Honestly the more and more I watch the hundred the more and more I think Abby and Kane had a past of some sort or the actors are just that good Which they are.)

I may have not been nice to Finn in this chapter so sorry? He's not my favorite character soo yeah...

They had a plan, but not enough people. They would have to make do with the six of them. It should have been five, but one of them was too stubborn.

Clark walked around and she found both Bellamy and Finn together, but they were closely guarded. She wondered who's doing that was, her mother's or Kane. They had already proven themselves, but more than likely the adults wouldn't take the chance of them wandering around alone. They were criminals after all, even if it was only for small crimes they has committed back on the ark. These adults would never trust most of them ever again. They were painted with the color of mistrust for the rest of the time at this camp

Clark didn't waste any time. She was ready to leave, and she knew all she had to say to these two was her suggestion to leave and they would leave, or so she thought. "We need to get back out there. You boys ready?"

Finn looked her straight in the eyes, "You don't have a plan, Clark."

She shrugged, "Since when have we had one?"

"Since the mountain base you were on is full of one thousand or more people."

"So was the ark."

"But we weren't under a mountain complex, we were in space." He was confused, what were they even arguing about at this point? He didn't think he would be able to get through to Clark either.

"I don't see much of a difference; it's a confined space, just like the ark."

They were interrupted by somebody who should have still been under medical service. They hadn't even heard him come up. "From what you said, that's the easy part, but from what I've heard is Mountain Complex was larger than the ark. We still have some ground to cover."

She didn't want to talk about any sort of plan with this man around, so she was going to change the subject. She couldn't trust him, not unless she had reason to, "So my mother released you?"

"Not willingly, no, but once she found minimal cause she let me go."

She glared, "you were in bad shape, so whatever my mother said, you should listen to… and you snuck out."

He didn't try to hide the fact that she was right, "Which means she will probably be here in five minutes, so if you have a plan, please let me know."

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to face the wrath of my mother. Especially since you are in bad shape."

He raised an eyebrow, "I'm not afraid of your mother, I think that is clear on both ends."

Clark was curious, she knew her mother and Kane never got along, but she knew he would drop arguments from time to time on the ark because both their arguments always went too far. Now she was curious about what had happened on the ground and the last few weeks on the ark, but she wouldn't ask anything about it for now. "Yes, but I am, so go back to the medical section or something."

"Do you really think you can take a whole mountain complex with only three of you?"

Bellamy spoke up, but he went unnoticed, "Four."

"I don't think you'll spare any men, we all know you Kane. The people are more important than(?) the rest of the hundred." Clark said

"I am not the one in charge, your mother is. And if she has kept the same rotation of guards, then a few can be spared, but her initial thinking and concern should be on the camp."

A familiar female voice spoke behind them, and they all realized they needed to keep a better eye on their surroundings. "So now I'm being spoken for. You both should be resting, not coming up with some type of plans that can be taken care of in the morning."

She glanced at her mom, "Sorry, it can't wait."

Her mother crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. She did expect some type of defiance eventually, but not this early, "If you want to be in the closest form of good shape then you need to rest."

"I don't think you understand the importance." Clark's voice started to get louder with each word. For all they knew their friend's lives were on the line.

The three guys stepped back, they were unsure if it was wise to be in the same area as the mother and the daughter. "Clark, I do, but none of you have rested or have even let your wounds heal."

"Because there is no time. We need to get to them now."

"You told me what happened Clark. It seems as long as they don't get out of line," that was an obvious hint directed at Clark, "They will not do anything."

She started to nod, "How long do we wait then?"

"A day?" she looked at her daughter and knew just from the look on her face that she would not agree, "Twelve hours then, okay. And maybe we can figure out why they want all of you."

Clark lit up, "They were using the grounders' blood for some type of dialysis."

"That's a start." She looked around and knew the medial tent would still be empty so Abby suggested, "Why don't we go to medical and work out a plan?" It was a compromise so that they both would be happy.

The others nodded. They were relieved that the mother/daughter talk did not get explosive. They all needed to think logically about what they were going to do, and that might mean not going to Mount Weather First. A pit stop along the way may be necessary. They didn't have the grounders on their side, not yet, but if they succeed with this then maybe, just maybe, peace talks could start between the two settlements. However, the mountain people are an unknown at the moment, so regardless there could still be the possibility of war.

I hope this makes sense

So chapters probably will not come out this fast because I do want to get a chapter or two ahead before I post anymore, and I have two other fics that I need to do the same with. Anyways I don't think I have a good grasp on Abby unless she is going ballistic on Kane (I should post that now that I'm thinking about it) but hopefully I can eventually get to a good hold on the character. I think I want a beta reader for this if someone is up for it? Oh ALSO! I do have a plan for those italics at the beginning of both chapters but you'll just have to wait to see what I do with it.

MikkiANNE- What happened to Kane will be either at the end of ch 3 or the start of ch 4. I do plan on answering that. Also hey look theres another chapter. Thanks for reviewing.

Thanks for reading, let me know what you all think!

Edited 11/17

Wolf of Ebony and Ivory is still awesome, she puts up with my misplaced comas all the time and she has yet to throw something at me... successfully (her aim might be a bit off). She is the best so a BIG THANK YOU FRIEND!