,' he added with slight annoyance. Why the brunet had even befriended the pushy, he would never understand. Same could be said with Xanxus.
Speaking of the ex-Varia Boss, the dark Ravenclaw had noticed that the other seemed to be interested about a strange girl in his House. Actually, he also found that girl strangely familiar. He supposed that she might be another reincarnated child. *
His stomach twisted at the thought of another person in their past, 'Not another one...'
"-Mukuro, are you listening to me?" his two-colored eyes clashed with the familiar brown and he felt himself relax again. It just made him sick how the other seemed to be unknowingly calming him and breaking his thoughts before they became bad. He never understood what made this child change him.
"Of course, I am," he lied at the tip of his mouth and guessed what the other had said. "You want my help in pranking, right?"
The Potter pouted and his two colored-eyes were always drawn by how innocent the other had looked like. It's as if this person was truly Harry and not Tsuna. "Yes but I also told you to stop with the nicknames... They're not nice," he heard the other say.
"So what will you do to convince me to help you?" he ignored the last statement and broadened his smirk at the paling skin. "Kufufu, what do you have planned out in the first place?"
For most place, Tsuna was already regretting his decision to confront Mukuro. This guy was a sadist for Kami's sake. The whole thing would go down in disaster.
"Do you think it's considered as a prank if I change everyone's clothes into something musical theme or U.M.A. themes then cause flying piano to appear and play itself?"
Well, since he had already gone to the illusionist, he might as well get on with his plan. Yeah, operation prank to celebrate a birthday was on the go! It would be nice, too. Celebrating with everyone had the hint of nostalgia in them. Enma even mentioned about giving his present a score and promised to bring a camera for the memories. Xanxus also gave his approval. He didn't ask Yamamoto since they were the rivals so the Italian was the last one to tell.
Mukuro gave him a blank glance before he uttered in unusual disbelief. Guess, even he could not contain his surprise at the ex-Decimo's plans. "Are you serious?"
There were actually many things that's wrong here. For one thing, it should be Mukuro, who had crazy ideas and imagination and the second, they never really learned any spells that could make the plan work, meaning they're wringing it.
"Dead serious, Mukuro," Tsuna deadpanned.
They needed help. Luckily, they found Cedric, who took one look at Tsuna and helped out. Unfortunately, the spells they required to use were all senior spells.
"Sorry, Harry," the older student offered a weak smile at the disheartened Boy-Who-Lived. The image definitely looked a kicked puppy, which just increased the guilt he felt. "I couldn't be of help to you two."
The black-haired boy shook his head and smiled kindly in return. The smile rendered Cedric to freeze, seeing flowers on the background. "It's fine. I actually wanted to thank you for trying to help out. I know you're busy with your own work," he said honestly and he wondered briefly why his friends were snickering at the corner and why the older boy seemed to be stiff.
"What was that?" the Hufflepuff couldn't help but ask and Enma took pity on him. The Tsuna-effect was not something the ex-Simon wanted for anyone, even an enemy. Still, it did interest him that Tsuna could still attract people like the Sky he was. The infamous wizard did still use his intuition so maybe it wasn't all that surprising.
The red-haired student lightly gestured Tsuna to move on, commenting, "You should go for the Plan B now. Blaise is not a patient person, Tsuna."
"Huh? Oh," said boy blushed a little, forgetting that he was making his ex-Mist Guardian wait and it might not be a good thing for him. He paled dramatically, "Right! You're exactly right, Neville! I'm going now. Thanks again, Cedric!"
The two Hufflepuff watched their smaller dorm mate walked away in an awkward atmosphere. Cedric briefly realized that this was the first time he was left alone with the red-haired Hufflepuff before. Usually, Harry was with his other three friends that no one had been able to come near.
"Sorry about that," the neutral wizard started sheepishly, breaking the silence. "Harry doesn't know the effects he had to other people when he smiles like that. Don't worry. You're not the only one that got shocked at the Sky* Effect. Harry attracts and accepts people of all kind like a big sky."
He smiles softly at the thought of his dear friend, "Even though I tried to hurt him and his friends once, he still wanted to be friends with me. Same with Blaise and Draco... They were enemies but now, look at them."
Cedric almost didn't believe that their relationship was like that at some point but then, he found himself unable to deny it when the younger boy showed much conviction and guilt at his words. 'Well, if that was true,' he couldn't help but think. 'Then, Harry is either really foolish or just plain forgiving. But I guess that I can relate to this guy...Harry does have an effect to me."
The realization hit him hard that this was why this group of first years was so close to each other despite the house rivalry.
"It's a wonder how young he is with that charisma," he finally said, nodding absentmindedly. "I can see how he fits well with the House of Loyalty. Still, he seems pretty courageous, too since he did become friends with a Snake."
Neville chuckled lightly, "Considering his other friends, Draco is not that bad. I think Byakuran was the worst, actually."
"Someone beat that violent Malfoy with guns?!"
Now, that was a scary thought. He would definitely be looking out for someone with that name if he ever planned to be friends with Harry. It was better safe than sorry. Wait…
Cedric frowned and looked straight at the other Hufflepuff with a serious face, making the latter raised an eyebrow, "Is there a cure to the Sky Effect? I think that the effect is worsening…"
"Nope," the smaller boy answered, not guilty at his honesty. "You could either try to stop it from becoming stronger by avoiding Harry or you could just go with the flow."
"I can't really leave Harry alone since I'm one of his upperclassman. It's against my conscience to not help people like him," the older student sighed but there was a slight fondness in his eyes that the red-haired boy didn't comment. "Guess I'll be going with the flow. At the very least, I already consider him as a friend."
Enma tried very hard not to say anything. He really did.
"You're actually lucky that you didn't get affected by Draco's Sky Effect, you know?"
But the temptation was really high. The horrified look of the other's face was just priceless. It seemed like he had inherited his parent's look for pranks as well.*
Plan B was actually just using illusions to create an image where everyone was dressed into musical or U.M.A. themes. They weren't exactly real but it was better than nothing. As for the piano thing, Tsuna decided to use a music player instead.
Mukuro was sulking-though he wouldn't admit it-that the prank wasn't that humiliating and embarrassing. The ex-Sawada had a feeling that the other wanted to take a picture of him, Xanxus and Enma for blackmail. Tsuna as Harry actually was agreeing to the Italian boy that the prank lacked the mockery.
He sighed heavily, resigning to his fate to be a prankster, "Okay, we'll add something else. Happy?"
"Leave that to me. Kufufufu," the taller student smirked devilishly.
The black-haired boy shivered at that. This was really a bad idea from the start.
There was the slight pain in his lightning scar again. Every time, he had Defense with the Ravenclaws, Tsuna felt ill. Professor Quirrell didn't seem to do anything but mess up his lessons yet his intuition deemed the other as someone dangerous…or at least, a part of the other could hurt him.*
Enma questioned about his health, already noticing the distress whenever their professor came near them while Mukuro noticed the redness of the other's eyes whenever he was close. The three didn't really tell Xanxus for reasons that harming a professor could get the ex-Varia expelled.
The Malfoy was really the talk-later kind of guy.
"Did you find out anything, Blaise?" the red-head asked, keeping an eye out for any eyedroppers. He already spotted three curious Ravenclaws trying to hear their conversation. He switched to Japanese. "You did say that the man seemed to have two souls in him."
"I'm pretty sure the guy's possessed," the boy in question answered in Italian, frowning in displeasure at his lack of knowledge. "The question is who's possessing him."
Harry raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't the question be what he wanted and why I'm feeling pain?" he joined the discussion, speaking in Japanese, as the pain lessened.
"We can get the answer to those two after we find out the identity of the other soul. Do you have any-" Neville was interrupted by their professor's stutter. "P-please t-try t-to pay a-attention, P-potter, L-longbottom and Z-zabini."
"I'm sorry, professor!" the Boy-Who-Lived immediately apologized with a sincere smile, ignoring the throbbing pain in his scar. "I promise to pay attention more."
The Neutral and Dark wizard exchanged glances despite their mutual dislike to each other before both frowning in disapproval. They didn't stop frowning until it was dinner time. Tsuna merely gave them small smiles of reassurance that did nothing to ease their mood.
"Don't push yourself, Harry," the ex-Simon finally voiced out, careful to not let anyone be curious of their talk. "I know that you're already practicing to do your prank for Monday. You also try not to look sick every Defense Class when your scar hurts. Your body is different from before. Relax once in a while and let us help."
The black-haired student stared for a moment before smiling in apology, "Sorry. It's just taking a while for me to remember that I have you guys now."
"Did something happen?" the two reincarnated children froze at the sudden voice but relaxed when it was just Cedric. "You two look like you're having a serious conversation."
Neville thought of it for a second before nodding to the confusion of the other Hufflepuffs. "Harry's scar hurts whenever we have Defense," he answered truthfully, fully aware of the risks of a rumor to start up if the older student told someone. "We'd appreciate if you don't tell anyone."
Not hesitating, the taller student agreed with ease. He had already guessed that this was a moment of trust considering Harry's status in school and he wouldn't betray the boy. He was not a Hufflepuff for show, after all.
"Do you want Harry to talk to Madam Pomfrey about it?" Cedric suggested. "I'm not sure if it counts but there are some scars inflicted by powerful spells that cause continuous harm as far as I know. I heard that your scar was hit by You-Know-Who so maybe you should let a healer check it out?"
"That's a good idea but we're trying not to let many know about this," the red-haired Hufflepuff frowned. "Rumors might start and Draco might find out as well."
"Madam Pomfrey can keep a secret," the senior assured before blinking as the last part progressed to his mind. "And why is it a bad thing if Malfoy find out? Why didn't he even know from the start?"
Enma deadpanned bluntly, "He would have tried to kill our Defense Professor and would have get expelled for trying or succeeding. Harry didn't want that so it's unspoken rule to not say anything to Draco."
"Neville!" Harry was horrified at the bluntness even if it was true. Cedric did not need the mental image. Was this the effect of having Lal and Colonello as someone's parents?
Said boy blinked in confusion. "Oh, sorry," he smiled sheepishly, scratching his head. "Forget what I said. It'll really just be a bad thing if Draco knows the truth."
"I'll keep that in mind," Cedric could only say.
Astronomy was not worth staying in the middle of the night. Harry wanted to point out and many of his friends agreed hundred percent. Draco had even been growling at anyone in sight and used the smaller boy as personal teddy bear from the start with Blaise and Neville staying close. At least, they only had one section for that class.
The next day, Flying was the best subject for Xanxus and Tsuna. It was the worst for Enma though. Mukuro couldn't stop chuckling at the three finding the situation so ironic. Tsuna also was granted a spot for the Quidditch next year.
The blond Malfoy was not amused. "Keep laughing and I'll fucking shoot you, pervert trash!" he snarled angrily, touching the hidden guns in his pocket. The black-haired boy was horrified to know that he still had more guns.
The red-haired wizard watched his friends with fond smile. It really was no dull moment for the Vongola Family even with some other members still not yet found.
"Wait, Harry!" a familiar voice called out the smallest boy, interrupting the fight that was about to happen. Ron stood awkwardly, waving at the group. "I wanted to apologize for avoiding you until now."
"I heard that you were going to have a prank war with my brothers and I wanted to warn you that they're pretty nasty with their pranks," he continued, his face slightly red. "I know I was not a very good friend when I started to avoid you when school started but well…erm…"
Harry smiled brightly, "No, it's fine! I'm glad that you apologize. That's all that matters."
"Wait, I fucking mind," Draco glared at the now scared boy. "You trash will have to do many things before I fucking let you be with the mini-trash! Fucking understand, trash?"
"Yes, sir!"
Normally, as a Weasley, Ron had this huge hatred to the Malfoy family but considering it was the Draco Malfoy, who had guns with him, the red-haired Gryffindor was not stupid enough to ask for a fight that he wouldn't win.
Tsuna slapped his face. "Really, Xanxus is a sadist," he said with a tired voice. "What Ron did was at least less painful than what he did to me."*
Dumbledore observed the small Potter as he studied in Hogwarts. The boy had grown from the tiny baby he had held in his hands and every time, the old wizard looked at those emerald orbs, he felt intense guilt. This was the boy he had been hoping to sacrifice to defeat Voldemort.
Such an innocent and charismatic boy. It was beginning to be harder to carry the burden of his actions.
"You should rethink your decision," the hat voice out. "I've seen many things about that boy and I can honestly say that he doesn't need you making a sacrifice out of him."
"It's for the greater good, Alastor."
"Are you really that desperate that you put all the fate on that child's hand?" Alastor sounded disappointed and there a hint of wisdom in his words. "That boy has many allies that would die to protect him, my friend. They wouldn't care about anything than keeping that boy alive. You'll regret your decision."
'I'm already regretting my decision,' the Light wizard's eyes said but no words came out from his mouth except for, "It's already too late to stop, Alastor."
Dumbledore gave a sad sad sad smile.*
Jade-chan: I think this chapter fails... Ugh, I don't like how it was went and so many OOCness (Must be because I like fluff and comedy more). And I was super late! (Forgive me, my dear readers! I have a writer's block and my laptop broke...I still have no replacement and I couldn't get my files...and I finally got a new laptop just this June 5 and let me tell you. It's a freaking lot wait. Almost three months! Still, I lost my files all of forgive me if I'm making it seem strange. I can't remember the plot I had before.)
*1: Fred will be having issues with this because they're twins. I think that he'll be angry when his other half isn't saying anything about him and keeping him in the dark. He'll be OOC a little and may not like Tsuna and the others because of it. Reincarnation isn't that good so we're having issues like this.
*2: Okay, so here's the thing. Yamamoto is in his thirties then he was back to being a baby and aged normally again. He'll be having some changes in personality and stuffs. He has mixture of Takeshi and George but then, it messed up and he's having insecurities plus you can't blame the guy for being guilty. He had been lying to his family for years now and they lived in the same roof.
*3: Yes, even Mukuro has issues with the name. Like I said, reincarnation is not a good thing and some might say that it's curse. I think it'll even cause MPD or DID or something.
*4: I think that something like this happen because of the way canon Tsuna acted like there was no helping it and that he was always a Dame-Tsuna so I made a story. If it doesn't seem unlikely, I'm sorry.
*5: Yes, Neville's parents are Lal and Colonello (how do you guys spell his name? I can't find the right one) so it's the reason why Enma is slightly braver and stuffs and why they're healthy in this version and why they're neutral. And this is the first hint pairing. They are a couple but they don't usually show it and I seriously think that this pairing is canon (if it isn't established yet).
*6: Well, we have a Slytherin girl as a potential reincarnated child so what do you guys think? Who is she? And is she really a reincarnated child? Heck, I don't even know myself. Ugh, why did I have to lose my files? I had a plan already, too! (The plan is actually lost now since my old laptop broke and I couldn't get the plan…I'm rethinking the whole palan.)
*7: Sky Effect is technically Tsuna Effect but Cedric doesn't know Tsuna so Enma's improvising. And yeah, all Skies actually have this effect in my headcannon. Tsuna's effect is just more powerful than most that he could even attract other Skies and leaders like Xanxus, Enma, Byakuran, etc.
*8: Ahem, so Cedric might not be a reincarnated child but he's gonna be a supporting character or side character. It just so happens that Tsuna Effect is high on him already even though it's only like three or four days. Having an older student as your friend is actually a good thing for Tsuna considering what kind of life Harry has. Still, Cedric might only talk with the saner KHR casts like Tsuna and Enma since well…Xanxus and Blaise are not really good for anyone's health. Yamamoto is still pending. Also, Enma pranking…it's also gonna be a thing, same with Tsuna pranking.
*9: So about the many quick change scenes…well, I decided to combine both HP and KHR arc rather than doing one after another. It means longer chapter but might get confusing a little. This chapter actually focused on how I made Cedric a part of Harry's group plus the whole pranking thing. Originally, I was putting Cedric later but like I mentioned, I lost my previous plot so I'm changing it.
*10: Ron's not so successful apology. He should have waited for Harry to be alone. Anyway, I won't be adding him to Harry's group for now. I don't think that I should yet plus I want to know what people think about adding him.
*11: I think that I was supposed to write the prank, too but I figured that this was enough already. We saw all the subjects by now! Also, yeah, Dumbledore…still, wondering how to write him. I already decided to make him like a good character that just made bad choices. I hope people don't hate him much. I'm trying not to bash him here! And the hat doesn't have a name as far as I know. I just used the first name that popped. Say hello to Alastor! He'll probably appear again.