A/N – I redid this. I just could not stand the original one I wrote. It had a lot of inconsistencies and grammar mistakes. Here's the new one. I do not own Twilight, or Luke Bryan's song Play it Again.

Also if you want to read the original one, it's on the next page.

"Come on Jasper! I want you to meet my little sister!" Emmitt McCarthy called in his overly loud voice.

Jasper had let his friends Emmett drag him to the local bar and was now sorely regretting it. It was too loud and there were too many people.

"I'm coming." He muttered a scowl on his face. Looking around he noticed they were heading towards a small girl with Emmett's dark curly hair. They reached her and Emmett pulled her into his huge arms.

"Er…Emmy? Can't…Breathe." She gasped out as he squeezed her.

"Belly Bear! I missed you!" The dark haired man shouted laughing loudly when a light pink slipped over her face.

"Bella, I want you to meet my friend Jasper." He said pointing to the blonde.

"It's lovely to meet you." She said timidly, the complete opposite of her older brother.

At least that's what he thought, until her small hand tugged at his larger one, and shouted "Come on! I want to dance."

She was like, come here boy, I wanna dance
'Fore I said a word, she was takin' my hand

He was speechless as he was led through the crowded bar and near the stage. A slow song was playing and he thought he faintly recognized it. He gripped her small waist and she rested her hand on his shoulder.

"I love this song." She smile and he was glad he helped make it.

"I do too." He found himself agreeing, and vowed to learn it on his guitar.

Line Break Line Break Line Break Line Break Line Break Line Break Line Break Line Break Line Break

Jasper was now driving the small girl home; her brother had taken off earlier in the evening. They sat in his car in front of her house. Neither wanted to move, and both wanted to hear the one song again. Jasper fidgeted with the radio, hoping it would come on. He couldn't believe his luck when the familiar song spilled from the speakers. Bella's face lighted it up, and he thought there was nothing prettier.

We were sittin' in the drive in my truck
Before I walked her to the door
I was scannin' like a fool AM, FM, XM too
But I stopped real quick when I heard that groove
Man, you should have seen her light up

"Wanna dance?" He asked, smiling like a fool when she said yes. They both stepped outside and into the headlights. He rested his hands on her waist and she gently laid head on his chest. They swayed and twirled until it slowly trickled down to the very last lyric. She very gently laid a kiss on the corner of his mouth and ran off into the house.

Line Break Line Break Line Break Line Break Line Break Line Break Line Break Line Break Line

It had been several weeks and Jasper and Bella now a couple. That Friday night they were lying under the stars, when Jasper pulled something out from under the blanket. The dark headed girl smiled softly at the sight of his guitar, and laid her head against his shoulder. Jasper strummed the cords to the song they both loved.

The next Friday night we were sittin' out under the stars
You should have seen her smile when I broke out my guitar

She sighed, and he fell even more in love with her.

"Jasper, can you please play it again?" She asked, her voice soft. He nodded and began to strum once more.

Yeah, play it again, play it again, play it again
Somebody, play it again, play it again, play it again

The two fell asleep under the stars and dreamt of the song that forever changed their lives.