
Chapter Two: Five Years Later

Optima pulled up outside an abandoned factory, waiting for the other Autobots.

The small team of Autobots were investigating word of Decepticon activity in London, England and if they found the Decepticons then they were to kill them if they could.

A red Ferrari pulled up next to Optima and spoke in an Italian accent.

"Do you think the twins have been cleared for this?" Asked the Ferrari.

"Mirage, Mudflap and Skids may not be our best fighter but they are far from our worst, Remember when Cemetery Wind tried to attack NEST base during a press conference and the Twins shielded the Humans?" Replied Optima, transforming.

Mirage also transformed, coming a little taller than Optima.

"Yes, but they need to learn restraint in the field." Said Mirage, as Chromia, Flare Up and Elita 1 rolled up towards them.

Each had a different alt mode.

Flare Up was a maroon and orange Mercedes Benz.

Chromia was a Navy blue and black Bugatti Veyron, similar to Drift but slightly darker.

Elita 1 was a Red and rose Chevrolet Stingray.

All three of them transformed, Elita looked around before turning to her grand-daughter.

"Anything?" Asked Elita, looking at the two.

"No, grandmother, we arrived shortly before you did, we haven't seen anything." Reported Optima, turning to face the mentioned Femme.

Elita nodded before silently contacting Ironhide, before shaking her head.

"Perhaps it was all a hoax?" Suggested Mirage, just before rubbish truck shot out from where it was parked and burst into a cloud of Transformium and reconstructed itself into three Decepticons.

"Junkheap." Said Optima, staring at the man-made Decepticon.

The Decepticon just hissed before two of its components ran off away from the five Autobots and down a road, leaving the other one to deal with them.

The singular component ran at Optima but Mirage had shot its head off before it got close.

"Elita 1 to Ironhide, it is Junkheap, he's heading in your direction." Said Elita into her comm. Link.

"Yeah, Stinger has already dealt with one, Sideswipe is going after the other." Reported Ironhide.

"Sideswipe here, commander the 'Con's been neutralised." Optima heard Sideswiped voice.

Elita nodded and ordered everyone back to the plane they had arrived on.

The journey back to NEST base was silent, everyone doing something to entertain themselves, they were nearly there when the plane started to go in a different direction.

"What's going on?" Demanded Robert Epps, a member of NEST.

"We have orders to head to Detroit, Michigan, there have been some rumours of Autobots being there." Replied the Pilot.

"Why now?" Asked Epps, confused.

"Because more have arrived, on a massive ship." Replied the Pilot.

When they arrived over Detroit the pilot gave them the all clear to drive out of the plane, Optima immediately Transformed in her Chinook form and flew to where the ship was, the rest of the Autobots racing across the roads to the ship, the roads had been cleared for them to arrive.

Optima was shocked to see the entirety of NEST deployed, including Optimus and Sentinel, the older one, heading towards the ship.


Rodimus Major watched in shock as the Elite Guard ship landed in the middle of Detroit.

"Sir, did you send for the Elite Guard?" Asked Armourhide, looking at his commanding Officer.

"No I didn't Armourhide and I don't think it's a social call." Replied Rodimus, jumping from his perch on the bridge and transforming.

The rest of his team following, Red Alert, Hot Shot, Brawn, Bulkhead, Armourhide, Wasp, Silverwind and Prowl all raced towards the Steelhaven.

As soon as they arrived they saw SWAT teams and the Military surrounding the ship.

"Hold it, they're Autobots!" Cried Rodimus, rushing forwards to prevent the humans from attacking.

"This is Echo 55, we have secured the area we are ready for them." Said one soldier into a walkie talkie.

Rodimus was confused until he saw 26 vehicles coming towards them.

A Red and Blue Pickup sped towards them, hitting the barrier that separated the road from the path and transformed in to a Femme.

Many other followed her example and they all transformed as well, they didn't do anything until a large flame detailed semi pulled up and transformed.

This one stood taller than the rest of them and had a stern look on his face and an aura that commanded respect.

"My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, state your designation." Said the Flame detailed Mech.

Rodimus was about to answer when the ramp of the ship descended, revealing the forms of Ultra Magnus, Sentinel Major, First Aid and Ricochet.

Ultra Magnus surveyed the group in front of him.

"Ricochet, set up a force field to keep out the organics." Said Ultra Magnus, before looking over at the other group.

Optimus stepped forwards and made his presence known.

"That will not be necessary, Ultra Magnus, the humans are harmless." said Optimus, walking forwards.

Ultra Magnus's Optics widened when he saw the Autobot Supreme Commander.

"Frankly, Prime, I'm not going to take any chances, as I assume Optima filled you in about the reasons for her exile." Said Ultra Magnus, before walking back into the ship.

The Autobots followed him aboard, Sentinel tried to refuse Optima entry but allowed her when she drew one of her cannons.

After a quick shower they were standing in front of Ultra Magnus again.

"Sentinel Major, please escort this one off of my ship." Said Ultra Magnus, gesturing to Optima.

Sentinel Major was about to fulfil his orders when Sentinel Prime stood.

"Feeling lucky enough to take me on, youngling?" Said the Elder Prime.

Major quickly shook his head, while Ultima walked towards Magnus.

"Magnus, may I ask as of why our daughter was exiled and why you didn't bother to help when it mattered?" Asked Ultima in a cold tone.

"She violated the law and got a fellow cadet killed, how did you expect me to act?" Said Magnus, Angry.

"Magnus, she is your daughter, you should at least be willing to listen to hr side of the story." Said Ultima, furious.

Ultra Magnus ignored her in favour of Rodimus.

"Rodimus Major, as we have wasted enough time searching for you stragglers, we'll just take the All Spark and be on our way." Said Ultra Magnus.

"Right, yeah about that, the All Spark kind of, well-" Started Hot Shot, but Bulkhead cut him off.

"It blew up." Interrupted Bulkhead.

"IT WHAT?!" Yelled Ultra Magnus, Sentinel Major and Ricochet.

"Well, it more dispersed." Said Rodimus, trying to salvage the situation.

"So the All Spark was destroyed on your watch!" Exclaimed Sentinel Major, "you've made some big time blunders Rodimus but this one tops them all!"

"He's a slagging hero for keeping it from Megatron and the Decepticons!" Yelled Red Alert, angry at Majors accusation.

"Keep your trap shut, Femme, know your place!" Yelled Major, "We did a sweep of the entire planet, there are no Decepticons."

"That's because we kicked their sorry solenoids!" Yelled Silverwind, the small Femme pushing her way to the front.

"You really expect us to believe that a bunch of Glitch detailed flunkies could defeat Megatron?" Snapped Major, smirking.

"I'll give you points for creativity on your bogus story, Rodimus, but where your proof?" Said Sentinel Major, starting to walk in front of them, "Show me one shred of evidence that the All Spark wasn't destroyed on our watch."

"You have my word." Growled Rodimus.

"And we all know what that's worth don't we?" Snarled Sentinel Major, Sentinel Prime took 18 of the NEST Autobots back to base, leaving Optimus, Ultima, Ironhide, Ratchet, Hound, Bumblebee, Drift and Optima with the Elite Guard.

"Come on Boss Bot, Why don't you stand up for yourself?" Asked Bulkhead, looking at Rodimus.

"Because he knows his place." Smirked Sentinel.

"Then why don't I put you in yours?" Yelled Bulkhead charging at Sentinel, who dodged landing right in front of Optima.

Optima swung her leg out and grabbed Sentinel's shoulders and threw him to the ground before pulling out a sword that turned into one of her rotor blade and placing it against his neck.

"How about I cut that asteroid sized chin of yours off, make the universe a brighter place?" Snarled the Young Female Prime, before Drift restrained her.

Ultra Magnus lifted his hammer and slammed the hilt on the floor.

"Enough all of you! Optima get off of Sentinel, as much as I would like to see the chin go, I don't want a mess inside of Sigma Supreme! These are serious allegations and they will be investigated. Rodimus Major, show us where this supposed Decepticon Battle took place, your team shall remain with First Aid and Ricochet, Optimus same goes for yours, Optima and Ultima will be coming with us." Said Ultra Magnus, drawing a shocked look from Sentinel.

"But sir, she's still in exile, she can't come with us." Exclaimed Sentinel, jumping up.

"Then consider her Pardoned, I want the Aracha Seven incident re-evaluated as soon as possible." Said Ultra Magnus, walking toward the ramp, with Optimus, Ultima, Optima and Rodimus following.

A/N: the beginning of Ultra Magnus's redemption and next chapter Optima will run into Eltron, tears ahoy! Plus Sentinel Major and Rodimus flirting with Ultra Magnus's little girl :)