Hello everyone. Gojirafan here, with another chapter for you all. With me, as always, is my victim...I mean friend, Dizilla.
Ha Ha very funny Gojirafan, it was so funny that I forgot to laugh XD
Uh-huh. Now, let's give the readers what they came here for, eh?
Definitely, let's do this.
Onto the show folks.
Take Care Now, Bye Bye Then!
Monster Island, Coastline
Before either of them knew it, they were in a desperate fight for their lives. They were swarmed by these creatures. He began to fight with his claws, and she, her powers, but it didn't seem to be enough. They just kept coming.
He cut one in half, snarling. Oh, what he wouldn't give to have Diz here...
SpaceGodzilla was killing them fast. Yet, everyone of them she killed was soon replaced by another, and another...
These creatures were called Crax. They had a single mind, and were currently being watched closely by the one who had sent them….
Deep Under the Ocean
Dizilla's large body flew through the water, she wanted to see her mate, she had met him years ago.
Dizilla sighed, she felt a headache coming on, but she didn't know why.
A jovial voice sounded out inside her head, "Hello, Dijira! Or Dizilla. I forget which it is."
Dizilla's eyes widened as she looked around "Wraith?!"
"In the flesh! Or...mind, rather. Same difference. You didn't think you would be rid of me that easily, did you?"
Dizilla snarled and looked around, "Get out of my head you monster!"
"Oh, thanks for the compliment! Also, why would I leave? I'm having way too much fun! Now, go to your mate. Have your reunion..." His presence faded
Dizilla snarled and she made sure to close her mind, she had enough strength to keep even Wraith out now.
Oh, if only she knew...
Dizilla smiled as she soon came into his territory, and she noticed the massive jagged three sets of spines.
Dizilla gave a small roar, and she smiled and she saw the massive form move.
A tail as big as a human battlecruiser rose as a large rumble was heard coming from the form. Two large eyes opened that glowed with an ancient power, that no Kaiju this day possessed.
Two muscular arms pushed it up, it's large hands hung around to its hips and had huge sharp claws sitting on the ends of it's fingers.
Two large elephant-like legs with feet large flat feet that had four large black toed claws that were very sharp and strong for carrying the torst up.
The round torso sat before the tail and legs, muscular large scales that resembled human like abs, lines it's chest and stomach. The scales on the stomach were a lighter grey than the rest of the black body.
A thick and meaty neck held up the small box-like head up, it had large gills running down the sides of the neck.
A bony brow hung a bit down, giving it a look of Primordial anger on it's face.
The Alpha Predator. A leviathan of ancient times. An ancestry monster. A god for all intents and purposes.
The top of the ancient primordial ecosystem.
The first ever Godzilla.
Now known as Legendary Gojira, and he still lived on.
Legendary Gojira turned his large head and he gave a small smile, it was his mate, the only one worthy of his time.
The only one ever bigger than him!
Dizilla smiled and swam over before she and Legendary Goji gently nuzzled each other and he gently kissed her.
"Oh, how romantic. I think I'm gonna cry..."
Dizilla just ignored him, it was pretty easy. Legendary Gojira cocked his large head and gave a large rumble, he could not speak like other modern day kaiju could, the MUTOs could for some reason, but not him.
It was a rumble of worry that Dizilla knew, and she knew enough of the ancient tones her mate used that she could translate it.
That rumble had asked 'What is the matter? Is it that Wraith again?'
Dizilla nodded softly and she gave a soft rumble, she had learned to use sounds like his when they spoke, it was easier for him.
Her rumble basically said 'Yes, it is him'
Not Wraith, but SpaceGodzilla.
Dizilla jumped a bit and that made Legendary Gojira jump as well, he gave a roar, 'What was that? What's wrong?'
Dizilla ignored him and she asked in her head as best as she could "SpaceGodzilla?!"
"No time! We're getting overrun by these creatures! Godzilla, look...Oh, no...HE. IS. HERE!"
She cuts the connection.
Dizilla roared and she roars to her mate in rage, 'I'm sorry, we have to go!'
Legendary Gojira cocked his head, he usually would have put Dizilla in her place, as his mate, she was his second. But something was obviously wrong.
Dizilla quickly pushed her large tail and she swam off fast, Legendary Gojira pushed his large tail and he swam after his mate, he would fight with her.
After all, they had mated, and when his kind mated, they mated for life.
Monster Island Shore
Dizilla burst from the water and she gave a bellowing roar, what was attacking her brother?!
She looked around with a snarl, she knew her mate had fallen a bit behind, but right now she didn't really care.
Her attention was drawn upward by a massive figure. Larger than her. Larger than her mate. It was unlike anything seen on this planet before that day.
The Echo of Vectoran. A manifestation of the Consumer's power. And it was staring down at the beach, where Godzilla and SpaceGodzilla were desperately fighting for their lives.
Dizilla looked over and she snarled before her chest spike started to glow a bright blue, before her bluish spines glowed blue as well, finally her eyes flames up with her plasma energy.
Dizilla opened up her mouth and her throat was glowing, before her plasma radiation charged fire breath burst from her jaws and the blast hit a multitude of the Crax and each one blew up from atomic instability.
The Echo regarded the battle, before releasing a ball of energy from its hands, that formed into a familiar figure: Ghidorah.
Godzilla's eyes widened, before he realized how different Ghidorah looked. He was white and grey, and had dead, white eyes. He landed with a shriek, and turned to face Godzilla and SpaceGodzilla.
Unlike before, Ghidorah didn't greet him with the 'I am superior, bow down before me.' Schtick. He just hissed, and attacked, like his will was not his own. Immediately, it was apparent how different the three headed bastard really was.
He released a beam of pure darkness from his maw, which they had to dodge. The Echo watched this for a moment, before turning His gaze to Dizilla. When His eyes fell on her, He hissed and said in a voice filled with hatred, "WHERE IS HE?"
Dizilla cocked her large head before she asked "Who?!", she had a feeling that she knew whom the Echo was talking about.
"HIM. THE *Pause, hissing gurgle* PRIMORDIAL."
Dizilla's eyes narrowed and she said "I don't know whom you're talking about"
Dizilla snarled before she said "He is just a myth!"
Dizilla rolled her glowing eyes before she said "You can call me whatever you like, but I know he does not exist, he died long ago"
The Echo became impatient. He reached into her mind, sifting through memories, while simultaneously showing her some of the worlds He had consumed, the species He had destroyed.
He looked at her birth, battles, losses, and fond events. He eventually found what He was looking for: her relationship with Legendary Gojira. He tore through memories, learning everything, and pulled out moments after He had entered, leaving His own memories behind.
Dizilla fell to the ground and writhed in pain as she felt this, and once the ordeal was over, she was in shock from the experience.
A large form burst out of the water and it gave an echoing roar that was more powerful than Godzilla's own roar.
"VVVVRRRRAAAAHHHHHHHHH-HM-HM-HM-HM-HM!", it was Legendary Gojira and he looked pissed off.
The Echo regarded him, and then said, "YOU CANNOT STOP ME THIS TIME, PRIMORDIAL. PREPARE."
And with that, He flicked his wrist, and He, Ghidorah, and the living Crax disappeared.
Legendary Gojira snarled as he looked around, they were gone. He turned his large head and he stomped over to his mate and he gently nuzzled her.
Dizilla blinked and she looked at her mate, before she gently nuzzled him back with a growl of relief.
Godzilla was sitting in the beach, atop a mound of Crax corpses. He was holding a head in his hands, examining it. It had insect features: Mandibles, refractive eyes, the usual. He saw his sister, and a Kaiju he couldn't identify, out in the water.
He waded out, carrying his trophy. His sarcastic greeting died when he realized two things: The state she was in, and who she was with.
All he could say was, "Holy shit."
Legendary Gojira's eyes snapped open and his large head snapped over to where Godzilla was and he snarled, not knowing who this other kaiju was.
Godzilla held his hands up in a disarming gesture, saying incoherently, "You're..You're him, but..how...what..huh?"
Legendary Gojira didn't understand him, so he just snarled at the strange kaiju instead.
"So, not only is the motherfucking Consumer real, but the Primordial King exists too. Huh, who knew? Who...?"
He is interrupted by SpaceGodzilla slapping him to stop his babbling. He looks at her.
"Thanks, I needed that."
Legendary Gojira cocked his head before he growls at them again, they needed to leave him and his mate alone, now.
Godzilla, however, had one question. "Now, I have to ask: Why the hell are you holding my sister like that? Unless...oh...oh, I get it."
Dizilla looked at her brother, but she had a far away look in her eyes, her head hurt.
SpaceGodzilla notices this. "What did He make you see?"
Dizilla sighed softly and she was about to tell them when Legendary Gojira rose to his full height, and he actually was taller than both Godzilla and SpaceGodzilla.
He then gave a bellowing roar, he was getting angry.
Godzilla snarled, and the sum of all the events of that day, stacked up. He began to glow, and turned into his Burning form. However, he then tripled in size, slowly, until he and Legendary Goji were almost looking eye to eye.
Dizilla suddenly gave a bellowing roar that shut both male kaiju up, before she suddenly gave a small snarl to Legendary Gojira.
It said, 'This is my brother, don't hurt him please'
Dizilla then turned her head to her brother and she said "He doesn't understand you, he is an ancient predator Goji, he doesn't understand our speech."
A slow clapping can be heard, along with a voice, "That was great. Really, truly. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Oh, I do love tension."
Wraith was back.
Dizilla growled as she held her head, it started to hurt again.
"Now, you may be wondering why I do the things I do. Now, the answer is simple, and can be summed up in three words: Because. I. Can."
Legendary Gojira looked around and snarled, he couldn't understand those words!
"Ah. Apologies, big guy. I forgot you couldn't understand this tongue. Well, if I knew your language, I assure you, I would be insulting your dead relatives right now."
Dizilla snarled and she said "Shut up!"
"Tsk, tsk. So rude. I thought thirty years of having me inside your noggin would have mellowed you out a bit. Ah, well. Now, I shall take my leave. Farewell!"
And with that, he is gone.
Dizilla whimpered softly as she relaxed against the ocean, her head hurt.
Wraiths POV
I can't help but laugh at them. Clutching to their delusions of "power". If only they knew how insignificant they were really were in the grand scheme of things. They believe themselves to be...intelligent. Ha! Compared to me, or Him, they are nothing more than cockroaches, scurrying back and forth on their tiny worlds, not knowing or caring of the impending doom.
Their emotions are so easy to manipulate. I can easily heighten feelings of doubt, anger and paranoia, and they will be none the wiser. I could destroy them, right now. However, what fun would that be? There are so many...surprises in store, first…
Monster Island, Coastline
SpaceGodzilla looked at the other three, and said, "There is still much to discuss, I think. Dijira, could you act as...translator for the Primordial? Tell him anything important we say, and vice-versa?"
Dizilla nodded and she gently turned to her mate and she gave a many growls to her mate.
Her growls basically said 'Listen to me only, I'll translate for you okay'
Legendary Gojira gave a large grumble back.
His grumble basically said 'Very well, tell me what the youngling has to say'
SpaceGodzilla began to speak, "I spent years traversing the cosmos, after the…incident that sent me there. As I did, I began to hear rumors. Rumors of ancient monsters stirring, entire planets being purged of life, among other things.
However, I did not think it was a sign of His return. Not until...I encountered Him for myself. I cannot describe Him. The Consumer is..very large. He has wings upon wings, teeth upon teeth. Around Him, space and time shifted. When He inhaled, I saw the past. When He exhaled, I saw the distant future.
Everything...burned. My mind began to unravel. I was lucky He was not yet awake by that point, or else I would have gone mad."
She paused for a minute, looking at the ground. Godzilla put an arm around her. She began to talk again, after a minute had passed
"This was...after the...incident with Wraith. I did not know that he was one of Vectorans Agents until that point, that all was revealed by Him. I saw things. Horrible things…"
She trailed off, not knowing what else to say.
Dizilla turned to her mate and she gave a series of growls that basically said 'She fly in space, far in space. Where she hear words of almost truth and almost false. These words were of ancient monsters waking up, entire worlds eaten, all life on worlds dead, and much more.
She no think that it was ancient evil returning, until she met Him herself.'
Ancient evil nearly make her mind go bye bye, but He was not fully awake, so she was able to keep mind. Ancient evil slave, show her things, scary, horrible things'
Legendary Gojira snarled softly and Dizilla heard 'I do know, I have encountered ancient evil, for some reason, my mind is immune to His influence, as are all ancient alphas'
Dizilla's eyes widened and she asked softly "Seriously?"
After this was translated, SpaceGodzilla muttered, "He doesn't want to control you. He wants to kill you. He hates your kind for what they did, so long ago."
Dizilla translated this and Legendary Gojira shook his head and growled, and Dizilla heard 'No, for the ancient evil could not take over something as old as myself'
Dizilla quickly translated this piece of information.
SpaceGodzilla snorted and said, "Alright, alright. Whatever you say. Dijira, are you aware that Vectoran is the reason the Primordials kin are all but extinct?"
Dizilla growled at SpaceGodzilla before she said "Of course I am! Wraith is the one who told me! Did you forget, His servant lived in my head for thirty years, basking all of his 'accomplishments' onto me!"
SpaceGodzilla nodded, ignoring her tone, and said, "He came for the radiation, that the Primordial and his kin fed off of. A great battle was fought, but the Consumer devoured most of the planets radiation. The ancient Kaiju eventually managed to drive Him away, but at a great cost."
She directed this more towards Godzilla, who nodded and said, "I've heard the legends. Didn't they nearly slay Him?"
At this, SpaceGodzilla chuckled, without a trace of humor in her voice. She then said, "They fought back harder than any other species ever has, but they didn't "nearly" kill Him. At best, they inconvenienced Him for a while."
Legendary Gojira did not like her tone of voice, so he gave a loud snarl at her. Dizilla growled softly and she shook her head, not now, no fights.
Godzilla asked, "Then...how do we stop Him?"
SpaceGodzilla replied, "I don't know. Currently, we should gather allies. Try to sniff out His Agents. I am not trying to kill hope, here. I am merely stating the odds."
Godzilla nodded, thinking, before his eyes widened. He then said, "Diz, how long has it been since either of us have laid eyes on the Abyss? You know, that place that contains unspeakable horrors, and that someone of Dad's blood must make a sacrifice regularly to keep it locked…"
Dizilla's eyes widened before she said "I-I don't know"
He chuckled, and said, "Well, that's great. Damnit, how could I forget?"
He got to his feet, and began to walk out to sea. He turned back and said, "I'll try to return soon. If I don't…"
He then turned around and continued walking, until he disappeared under the surface.
Dizilla nodded and she looked at her mate and they started to talk.
3 days later
The water began to stir, as Godzilla came up to the surface. He was badly wounded. He was healing, but the poison in his system made that difficult. He looked towards the shore. He needed to get the attention of those on Monster Island. He reared his head back, and roared.
Kaiju began to emerge. There were few on the Island, but he saw a few familiar faces. His vision was blurred, so he couldn't quite recognize who was on the beach. He limped forward, spitting out blood and coughing.
Dizilla saw her brother and she gave a roar of worry before she gently held him and brought him up onto the shore.
He said slowly, "They...are...free. The...chains...have been...broken."
He drew a ragged breath, gasping. SpaceGodzilla came to his side, not saying a word.
Dizilla snarled in rage before she said "Watch over him", before she stomped into the water and dived under the waves, nobody hurt her brother and got away with it!
SpaceGodzilla watched her go. She truly had no idea what she was up against…
Godzilla slept, finally giving in to the pain.
Six days later…
Godzilla ran a hand along a scar on his face, as he paced. Diz had not returned. She had been gone for six days, with no indications as to where she had gone. He was going to look for her. He growled, and stomped off, into the water.
He searched everywhere, scouring every inch of land he could. Eventually...he found her. However...she was not alive. Her body was mangled, and her eyes and heart had been ripped out of her body and without her heart, her body was beyond all hope of recovery, and he only recognized her face by the snout. He fell to his knees, and bellowed his grief to the skies.
That was the day, that Dizilla had truly died...
Well, that was...something. I didn't expect it to go that route. How about you, Diz?
I was kind of shocked as well at first, but it was my idea that popped up, and it also gives a good ending.
Indeed, indeed. Anyway, farewell, for now, all.
Yup :)
Take Care Now, Bye Bye Then!