Oh Boy, two new chapters!
In the Beacon Academy Library, Team RWBY was playing an enthusiastic card game...like a bunch of Nerds!
"Yang Xio Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!" Ruby announced, as she pointed at her older sister.
Yang thrust her elbow down as she balled her fist. "Bring...it...On!" She announced with a determined grin.
Ruby stood up. "I deploy the Atleasian Air Fleet!" She announced, as she slammed her card down on the table. "Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursai and attack your walls directly!" She announced, with Yang feigning a look of surprise.
"Y-you fiend!" Yang gasped out.
Ruby ducked at the end of the table, as she poked only her eyes above the end. "And since Atlas is a part of Mantle, my repair time is only one turn!" She informed.
Yang giggled manically, as she stood up and raised her card. "That's some grade-A sneaking skills right there, Sis. But…You activated my Trap Card!" She announced, causing Ruby to recoil in surprise and shock. "A Giant Nevermore, if I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!" She explained.
"But, if you roll a six or a lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces!" She informed.
Yang grinned. "That's a chance I'm willing to take!" She informed, as the two stared down.
The other two occupants at the table didn't seem to be fully into the game, Weiss and Blake glancing off towards the table next to them.
Team JPNR seemed to be doing their own thing, Nora was snoring away, Pyrrha was studying her cute little head off, with Ren and Jaune staring down. They sat across each other, and on the table between them was a chess board.
Ren hummed to himself, before he moved a bishop across the board. After he placed his piece, he lowered his gaze and he read a book in front of him.
Jaune stared at his teammate's move. The bishop was in a clear move of his queen, which he could move to take out Ren's piece. But he noticed that a Knight was ready to attack that location if the bishop was taken out. He could risk his Queen piece...or sacrifice a pawn.
The blond moved a pawn up, placing it in-between the Bishop and the Queen. Ren glanced up from his book, before he moved his Bishop diagonally up one square. Almost instantly, Jaune moved his own bishop and took out Ren's.
"Hmm..." Ren sounded, as he inclined his head. "...Did not see that one there." He muttered.
"I find that hard to believe." Jaune said sarcastically, since Ren was reading while they were playing.
"Noo!" Ruby whined, apparently losing her turn.
"Well, Weiss, it's your turn." Yang said with a grin.
Weiss glanced away from Jaune and looked at Yang. "...Ah...I have no idea what's going on." She admitted.
"Wellll..." Yang drew out, as she slid right up next to Weiss and wrapped her arm around the white-haired heiress' shoulder. "...Look, it's easy! You're playing Vacuo which means that all the Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus." She explained.
Weiss looked baffled. "...This...sounds dumb." She admitted, only for Yang to rip the cards out of her hand and look through them.
"...Hmm, yep-yep. You've got Sandstorm, Desert Scavenge, oh! Resourceful Raider, now you can take Ruby's Discarded Air Fleet…" Yang informed.
"No!" Ruby cried out.
"...And put it in your hand!" Yang finished.
Weiss looked entirely out of place. "O-kay..." She responded, that was the only way she knew how in this regard.
"And since Vacuo Warriors have an endurance against Natural-based Hazards, you can use sandstorms to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my Kingdom! Just so know that I will not forget this declaration of war." She added, pointing her finger at the white-haired girl.
"...And that means..." Weiss trailed off.
"You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant!" Ruby announced.
Weiss formed a psychotic smile, as she clasped her hands together. "...Mu-ahaha! Y-yes! Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms!" She raved.
Jaune, Pyrrha and Ren turned around and looked at Team RWBY's table. "...Hmm...weird." Jaune commented.
Yang held out a card towards Weiss. "...Trap Card." She stated, in a taunting voice.
"Huh?" Weiss sounded, before Yang moved the pieces on the board, clearing the heiress' side.
"Your armies have been destroyed!" Yang announced.
"...I hate this game of emotions we play..." Weiss whined.
"What a strange...and loud group of people." Ren commented, before he looked at Jaune. "How are we friends with them again?" He asked dully.
Jaune shrugged, before he stood up and picked up his queen and moved it across the board. "And now, I win! Checkmate!" He announced, as he slammed the piece down on Ren's King.
Ren stared at the board, before giving Jaune an annoyed look. "...How are we friends again?" He asked.
Jaune gave Ren a mocking hurt look, as he put a hand to his chest. "We transcend friendship, your like a brother from another mother, to me. But even closer." He said jokingly in a whisper, giving his teammate a wink.
Ren leaned to the side and looked at Team RWBY, who were playing their game; he then glanced at Pyrrha. He then sighed, as he looked at Jaune. "Please don't say stuff like that, I really don't want to be jumped." He said in a tired voice. He wasn't an idiot, he saw the signs around the all female-team RWBY, and even Jaune's partner, Pyrrha. He wasn't touching any of that with a ten-foot pole.
It also didn't help that Ren kept noticing Blake and Weiss kept stealing glances at his teammate. He didn't know anything about Blake, being the introvert she was. But Weiss, the way she looked at Jaune, it made Ren feel sorry for his teammate. But hey, it wasn't his job to manage Jaune's love-life.
"You see that, Pyrrha..." Jaune said, motioning towards the chess board. "...A text-book ass-kicking!" He stated.
Pyrrha looked at the board and hummed with a faint smile on her face, before she gave Jaune a curious look. "A 'text-book ass-kicking', is there by any chance an 'unorthodox ass-kicking'?" She questioned.
"That's me, getting out of bed every morning." Ren mumbled.
"That's deep man." Jaune commented, before he glanced at his friend with an unsure look. "Wait, do you mean you kick your own ass out of bed? Or life kicks your ass?...or you kick your sleep's ass?" He questioned.
Ren focused on him, before he nodded. "...Yes." He answered.
"That's sad." Jaune muttered, he glanced at the book Ren was reading. "Whatcha reading?" He asked curiously.
"Oh, nothing really. Just a some poetry." Ren admitted.
Jaune leaned forward. "Ooooh, romantic?" He asked.
"W-what?" Ren asked in surprise.
"You know, romantic." Jaune said, as he inclined his head towards the sleeping Nora, as a snot-bubble had formed from her nose. 'Eww…' He thought, cringing a bit.
Ren narrowed his eyes faintly. "I don't know what your implying." He admitted.
Jaune pulled back and shrugged. "So, poetry eh? I'm more of a Cosmic Horror kind of guy." He admitted.
Pyrrha looked at Jaune in surprise. "Horror, why would you read those kinds of stories?" She asked curiously.
Before Jaune could answer, a voice interrupted them. "Sup Losers!" Came a loud and familiar voice.
Jaune turned towards the direction of the voice. "Loser? Says the guy who hasn't won a single fight since he got here." He commented.
Sun rounded around a bookshelf, his hands crossed behind the back of his head. He gave Jaune a smile, as he untangled his fingers and leveled his fist at the blond. "Jaune, my man, it's been a while." He commented. "Where's your psycho-robot?" He asked, looking around the library.
Jaune glanced at basic everyone on Team RWBY, and the rest of his team and gave them a nervous laugh. "I don't know what you're talking about. I mean, I have a robot that lets me translate other languages. Nothing more." He admitted.
Sun gave him a smile, before he shook his fist in front of Jaune. "Come on man, are you just gonna leave me hanging!" He said seriously.
Jaune glanced away and sighed, before he held out a hand and fist bumped Sun. Sun turned and looked at Team RWBY. "Sup, Blake, Ruby...and other two." He said, not really knowing who Yang and Weiss where. He glanced over and waved towards Pyrrha. "Sup, Amazon!" He announced.
"Hello again." Pyrrha said curtly, nodding her head at him and waiving slightly.
"Ah, last time I checked, Libraries aren't meant for social gatherings." Another voice commented, as a blue haired teen walked up behind Sun.
Sun rolled his eyes. "Shut up, your nerd." He responded.
"Geh, geh!" The blue haired teen stated, as he held up a finger. "I'm an 'Intellectual', okay?" He stated.
"Ah, an intellectual. Do you have a high IQ and a heavy grasp of theoretical physics, too?" Jaune asked dryly. "…Are you an avid Rick and Morty Fan?" He added.
"Haha!" Yang laughed, as she pointed towards Jaune. "I get it!" She admitted.
Neptune's shoulders sagged, before he gave Jaune a curious look. "Wait, Sun. Isn't that the guy you told me about. The one with the assassin..." He stared, only for Sun to quickly cover up his mouth.
"Eh-heh..." Sun sounded, as he gave Jaune a nervous look.
Jaune noticed Team RW' 'Y, and Ren were looking at him. "Ah, lies and slander." He commented seamlessly.
"...Smooth." Blake said dryly.
Neptune glanced around and cringed a bit, realizing he may have almost told a secret. "Oh, sorry. Ah, I'm Neptune." He said, holding a hand out towards the blond.
"I'm Jaune 'Makes the Ladies swoon, and the Fan girls quiver' Arc." He said, introducing himself.
"Really?" Blake asked with annoyance.
"That is so lame." Weiss stated.
Yang was grinning. "You're such a dork." She commented, Ruby was glancing down at her game, not wanting to particularly disagree with that comment.
Neptune grinned at the little introduction. "I like the thing that you just did, we're going to get along well." He admitted, before his eyes trailed off and landed on the white-haired heiress herself. "...And who are you, snow angel?" He asked flirtatiously.
"She's..." Jaune started, tensing a bit. He may have still had his little crush on her, despite how much he pretended to ignore it. Those feelings he originally had for her, never quite vanished.
Weiss cast him a look. "I...am Weiss." She responded.
Neptune gave her a smile, as he took a step towards her. Only for Jaune to appear in his way, as he slammed his hands down on the table. "Let's all play!" He announced.
"...It's a four player game." Ruby stated.
"We'll team up..." Jaune suggested, as he pointed at Pyrrha. "Get over here, red." He said enthusiastically. Pyrrha looked unsure, as she stood up and headed over towards the table. "You and Weiss, are a team. Ruby and I are a team..." He stated.
"Leaders for life." Ruby stated, holding a hand up, with Jaune slapping it with his own; high-fiving her.
"Yang and Neptune..." Jaune paired, knowing there was no chance hell Neptune would get her attention. "And finally, Blake and Sun." He finished.
"Ah, what exactly is the point of use having a partner?" Weiss questioned.
"To coach, give tactical advice." Jaune informed, before he looked over towards Ren and a sleeping Nora. "You want in on this?" He asked.
"I am perfectly fine where I am." Ren responded, as he started reading again. Libraries were for that explicit purpose after all.
"Alright..." Ruby said, as she stood up and drew a card. "...It's time to...Duel!" She announced, as she slammed the card down.
–Almost an Hour Later
The tension was great in the Library, as both Blake and Weiss were out of the game, with Yang and Ruby staring down, their hands filled with cards. Neptune stood behind Yang, while Jaune stood behind Ruby.
"You can do this." Jaune reassured, as he put his hands Ruby's shoulders and messaged out the tension.
"Soda!" Ruby announced, with Jaune quickly holding up a can with a straw, before she took a sip. "Let's do this!" She announced, as she slammed a card down. "Enemy Propaganda, I had spies enter your kingdom and steal classified information, and made your kingdom loose forty moral! Minus ten-percent of damage from all attacks!" She announced, causing Yang to gasp in surprise, before she grinned.
"You played right into my hand!" Yang announced, as she brandished a card. "I activate 'Grimm Resurrection', I get so summon a Grimm that has been slain, and with the strength of the Grimm scaling to my kingdom's moral, the lower it is; the stronger it becomes!" She stated.
Ruby looked at her sister in surprise. "No, that's not true!" She announced.
"Oh it is, dear sister!" Yang announced valiantly.
"No, I have to help Ruby!" Jaune said, standing behind the red-hooded girl.
"...What are you going to do...cheer her on?" Blake asked dryly, giving Jaune a blank look.
"How lame." Weiss muttered, crossing her arms and shaking her head.
"Oh, I'll do better than that!" Jaune announced, as he took out his scroll. The sound of loud rock music began to emanate from the scroll, as he held it above his head. "You'all can't handle 'The Mother Fucking', Ruby Rose!" He announced, standing behind said girl.
Ruby closed her eyes and held a fist up in the air. "Ruby is so savage, orphan wolves want to be raised by packs of her!" Jaune cheered.
Ruby stood up and pumped her fist in the air. "Your praises fill me with so much power!" She announced, as she gave Yang a manical smile. "Unlimited Power! Time to lose!" She declared.
Ruby walked out of the library, her head slumped in defeat. Yang doing a little jig around her sister. "You're right, it was time to lose." She teased.
"Geez, your so cold-hearted, Yang." Weiss complimented, causing Yang to gasp.
Yang turned and gave Weiss a smile. "Oh..my...God!" She cheered. "The Ice Queen just told me a pun, oh man. I'm so proud!" She cooed.
"I was not punning!" Weiss snapped, as she turned and looked at Jaune, who was leaving the Library with his team. "Tell her I was not punning." She ordered.
Jaune blinked a few times, before he looked at Yang. "Ah, she wasn't punning." He stated, Yang crossed her arms underneath her sizable bust, and leaned a bit towards him.
"How about you tell her, she was, Vomit Boy." Yang said in a more purring tone.
The blond turned and looked at Weiss. "Ah, I guess you were." He admitted with a shrug.
Weiss put a hand on her hip and gave Jaune a domineering smile. "You're the mediator Jaune, I wasn't punning. And if you tell Yang that, well…" She trailed off.
Yang however, rested her elbow on Jaune's shoulder and gave him a teasing grin. "You know as well as I do, that she made a cute pun. If you admit it..." She said in a suggestive tone.
"Guys!" Ruby whined out, as she gripped Jaune by his wrists and yanked him from between the two girls.
Jaune quickly pulled his hands away from Ruby, and quickly took a few steps back. Blake had her face resting in the palm of her hand, while Pyrrha looked concerned. "Hehe, let's just...save this conversation for another time." He said with a tone of uncertainty, as he turned around and quickly hurried off, with Pyrrha, Ren and Nora following.
"Bye!" Pyrrha chimed, as she left Team RWBY.
"Awe..." Ruby whined out.
"I think I may have come on a little too strong." Yang said, with an unsure tone as she put a hand to her chin. Almost like it was an uncertain possibility.
"You think!" Blake said irritated.
"You have to be harsher!" Weiss stated, as she crossed her arms and frowned. "He only responds to strict orders." She elaborated.
"...You scare me sometimes, Weiss." Ruby admitted.
Team JPNR walked along the Courtyard of Beacon. "Well, that was weird!" Nora commented cheerfully. "I didn't know you were staring some Harem with everyone..." She admitted, as she glanced at Pyrrha. "...Did you know about this?" She asked teasingly.
"...It makes me feel better if I pretend not to." Pyrrha admitted.
Nora looked at Jaune, to see he was looking exasperated. "I'm a bit insulted, how come you didn't try to hit on me!?" She whined out.
Jaune gave her a look. "Listen, I wasn't planning on that! Sure, I hit on Weiss, Blake...and you, Pyrrha." He said, casting a glance at the red-head. "I mean, it was all in good fun." He admitted.
Pyrrha inclined her head at the blonde. "Wait, what's the supposed to mean?" She asked, a bit offended.
Jaune gave her a look. "You know what I mean." He aid dryly. "When I was at my old school, I flirted with a bunch of girls. They all rejected me, they even pranked me...involving me, ending up in a damned dress. When I came here, I flirted with a lot of girls, hoping that at least someone would return some kind of attraction." He explained. "I didn't think that every girl I flirted with would react!" He said incredulously.
"...I understand why you're surprised." Ren commented, getting a thankful look from the blond.
"Oh, maybe, you're the protagonist of one of those crappy Harem Stories!" Nora said, putting her hands together in thought. "I mean, I only noticed Pyrrha and Blake having a thing for you. And maybe something happened with the Author of our story, maybe he spent some time away; and our original story progressed, and we're some twisted alternate version of ourselves! Maybe he didn't like how things went in the original time-line and he decided to change it now, to such a radical degree! And that might involve Jaune slaying as many girls with his tool!" Nora rambled, causing both Pyrrha and Jaune to look at Nora in disbelief.
"That's insane, who would ever want to write a story about my life." Jaune said, as he crossed his arms.
"That does seem rather farfetched." Pyrrha commented.
Nora noticed Ren was narrowing his eyes at her. "I think you're digging a little too deep." He stated, causing Nora's mouth to seal up.
"Huh?" Jaune sounded.
"Nothing." Both Ren and Nora responded.
Jaune narrowed his eyes at the two, before he glanced away. "...Weird." He mumbled.
Across the quart-yard, a pair of young men walked towards the Academy. "This is the place, eh? Seems pretty big. Fucking Over-compensating piece of shit!" Cursed an aggressive voice.
"This castle, as large as the undisturbed silence that fills the void in my heart." A dull, depressed sounding voice commented.
The first man was a tall and muscular. He had light blue, spiky hair which was swept back. He had light blue eyes, with green lines below them. He wore a white outfit, ragged white jacket with an upturned collar, with the lining of the coat black. His sleeves were rolled up, and his coat was open, revealing his chest. He wore a pair of white pants and black boots.
Strapped to the blue haired man's side, was a rather unique and dark weapon; in the spiritual sense. The weapon was crafted by a chiseled bones of an undead Grimm Beast, fastened together to form a weapon. That weapon, those bones are still alive, which is why they haven't faded away. And when they're unleashed, it grants it's wielder a spurt of Grimm-like Power.
A flesh is flayed, and blood is sprayed, the Grimm Beast Within Awakens, and in the wielder of this weapon surges in both strength and feverish reverie.
Standing next to the blue haired young man, was another young man. That man was a bit shorter than the blue haired one, he had grey eyes and dark black hair. He wore a simple black button up shirt and pants, and over his black shirt, he wore a similar white coat as the former person. Strapped to his side, was a scabbard, with a sheathed straight sword. The scabbard radiated a faint mist, a chilling mist.
"I heard these 'Bacon' Students are pretty strong, I can't wait until I get a hold of one of them! I will just, Ah!" And I'll...Rah!" The blue haired young man sounded, as he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "And I'll get their head in my hand, and I'll just, rah!" He exhaled out, as he breathed heavily through his nose, digging his fingers into his fist. "Yeah, yeah, one-two!" He yelled to himself.
"You're ramblings are as pointless as ever, Pantera." The black haired man said dully.
The blue haired man turned and looked at his partner. "Did you just fucking call me by my last name, asshole?" He asked. "How would you like it if I called you, Lazuli? Fucking idiot!" He insulted.
"You're insults mean nothing, in comparison to the pain I feel every waking moment." The black haired man admitted.
The blue haired man looked away for a moment, before he looked back at his partner. "...You need fucking help, dude." He commented.
"Life is an empty funnel, helping me would be like pouring sand into my..." The black haired man started, before his grey eyes landed on a four-person group. His grey eyes zoning on towards a red-headed woman. "...It cannot be." He commented.
The blue haired man followed his gaze. "Yo, hey, Tristan. Ain't that the bitch that took the title of strongest from you?" He asked.
"Oh...Seeing her again, makes me feel depressed." Tristan stated dully.
"...You can get more depressed?" The blue haired man asked in surprise.
"Due to weakening ties between our Kingdoms, I wasn't able to go up against her. We were paired with combatants in our own Kingdom. We both won, and were supposed to fight. But due to the recruitment of our respective Academies, our fight never came to pass. From a popularity vote, the strongest was decided." He said dully.
"Tsk, of course they'd choose the fucking hot girl, instead of the strongest guy." The blue haired man said with a sneer. "Don't worry, I got your back, Fam. I'll beat this cheater down!" The blue haired man said, as he vanished.
Tristan stared forward. "…Well...shit." He muttered, as he vanished too.
Jaune and Pyrrha were walking side by side, as Ren and Nora followed in a similar formation. "...And then I said..." He started, only for the sudden appearance of a blue haired man to stop him.
"Whoosh-mother fuckers!" He said with a maniacal smile.
Pyrrha froze up at his sudden appearance, while Jaune seemed to react with a casual air. "Hey." Jaune said, doing a two-fingered wave at the mane. "To clarify, I did not say 'Whoosh-mother fuckers'." He added.
"Tsk, you; broad!" The blue haired man said, as he pointed at Pyrrha.
"Ah, Y-yes?" Pyrrha asked unsure, Jaune could pick up a nervous cadence in her tone and in her posture.
"You know a man named Tristan Lazuli?" He demanded.
Pyrrha nodded faintly. "He was one of the combatants I was supposed to face in my final tournament run; however due to the political climate. A fight between Altas' and Vale's strongest fighters might cause some unrest in people's belief of which Huntsman or Huntress would be inadequate. So we were never put together." She admitted.
"Yeah, your make your shitty excuses! The fight was replaced with a vote, and obviously the chick who's showing some thigh and cleavage would win!" The blue haired man snapped. "Why is it a guy can never win in this fucking place!?" He demanded. "The Four Strongest Fighters, guess what they are, The Maidens. The Population of Hunters, three-fourths of the entire force are females! There are statistically three Huntresses to a Huntsman! Why is it, my fucking Leader can't have something! Eh, now I have to live with his fucking depressing ass-attitude!"He raved angrily.
"So, my Leader is stronger than me, but if I kick your Ginger-Fire Crotch Looking-Ass, I'll prove how much of a joke you are!" He stated.
Jaune took a step forward and gave the man a serious look. "Look, I know you have a personal problem with Pyrrha. I can understand, not everyone's gonna like her. But don't insult her." He stated with a scowl.
"Aw, are you one of her fanboys, ready to White-Knight for her? Think she'll give you a quick sucky-sucky?" The blue haired man asked with a wicked grin.
"She'd do it regardless!" Nora stated defiantly, crossing her arms.
"...You're not helping." Ren muttered.
"Pantera, the aggression you seem to exude, only makes the days I'm alive more intolerable. Just as the fragments of the moon drift further from the main lunar body, the inevitable reality of the those pieces falling towards our planet and wiping us all out, in a storm of hell-fire is irrefutable. As Is your comments, as pointless and meaningless." A dull voice commented from behind JPNR.
Jaune turned and looked at Tristan. "...Geez, dude. Are you...are you okay? Do...do you need a hug or something?" He asked.
"Hugs? A futile gesture meant to symbolize two joining, but in the end, they'll always split apart." Tristan stated. His eyes landed on Pyrrha. "Hello." He commented.
"Tristan, ah...how have you been?" Pyrrha asked, looking really uncomfortable. Mostly because of his partner, and because he keep saying some really depressing poetry.
"Pyrrha, when I wasn't able to prove my strength, when I was denied my rightful place. My Soul was so very heavy like an ever growing cast-iron, when you denied my progression, you deepened bottomless pit that is my heart. How can you do that? Why did you deepen my heart pit?" He asked.
"Answer him!" The blue haired young man demanded.
"Pantera..." Tristan warned.
"The name's Grim, you depressing as mother-fucker!" The blue haired young man snapped angrily. "God-Damn it, I wanna break someones fucking skull! And I'm going to beat this bitch, to prove you're stronger! You deserve that title, because I can't stand your fucking attitude anymore!" He yelled.
Jaune gave the blue haired man a glare. "You threatened my Partner, you threatened people under my command…you want to fight, you got one." He said with a scowl on his face.
Grim put his hands in his pockets, as he gave Jaune a once-over. "I ain't seein' anything to impressive. But if your her leader, it must mean you're stronger than her. Fine then, Tristan, I'm going to slaughter this bitch-ass-yellow-haired mother-fucker!" Grim announced with a maniacal grin.
Tristan vanished in surprising speed and was further away from the group. "Jaune, you really don't have to do this." Pyrrha insisted. "This is my problem." She informed.
Jaune gave her a smile. "It was your problem, until he threatened you. And then it became mine." He stated.
"Are you done, I feel like this touching moment might actually make me hurl!" Grim insulted, as he took a few steps back, the entire Courtyard becoming their Arena.
Some surrounding bystanders seemed oblivious to what was about to happen. However, a certain malevolent trio of infiltrators were going to get an interesting show.
Jaune slowly side-stepped, keeping his eyes on the blue haired man. The blond raised his hands, before he used his teeth to release his monofiliment wires. He held them in his hands, causing the sun's light to reflect and show bright blue wires in between his hands.
"You gonna knit me a fucking sweater?" Grim asked irritated, only for Jaune to thrust his hands forward, sending several monofiliment wires forward.
Grim's hands shot up and he clasped the wires, causing an area of sparks to erupt from his skin. Jaune's eyes went wide when his ultra-sharp, ultra-thin wires didn't at least cut the man.
"Oh no..." Pyrrha muttered, knowing what was going on.
Grim just grinned, as he took a step back and yanked on the wires, sending Jaune flying towards the man. "Coming at ya, you dumbass!" He yelled, as he slammed his fist into Jaune, causing the blond to spit up some blood, as he was then hurled back by the tremendous force.
Jaune was sent flying back, his body scraping along the ground, as he was sent tumbling. "What was that?" Ren questioned seriously.
Pyrrha looked worried. "Grim Pantera, he's...he has an ability, a semblance that's constantly active. He passively and sometimes actively converts his aura into pure offensive strength, pure speed, pure defensive abilities, he can even manipulate his aura into an ethereal weapon." She explained.
Jaune pushed himself up to his feet, as he watched Grim casually walked towards him. 'This guy…' He thought, only for Grim to vanish and appear right in front of the blond. "Back off!" Jaune snapped, as he whipped his monofiliment wires at the man.
Grim just ducked down and charged forward. The blue wires whirled around the man, creating sparks, as they refracted off his enhanced skin. Grim grabbed onto Jaune's extended hands and ripped back, turning around and literally throwing the blond.
"OH...Fuck...Shit!" Jaune yelled, as his body bounced and slid across the stone ground.
Just as Jaune stopped, Grim appeared in front of him ready to deliver a powerful punch to the blond's face. Only for Jaune to vanish in a flicker. 'This guy is fast...I can barely track him.' Jaune thought, as he counter attacked, ready to wrap the wires around the man.
"Idiot!" Grim yelled, as he grabbed hold of the wires and turned, yanking Jaune with him and spun him around. He then lifted the wires into the air, bringing Jaune with him, before he slammed the teen down into the ground.
Jaune rolled back and brandished a trio of Shuriken, before electricity crackled off them. He threw them at blue haired man, with them hitting him. The Shuriken bounced off the man, but he did have faint cuts.
However Grim seemed rather unfazed as he appeared in front of Jaune, in speeds the blond was starting to lose track of. Grim sent a fist towards the blond, only for Jane to raise his forearm and block the fist. But Grim turned and delivered a spinning hook kick to the side of the blond's face.
Blood burst from Jaune's mouth, as he was sent the blond sliding along the ground again, before his body hit a stone wall. Cracks formed along the wall, coming from Jaune's impact, dust enveloping his form.
"Fuckina-A, I thought you were going to at least put up some of a fight. What the fuck kind of fun am I supposed to be having? Beating up a bitch ain't fun, unless you got some fight in ya!" Grim insulted. "Show me something! Show me the man who is leading the girl who is 'stronger' then my leader! Show me how a piece of shit like you could even be a Huntsmen with that weak-ass shit you've been throwing at me! Or am I going to have to hunt down and threaten everyone you care about, just to get a reaction!" He yelled angrily.
Pyrrha trembled, as she nervously looked towards the dust cloud that formed around her leader. "W-wai..." she started, ready to interrupt the match.
That was before a pair of glowing crimson eyes emitted from the dust cloud. "Huh?" Grim asked, before a massive ball of fire burst forward from the dust cloud and was sent straight towards the blue haired man. "What the fuck!?" He said in surprise, as the fire enveloped him.
Grim crossed his arms in front of his face to protect himself, as he was enveloped in a decent sized fire-explosion. When the fire was gone, Grim still stood, with burns on his clothes and parts of his arm.
Before he could react, Jaune appeared right in front of him, his hand was encased in crackling lightning, which gave off a cacophony, a chorus of thousand of birds chirping. The ground behind Jaune was torn up, as he dragged his hand behind him.
Jaune thrust his hand forward. "Chidori!" He yelled, as he dragged his lightning encased hand up, and dragged it along Grim's stomach, his chest and then uppercutted him.
Grim was sent flying up from the extreme kinetic energy carried in a lightning-strike, and as he flew up, a trail of bright blue electricity followed in his wake. Jaune wasn't done, as the look of stone cold determination was on his face, he raised his free hand up and clenched his fist. An assortment of his monofiliment wires gleaned in the light, and seemed to be wrapping around Grim's ankle. He turned and slammed his hand to the ground, yanking Grim down with the wires, and sending him plummeting into the ground too.
Jaune panted heavily, sweat pouring form his face, and blood coming from his mouth. There was a welt on the side of his head, where Grim had kicked it. The armor around his chest was destroyed, shattered by Grim's punches.
Slowly Grim pushed himself up off the ground, he coughed a bit and turned to look at Jaune. Running up along Grim's stomach and chest, was a massive gash, with blood being easily visible. Grim's focus landed on Jaune's eyes, his crimson rapidly spinning Sharingan.
"Whoa-ho, now aren't hose some pretty eyes! Makes me want to rip them out!" He said, as he vanished in a flicker.
In slow motion, Grim sprinted at the blond teen, and his focus remaining on the blond. However, as he moved, he noticed something rather chilling. As he moved at his Mach-level speeds, Jaune's crimson eyes were slowly following him, matching the speed of his own movements.
Grim appeared in front of Jaune, his fist already moving forward. Jaune caught the fist, having predicted the movement, as Grim thought of it. Jaune quickly wrapped his free hand around the back of Grim's head and yanked it forward, and the two head-butted.
"Ah, fuck!" Grim cursed, as he stumbled back, holding his nose.
As he stumbled back, Jaune turned and sent a kick to the man's chest. Grim continued to take a few stumbling steps back., as Jaune crouched down.
"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu." Jaune spoke, as a trio of Shadow Clones formed around him.
In an instant, the real Jaune vanished in a flicker and appeared right in front of the grimacing Grim. He dropped back, and put his hand on the ground underneath him and kicked up, kicking Grim straight in the chest. Holding enough force to send Grim into the air.
Two of Jaune's clones ran and jumped up, turning in the air and kicking upwards, sending the blue haired man higher into the air. Before the piercing sound of birds chirping reverberated above Grim, as the third Jaune clone, was mid-air with a Chidori primed.
The third Jaune cloned slammed the Chidori down against Grim, hurling him back to the ground. All three of the clones dispelled, with Jaune on one knee. "Phew...ha...hah….hah..." He sounded, sweat pouring down his face.
He looked at his bruised forearm, the one he blocked Grim's kick with. His bruise was fading away, his Aura was healing the injury.
"Hmhmhm...Gye-hehe-haha!" Grim laughed manically, as he stood up and rolled his neck, the bruises and cuts on his body on a proud display. "This is exactly what I want! Time to have some fun! It's time for me to get serious!" He announced, as he gripped the Claw-like weapon off his waist and dug his fingers into the Grimm Bones.
There was a chill in the air, as Tristan appeared behind Grim. "We are here for this pointless tournament, to prove the superiority of our Academy. Going all out, in this exhibition match is meaningless." He admitted dully.
Grim clicked his tongue, as he looked at Jaune. "You just got lucky. You better remember my name, you'll be hearing it again." Grim instructed, with Tristan walking away.
The blue haired man slowly walked backwards, as he put his weapon back on his waist and his hands back in his pockets. Despite the fact he was bleeding, he didn't seem at all in pain.
"The next time we meet...I'll make you pay for the shit you said about Pyrrha." Jaune stated, his face set in a scowl, blood coming down from his mouth.
"Heh, I didn't even use my Beast Claws, moron. With them, I gain the powers of a Grimm. You could barely handle me bare-handed." Grim stated, giving him a confident grin. "You got a good participation award, but if you wana fight me, you better get five times stronger than you are now. And if you want to fight Tristan, hehe...why would I follow someone who was weaker than me, brat?" He asked, as he turned around and entered Beacon.
Slowly, Jaune fell to his knees. 'I should've used my Sharingan the moment this fight began. I should've used my Rakuyo...I keep holding myself back, trying to create trump cards. But it's only hurting me…' He thought, as he looked at his blood on the ground and slowly stood up. 'I need to get stronger...but how?' He asked himself. 'If this is a fight between Huntsmen…' He trailed of in thought.
Jaune almost jumped when felt Pyrrha put a hand on his shoulder, he turned and looked at her. And she blinked in surprise, seeing his Sharingan. "...Jaune. Please...promise me, you'll never do that again? Don't fight those monsters." Pyrrha said, a melancholic look on her face, almost pleading in a way.
The blond looked up at her, and he felt her concern, he felt her need to protect him. "...Pyrrha…" He stared, only to see her look a bit sad. "...I promise..." He continued. 'To completely destroy those bastards!' He thought. He knew those weren't the thoughts of a hero, but those bastards threw Pyrrha's name to the ground, dragged it through the mud.
They hurt his teammate's feelings. Pyrrha was just out to make everyone feel better, to fight so they didn't have to. To inspire people. And those assholes insult her for it. 'If they want a fight...I'll give them a war.' He thought, as he forced a smile on his face and stood up and gave Pyrrha a hug.
"Thank you." Pyrrha whispered into his ear.
A distance away, a trio of seedy members of a dark organization seemed to have watched the fight. "Well...that was certainly something." Mercury commented, looking between Cinder and Emerald.
"...It was interesting." Cinder said, her eyes landing on the blond teen.
There was a clank of metal, as a team grouped around some pillars in front of the Academy. Leaning against a wall, as a large and armored man, with slicked back burnt orange hair.
Cardin's eyes were focused on Jaune's beaten state, and in all honesty; he wished he was a bit pleased with what happened. With how Jaune humiliated him in front of class. But that was a circumstance every student had to go through, fifty percent of the student body had to train with the other half, and literally half the students were going to end up losers.
Besides that was months ago. But when he antagonized Jaune, threatened his team, the blond retailed and was in the right to. Now, Cardin had a feeling, deep inside his chest, as he was lost in thought.
Cardin heard his teammates, Russel and Sky chuckling to each other, over what they saw.
"Shut up, you two." Cardin snapped.
"But Cardin..." Russel started.
"But nothing, I'm the leader." Cardin stated, before he looked at his team for a moment and made up his mind. "Those two..." He said, looking at the entrance of the Academy. "…Dove, Sky. I want you two to keep an eye on them." He instructed. "If they start messing with Jaune, let me know." He ordered.
"W-what? Why?" Dove questioned, and Cardin didn't harshly reply, since their was a bit of respect between those two.
Cardin looked at Team JPNR, all of whom were entering the facility as a group. "…He...He saved my life, when he by all rights didn't have to. And…And he opened my eyes. I...I don't want to be a monster. But those two...I will repay my debt to him, by making sure those two freaks stay in check and leave him and his girl alone." He planned, narrowing his eyes.
Dove seemed unsure. Jaune was a bit of a dick when they were in the Forever Forest, he didn't even call them by their actual names. He didn't even acknowledge them. But he followed his friend's order.
"I'll keep an eye on them. But I'm not sure what we can do against a guy who did that, let alone that to Jaune." Dove stated, he could admit, Jaune could kick Cardin's ass; and vicariously Cardin trumped them. So, what could they do.
Cardin just smirked. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." He admitted in a sinister tone. Just because he had a change of heart, doesn't mean didn't have sinister tricks up his sleeve.
–A Couple Hours Later
Jaune was in the Locker Room, without a shirt on. He sat on a bench and in front of him, was HK-47, his trusted Assassin Droid.
HK's hand was retracted, with a long, thin hypodermic needle protruding forward. The droid was injecting a strange blue liquid into Jaune's right forearm, which had a faint bruise on it. The bruise having been mostly healed by his Aura, but something wasn't.
"Commentary: I am proud that I trained my Master physically. Observation: Without my physical training, your bone would've snapped in half. There are only minor hair-line fractures." The Droid admitted.
Jaune stopped gritting his teeth, when HK injected the strange fluid. "Geez, where the hell were you keeping this!?" He asked, next to the home-made medicine HK came up with, to help him heal after training sessions, this was...amazing.
"Evasive Answerer: It is a medicine I procured not to long ago, from people who would not need it. It's called Bacta." HK admitted, not wanting to lie to his Master, but not wanting to tell him about the ship he found either. He wanted it to be a surprise, when it was in actual working order.
Jaune glanced at the droid, taking note of the 'Evasive Answer'. HK wasn't one for secrets, but he was also one to fully be loyal to him. If he was lying, Jaune knew in a way that it was because HK was doing it for him. He really didn't want to press on, he had his own things he had to deal with.
"HK, these people here. I'm worried, I'm worried for my team, Ruby's team. I...I want you...I order you to watch over them, protect them." Jaune ordered.
HK's eyes dimmed faintly. "Unsure Response: Ah...sure Master. Request: Master, may I leave this facility for two hours, I must check up on something. Assurance: It is nothing you should worry about." He informed.
Jaune idly wave it off, his mind distracted. "Sure, don't take too long. The Grim guy, I don't know what he might do when everyone's asleep." He commented, getting a nod from the Assassin Droid.
"Statement: I'll leave now, and make efficient use of my time, Master." HK insisted, getting a nod from the blond.
The blond looked down. "...Thank you, HK…for...for what you do for me." Jaune said, looking down.
HK stopped and looked at the organic. "Statement: Your praise is not needed, Master. I am simply happy doing work for you...Even if you are a Meatbag." He commented, causing Jaune to smile faintly.
The droid left the Locker Room, leaving Jaune alone. "...I studied, I learned history, I learned everything I could. I trained my body, I trained my soul, I trained my Sharingan…What I have isn't enough..." He said to himself. "...How do I get stronger!?" He asked angrily to himself, his eyes blazing red.
He shook his head and stood up. 'I'll sleep on it.' He thought, as he rubbed the back of his neck and exited the locker room.
As he exited the room, he saw a something blue out of the corner of his eyes. Jaune quickly turned, his Sharingan ablaze. In the distance he only saw Neptune, waking with Sun, both away from his location.
Jaune released a sigh, as he turned and walked down a different hallway. He was lost in his own thoughts, passing dozens of doors, before he heard something loud, as he passed the Ozpin's office.
He stopped and inclined his head in the door's direction. "I don't understand Ozpin, with my military Force my kingdom is secure, can you say the same about yours?" A loud male voice stated.
"The pieces have been set, James. There are a select few I'm looking into at the moment." Ozpin's voice said from behind the door.
"...Not another Team, Ozpin. Do you remember the last team you had?" Ironwood questioned. "The Brawnwen Siblings, Summer Rose, Xio Long? Rose is dead because of what you did, because you sent them unprepared. Now one of the Brawnwen siblings are MIA, the other is a drunk. The only decent one is Xio Long, and he has it hard enough raising two daughters. Those two daughters, who you plan on sending to their deaths!" Ironwood said from behind the door.
Jaune's eyes slowly went wide, as he heard. 'Rose...Xio Long, are they referring to Ruby and Yang?' He thought worried.
There was a sigh from the other end of the door. "James, sometimes the sacrifice, while heavy. Is justified. There are enemies, that can end humanity in a moments notice. If I have to send one, two, four, eight, sixteen, or a hundred lives to an end, to save a million. Hmm...that's my burden to carry." Ozpin admitted.
"...And I'm the heartless one, for wanting to use machines." Ironwood said calmly, as shuffle came from behind the door.
Jaune quickly crouched down and jumped, before he touched the ceiling, and manipulated the energy inside himself to adhere to the surface. 'What is going on?' He thought, as the door was slammed open, before a silver suited, burly man exited the office and took a swig from a flask.
He seemed irritated, as he marched down the hallway, leaving Jaune alone. A sigh came from the faintly open office door. Jaune crawl down the wall a foot or so, until he was next to the cracked open door. He leaned his head forward, his dark blue eyes surveying the grey haired man standing behind his desk, overlooking the academy.
Jaune watched as Ozpin use his cane to click a device on his desk, before a gravely voice answered. "What it is, Ozpin?" The voice asked.
"Qrow, I'm going to need you to pull back from where you are, and head here at your convenience." Ozpin instructed.
"What's going on?" Qrow asked.
"Things are getting a bit…unsettled here. Ironwood's arrived, with a small army. I want you here, encase he becomes belligerent." Ozpin informed.
"Why would be be belligerent?" Qrow questioned.
"He seemed rather opposed to my plans." Ozpin admitted. "I recruited Ruby Rose, because like her mother, I believe her eyes can be of use to us." He informed.
Jaune remained hidden, as his eyes went wide. "Her unique eyes can give me the edge over Salem." He added. "Her team however, is something of a problem. Ms. Belladonna is…a flight-risk, Ms. Schnee has potential, but I can't count on her. She may be biased when it comes to her home. And Ms. Xio Long…she's uncontrollable." He stated.
"...You...you don't have to send them." Qrow responded. "You can send another team?" He admitted, not wanting his nieces to get hurt.
"What other team is there? This generation is particularly useless." Ozpin admitted with a frown. "The only potential Team is JPNR. And the only notable member is Ms. Nikos." He added.
"Perhaps I can..." Ozpin trailed off. "...Mr. Arc faked his way into Beacon, I could perhaps use it to move him around. He could Lead Ruby's Team, while Ruby leads the Team with Ms. Nikos. I could then introduce Ms. Nikos to Amber." He stated.
"...You can't possibly want her to take the fall Maiden Power! It's already fragmented and unstable, it could kill the poor girl, and if she's too young, it could cause her to explode! Don't you know how risky that is!?" Qrow questioned.
Ozpin looked out the window. "Trust me Qrow, i've been around a long time. After the Festival, I'll switch Ms. Rose's and Mr. Arc's roles. I'll have Ms. Nikos accept the Fall Maiden power, one way of another." He said, as he looked out the window.
"I failed to destroy Salem before...not anymore. I am not taking any chances." Ozpin stated.
"...What happens if they die?" Qrow asked quietly.
Ozpin didn't look taken back, or even remorseful. "The moment they became Huntresses, they gave up the right to choose. A life of a Huntress, is sacrifice. And if Ms. Rose or Ms. Nikos die…I'll just send another team, until I get it right." He stated. "Rose with her Silver Eyes and Nikos with the Maiden power, I don't think we'll fail this time." He admitted.
"...It failed last time..." Qrow responded, before he hung up on the headmaster.
Staring through the gap in the door, Jaune was staring at Ozpin with wide, blazing Sharingan Eyes, they tomeo spun wildly. He felt something...he felt something he never felt before. He felt anger before, he felt frustration. But right now...he felt, pure, unadulterated Hate!
'Using Pyrrha...using Ruby! So callously using my friends lives! Using them in some game with someone named Salem! I don't give a damn about your pathetic little fight! I will not let you manipulate my friends!' Jaune thought, seething to himself. 'They aren't pawns…' He thought.
To be a Huntsmen, to be a Huntress, to protect and be a hero. To connect with life, to gain experience and grow. To use your experience, your connection to reinforce your belief in what you were doing. And if need be, give your life to protect another.
Jaune slowly walked through the hallways, towards his Dorm Room, his mind racing. His pupils were dilated, his skin was pale, sweat was pouring down his face, as he went through an existential moment. Huntsmen, something he wanted to be, someone he would wish his parents were proud of.
The most notable, the most revered, Ozpin. He...he was...none of those things. He was a secret holder, a manipulator, a man who always talks in half-truths and maybes. Who would happily give a hundred lives, if it meant saving a thousand. A hero…a hero didn't care about statistics, they wanted to save everyone they could.
'What Ozpin doesn't want is defenders or guardians, hewant's disposable weapons. Weapons with no right to exist for their own sake, and must serve others and himself, as the only reason for their existence. That's why at this age, they take us away from our homes, place us in these dorms. They limit our reach to society, so we form bonds solely with the people in charge here.' Jaune thought, putting pieces together.
How could he have been so naive. He believed no one saw through his facade...but...he didn't see through Ozpin's. 'He, who believes self-sacrifice, is the highest moral duty, virtue and value.' Jaune thought.
'Duty is the necessity to preform certain actions, for no reason other than to serve the obedience of a higher authority and purpose, unknown to us. Without any regard to personal goals, motives, or even desires…' Jaune thought. "…The Core of what Ozpin wants is...Self Destructism. He plays favorites with those he likes, and others he casts aside." He commented, going over all of Ozpin's actions, his entire tenure in Beacon.
"He chose people, and made people believe that the only way to be good, was to be self-less. I'm sure if I ask any upper grade student what they thought about taking on a horde of Grimm by themselves, what they would think, if Ozpin ordered them to do it." Jaune said, as he a thought came into his head and he felt terrified.
"…What if he asked Pyrrha...or Ruby…" He asked.
'A Huntress doesn't care of they die, everyone does. But when we fight, when we sacrifice ourselves. It is for others. For the Greater Good…' Pyrrha's voice said into Jaune's mind, as he imagined her response.
Jaune tensed up, feeling a sense of dread. "People here shouldn't want to throw their lives away to a man, who doesn't care. To a man who sees them as disposable weapons..." He said, sweat pouring down his face.
He knew sacrifice was sometimes necessary, but to put people in a situation where death was an inevitable. To basically force them to sacrifice themselves, and if they didn't they were to be shunned as evil? Selfish? Coward? That was indoctrination, enslavement.
'It's Slave-Morality. Utility for Unity. The Good that is useful for the whole community, at the expense of the individual…' He thought, passing dozens of doors.
"If someone wants to argue, Ozpin is a good person, because he's stopping evil. What evil has he stopped? Crime is at it's highest in Vale...he's apathetic towards everyone's plight, unless it deals with his game." Jaune said to himself, going over all the information in his head, as it coalesced into a big mess.
'His Huntsmen and Huntresses are never sent out to help people in Vale. The only time that ever happens, is when one of them just happen to be by, and help out due to obligation. Not because they want to change anything, or do good. But because it's their Job. A Job, they're ready to shun overs for not sacrificing their lives for their noble cause.' He thought, as he looked around at the dorm rooms surrounding him.
'Everyone...is part of his army, and if he orders in such a way; he can mold the world to his desire.' Jaune thought, as he scowled.
The people he believed were incorruptible, were just as dark as the criminals in the underground. The Grimm killed, and died, mindless. And Huntsmen kill, and die...as mindless drones. What's the difference?
Jaune stopped in front of the door to his Dorm, he stared at it, trembling. 'What do I do...I'm not strong enough to fight a single Huntsman, like Grim. How...how can I ever hope to protect Pyrrha...How can I ever protect, Ruby, my team...her team. They're innocent in this...How…' He thought, his eyes watering a bit. "…I'm not...strong enough. I…I need power…" He asked himself, as he reached out and grabbed a hold of the door knob, only to freeze.
'Wait…' A whispering voice almost identical to Jaune's said into...his own mind. Jaune heard the crackling of fire, a flame that was writhing and popping, a faint smell of burning filled his nose.
He turned and looked around, sniffing. Only to see no smoke or fire. He continued to look around. '...Over here…' His voice whispered into his head.
Jaune turned and looked towards the end of the hallway, only to see faint bright orange flames dancing on a windowpane. The fire seemed to not have any affect on the surrounding area, but it continued to flicker and dance.
"...What is going on?" He asked himself, as he walked towards the bright, crackling orange flames.
The flame shrunk back, before it began to ebb and flow, drifting back and fourth. Jaune's eye grew a bit heavy, before the flames began to move, almost like an entity of it's own accord. "...Stop you little..." Jaune instructed, as he followed the flame.
The flame moved around the hallways, before it lead Jaune out of the Academy. Jaune followed the dancing flames, until it lead him to a secluded part of the Beacon Grounds.
Eventually, the flame was motionless, drifting an inch above the ground. Jaune stared at the seemingly mailable, ethereal flame. '...Sit…' Jaune heard himself say in his mind, causing him to slowly comply.
"What are you?" Jaune questioned.
'I'm you...you want power, look deep within yourself. Look, deep within me. Look, watch as I ebb and flow…' A whispering voice spoke into Jaune's head, the flame drifting back and forth. '...It is time, you met...your...family.' The voice spoke, as Jaune stared at the flames, as his eyes began to get heavy, before eventually closed his eyes.
–Within Jaune's Mind
There was a disruption of ashes, as Jaune laid on a dirt and ash covered ground. As he pushed himself up, ash began to fall of his clothes.
Jaune looked around, surrounding him was a unique horizon. The ground was uneven, a dark obsidian ashen-rock landscape spread out as far as the eye could see.
"Where the hell am I?" He asked himself, before he turned and looked up.
The sky was covered in rolling black clouds, only to be broken apart by an Eclipsed Sun, in front of the sun was a pure black shadow of a moon. Around the shadow, was a bright, seething orange glow of a fire. Descending from the eclipsed sun, as a line which descended from the heavens and connected with the horizon.
Jaune looked at the line of light, which descended from the proverbial heavens. He looked around and noticed there was no other path, before he headed towards the line of flames.
It didn't take long until he reached a clearing, a more even set of terrain. The terrain was covered in crimson crystals, with several tall, rock formations protruding around the area, forming a border.
'What is this place?' He thought, before he noticed a figure…sitting on the ground, it's legs crossed.
Jaune took several steps towards the figure. He noticed it the humanoid being, had badly worn, chipped, charred Knight-like Armor. The armor radiated burning cinders and amber, which crackled and popped, raising upwards.
As he approached the radiant person, he was stopped by it speaking. "So...you've finally graced us with your presence." The armored being spoke, his voice sounding like writhing flames.
"Give him a break, people tend to not realize the world they hold, laying within their mind." A calm voice commented, causing Jaune's head to snap up.
There were two people, both on different rock perches. Standing higher than the rest, staring up at the Eclipsed Sun, was an adult man. The adult man was pale skinned, with spiky, black hair, which ran passed his shoulders, his bangs coverings part of his right eye. He wore crimson armor, with numerous metal plates, over his chest, waist, shoulders and thighs. Underneath the crimson armor, was a set of dark blue colored clothes.
That man, was obviously the person who hadn't talked to him. The second person, was a young man with pale skin and black hair. His hair was considerably long, with his hair covering part of the left side of his face. His visible eye, was bright red with a trio of tomeo rotating around the pupils. He wore a light purple shirt, with a black cloak, and similarly colored pants. On his waist was a sheathed Katana.
The young man gave Jaune...a smile, of fondness and something akin nostalgia. "Hn, you remind me of someone I used to know." Sasuke admitted, looking down at Jaune.
"The Uzumaki Brat." Madara said with a sneer.
Jaune looked between Sasuke, Madara, and the Cinder Knight-person. "I...remember you two, but, who are you? What's going on? Who are you people?" He asked.
"Mmmm..." The Knight Humanoid sounded, the sound of churning charcoal and crunching ash. "...I...I am the First Incarnation, the first of Indra's line. I am he who granted humans the ability to harness the energy inside themselves, and weaponize it. I created Ninjutsu, I perfected it. I...am Moegara Uchiha." He spoke.
"I am the Strongest Incarnation of Indra. I am the Ghost of the Uchiha, I am Madara." The Olde Uchiha Warrior stated.
Jaune watched as the third person drop down from the stone above and land in front of him, his cloak billowing as he landed. Sasuke landed in-front of Jaune and fave him a small, kind smile. "...I am Sasuke Uchiha. I've been watching you grow, since you awoken your Sharingan. I've lent you a few fragments of my Chakra and Memories, hoping to guide you. To let you form your own destiny." Sasuke commented, before he took a step back.
"But...with what you learned of those around you. Dark times are ahead. And we...we could understand your need to protect your family, to want more power to keep them safe." Sasuke continued.
"...It's something we know…all to well." Madara commented in a serious tone, staring up at the eclipse with Mangekyō Sharingan Eyes, not that Jaune noticed.
"And it's something we can't let curse our further incarnations. Jaune Arc...I think it's time we had a talk." Sasuke said, as he motioned towards Moegara. "Please, have a seat. Because we have a lot to talk about." He informed, causing Jaune to look around before he took a seat.
Ohh, what could this mean for our future Anti-Hero? Alright, right now. Let me give it to you straight up, Jaune is not going to train with Madara or Sasuke, for one day in his head, and have the bullshit 'Ten Years have passed' in his mind. That shit pisses me off sometimes.
The meeting between his previous incarcerations, are going to be something akin to a trade in ideals. He is going down a path, that is all to familiar with the Uchiha. And they want to offer their wisdom, and if need be...a bit of their power. But that's neither here nor there.
Anyway, for those that don't get it 'Grim Pantera' is basically the RWBY equivalent to Grimmjow. Why did I add him and the other guy, Tristan. Well, why did Jaune and his team enter the Festival Tournament? No one knows. But it's because of that plot convenience that Pyrrha became the Maiden, Penny was killed, and Beacon was destroyed. It's bad writing to have people in a location, just in service of the plot…I know, I'm guilty of this, It also isn't my job to write. This is a hobby, I don't take it seriously.
So, I added those two antagonists to give Jaune a reason to want to be in the Tournament. They fucked with his girl, and more importantly, they fucked with his teammate, he's going to fuck their shit up.
I also tried to humanize Cardin, I mean the dudes a one-dimensional bully, but...everyone's a bully for a reason. I don't like how the Writers for RWBY keep creating characters, don't expand on their already written characters, and then throw the new characters to the shadow realm when the plot's done with them. I mean, where the fuck's Neo been for the passed two volumes? What about CFVY, what about Glynda, or Oobleck? The other Huntsmen?
I don't know if I'm supposed to hate the Huntsmen with how incompetent they seem to be, or it's foreshadowing to some Azien-level evil scheme.
Whatever, I hope you enjoy these two new chapters.