Yeah I'm alive, anyway Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, enjoy
Arra pressed ignore when Jim's name flashed up on her phone, she couldn't deal with him. Mordred squeezed her shoulder in support. She smiled at him, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. She stood quickly ignoring his questioning glance, he was ignorant of her life and she wanted it to stay that way. Her phone began to ring again, this time it was Mycroft.
"Mike?" She answered
"There will be a car to pick you up shortly. One will come to pick your father up later." Mycroft replied
"Okay, give me ten minutes, just so you know he's in a mood and slept last night, so he will probably be difficult."
"Isn't he always?"
Arra laughed at that "I'll see you soon." Putting the phone down
Arra quickly changed into a pair of black skinny fitting trousers, a white short sleeved top and a champagne coloured blazer and a pair of black Louboutin with the red bottom heels. She applied black eye liner and mascara with a blood red lip stick. Before running a brush through her hair. She grabbed her black handbag, double checking her gun was inside, along with her specialty license.
She walked out of 221 just as a black Sudan pulled up.
The driver opened the window "Miss MacMathan?"
Arra nodded before sliding into the backseat. She was unfased by the location she was taken to. She knew Mycroft had friends in high places. She was greeted by Anthea and was taken to meet Mycroft. He informed her to the situation in which had occurred.
"Irene Adler, I've heard of that name, she ended the marriage of an author by having an affair with both husband and wife, am I correct?" Arra asked looking up from the papers that Mycroft had handed to her.
"You are correct, I very much doubt that Sherlock will have any idea who she is."
"That we can both agree on."
The pair walked towards where John and Sherlock were waiting.
"Here to see the Queen?" John asked as the came around the corner.
Sherlock smirked "Oh, apparently yes." Both of them started laugh, Arra fought a smile. Mycroft just sighed in defeat.
"Just once, can you two behave like grown-ups?" Mycroft asked exasperatedly
John smirked "We solve crimes, I blog about it and he forgets his pants, so I wouldn't hold out too much hope."
Sherlock glared at Mycroft as he walked into the room, Arra sat in between Sherlock and John.
"I was in the middle of a case, Mycroft."
"What, the hiker and the backfire? I glanced at the police report. Bit obvious, surely?"
John looked at the two in confusion
"Time to move on, then." Mycroft replies. Mycroft picks up Sherlock's clothes and offers them to him. Sherlock looks at him in disinterest causing Mycroft to sigh and send a look to Arra.
"We are in Buckingham Palace, the very heart of the British nation. Sherlock Holmes, put your trousers on."
"What for?" Sherlock asks
"Dad please." Arra asked
"Your client." Mycroft explained
Sherlock stood up to meet his brother's eyes "And my client is?"
Equerry entered the room "Illustrious in the extreme." John stood out of respect, Arra quickly followed "And remaining, I have to inform you, entirely anonymous."
The Equerry turned to Mycroft "Mycroft."
"Harry." Mycroft replied, shaking the man's hand "May I just apologise for the state of my little brother?" Sherlock frowned
"Mycroft, enough." Arra said simply
"A full-time occupation, I imagine. A pleasure to meet you also Miss MacMathan, I have heard a lot about you."
"The likeliness of it all being true is slim. But it is good to meet you as well." Arra replied
"You'd be an excellent agent for us, working for Queen and country."
"I already have a job of full-time daughter, and I spent most of my life in countries other than the UK, specifically the Republic of Ireland, you can see why Queen and country doesn't sway me." Sherlock smiled a little at her comment.
"And this must be Doctor John Watson, formerly of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers." The Equerry addressed John.
"Hello yes." John replied shaking his hand.
"My employer is a tremendous fan of your blog."
"Your employer?" John looked startled
"Particularly enjoyed the one about the aluminium crutch."
"Thank you." John looked at Sherlock smugly.
"And Mr Holmes the younger. You look taller in your photographs."
"I take the precaution of a good coat and a short friend." Sherlock replied
John did not look impressed, causing Arra to bite back a laugh, which Mycroft noticed and gave her a pointed look.
Sherlock starts to walk out "Mycroft, I don't do anonymous clients. I'm used to mystery at one end of my cases. Both ends is too much work. Good morning."
Mycroft moves and stand on the edge of Sherlock's sheet. Sherlock managed to catch the sheet before he completely revealed himself. His face filled with fury.
Arra quickly covered her eyes "Mike, I don't wanna throw up, please get off his sheet."
Mycroft ignored her "This is a matter of national importance. Grow up!"
"Get off my sheet!" Sherlock hissed
"Or what?"
"Or I'll just walk away."
"I'll let you."
John interrupted "Boys, please. Not here."
"Who. Is. My. Client?"
"Sherlock, even you aren't that dumb." Arra sighed
"Take a look at where you're standing and make a deduction. You are to be engaged by the highest in the land. Now for God's sake…" Mycroft took a deep breath "…Put your clothes on." He hissed.
Arra picked up the pile of clothes and shoved them into Sherlock's chest "I do not need to see the reason my mum became a cradle snatcher, so if you please." Arra's tone left no room for argument.
Sometime later, Arra sat between Sherlock and John
Mycroft began to pour tea "I'll be mother."
"And there is a whole childhood in a nutshell." Sherlock pointed; Mycroft glared at him.
"Behave the pair of you, or I'm telling Gran!" Arra scolded them. Arra's phone vibrated, seeing Jim's number she scowled and ignored the call. Sherlock simply raised an eyebrow at her which she ignored.
The Equerry began "My employer has a problem."
"A matter has come to light of an extremely delicate and potentially criminal nature, and in this hour of need, dear brother, your name has arisen."
"Why? You have a police force of sorts, even a marginally Secret Service. You could pay Arra enough and she could probably deal with it." Arra punched Sherlock in the arm for that, causing both John and Mycroft to smirk. "Why come to me?" Sherlock asked rubbing the spot that Arra had just attacked.
"People do come to you for help, don't they, Mr Holmes?"
"Not to date anyone with a Navy."
"Speak for yourself." Arra muttered under her breath.
"This is a matter of the highest security, and therefore of trust." Mycroft explained.
"You don't trust your own Secret Service?" John asked
"Naturally not. They all spy on people for money." Mycroft smirked, John bit back a smile.
"And Arra?" John asked
"They don't want anyone dead." Arra stated simply, John looked at her in shock slightly "I also don't know at this point if I am compromised. I don't know if James Moriarty has discussed who I am with his web of criminals, so far nothing has arisen, but I cannot be sure. Having me take someone out could potentially lead things back to Mycroft and therefore the crown."
Sherlock frowned but nodded at her explanation, not liking her mention of Moriarty of the reminder of the threat he posed towards his daughter.
The Equerry turned to Mycroft "I do think we have a timetable."
Mycroft looked momentarily flustered causing Arra to smirk "Yes of course. Um …" Mycroft took out a photo and handed it to Sherlock. "What do you know of this woman?"
"Nothing whatsoever." Sherlock replied
"Then you should be paying more attention. Arra?" Mycroft turned to his niece and gestured for her to continue.
"Her name is Irene Adler, she has been the centre of two political scandals within this last year, she also ended the marriage of a novelist by having an affair with the novelist and their spouse. She is professionally known as The Woman."
"Professionally?" John asked
"There are many names for what she does. She prefers 'dominatrix'." Mycroft supplied.
"Dominatrix." Sherlock said thoughtfully
"Don't be alarmed. It's to do with sex." Mycroft smiled
"Sex doesn't alarm me." Sherlock replied
"How would you know?" Mycroft smirked
"I am sitting right here. Should I get a t-shirt that says, 'Proof that Sherlock Holmes had sex at least once'." Arra grumbled, causing John to smile at her actions while Mycroft just looked uncomfortable, he was still not okay that his friend created a child with his little brother.
"She provides – shall we say – recreational scolding for those who enjoy that sort of thing and are prepared to pay for it." He handed Sherlock more photos "These are all from her website."
Sherlock flicked through the photos "And I assume this Adler woman has some compromising photographs."
"You're very quick, Mr Holmes." Equerry replied
"Hardly a difficult deduction. Photographs of whom?" Sherlock asked
"A person of a significance to my employer. We'd prefer not to say any more at this time."
"You can't tell anything?" John asked
Mycroft replied, "I can tell you it's a young person." John took a drink from his teacup. "A young female person."
John's eyes widen and Sherlock smirked.
"It would do a lot for the LGBTQ+ community if a member of the royal family was publicly open about their sexuality." Arra added
"Not helpful Arra." Mycroft commented, Arra's response was to stick her tongue out at him, which Mycroft responded with an eye roll.
"How many photographs?" Sherlock asked
"A considerable number, apparently." Mycroft replied
"Do Miss Adler and this young female person appear in these photographs together?"
"Yes, they do."
"And I assume in a number of compromising scenarios."
"An imaginative range, we are assured."
"Kinky!" Arra smirked, which Mycroft threw a glare at her which she responded with a wink.
Without looking round at him, Sherlock realises that John is staring blankly at Mycroft with his teacup still half raised.
"John, you might want to put that cup back in your saucer now."
John quickly does as Sherlock suggested.
"Can you help us, Mr Holmes?" The Equerry asked
"Will you take the case?"
"What case? Pay her, now and in full. As Miss Adler remarks in her masthead, 'Know when you are beaten.'" Sherlock states
"She doesn't want anything." Mycroft explained "She got in touch, she informed us that the photographs existed, she indicated that she had no intention to use them to extort either money or favour."
"Oh, a power play. A power play with the most powerful family in Britain. Now that is a dominatrix. Ooh, this is getting rather fun, isn't it?"
"Why else would they ask for you?" Arra asked rolling her eyes at her father while John spoke at the same time.
"Sherlock ..."
"Hmm. Where is she?" Sherlock asked
"Uh, in London currently. She's staying ..."
"Text me the details. I'll be in touch by the end of the day." Sherlock interrupted, grabbing his coat and began to walk away. Arra already knew what was coming and followed closely behind him, the other three got up to follow.
"Do you really think you'll have news by then?" The Equerry asked
"No, I think I'll have the photographs." Sherlock replied
"One can only hope you're as good as you seem to think."
Arra groaned as Sherlock began to deduce the Equerry and began to walk off.
Sherlock looks across to Mycroft.
"I'll need some equipment, of course."
"Anything you require. I'll have it sent to ..." Mycroft began
"Can I have a box of matches?" Sherlock asked the Equerry
"I'm sorry?"
"Or your cigarette lighter. Either will do."
"I don't smoke."
"No, I know you don't, but your employer does."
"We have kept a lot of people successfully in the dark about this little fact, Mr Holmes."
"I'm not the Commonwealth."
"And that's as modest as he gets. Pleasure to meet you." John apologised following Sherlock walk out.
"Laterz!" Sherlock shouts.
They found Arra at the entrance leaning on a wall.
"I think there is one of those laws about loitering Arra." Sherlock smirked at his daughter
"Yeah, well I always was a bit of a rule breaker, wasn't I?" Arra grinned, joining Sherlock and John as they walked to their taxi.
John turns to Sherlock in the taxi "Okay, the smoking. How did you know?"
Sherlock smiles briefly, then shakes his head. Arra snorted.
Sherlock replied "The evidence was right under your nose, John. As ever, you see but do not observe."
John looked confused "Observe what?"
Sherlock reaches into his coat. "The ashtray."
He pulls out a glass ashtray. John laughs with delight as Sherlock tosses the ashtray into the air, catches it and tucks it back into his coat, chuckling. Arra shook her head at her father's antics.
While Sherlock changed in 221B, Arra quickly into her flat to fix herself a coffee. She threw the bunch of stargazer lilies addressed to her in the bin, knowing exactly who they were from. She shook off the memories of her past, Arra left her flat when she heard the front door slam, knowing that Sherlock wouldn't wait for her. As she left 221 a black car pulled up for her to follow Sherlock and John.
Arra stood outside leaning on the railings as John and Sherlock walked up, she noticed the cut on Sherlock's face.
"Its probably best John, did that I would have given you at least one black eye and we wouldn't want your bashed-up face to distract Miss Adler." Arra smirked
Sherlock simply rolled his eyes at her, before ringing the bell.
A female voice spoke through the intercom. "Hello?"
Sherlock stares into the camera wide-eyed and flustered. He talks in an anxious, tearful, posh voice and keeps looking around behind him as he speaks.
"Ooh! Um, sorry to disturb you. Um, I've just been attacked, um, and, um, I think they ... they took my wallet and, um, and my phone. Umm, please could you help me?"
Arra had to bite her fist to stop herself from laughing, by the sound of it so was the woman.
"I can phone the police if you want." Kate replied
Sherlock responds tearfully "Thank you, thank you! Could you, please?"
He takes a step back and the camera now shows that his shirt is buttoned right up to the top and there is a piece of white plastic under the collar which makes him look like he is wearing the 'dog collar' of a vicar. Arra rolls her eyes at his dramatics.
"Oh, would you ... would you mind if I just waited here, just until they come? Thank you. Thank you so much."
He says holding a handkerchief to his cheek, he starts to whine pathetically. Kate buzzes him in. Sherlock comes in, followed by John and Arra
Sherlock speaks while still in character "Thank you." He briefly looks around the large entrance hall. "Er, ooh!"
John closed the door, before speaking to Kate "I – I saw it all happen. It's okay, I'm a doctor."
"I was with him when they attacked him, I went to the shop and I came out and they were hitting him." Arra spoke eyes watering
Kate nods.
John turns to Kate "Now, have you got a first aid kit?"
She replies, "In the kitchen." She gestures for Sherlock and Arra to go into the front room. "Please."
Sherlock says to her "Oh! Thank you!"
John nods "Thank you."
Arra sent the woman a weak smile.
Very shortly afterwards Sherlock has taken off his coat and is sitting on a sofa in the elegant sitting room and looking around Arra sat next to him. Hearing footsteps approaching, he sits up a little and holds his handkerchief to his cheek, Arra places a hand on his arm in a gesture of comfort.
Irene speaks before entering the room "Hello. Sorry to hear that you've been hurt. I don't think Kate caught your name."
Sherlock continues into his character "I'm so sorry. I'm ..."
He turns and looks at Irene as she walks into view and stops at the doorway. His voice fails him when he realises that, with the exception of high-heeled shoes, she is stark naked. His jaw drops a little. Arra frowns slightly at her father's reaction but does give Irene a once over, she was only human.
"Oh, it's always hard to remember an alias when you've had a fright, isn't it?"
She walks into the room and stands directly in front of him, straddling his legs and half-kneeling on the sofa, then reaches forward and pulls the white dog collar from his shirt collar.
"There now – we're both defrocked ..."
Arra could smell the faint aroma of a man's cologne, one she recognised but was unsure as to where from and even the name.
Irene smiles down at Sherlock, Arra stands up and moves to the other side of the room.
"... Mr Sherlock Holmes."
Sherlock replies "Miss Adler, I presume."
Irene smiles while gazing down at his face. "Look at those cheekbones. I could cut myself slapping that face. Would you like me to try?"
Narrowing her eyes, she lifts the dog collar to her mouth and bites down onto the edge of it. As Sherlock stares up at her in confusion, John walks into the room carrying a bowl of water and a fabric napkin. His eyes are lowered to the bowl to avoid spilling its contents.
John speaks "Right, this should do it."
He stops dead in the doorway as he lifts his eyes and sees the scene in front of him. Irene looks round to him, the dog collar still in her teeth. John looks at her awkwardly, then down at the bowl before looking up again.
"I've missed something, haven't I?"
Irene takes the collar from her teeth. "Please, sit down."
"And do get off his lap, the flirting in making me nauseous and I'd rather not ruin the cream carpet." Arra says casually
Irene steps back from Sherlock, who fidgets uncomfortably on the sofa as she walks away.
Irene turns to them "Oh, if you'd like some tea, I can call the maid."
Sherlock instantly replies, "I had some at the Palace."
"I know."
She sits down in a nearby armchair and crosses her legs, folding her arms gracefully to obscure the view of her chest.
Sherlock looks at her "Clearly."
They stare silently at each other for several seconds, weighing each other up.
John looks at them awkwardly. "I had a tea, too, at the Palace, if anyone's interested."
Sherlock's eyes are still fixed on Irene while he attempts to make as many deductions about her as he can. Arra isn't truly paying attention she was trying to remember where she had smelt that cologne from, and it had begun to frustrate her.
Sherlock frowns due to being unable to make any deductions about Irene Adler.
Irene asks "D'you know the big problem with a disguise, Mr Holmes?"
He quirks an eyebrow at her.
"However hard you try, it's always a self-portrait."
"You think I'm a vicar with a bleeding face?"
"No, I think you're damaged, delusional and believe in a higher power. In your case, it's yourself."
Arra snorts at that comment. Sherlock starts unbuttoning the top two buttons. Irene leans forward.
"Oh, and somebody loves you. Why, if I had to punch that face, I'd avoid your nose and teeth too."
She glances across to John momentarily.
John forces a laugh. "Could you put something on, please? Er, anything at all." He looks down at what he's holding. "A napkin."
Irene turns to John "Why? Are you feeling exposed?"
Sherlock says standing up "I don't think John knows where to look."
Sherlock picks up his coat, shakes it out and holds it out towards Irene. Ignoring him for the moment, she stands up and walks closer to John, who rolls his head on his neck uncomfortably and forces himself to maintain eye contact with her and not to let his eyes wander lower.
"No, I think he knows exactly where."
She turns to Sherlock who is still holding out the coat while steadfastly keeping his gaze averted.
Irene takes the coat from him "I'm not sure about you."
Sherlock rolls his eyes "If I wanted to look at naked women, I'd borrow John's or Arra's laptop."
John complains "You do borrow my laptop."
Sherlock replied bitterly "I confiscate it."
"Also don't bring me into it, I haven't been with a woman since I was sixteen so leave my past and my browser history out of this." Arra glared at Sherlock, John's mouth drops open a little while Irene looks at her with interest.
Sherlock walks over to the fireplace opposite the sofa. Arra zones the other three out until she hears Irene say,
"I like detective stories – and detectives. Brainy's the new sexy."
Sherlock says incoherently "Positionofthecar ..."
Arra sends him a look, which he pointedly ignores. Arra had no idea how much time had passed before it clicked which brand of cologne, she had smelt, it was No.1 by Clive Christian which was over £500 per bottle and there was only one man she had ever know wear, that particular cologne.
A smoke alarm broke her attention, and she focused back on the conversation between Irene and Sherlock, the later who had discovered the location of the photographs
Sherlock walks over to the fireplace and begins running his fingers underneath the mantelpiece. Finding a switch under there, he presses it and the mirror slides upwards, revealing a small wall safe behind it. Sherlock turns and looks at Irene as she stands up.
"Really hope you don't have a baby in here."
"All right, John, you can turn it off now."
"I said you can turn it off now."
John shouts back "Give me a minute."
Sherlock turned to the safe "Hmm. Should always use gloves with these things, you know. Heaviest oil deposit's always on the first key used – that's quite clearly the three – but after that the sequence is almost impossible to read. I'd say from the make that it's a six-digit code. Can't be your birthday – no disrespect but clearly you were born in the eighties; the eights barely used, so ..."
Arra turns to directly face Adler "Tell me Miss Adler what is your association with Jim Moriarty?"
Irene and Sherlock look confused.
"What? What do you mean?" She asked
"You know what I mean, Adler, there is very few people who would be able to afford Clive Christian No.1, one of those include Jim Moriarty."
"I have no idea what you are talking about and as for the safe I've already told you. Think." Irene says, but sends Arra a small smirk when Sherlock wasn't looking.
Arra felt jealousy and bitterness rise up inside, she was about to run at Adler and break her neck when John came through the door held at gun point
Neilson aims a gun to Sherlock's head "Hands behind your head. On the floor. Keep it still. Miss MacMathan, don't even think of going for your gun, it will not end well for you."
I've split this into multiple chapters as otherwise it would have been way too long.
Hope you enjoyed
- A