I should not go on the kinkmeme, I should be finishing a story...not starting a new one. but this one was just too delicious not to tackle
For whatever reason (maybe Peter's mother dies earlier), the Ravagers pick Peter up when he's still tiny. Yondu wasn't quite prepared for the fact he'd have basically a baby to care for, but despite this, he still doesn't deliver Peter to his father.
Instead, Yondu raises him as his own, although obviously Peter knows he's Terran. There can be parents!Kraglin/Yondu as well if wanted.
Bonus: Peter still had his tapes on him when he was taken - maybe his mommy knew he'd be picked up and got him all packed.
So how do Space Pirates, learn to raise a baby?
Fatherhood Chapter 1
Meredith Quill, had been dying the moment her son was born, they had come to her a few hours after she had brought little Peter into the world and told her the tiredness and nosebleeds were not common in pregnancy. But acute terminal cancer…the dreaded C word.
Meredith had no family anymore, being disowned when her conservative parents found out she was carrying to a deadbeat who had disappeared with no forwarding address, and she was now a pariah… a whore. She had a year if she was lucky and none of them wanted little Peter. In the end, after another chemotherapy session which proved useless and nothing could stop the spread, she had made the decision to put Peter up for adoption.
With their last night at the Hospital, since she knew she would never leave the place alive, she had a small bag full of items to give to social services when they came in the morning, full of letters and trinkets and a Walkman, in her hand. Constantly terrified someone would take them she slipped past her doctors. Meredith loved music and had made mixed tapes to pass on that love for her son, as the sun fell over the horizon and she ventured outside.
Her legs shaking from the drugs, but wanting to hold her son longer in the cold air, little Peter stirred in her arms but never woke up as she sat on the grass and looked to the stars, hoping for a miracle, for someone out there to love her son, her pride and joy. "I love you my little Star Lord." She told the sleeping baby for the thousandth time, hoping that he would remember the sound of her voice as her tears begun to fall on his tiny blond head.
Leaning back against the grass, Meredith was too tired to move, soon she would be like this all the time as she stared to the sky and saw a bright light moving towards to her. Her eyes grew hazy as the light grew stronger; she was tired now and knew it was it. He had come to her in a glow of light, which she sometimes thought she imagined but now she knew it too be true. "See that my darling" She whispered to the sleeping baby "That's your daddy."
There were no more words to be said as Meredith Quill closed her eyes forever, as the ship begun to hover over here. When Yondu got the order he was expecting a difficult extraction, a backwoods world like Earth, he expected families and torches and pitchforks. As he stepped over to the woman, and checked her neck for a pulse. His blue skin standing out against her white flesh, he noticed she was attractive in a strange way, bald just like him.
Turning his attention to his real score, the sleeping baby in her arms. Yondu picked up the baby, with ease and turned away, before stopping and grabbing the small bag that was hanging from her wrist, there could be something valuable in there after all, as he gave the order to be extracted. A few minutes later, with Earth and the Solar System now far behind them, Yondu was walking with the baby through the ship, and with each step feeling more irritated. It was a baby, it was a bloody baby, he was expecting a young child...but a sodding baby! What the hell was he meant to do with it?
"Here." He declared as he stepped onto the bridge and his first mate Kraglin slid out of the Captain's seat "Congratulations it's a boy". Kraglin just looked at his mate for a few good seconds, as he recognised that Yondu was using his authoritative voice, which he couldn't ignore, as he took the baby from his arms and held it awkwardly "What the hell am I meant to do with it?"
"Whatever you do with babies, I don't know I have to pilot this ship" Yondu said grumpily
"Don't give me that excuse, anyone can pilot though this galaxy. I don't know what to do with babies". Retorted Kraglin not bothering to lower his voice.
"Well, now you do…or find someone on this ship that does". The rest of the men on the bridge, who had been observing this domestic, begin to inch away, and suddenly their consoles became a lot more fascinating as the Captain and his first mate just glared at each other as the small boy in the Xandarian arms stirred suddenly, opened his eyes, took one look at Kraglin, this stranger and let out an ear perching cry.
It was loud, too loud on something so small as both Kraglin and Yondu continued there glare contest as the boy's cries grew louder, and fat tears begun to fall from his face. In the end, Kraglin admitted defeat, "Ok fine, I'll take him…but don't think I'm happy about this Yondu and don't you dare think this is over. I'll take him to our quarters, and try to figure this out".
"Well why don't you do that, read up on his species why you're at it…and see if there's something in this bag we can use"., He said in a nonchalant tone as he practically threw the bag to Kraglin, who almost dropped the boy in an attempt to grab it. Mumbling several swear words to anyone who was listening, Kraglin left the bridge, still holding the screaming squirming boy and took him back to the quarters that Yondu and Kraglin shared.
Placing the boy onto the bed, he unwrapped him from the blanket and stared down at the baby. The boy's face turning red from whatever was making him cry, as his body was wreaked with the sobs. Kraglin run his hands over his face, and trying to ignore the screaming boy decided to go through the bag. There was an assortment of items. Lots of paper, with the boy's name, lots of official documents, which Kraglin read quickly and wasn't happy about, some small stuffed toys, a strange rectangle device which didn't seem important, two few small plastic thing with hoes in the midde and at the bottom, a tiny rubber plunger like item, which looked to be the same size as the boy mouth.
With nothing to lose, since what he had been reading it was unlikely the mother would have packed something to cause the boy damage, he put the thing in the kids mouth, who immediately begin to settle as he sucked the thing. His face still red from the very unique day he was having, as Kraglin pulled out his pad and begin to access everything he could find on the Terran species. From the dates on the birth certificate, Peter Jason was about thirteen months, and according to the information from his mother liked most foods, had moved onto solids and had no allergies, "Well at least that's something". Kraglin said to the boy, who was now settling into a fitful sleep, he had no idea how long it had been since he last ate, but he knew he would be hungry soon, as he picked up the boy and took him down to the mess.
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