Author's Note: It's been so long since I last updated and I know that all of you have been waiting for another chapter of Kiss, Break, Take but I've decided not to continue it. On a lighter note, I've seen that my works on AO3 have gathered quite positive reviews and I would like to share them here as well. I hope you enjoy.

**This fic in UNBETA'd and all mistakes are mine.


Chapter One: One More Night

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

Who was the fucking genius that said that?

Right now? Right now, Stiles is flipping out his mind. He studied biology, right? He didn't sleep his way through biology, right? So, why the hell is this pregnancy test kit saying that he's pregnant?!

Let's start with the beginning then.

It was a normal Friday night with the pack. Movies, food and a whole lot of puppy piles since the whole Alpha pack problem was solved.

They were all sprawled on the loft's newly covered floors. Lydia told Derek that if pack meetings were gonna be held in his loft, he must have it fully furnished and in just a span of two weeks and with Lydia's help, the loft became a temporary home while the Hale house is being rebuilt.

Usually, Stiles took his place beside Scott and Allison but tonight Isaac was there, cuddling with the two. He didn't want to be in the middle of Cora, Boyd and Lydia because knowing himself; he fidgets and reacts to the movie so Lydia might smack him on the head and dump him in a dark alley, so no thanks. Danny and Ethan, who gave up being an Alpha, are snuggling on the love seat, so that's a big no for him. He doesn't like Peter, so he's definitely out of the list.

Then he took a deep breath and found it in himself the courage to actually slip inside the Alpha's arms. Derek was a bit surprised by the sudden action the teen did but he just brushed it off and just went along with it.

He could feel Stiles' heart beating loud but in the middle of the Avengers, which is Stiles' choice, his heart began to even out. That was when Derek realized that Stiles' was holding on to him as he slept soundly.

When the movie ended, they didn't bother waking up Stiles, besides, the Sheriff knows everything now, even the things about the pack.

Derek carried him up to his room and laid him on the bed, chuckling as he heard Stiles say some random stuff.

He's gotten used to the fact that even while asleep, Stiles could never shut up.

He also realized that slowly… slowly, this boy is filling up a space that he knew was empty after the fire. Derek is actually falling for the teen but he knows it's just a child's prayer to want something he couldn't have.

He quickly changed his clothes and by the he got back from the walk-in closet that Lydia insisted on putting up, he found Stiles groggily rubbing his eyes.

"Guuuhh… What time did I fell asleep?" Stiles asked as he stretched his arms upwards, revealing his happy trail which made the wolf in Derek stir.

"You fell asleep right when the battle was about to start. You missed half of it." Derek replied as he sat in front of his Mac and began typing a bit then glancing at Stiles, who was pouting at him. His pink lips puckered as if he's waiting something, "What?" he asked.

"I know that you have writer's block whenever days like these come." Derek's eyes beamed at him like he's waiting for something more to that statement from Stiles.

"It's the anniversary of the Hale fire, Derek. I'm not exactly oblivious to what's happening in your head. I know you." Stiles added.

Then Derek got himself up, gently closing his laptop and walking towards the bed where Stiles is still sitting on.

"You don't know me that well, Stiles." Derek spoke, his eyes trying to find answers on Stiles' face and on his movements but none came to him. What is Stiles thinking pushing his buttons like this? What's he trying to do?

"Keep on telling yourself that, Derek." Stiles said as he crawled towards him, their bodies only a few inches away from each other.

Derek could hear Stiles' heart beating in his ears, like it's gonna explode.

He could call on the teen's bluff but no, he loves him too much for that. So, he grabs his arm and kisses him. Not the sweet and chaste type of kiss, but a kiss full of lust, passion and tongue.

He heard Stiles' moan in to the kiss. When he pulled away, Stiles held on to him like he was drowning.

"No strings. No commitments. Just this once, Derek. Fuck me like you own me." Stiles pleaded and Derek did just that.

He took off his shirt revealing his body. Stiles grabbed his neck and kissed him once more. They tumble down the bed to the floor as they tangle themselves in trying to take off the rest of their clothes.

When everything was off, Derek hauled Stiles back to the bed. His lips on the teen's jaw to his neck down to his stomach. Stiles giggled a bit as the man's stubble brushed down his skin.

"Oh gods… That stubble is gonna be the death of me…" Stiles moaned as Derek went further down his waist. Kissing his happy trail down to the tip of his cock.

He felt Derek's mouth on him, sucking and licking him. He lets out a moan, grabbing Derek's hair in orgasm. His back arched as he came from Derek's mouth.

"Fuck… That was awesome… come here." Stiles groaned as he went in for another kiss. He then pushed Derek back on the bed, which the man willingly did.

Derek chuckled and eyed the teen, "Don't hurt yourself." He jokingly said.

Stiles smirked at him and licked the tip of Derek's hard cock, making it twitch. His pink lips… fuck, those pink lips wrapped around Derek's cock.

No strings. No commitments. Stiles thought to himself as he continued to suck on Derek's cock. It hurts but still… this is the only way. He thought again but without even realizing it, Derek came in his mouth.

He choked a bit but he swallowed it and then he kissed the man.

No strings. No commitments. Derek thought as he positioned Stiles on the bed. The teen was lying on his back; legs sprawled just for Derek to see his cock harden just for him. The wanton look on Stiles face as Derek's rough fingers caressed his thighs.

"Derek… Please… I need you." Stiles pleaded, his hand playing with his cock.

Derek grabbed the lube from his bedside drawer and a condom but then Stiles grabbed his hand and said, "N-no condom… I wanna feel you."

He hesitated a bit. He knows that he's clean, werewolves don't get diseases. But this is Stiles asking him to have sex with him without a condom on, who was he to deny Stiles that?

"Are you sure? There's no going back after this." Derek asked, finding some sort of reassurance that Stiles is still on board this ship.

Stiles nodded, he wants this. Wants Derek to fill him, make him forget what was outside the walls of this place.
"I'm ready." His voice shaking but there was no stutter in his heart beat, making Derek smile and lean down to kiss him again.

Stiles could feel Derek's lubed finger enter his hole, making him squirm then another one. He groaned in pain at first but it then turned into moans of pleasure and pleas.

"I… Fuck… De-rek! I'll come again if you do that… I need you. C'mon…" Stiles said, grabbing a handful of Derek's hair. He whined when he felt Derek's fingers leave him.

Then he felt something bigger, hotter than the man's fingers entering him. He tensed up and Derek spoke, "Relax… You're safe. Relax, Stiles. Breathe…"

To Stiles… Derek's voice was both arousing and relaxing. He told nobody about the times that Derek could actually calm him down.

And Stiles did, he felt Derek stop when he was all the way in. He could feel the hot breath on his neck, the twitching dick inside him that was waiting to fuck him senseless and the heart that might explode any minute now.

"I'm gonna move now. Feel this… Feel me. Don't think of anything else."

He could only feel Derek kissing him again and he could feel him move inside him, from slow to gradually going faster.
His moans echoed throughout the room. His scent bombarded Derek's senses rendering him a slave to the teen's pleas.

"I want you... to... come inside... me..." Stiles said in between the thrust that Derek gave him.