Author's Notes: I'm crazy to do this…. But oh well.


What would you do for a wish.

Not just any wish, but a nigh omnipotent wish that can with absolute certainty and without any strings attached grant any wish. Any.

For Issei Hyoudou, that wish would be to become a Harem King and be surrounded by beautiful and curvy maidens!

Or that was he would've wished. No he now knew he wouldn't make that wish.


Because he saw what others wanted to do with said wish.

One wanted to continue his natural life because it was being eroded by sickness. Another wanted to redo his life so he could avoid his past mistakes that made him a criminal and cost him his family. One wanted the world eternal peace, so a tragedy like the death of her mother and brother would never happen. One wanted his daughter back to life, a person who neglected her so much until it was too late. Siblings who wanted to be reborn in two unrelated families, so that they could pursue their love for each other without guilt. And more... more of them with wishes that were as heavy as the burden they carried.

How does he could compare that stupid wish for theirs? He couldn't of course.

As the idiot who only stumbled upon the battle for a chance at a miracle, he was ousted at his difference. He was only in that battle because of luck, not of need.

In truth in meeting those individuals, he didn't feel worthy... So why did he win?

Confused, the pervert wanted to relinquish his victory. But according to two people he became comrade in arms and the others who graciously bowed at their defeat... He deserved it.

"You may not have a proper wish Hyoudou-kun, but that does not mean you do not deserve victory." The swan told him.

"You fought because you wanted the wish. Then you fought because the wish was something that needed conviction. And finally you fought because everyone else was a screw up and needed help. You won because you were concerned Issei, even if the people were not girls of your type." The bat told him.

Still, what would he wished for? For everyone else's wishes to come true? No. Because in their battles, he was able to help them; and in the end enabled them to move on. Should he wish for the wish he knows he would wish? No. Because that was insulting to the others who fought.

And thus he held onto the wish. And the administrator of the battle let him. However he was left with a warning.

"Remember Hyoudou. Others will covet what you have, so watch your back." The phoenix warned.


Months have passed, and the idiot returned to his normal life. Acting like nothing ever happened, doing his best so no will notice. No one will notice of how wrong he acted, how forced it was... And how the thing in his hands weighed heavily in his feeble mind.

He was just a pervert and a lech, plain and simple. Something like an omnipotent wish was too much for a person like him. Nevertheless he held on to it, hoping that some day... some day that he will have a proper wish.

"Please go out with me!" Was the cute girl's words. At that moment Issei grinned a lecherous grin, at least on the outside. On the inside he was completely suspicious.

He didn't know how many knew of the hidden war he fought and won. Nor did he know of how many knew he was the victor, but he was cautious. Oh so very cautious...

Now, if his other two pervert friends stopped trying to beat him to a pulp.


The weekend was nice and the date was going well. He was beginning to think that his paranoia was getting the best of him, but held it in reserve. He will not judge until the day ended... And if he's lucky, he finally had a cute girlfriend... admittedly she had nothing on the swan though...

At the near end of the date, he got her to enjoy a lot of things and even got a suspicious leaflet... And now at the fountain, at the park he would see if his paranoia was nothing or that the fountain is where the police would find a mangled body of a girl.

He hope it was the former.

"Yes Yuuma?" He asked what exactly the cute girl wanted of him.

"Would you die for me?" She asked, this time in a more sinister voice. In that moment the petite cute girl became a voluptuous and stripperific woman with black wings. He hated it when he was right.

"Would you die for me?" She asked again this time in a sweet but dark tone, as she floated from the ground and prepared to strike.

"No." He said, causing the woman to frown then laugh.

"It's very amusing to think that you have a say at this." She said haughtily, only to frown more at the young man's smile.

"True. I do have one. It was a mistake of you to try and kill me here." The pervert said confidently, angering her more. She was about to strike him down for his arrogance when the tingling started. An odd noise that she could pinpoint where it came, until she looked at the fountain and saw...

A red metal dragon coming out of the water's reflection and bit her before dragging her inside.

Issei grit his teeth, and drew out a familiar deck of cards and faced the reflective waters.
