"The color silver has a feminine energy; it is related to the moon and the ebb and flow of the tides - it is fluid, emotional, sensitive and mysterious. It is soothing, calming and purifying…it signals a time of reflection and a change of direction as it illuminates the way forward. It helps with the cleansing and releasing of mental, physical and emotional issues and blockages as it opens new doors and lights the way to the future.

With its reflective and sensitive qualities silver inspires intuition, clairvoyance and mental telepathy. It reflects back any energy given out, whether it is positive or negative. Silver restores equilibrium and stability to both feminine power and spiritual energy. It protects itself from outside negativity, reflecting the energy back to where it began."


By the light of the moon, bright and full, Yato walked with Hiyori down the unlit paths of the shrine grounds after hours. Frogs croaked in the pond nearby and crickets chirped in the grass as they meandered slowly.

His excuse had been that he felt cramped up in the stuffy attic space. He brought up going for a walk, and before she had a chance to respond either way, he had grabbed her hand and pulled. The befuddled girl merely inquired as to his sudden decision, to which he merely shrugged.

There was something about a full moon that was comforting to the emotionally embattled god. It was nostalgic, calming and peaceful. His own name declared him to be a divine messenger of the night. He wondered if it was a spiritual connection to himself. Despite all the horrendous acts he'd commited over the centuries under the blanket of night, a full moon always seemed to shed much needed light on his soul.

As they continued on quietly, their hands would brush casually, as they walked closely together. With a tug on his heartstrings, his hand moved of its own accord and took hold of Hiyori's.

Hiyori had been trying to calm her racing mind and heart. Being alone with Yato had started to take on a different nuance as of late. It made her anxious with anticipation.

What am I waiting for, exactly?

And then, she felt it: a warm hand taking her own. Adrenaline burst through her, as her quiet companion answered her unuttered question.

Yato caught her little gasp of surprise. His initial reaction was to second-guess his move, but he breathed deep knowing that his intuition was strong.

Hiyori is everything to me…the sun to my moon. Warm and bright…and beautiful.

They happened upon the path to the bridge on the stream, stopping as they arrived at it.

Hiyori's breath caught in her throat. The silvery ripples of the moon's reflection upon the trickling stream shivered and shimmered. In the stillness of the night air, a melodious melange mingled with the tranquil ramble of the current below.

"Hiyori…" Her name was soft on his lips. "I haven't been completely honest with you about…me."

A moment of truth, which Tenjin had warned him against, in which the tenderhearted divinity wished to entrust so much to his sole follower, and beloved companion.

Hiyori felt cautioned the ominous introduction. But something within in her felt calm, as if nothing he could say or do would ever be intended to hurt her. She looked to him, the pale glow illumating half of his face, leaving the other enshrouded in shadow. Only his stunning turquoise gaze cutting through the dichotomy.

"There are so many reasons that I am trying to be a different type of god. I am haunted by the awful things I have had to do to survive for these many centuries…and I wish to leave it all behind me," he admitted, cringing at the images that came rushing to mind.

The needless death, the deception and loss…all because of HIM.

Hiyori covered their still-entwined hands with the free one that had remained, encouraging him to continue.

"I need you to know everything. Because…you are the one who has changed me," he explained with a squeeze of his hand. "You've…saved me, Hiyori. And I want to tell you everything…Starting with this."

He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers, the hint of contact sending a shock from head to toe through their bodies. Hiyori responded by pressing ever so gently into him, solidifying their first kiss. She pulled away with a sweet smile on her face. Tears pooled in those oceanic orbs, flooding with emotion.

"Hiyori, I don't want to turn you back. It may be selfish, but I want to find a way for you to stay with me forever. I don't know what I would do without you here."

"Yato…" His named ached with the unspoken feelings they shared. She loosed their hands so that she could wrap her arms around her immortal beloved, who responded in kind.

"When I think of the future, the only thing that matters to me is that you are in it," she whispered only loud enough for him to hear.

"There is a way, and we'll find it," Yato spoke softly into her hair. "The heavens brought us together for a reason."

She hummed in agreement against his chest, pulling away to look up at him again.

"Yato, since we are coming clean about things, I think you should know that I know far more about you than you might realize," she divulged with a blush.

The intrigued god cocked a curious brow at her, followed his trademark grin.

"Why does that really not surprise me?"

He cupped her faced and pressed another firm and lingering kiss to her lips before taking her by the hand once again.

"Come on, Hiyori, let's go find a place to sit and talk…"

She trotted to keep up at his side as she heard him chuckle before saying:

"Preferably somewhere with food."