"Pleased to meet ya." A plump boy with pink tinted cheeks said.

"THIS is your replacement? Aside from his hair, he looks nothing like you!" Diarmuid exclaimed.

"I may not look it, but I am definetly royal material." The plump blond boy who was meant to replace Gilgamesh said with a mouthful, munching on a turkey thigh.

"My father's sight is not in the best of shape. I guarantee, He will not even tell the difference."

"It's one thing if he doesn't look like you but his personality is entirely different. I am sure he's bound to tell the difference and that is why I must insist, Please think this through once more." dealing with the prince was taking years of his life. He wouldn't be surprised if one day he woke to find he had gray hair.

"Hey you! I am your king now, do not look down on me you pleb!"

Diarmuid's eyebrow twitched and Gilgamesh's laugh echoed in the marvel room.

"Amusing isn't he?"

"Who is he anyway?" The young general asked as he saw the boy barking out orders with a mouthful.

"He's the royal herbalists' son."

"My name is Kal, like it's meaning I am strong-" he said as he ravaged another turkey thigh with one bite.

"His name is Munzur." Gilgamesh corrected as his substitute rambled on.

"Like the medicinal herb?



The blond seemed amused contrary wise to the young general who seemed tired and unamused.

"And swift! There is no one more worthy than me to be a substitute for his highness. Ahahahahaha!" The substitute's voice echoed in the throne room.










Diarmuid and Gilgamesh met with the teen and his villager companions at the border of Babylon; They had been escorted by Diarmuid's own trusted unit. Currently,

Gilgamesh wore "Peasant clothes" and his hair was wrapped with a head scarf in order to cover his blond hair so that he would not be easily recognized. His blood red eyes still presented a problem but his hair was without a doubt a dead give away.

"I suppose I have not properly introduced myself, My name is Tilhar." The teen said and extended his hand. Diarmuid and Gilgamesh stared at his hand with raised eyebrows.

What a strange fellow..Gilgamesh thought.

The young peasant then quickly prostrated himself in one knee and cleared his throat.

Here we go again, Bloody Merlin I this as much as I hate you.

"Tilhad, why don't you show us to your quarters and tell us about this beast that plagues your waters."

"Certainly. please follow me."









"NO." Diarmuid said flatly.

"It's the only way to lure the beast out of the water." Tilhad argued and handed them a pair of wigs and women's clothes.

Diarmuid closed his eyes and clenched the articles of clothing almost tear stricken. He thought of saber. If he didn't slay the beast the people would rebel against the king and if that were to happen saber would witness a country in a chaos. If only for her then I can...curses.

"I did not join the military for this but if I must.."

"That's the spirit." Tilhad said with a grin and left the room.

Diarmuid quickly put on the get up on top of his military uniform and handed Gilgamesh his disguise.

"Well what are you waiting for?

"As I have said before, you have my utmost trust therefore, I leave it all in your capable hands."

"You wanted in now please put this on." He extended his arms with dead fish eyes.

"I refuse." He turned his head and crossed his leg Elegantly over the other and wrinkling his face in annoyance a moment later.

"Tch useless prince."

"Wait, What did yo- ha! Well played but I will not yield to your taunts." Gilgamesh said crossing his arms and closing his eyes.

"I take it back you and plant boy have the same personality. Fine, I shall slay the beast myself you just stay put." Sulking he left the room.














"Come here child so I can take a good look at you." The king extended his.

Munzur stood before the king and grasped the king's hand.

"You!" the old man's voice echoed loudly in the room.

Munzur panicked. Did he find me out?!

YOU...you've grown my son. Well and healthy I see." Said Lugalbanda as he felt the boy's plump hand.

The boy let out the a breathe of hair he'd been holding. Get a hold of yourself! You can do this! You were born for this!

"Yes,I have been training my king, not only to be fit the role of the future king but to follow after your footsteps and be the best warrior that ever lived. To that end I have been arduously training my body through scorching sun and storm."

"Well said Gilgamesh. You might have your mother's looks but you really do take after me. Become more powerful and grasp the world with your hands. Make me proud and accomplish what I could not.










Saber had entered the forest only to find Enki fast asleep with a horde of animals surrounding him. She smiled and felt a warmth in her chest.

"Just like a child"

It was then that his "Mother" appeared from behind a tree.

"Despite his looks he was born not long ago."

Now she understood why he had the energy of a toddler.

"But never mind that for now, Listen closely my child, Your brother is going into battle with a formidable beast. A weapon forged by humans is not enough to destroy it."

Saber felt a cold rush through her blood.

"Only an object fused with magic energy is enough to destroy it.

"Where would I get such a weapon?" She was already talking with a deer, "a god" supposedly. though she still wouldn't believe that for reasons only known to her but she could not refute the existence of magic being a possibility especially when Diarmuid was in danger.

"Now, his father had such a weapon, quickly remember a weapon he might have carried always without fail."

The thought how does she know father? crossed her mind momentarily before

Realization dawned on saber and a distant memory crossed her eyes.

Two spears, for as long as Diarmuid;s father had held them he had been victorious. It wasn't until that day, the day tragedy befell them that he had parted from them. She recalled him murmursomething before giving her an order.

"So..this is it huh?"

"listen well Take this and run, find shul and tell him it's time."

After his father had died and Diarmuid had refused to touch the spears saying sorrowfully that only it's rightful owner was allowed to carry them.

"Well...it was not one but two, without a doubt he carried them wherever he went. They were..The double spears."

"I know where they are." Upon his father's death Diarmuid had buried them in his father's grave but just before they left the village she had dug them out having recalled his father's last words.

"Come on! We must hurry." She mounted Aruru now Inhabiting a horse.

"Hold on tight." She did as she was told and the horse ran, powerful, and so fast tha soon as the horse had taken off everything around saber had become distorted. Nevertheless, she focused on the road ahead.

Just hold for a while longer shul, I'm coming.







Diarmuid tore the dress off and threw the wig whilst running furiously from the beast.

That guy...said this would work!








"It seems to have a like for women. Unlike the males, the women seem to be taken somewhere."

Diarmuid listened attentatively.

"Rescuing the women is our first priority. Therefore i've devised a plan. Because we have no female warriors there is but one option."

Somehow Diarmuid seemed to sense where this was going. Out of uneasiness he gave a gulp and glanced at Gilgamesh expecting to see him as uneasy as he was but he found he looked as calm as ever.

"If you dress as a female there's a chance it will take you to where all the women are hidden. Once you know the location you may reveal yourself to the beast and lure it away to battle.

He had refused reverently and if he'd known the plan wasn't going to work he might as well not have bothered with the embarrassing disguises.

The enormous creature had a porcupine like body and fur that begun from the back of it's nape and ended at the tip of his lizard like tail. As soon as it' saw him it bore his snake like fangs and tongue.

His advantage against the beast was speed. As the monster swung its tail at him furiously he'd dodged and attacked. He'd noticed, he'd timed how long it took before the beast could counter attack after its last attack. Yes the creature was big and that was his advantage. It was slow. It was almost too easy. Surely even a couple of villagers could defeat it? So how….

The creature gave a loud roar. At the sound Diarmuid quickly backed away, his question about to be answered as he saw the creature jump into the water. A few moments of eerie silence passed and he knew it was a bad sign.

This can't be good.

And he was correct, the creature emerged with lightning speed launching itself at him with it's mouth wide open baring it's fangs at him. it's intention to finish him in one bite.

Instinctively, he put all his strength and speed into his legs and jumped back. It was enough strength for a couple of feet but he knew.

Damn it...not enough-

He cursed at himself for making such a novice mistake: letting his guard down was his undoing.

He waited for the pain to come, the creature's fangs tearing his flesh but the image of a blond haired girl brought back his determination

No- not just yet. Not like this!

He grasped his spear tight and firmly and Just as he was ready to counter a blur of a figure blocked his view.

It was…


Her back stood radiantly before him slicing the beast's jaws with a spear and piercing an eye with another.

It was then that he recalled. Her brilliance in the field made his heart dance to an old forgotten rhythm and he stood astounded at her splendor once more. An old memory resurfacing, a memory that was not his yet not truly "his"

"It's not like you to stand gaping like an idiot, brother." Saver turned slightly and smirked.






Tilhar had been watching Diarmuid from afar and when he saw him in trouble he grabbed his sword ready to back him up but stopped in his tracks when a blond blur ran past him. His eyes widening and his body becoming paralyzed with shock. He couldn't believe his eyes, no it was impossible for that person to be here as well...after all that person was….DEAD and he was the one responsible. The one who had turned his back on that person. He had doomed that person and it was no better than sticking his sword through that person's chest. His doubts became greater as the blond slit through the monster's jaw with ease.

"You can not possibly be…"









"Take these."

The creature gave a loud roar and writhed in pain.

"Hurry we don't have much time."

He looked at the spears in his hands and averted his gaze.

"You know I can't. We've been over this before."

The beast swung its tail at them and they rolled away in opposite directions.

"Father would've wanted-"

"It doesn't matter, I can not-"

The creature kept swinging its tail aimlessly and and they kept dodging.

"You are being a child!"

"I do not need those those weapons to destroy it."

"Listen to me, this is no ordinary beast surely you've noticed that.."

Suddenly the creature stopped moving and they too stood in silence. They looked at eachother in question when the creature gave a loud screech. Its body grew larger and It bore its fangs now also twice the size they were before.

Diarmuid took the sword saber had been carrying on her back and charged at the beast. Swiftly, he dodged its deadly claws before stabbing its other eye. The beast now fully blinded cried out in agony.

"I told you, no sweat." He grinned at her.

As a child, saber recalled her brother had a bad habit on the battlefield. A habit that now as she ran to him she realized had not changed since then.

Whether it be bad or good, some things never changed.







Saber landed with a load thud on the dirt.

"I win." Diarmuid pointed his wooden sword. Saber huffed and tangled her feet on his legs. He grunted as he fell on his hind the situation now reversed.

"Do not let your guard down even when you think you've won."

Their father watched them in amusement and diarmuid could only blush from embarrassment.





"You fool!" Saber's body collided with his and they tumbled onto the ground.

"What was that fo-Uanna!"

"Are you alright?" She asked before groaning in pain.

"You idiot I should be the one asking that!"

"Shul..tell me...what is the real reason-?" Her back felt as if it had been set on fire but she refused to cry out. The pain had become so great she saw colorful spots before passing out in pain.

Diarmuid held her in his arms in shock, his whole body beginning to shake. "It's...my fault...I am the one to blame..when I am the one who must protect you."

The beast had spit acid that had begun to burn away at saber's back. He had no time to dwell in self pity as the beast's eyes had regenerated while it kept spitting acid continuously and aimlessly forcing Diarmuid to dodge with saber in his arms. He hid behind a large tree with a thick trunk and layed her down gently.

There was no time to dwell in the "if's"

If he had listen, if he had used the spears. He stood up, ran and dove for the spears and quickly unwrapped them from their had to kill it with one shot for her sake. There wasn't much time left, she needed to get her wound treated. But first, he had to lure it away from saber.

He charged at the beast once more avoiding it's acid attacks and tail as it thrashed around.

He slashed at the beast one, two, three times to no avail as the creature instantaneously regenerated. With speed he kept slashing desperately. Five, six, more than fifteen times he stroke the monster who kept regenerating at a faster rate each time.

"Child, why do you hesitate?" He heard an unknown female voice in his head.

"Do you not wish to protect her?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then what is holding you back?"

In that moment he recalled saber's words.

"Shul...tell me..what is the real reason?"

He knew what she meant. And she new that his real reason for not using the spears wasn't because he wanted to protect his father's memory.

He slashed at the monster furiously in frustration.

"But if i do that…"

If he spoke the words engraved in his soul it would mean he acknowledged he was "him" The man from his memory..Diarmuid and in doing so he might lose saber to that woman .

"If you chose to reject your power it is the same as letting her die. If you embrace it you can save her..Diarmuid or Shul..does it matter? The feeling of wanting to protect her is yours alone and that is all that matters."

"Haaaaaa!" He was drenched in sweat and began losing stamina as he kept fighting the monster.

"She is right...right now..the only thing that matters is saving her life and if it means throwing away my ego I shall gladly do so!"

And so he spoke the unknown yet familiar words that would curse him once more.

"Drill! Gáe Dearg! Gáe Buidhe!"

In an instant the beast fell. It did not get up nor did it's wounds heal. This time dead for good.

"Just..who are you?" He asked the foreign voice in his head but no reply came. He had many questions amongst them why had she helped him? but he decided to continue on, his priority, getting saber help.








He stood in front of the wounded girl as Diarmuid begun to fight with the beast once more. He watched her with torn feelings. He had begun to have doubts of the girl's identity. Yes, the martyr in her seemed to still shine bright but the King Arthur he knew wouldn't have been wounded so easily.

Surely this must be..HIS doing. And just when I thought I was finally free. He scoffed.

He saw the girl flutter her eyes open and try to get up only to flinch. "Shu-l..I have to-"

Saber tumbled back down and gave out a silent scream in pain. It was then that she saw a young man she'd never seen before. He was looking down at her with scorn. Something in her heart stirred and for reasons unknown to her the ache in her heart became greater than her physical pain.

"Why are you here too? Is this your way of punishing me for back then? Was it your idea...or his?"

He spoke and his shaking voice resonated in her head. She gave out a yelp and clenched her head as it begun to pound louder and stronger.

The blurry image of an excited young man chanting excitedly flashed through her eyes.

"Oh, sword of selection, chose me!"


She saw him again but this time he was older.

"Hey, when are you sleeping?"

"Worry not, my brother. I shall sleep from dawn until sun rises."







Her head was a jumbled mess but she managed to speak before passing out.

I feel as though I know you...from long ago...my mind can't remember but the pain in my heart tells me otherwise just...just...


He saw the girl pass out once more after asking him who he was. Which increased his doubts on the girl's true identity. If it was indeed King Arthur he wouldn't have asked who he was. On the other hand he didn't want to take a chance. If she really was king Arthur then...just the thought made his blood boil with scorn. Nevertheless, he rationalized; feelings aside right now there was only one way to find out and it was to save her life.

He carefully picked up the girl avoiding her back area and placed her unto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He could feel her blood drip onto his shoulder.

She is so light..it felt as if she could break any moment. But then it had always been that way. Instead she had broken them.

Sudden movement behind him startled his from his thoughts.

"Oh...it is you, good timing."









Diarmuid almost had a heart attack when he neared the tree where he'd left saber only to find the spot empty.

"He took her to get her wounds treated. That guy, Tilhar wanted me to tell you that."

"I see." He sighed in relief but he knew he couldn't relax just yet.

Gilgamesh did not know who the girl was to the general and he did not feel the need to ask but from the looks of it she was someone important. A lover perhaps? Not that it mattered but it did stir curiosity. The great general, having a weakness and that weakness being little girl.

"Hold on, what are you doing here prince? Didn't you stay behind?"

Gilgamesh looked at the scene around him with an aloof expression not surprised by the gory scene before him. There was a puddle of purple blood around the monster and his general was covered from head to toe in the purple goo.

"It took you longer than expected so I thought you might need help after all. I thought maybe the great general might have finally met his match."

Diarmuid grinned and it made Gilgamesh irritated for some reason

"So you were worried?"

"You speak nonsense. I simply came to make sure you did your job right. That is all but I guess you really could handle it on your own."

At the words he noted the crestfallen look on Diarmuid's face.







"She was reckless to jump in like that."

"That is true but-" He caressed saver's hair gently and continued. "It is only when she wants to protect something that she becomes reckless."

"Unselfish to a fault.. huh?" Tilhar murmured before looking away and sitting on the wooden chair next to the bed where saber laid on her stomach with medicinal herbs plastered on her back.

Diarmuid noticed eyes that looked past him, into another time and place. It almost made him uneasy. "I once knew someone like that, his unselfishness eventually became a curse for the people around him for he cast away his own happiness in order to protect others; but those who he bowed to protect ended up turning on him."

Diarmuid listened attentively and pushed away the growing anxiety in his heart as the boy spoke.

"Eventually his friends and even his family turned their backs on him."

Every muscle in Diarmuid's system screamed at him what his mind was trying to deny. More than anything he felt anger bubbling up inside him as kay continued his anecdote.

"He was left to fight and die alone. But well, I guess that was a fitting end for a foolish king who could not understand others." The Auburn haired boy said as he looked at the sleeping girl in front of him.

"You-you say he could not understand others and that is why he met that end but...Did his friends, his family ever tried to understand him? Did they turn their backs on him because he could not understand others or because they could not understand him?"

Kay finally looked up and not only did Diarmuid's grief stricken face but his words left him speechless. And he found himself thinking Did we ever? Diminished the thought.

Before he could respond the lady of the house walked in with Gilgamesh in tow carrying a new batch of herbs.

"What is it with this racket? We have a patient here, shooo,shoo. Out ya go."

Tilhar leaned on the cold stone wall and let himself plop down unto the dry dirt with a heavy sigh. He contemplated many things, things related to a certain golden haired knight.

Unbeknownst to him tears began rolling down his cheeks and when he finally realised he questioned it. There was no reason for tears, after the fall of King Arthur he lived the remainder of his life the way he wanted to, without restraints, without dying for an empty cause. He had money, he had women and most of all he had the freedom he always sought. At least he believed so but when he tried to remember his life after Arthur's fall his memories were a blur. Just bits and pieces. He was sure though so why? For what reason did his tears fall? The answer was simple something he denied. There was something hidden in the depths of his heart and mind something he would not admit for if he did his soul would be damned in the pits of despair. No they did not try to understand Arthur and that led to the fear they developed in their hearts. A fear that made them run away. But he would keep those thoughts tucked away in the pits of his soul.

He laughed. "I see I see, So this is my punishment! Merlin you bastard, why do I feel like you are the one behind all this."

He stood up and yelled at no one. "Cannot show your face huh? As expected of you, always with your schemes while hiding in the shadows!"

He began to laugh hysterically once more and roughly wiped away his tears with his sleeve. "Just watch me, I will not be part of the twisted plans you call "fate" I am not Arthur I am not your bloody puppet." yes, that foolish king might have fallen for it but he would not. And so he continued on his path trying to as much distance as he could from that Arthur look-a-like believing even now that maybe if he was far away he could forget the memories of the times he spend with the person he once cherished. The memories that would torment him until the end of time.





"Hey, when are you sleeping?"

"Worry not, my brother. I shall sleep from dawn until sun rises."

If she said so he'd believe her that's what he felt in his heart so he turned on his heel and begun to leave only to halt at the sound of her voice.

"Hey….I just…" He did not turn around because he knew if he did so she would not say what was on her mind. After all she was now a king.

"What I wanted to say was...for worrying about me...Thank you my brother...No...I should say

"Sir. Kay."





Merlin I might be a coward but you, you're scum. You didn't even realize your own feelings..

With that he continued on his long path to anywhere to nowhere.





"Keep an eye on e'r while I prepare a new batch will ya. This girl she's a strong one I can tell."

Without another word the elder woman exited.

Gilgamesh sat on the chair that Kay had previously occupied and looked at the sleeping girl. Everytime he laid his eyes on her he had a strange feeling. He didn't understand it and there was absolutely no reason why he should feel it when he'd just met the girl. No they hadn't even been formally introduced due to her temporary comatose state. So how was it that without having even spoken to her he felt it? He would not deny it and turn the other other cheek, after all, it was in his nature to embrace his every thought and feeling. But it scared him and exited him at the same time. Why did it excite him? Because It was the feeling of having found your favorite long lost toy. Why did it scare him? Because he had never had such dark feelings before.

He saw her golden brow knit in pain and heard her soft whimper mumbling something like "Forgive me" whilst a tear rolled down her cheek.

At the sight his eyes became like those of a predator. The eyes of a snake.

He wanted to see more...her face distorted in pain and that's what scared him the most.

Yes, This story is still much alive. I apologize for the long wait for those of you who haven't given up on this story. I've had this written for a while but I've had to deal with shit. Lost my job due to the place I worked for going bankrupt, almost became homeless (No Internet being one of the reasons for not uploading) depression and just life. I love this story and I always pour my heart onto it so I will go through with this until the end as long as I'm alive. If I don't update for two years then I guess that's a bad sign..but ehhh good news! I'm ahead on the writing because I jotted down everything when I could just needs typing so I shall upload soon. Thank you for your support! see you soon!