The Dragonborn Comes

Chapter Nine: King's Landing

King's Landing, 300 AC-Robb

As Robb prepared for what would undoubtedly be one of the most momentous days of the year, he smiled as he remembered how coldly the Northerners had been welcomed into this shithole of a city. Ser Lancel Lannister had been the one to greet them, only to piss himself at the sight of Grey Wind and Ghost and passing the duty of leading them to their quarters to a squire. The lad had immediately started asking the most ridiculous questions like "What happened to your army of wolves?" "How do you turn into a wolf?" and "What do men taste like?" To the Northerners' shock, those were the tales that Joffrey had been telling to explain how they had been defeating the Lannister armies. Fortunately, Talisa had been able to convince the boy that the rumors were just that and that Robb was just a brilliant strategist. The Targaryens had managed to escape notice thanks to them deciding to wear hoods, thus hiding their famous silver hair, and even now, Aegon and Balerion were preparing for their duel against the Mountain and Trant.

One hour later, the trial by combat began in the ruins of the Dragonpit with Pycelle making the usual speech followed by the High Sparrow praying that justice be done, and Aegon stepping out to face Meryn Trant. The duel didn't even last a minute before Aegon cut the man's head off, much to the shock of everyone watching. "The Lady Sansa Lannister is proven innocent," Pycelle announced. "Would her champion remove his helm and announce to us his identity."

Aegon did as requested, and with a smile announced: "My name is Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar and Elia Martell, and I am here to claim my throne." Oberyn ran up to the young man, looked him in the eye before embracing him, glad to see that something of his beloved sister remained in this world. Then Aegon whispered something to Oberyn, and the man's face went red with rage before Aegon managed to calm him down, and the two sat down next to the rest of the Northern contingent while Sansa waited with bated breath to see if Tyrion would also escape the headsman's sword.

When the Mountain came out, Dany grabbed Bael by the arm and demanded "You're going to fight that?! He's the biggest man I've ever seen!"

"No, I'm going to kill that and avenge my sister," Bael countered. "Besides, you don't know a large man until you've seen a true giant," he finished with a smile. Turning back towards the arena, he pulled out Vindice and called out "This is not just a trial by combat over the innocence or guilt of Tyrion Lannister. Gregor Clegane, you are on trial for the rape and murder of Elia Martell and the murder of Rhaenys Targaryen!" Everyone gasped in shock at that, though Oberyn smiled at the statement. The Lannisters on the other hand looked furious at the idea of their loyal minion being on trial for anything, and even the cool and collected Tywin was clearly on the grip of losing his temper. Tywin then gave a signal, and the Mountain charged at Bael, clearly intent on ending the duel quickly.

However, Bael easily side-stepped the Mountain's attack and jabbed Vindice into Clegane's back, and drawing a little blood, much to everyone's shock. Clegane turned and swung his sword again, clearly trying to cut Robb's cousin in half, only for Bael to catch the swing with Vindice. While Clegane's strength caused Bael to stumble at the impact, there was also clear damage to Clegane's sword, but that didn't matter to the knight. He raised the sword, once again trying for a killing blow, but Bael rolled away and stabbed at the Mountain's knee. Clegane roared in pain and collapsed to his knees, causing him to roar again. Bael stood up and swung Vindice at Clegane's left shoulder, cutting the arm clean off and causing the man to roar in pain yet again. Clegane managed to stand up again, but Bael dodged his attack before swinging his sword again, this time cutting his right arm off at the elbow. He gave out one last roar of pain before Bael cut off the Mountain's head. Everyone stared at the young swordsman in shock, none more so than Robb himself. His cousin had always been good with a sword, but this was something else entirely! What had those wildlings taught him?

Bael then bent over and picked up the Mountains helm before shaking the man's head out of it and handing the helm over to Prince Oberyn. "Your highness, send this off to your brother. Your sister has been avenged, and I hope she can rest easy now." Then he turned to the Lannisters and announced "Before you ask, I am Balerion Targaryen, trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. My brother and I are here to reclaim what our family built. You can choose to either talk with us and live, or you can fight and you will die."

King's Landing, 300 AC-Tywin

Tywin basically ignored the debate over the Iron Throne so he could continue his work as Hand. It didn't matter to him that Aegon was Aerys' legal heir, the Lannisters now held the throne, and possession was 9/10ths of the law after all. Then Stark said something that caught his ear: "You and your bastards have no claim to the Iron Throne at all!"

"What do you mean by bastards?!" Tywin demanded.

"What he means is that Lord Stark told us that all of Cersei's children are bastards fathered by Ser Jaime," Balerion explained. "I assume you still have the letter, cousin?"

"Naturally," Stark replied before reaching into the pouch on his belt. "Father quoted Cersei quite extensively after he discovered the truth. 'Jaime and I are more than brother and sister. We are one person in two bodies. When he is in me, I feel whole. I can scarcely bare for Robert to touch me, and I have not let him inside me for years.'"

"You confessed?!" Jaime demanded. "What the hells were you thinking?!"

"He was going to tell Robert, what did you expect me to do?" Cersei replied.

Tywin saw red at that. "You mean it's true?!" he raged. "I fought the war for a falsehood and a ruined legacy!" His heart started pounding, and he charged at the one he saw as most responsible for the lie: his daughter, Cersei. Jaime respected him too much to do something so foolish, so clearly the fault lay with his idiotic daughter! Tywin saw no one but his daughter, heard nothing, and quickly wrapped his arms around her throat, intent on choking the life out of her for what she had cost him. As he did, his heart pounded harder and harder, but Tywin didn't let go, even when his heart finally gave out.