Hi guys! I will have longer chapters now because I am allowed on the lap top! How many updates did I do today? Three? I don't know but anyways here is a update. Oh and anyways the reason why I changed the name is because well... I don't want to give a spoiler... One of these days u will find out! :0

Marina POV

Genukenises: Ice and Fire together.

Externa: Legacy to turn into whatever you touch.

Dremkenises: Ability to see into someone's dream.

Mind control: Able to control people.

Mind reading: Ability to read peoples thoughts.

Reading all this makes me get a tiny head ache. Eight is still reading. The first two I red made me get a tingly feeling. If we develop one of them, Ella could come back. I start to read again.

Mind Erase: Ability to erase someone's mind.

I stop reading for good and walk into the kitchen. I see John, Sarah and Six in the kitchen and Nine, Adam, Malcolm and Sam in the other room. Nine gets up and comes into here.

"Hello my friends. What is the schedule for today?" Nine asks us. I turn to John, he just shrugs.

"How about we have a awesome day in New York? Or we could stay in Chicago and check this place out, we haven't done anything since the war ended except train. For what/ Nothing will happen again." Sarah says. I nod and so does Nine. Six also nods and John just stands there like he is in deep concentration.

"Did somebody revive Ella?" John asks, by the sound of her name Nine and I flinch. We all shake our heads. He continues "Well, I contacted her." I realize the legacy I red about.

"Necrotelepathy. Its a legacy to talk to the dead!" I say. John looks confused.

"How do you know dis?" Nine asks. Then Eight comes in still reading the book.

"Hey guys, did you know there is a legacy that you can talk to the dead? Its called Necrotelepathy." Eight says and John smacks his head.

"What did I say?" Eight asks. We all laugh and I walk to him.

"I was just talking about that." I say. He looks around the room and starts giggling himself. Nine eventually goes to the fridge and grabs a 🍪. I wonder what Ella said.

K guys ending it there. I'm on my iPad again for the update so sorry! I'll keep updating on my laptop when I get a chance!