Bulma rolled over with a moan as Trunks' screaming woke her. "Not again..."

Vegeta sighed, shifting under the covers. Bulma pulled her robe on and sauntered sleepily into her son's room to find him laying on his bed sobbing.

"Ok, honey, it was just another nightmare," Bulma was becoming incredibly practiced at this routine as she pulled her son into a hug with a yawn.

"Mom! You're alive!" Trunks shouted. He laughed a couple times through his tears. "I dreamt that you died..."

"Oh, sweety...," Bulma held him tighter. "I'm right here."

"I didn't want to live anymore...I tried to kill myself, but Dad screamed at me for it and said it wasn't my fault..."

"*Darned* right!" Vegeta stood at the doorway. His eyes had narrowed just a bit.

Trunks' teary eyes looked up for a moment.

Vegeta sighed as he walked over to the bed and took Trunks from his mother, putting one hand under his toosh to support the weight and the other around his back. "You sure got my reaction right this time, son."

Trunks continued to cry as he placed his arms around Vegeta's neck. Bulma smiled, walking over to the pair. She wrapped one arm around Vegeta and the other around Trunks.

"I don't want to live without you, Mom," Trunks whispered.

"That's enough of that, young man," Bulma lectured. "If I ever die, then you sure as heck BETTER continue living!"


"Trunks, I don't want to hear it. Don't you even THINK a thing like that!"
Vegeta growled.

"It was my fault in the dream...and Dad didn't know and I didn't want to tell him because he wouldn't love me anymore, but I did, and I TOLD him he wouldn't love me anymore..."

Vegeta frowned. "What did I do?"

Trunks sat back in his father's arms, remembering. He frowned, pouting. "You slapped me...and told me to never say that again."

Vegeta smirked with a bit of a laugh. "Good! Anything else?"

Trunks glanced at his mother, then continued looking down at his fidgeting fingers. "You said it wasn't my fault and if it was you would still love me."

Vegeta smiled. "See son? You DO know me."

Trunks looked up, doubtful. "What if I killed mom?" tears formed in his eyes again.

Bulma rubbed his back. "Honey, you would never do a thing like that on purpose and as long as it's not on purpose than even if you were there it would only be an accident."

"But it would still be my fault..."

"Trunks, accidents are nobody's fault. That's what an accident IS."

Trunks looked back to his father. "Would you really...?"

"What?" Vegeta prompted him.

Trunks looked down at his fingers again. "...still love me?"

Vegeta forced his face up. "I told you, son, nothing you could ever do would change my mind. I will ALWAYS love you." Trunks sighed, but Vegeta wouldn't let
him look away. "I MEAN it. Trunks, I want you to promise me something."

Trunks was afraid of what he would say.

"No matter what happens in your life, or who dies, I want you to promise me
you'll never try to hurt or kill yourself."

"Promise me too, Trunks," Bulma stood next to her husband. Trunks looked from one to the other of them.

"Ok, I promise...I won't."

"Good. I'll make you a deal. I'll promise you something too and if I ever break my promise, then you can break yours," Vegeta started.

Trunks nodded. Bulma looked a her husband curiously.

"I promise that I'll always love you, no matter what, ok?"

Trunks was surprised. THIS was making it sink in.

"Now you can only break your promise if you ASK me if I still love you and I say no. Otherwise, you have to keep your promise, understand?"

"Ok," Trunks' voice was low. He leaned forward again and hugged his father. Vegeta brought his hand around his back again. "Dad...I don't want to sleep alone tonight," Trunks whispered, afraid he'd be rejected.

Vegeta looked to Bulma, who nodded with a smile.

"Ok, son, you can sleep with us," Vegeta began walking back to their room. He placed Trunks in the middle of the bed and him and Bulma climbed in each on one side of him.

"Goodnight, my little prince," Bulma wrapped an arm around Trunks' stomach, kissing the back of his head.

"No more nightmares, son," Vegeta kissed his forehead, then let Trunks snuggle against his shoulder, offering his arm as a pillow.

The three Briefs slowly drifted off to sleep.

* * One Week Later * *

All the Z gang were gathered at the Briefs' house sitting in the living room getting ready to watch movies. The three young ones, Goten, Trunks, and Marron were being sent out of the room to watch G movies in another part of the house.

"Dad, I can't leave until I ask you something," Trunks walked over to his father,
who was in the center of the crowd, trying to hide a smirk.

Vegeta frowned. "No!"

"Are you sure that's the answer Dad? I really think you better listen to my question first..."

"Whatever it is, the answer is no."

Trunks narrowed his eyes a little. "Dad...please? I really just have to ask you..."

Vegeta growled. "All right fine, what is it son?"

"Do you still love me?" Trunks fought not to laugh at his father's face.

Everyone in the room was quiet, holding their breath as they waited for an answer. A large sweatdrop formed on Vegeta's head as he glanced around the room. All eyes were on him with anticipation.

"*Dangit*!" Vegeta growled.

"Oh Vegeta...!" Bulma tried to hide her laughter. She smirked, shaking her head.

"Don't you say a WORD, woman!" Vegeta gave her a hard stare, then shifted his angry expression to his son, who was smiling mischieviously. "Trunks!" he hissed. "This is NOT the time!" he said through clenched teeth, still glancing at the inquiring faces around him.

"Aw, come on Vegeta, your son wants reassurance," Goku grinned.

"Shut up, Kakarot!" Vegeta snapped.

"I have to know Dad, because I have to go upstairs and watch G movies so I have to know if I can break my promise because...well, who wants to watch G movies if they can get out of it?" Trunks obviously had this completely planned out.

Vegeta grabbed his shirt and pulled the child right up to his beat red face. He was furious. "You KNOW my answer, you little brat!" he spoke very low and through his teeth.

"No, I don't, you have to tell me Dad...I mean...now that I'm asking you in front
of everybody, maybe you changed your mind."

"Well if I ever would, this is certainly the time, now isn't it?" Vegeta was highly irritated.

Trunks nodded. Now he was feeling a little insecure. Vegeta let go of him and sat back, taking in a big breath. He sat up straight and looked around, preparing himself for a short speech. "FIRST, Trunks, when everyone goes home, YOU are getting the beating of your LIFE. Second, YES, *darnit*! You KNOW I still love you! And if you EVER make me say that in front of people again, I'll whip you so hard your grandchildren's grandchildren will feel it!"

Trunks eyes widened and his mouth slowly dropped into a huge smile. He jumped ten feet in the air. "YES! I DID IT! I DID IT!" Suddenly he stopped and looked at Goten. "Pay up Goten! I TOLD you I could make him say it in front of everyone!"

Goten's mouth was open in shock. He didn't know what to say. "But..."

"Give me the money, Goten!" Trunks was starting to get mad.

"You bet him?" Chichi was just realising what was going on.

"Uh...I don't exactly have it..."

"WHAT?! I won't be able to walk for three months because of this and you don't even have the money?!" Trunks was furious as he started chasing Goten around the house.

Everyone in the room started laughing, except Bulma and Chichi, who were trying to catch their warring children, and Vegeta, of course.

"Well, Vegeta. I think you've just proven that you're by far the strongest one of us," Goku smiled, putting an arm around his friend.

"Kakarot," Vegeta spoke in a low gruff voice. "Get your hands off me!" he snapped.

"Of course, you still could make advancement..." The room roared in laughter.

* * * * *

Finally the night was coming to a close. Vegeta was sick of everyone and just wanted them to leave. He was tired, and irritated, and he still had his son to deal with. Bulma had told everyone the story behind Trunks'request while Vegeta had been in the bathroom. It was also then that she'd secretly arranged for Trunks to spend the night with Goten. She would just let him slip out with the crowd when they left and tell Vegeta later.

"All right, that's enough," Vegeta shoed everyone out of his kitchen and toward the door. "Good bye, goodbye, get out of my house."

He sat down on the couch where he could still see the door as the guests and his wife stood saying their last couple words. Then, out of the corner of his eye he caught a child quickly making his way toward the door, bag on shoulder. Immediately Vegeta stood and went to the door, just in time to grab his son's arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" he glared down at the boy.

Trunks shuffled his feet nervously. "Mom said I was staying over with Goten tonight."

"Oh did she?" Vegeta shot Bulma a short glare.

"Don't be too hard on him, Vegeta. He didn't do anything wrong," Goku's voice was soft and friendly.

"Mind your own business!" Vegeta snapped as he slammed the door shut. Finally! Everyone was gone...less him wife and his son, who WOULD have been gone if not for his watchful eyes. He scowled down at the child, who nervously began fidgeting. "Up to your room, son."

Trunks glanced up at his father, than slinked by him and up to his room.

Bulma frowned. "Come on, Vegeta. He's only nine. And quite frankly, if you'd shown him affection when he was younger and told him you cared back then, he would never have felt the need for this tonight."

"Sure he would have! He thought he'd get money!"

"You should be ashamed his best friend was so confident that you didn't care about Trunks that he bet money he didn't have that you would never admit it!"

"In public, Bulma, there's a difference! It had nothing to do with any of that. He just knew me well enough to know I don't talk that crap around people!"

"Is that what you call it? Crap?" Bulma widened her eyes.

"Crap, mush, what's the difference?"

"It's emotion!" Bulma yelled. NOW she was angry. "Every normal father on the planet shows their children affection in PUBLIC. And you know why? Because they aren't ASHAMED that they LOVE them! How can you say your really love your son when what you show him is that love is shameful?! I will NOT have you polluting my son with that kind of thinking!"

Vegeta sighed, scowling. He was affected quite deeply by her words, but he would never show anything but irritation with her. He left the room, muttering with annoyance. Bulma knew him well enough to see past it and didn't say anything more.

Trunks sat on his bed, head down. He was feeling a little bit bad about embarrassing his father like that. Maybe he'd pushed him too far with this one. Now he'd be mad at him for the rest of his life. His heart sank. So much for his father's love. Trunks looked up as his father entered the room. Uh-oh. He dreaded the pain he would soon be feeling.

"Dad...," his voice was small. "I'm sorry I made you be embarrassed in front of everybody. It was stupid of me. And if you changed your mind now, it's ok," Trunks lowered his head with a sigh. "I'm ready for punishment, Dad. I know I deserve it."

Vegeta stood at the door, patiently listening. When his son was finished he sighed and sat down on the bed next to him, pulling the boy into a hug. Trunks was surprised. This was not what he'd expected to happen. "I guess it doesn't matter how many times I tell you I love you. You just don't have enough proof to know my mind just cannot be changed."

This was completely unexpected. Trunks was baffled. His father sounded defeated, but completely certain about every word. "Aren't you mad at me, Dad?" Trunks reminded him.

"I was, yes, but I'm not now. It's very hard for me to express my feelings and I really wanted to just keep them in the family, but love is meant to be shared son. I guess if I'm going to be completely honest about it, I have to be able to express it to you wherever we are and whoever's around. Besides. I kind of think you won't ever really believe me until I do anyway, and that's more important than me feeling embarrassed."

Trunks smiled and hugged his father back. He really wasn't sure about what he was trying to say, but he felt secure again. His father DID still love him. He said he'd give him a terrible beating for what he'd done, but it was obvious now he wasn't going to. THAT he was CERTAINLY thankful for. Nobody in the WORLD gave spankings like his father!

Vegeta gave him a pat on the back, kissed the top of his head, and pulled away, once again standing. "All right, time for bed. Get your pajamas on and brush your teeth," he left the room.

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