Hello everyone, it's me. I am alive! I have been suffering from the worst writers block ever, but don't worry I haven't forgotten about you or the fate or our mated boys. I am still trying to work on something but I honestly cannot tell you when I will be posting the next story. I do have an alternative ending for the Resistance story in which Klaus and Damon are still master and slave if anyone would like me to post that for a while? I must warn you though that it can be a bit much at times – gang rape and serious non-con elements – so be warned! It is good though I reckon. I wrote it for my beta who loves Klamon.

I will leave it up to popular vote on whether you want to read it. In the mean time just wanted to say how much I have missed your voices and to alert you that I will be changing my screen name. You may have noticed that I've changed my photograph too. I will be popping up as 'Buttercup' from now on – don't ask me why that name came to mind hahahaha. I am just being mindful of my own internet security, hope you understand.
