This is a bit belated but THANK YOU (infinitely) for the positive feedback to You're His Hope. Reviews, recs, follows, likes — all amazing to get and I'm sorry if at times the plot went slow or weirdly loopy. I also hope it helped you with season 3 in some way, and if it didn't, I hope it was at least fun to read.

I apologize if you're one of the readers who are already aware of this, but I'm just going to do a quick shoutout. I have no idea if you've been keeping up with the sequel to You're His Hope, but spoiler alert: it's around 38 chapters and 125,000 words in. If you have time, check out The Legacies We Leave. It's kinda like the season 4 fic to follow this season 3 one, and I've had a blast writing it so far. Can't wait to share.

