Okay so I know that last chapter was cruel ok I am sorry *nose grows*
oh, well, huh...
Truth is I thought about killing Hiro but didn't actually want to so I improvised. XD

(TigerNinja16: only the hospital bit where Hiro died was a dream. Fire was real!
lambtastic: LOL NOO I actually thought about that myself. I mean, what kind of doctor doesn't
TELL a loved one before they do something like that. But since it was a nightmare...)
NomomoCutieXD Thanks for the suggestion! I love constructive criticism. I put more detail into this one.)

Anyway. I hope this makes up for the last chapter.

There was a blinding, burning light right in front of his eyes.

A dozen people must've been pounding on his head, and Hiro was pretty sure they weren't supposed to be doing that.

Hello? Personal space?

He twisted around a little until he figured out where he was (or at least had a general idea).

Somewhere comfortable, probably a bed.

"He's waking up," announced an unfamiliar voice.

Congratulations on the assessment.

"That is one lucky kid," said another voice.

Another wonderful assessment.

"Wish I had a brother like that."

And then there was a pause.

"Well, actually I wish I had a brother."

What were they talking about?

Hiro tried to pry his eyes open.

"No kidding. The world needs more people like him."

Okay, what was going on. Brother?

Brother doing what for who?

It was officially confusion time.

Hiro Hamada managed, with the best effort possible, to open his eyes a crack.

He imagined he looked like someone who hadn't slept for a couple weeks, and was probably right.

The face of two unfamiliar doctor's greeted him.

One of you guys tell me in full detail what is going on because I am LOST.

But instead the words came out a lot different (and raspier) than he had imagined.


Where am I?"

"Judard's hospital," answered a tall doctor with combed brown hair.

"And you are one lucky young man."

Tadashi gasped for air in the darkness.

His chest felt constricted, and a weak hand shot up to press his heart.

It had all been a dream. A very bad dream.

But what was to say that he was not living in, yet again, a lie?

Even through the darkness the room was slightly visible.

It was, indeed, a hospital, as it had been in his dream.

Yet obvious reality seemed far less menacing than the one of his nightmare.

The man moved his fingers up and down, testing reality.

In his right leg there was a dull throbbing which penetrated even the gauze and ointment.

Yep, this was legit.

He flopped back into the pillows and stared at the ceiling.

There were so many questions that not one reached his head.

His heart was still pounding in his head and his stomach was tied in loose knots.

He had survived.

But...what about Hiro?

Tadashi frowned and chewed his lip anxiously without even noticing, until there was a small red mark.

Maybe there was, like, a phone where he could call a nurse or something. To his right he could vaguley see a small table, and noticed a lot of flowers.

Flowers, candy, a few cards, and...was that a toy plane?

He smiled to himself- leave it to his friends.

And that's when the door slowly open, illuminating the room with light from the hospitals hallway.

Tadashi elbowed himself up, ready to pound whoever it was with questions.

A tall doctor with pleasantly combed hair and a smiling expression entered. He smelled like soap, even from where he was standing.

"I can see you're finally awake."

Tadashi blinked. "How long was I out?"

"A day and a half, exactly."

The man took this information in, processed it, and then nodded slowly, sitting against his pillows. He felt a pool of dread in his stomach, tying up his intestines in knots.

Little anxious knots.

"How about my brother?" He finally asked, slowly looking up towards the doctor with a fearful expression.

"Well, that's why I came."

The doctor smiled.

"He's just woken up."

Tadashi felt a jerk of energy soar through his veins, and he lurched up in bed with wide eyes.

"Is he alright? Can I see him?"

The doctor put a hand up, mentally slowing Tadashi's eagerness down. "He's fine. His lungs are slightly swollen, and there are a few second degree burns. But nothing time and proper care won't mend."

Tadashi had never felt so relieved in his life.

Not even that time he'd found out he was accepted into his dream university compared to the happiness he felt at that moment he was told Hiro was fine.

He closed his eyes let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding.

"You'll have to wait till tomorrow to see him, however. He's still a little disoriented from the whole situation, so we'll play it safe and give him some time to rest and let it sink it."

Tadashi nodded. "Thank you."

And he meant it.

The doctor nodded in return. "You're injures are slightly more severe. Nothing deadly, but I'm afraid you'll have to be using crutches for a couple weeks. Your Aunt's got that taken care of already. She stopped by this morning."

He paused.

"That leg of yours had quite the time."

Tadashi glanced at his bandaged leg which he hadn't payed attention to before.

"Yeah...well, it WAS quite the time." He chuckled.

The doctor looked puzzled.

Or maybe it was admiration.

"Your brother is lucky to have you." He stated, to which Tadashi simply stared at him with surprise, searching for words.

"I"ll let you get some rest now."

Tadashi nodded, still surprised.

The doctor left and closed the door behind him.

Tadashi laid back down and closed his eyes, feeling himself smiling again.

He was alive. Hiro was alive. They'd survived.

And this summer they would do everything together to make up for it.