A hook by any other name.

- Chapter 1 -

It was 9:30 pm on a windy Wednesday, In a small economical grocery shop of the highway. Its lights were flickering, dim, in the isles where a lone man was walking. He was flipping through cereal boxes, Finding the best one for value, when one stood out. It featured three animals in various positions, The giraffe was in a yellow plated cereal bowl of what looked like coco snaps and, The other two promoting the cereal with their mouths swung open as if they were shouting. Mike slowly chuckled to himself, Seeing this reminded him of his childhood.

His Mother would frequently bring him there for a treat when he was younger, as it was cheap, and money was always tight in Mikes household. Mike was always ecstatic whenever he went, and would always crowd around a tiny exhibition called Pirate cove. Pirate cove was Mikes favourite place, Full of fake coin piles and a small pirate ship. Mike as a kid, loved pirates so it wouldn't come as any surprise that his favourite animatronic was called Foxy. Mike adored foxy, he would frequently visit just to see the red fox and his show. The other three in the party just creeped mike out, Their soulless eyes and their monotone voices scared him. That was one day when Mikes mother took him, they found Pirate cove out of order, Mike went into a crying rage and his mother was asked to take him home. Never again Mikes mother took him near pirates cove, and eventually Mike forgot about it.

Mike snapped out of his memories, and continued to buy groceries before stopping of at the till in the front of the shop, He was greeted by a lady wearing a plastic grin on her face and let her bag his groceries for him. '' Anything else, sir?'' Said the lady enthusiastically, Mike shook his head as a reply and proceeded to put his credit card into the card reader.''Sorry sir, The card isn't working '' The woman's plastic smile was gone, instead lay a frown. Mike shook his head and proceeded only to buy a newspaper with some of his change in his pocket, Mike didn't know he was in such a financial crisis as he thought his savings could hold him out for a couple of years after he lost his job but sadly not and as the man walked home through the leaf covered pathways, he sat down at a small bench.

Mike had never had enough money anyway, but this time it was the worst yet, He proceeded to open the newspaper and flick through it, trying to find the page for jobs. Then mike found a job advert, ''' Family pizzeria looking for security guard to work the night shift. 12am to 6am. ''' Mike read out-loud. Sounds easy enough he thought, taking out a red pen just before circling the advert. Just before promising himself that he would contact later, He got off the wooden bench and started his long walk back to his apartment in the poor side of town. If he got this job, the pay would be lousy but it was better then nothing, Mike told himself before locking himself in his apartment. This was only the start of mikes journey.

Author note: Sorry if this is uh bad, My first Fan-fiction, so I hope you might excuse me if this turns out to be absolutely awful. This will be Foxy x Mike as it goes on, So if you don't like homosexual couples then this uh, fanfiction is not for you. If you have any advice for me, please say, I aim to try my best at making this. Anyway, Peace out. I hope you'll enjoy! ^.^