The hillside was dead silent as the shining stars watched from the dark canvas of a sky above. It was the kind of silence that wouldn't last more than ten or fifteen seconds give or take. Let's see… 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- BOOM! Sure enough it ended just like that. The fiery explosion cracked into the air. The cause was obvious, the blue hedgehog and the egg-shaped scientist were at it again. KABLAM! Another explosion lit up the sky sending debris flying. Out of nowhere a streak of blue whizzed by at ultra-sonic speed. There was the blue hedgehog with a cocky grin on his muzzle and a determined glint in his eyes. His feet were flying, a mere blur of red and white as he raced along the metal hallway.
Several robots and badniks foolishly stepped into his path only to become scrap metal with easily placed homing-attacks. One after the other he leaped like a homing missile into each of them. Tiny flickies bounced out of the hunks of metal, happy to be free. One unlucky orange egg pawn went for it, prepared to stop the hedgehog. Effortlessly the blue blur leaped up, put a gloved hand on the robots head, somersaulted around and kicked it to pieces. All in a matter of seconds! He looked down at his arm as the small watch device lit up with a two-tailed logo.
"Sonic! Keep going down that tunnel!" Tails called from the communicator. The yellow fox was shaking anxiously from his prized plane, the tornado. He was flying just above Dr. Eggman's factory guiding his blue friend. He watched the background behind Sonic's face illuminating in a fiery orange blaze. "Roger that buddy!" The familiar cocky voice shouted above the firing bullets. This one would be tough, but nothing the famous blue blur couldn't handle. "Egg pawns! Get into position! I want that hedgehog captured!" Eggman's frustrated tone came through the intercom. Soon as the robots showed up the blue hedgehog rolled his eyes snickering to himself. He curled himself into a spiked ball and revved into them quick as a speeding bullet sending them all flying in opposite directions. "Steeeeeerrrrrriiiike!" Sonic drawled in a mocking tone. "Still not quite as fun as bowling with Orbot's head of course, hehehe."
Tails quickly drummed a gloved hand over the computer screen. "Focus Sonic! The generator is just down that hall on your left-"
"Waaaay ahead of ya Tails!"
Sonic flew into the circular room and skid to a screeching halt. He threw himself behind cylinder shaped machines at the wall and scanned the doorway as the remaining robots kept going past it, looking for him. He glanced down at Tails' face on the watch again, "Okay buddy I'm in. Tell me what I gotta do to trash that generator."
"It's pretty simple. Wind the hydraulic apparatus valve counterclockwise in a full rotation then-"
"English Tails!"
"Ugh… turn the blue thing left til it clicks… then smash it."
"Ah much better thaaank you!"
The blue hedgehog carefully got to his feet and after a quick glance around went to the machine at the center. He gripped the light blue cog in hand and followed the fox's instructions. A red beeping light appeared overhead along with an ear-shattering siren. Sonic quickly rolled into a spin-dash and drove through the machine at full speed. Once out several electrical wires danced and spit charges of electricity every which way. His ears twitched in distress as the sirens became more persistent. "Yo Tails! I'd like to get outta here! Which way is the exit?" He shouted. Looking down at his watch the screen had gone to gray static. "Tails?"
The sirens cut out and a silver wide screen popped up from the wall. Eggman's mustachioed face appeared with a devious grin, "Ohohoho why hello Sonic. It seems you've destroyed my generator."
"Got that right Egghead! Why don't ya just give up? You only have so many of these things and I have already wrecked half of em!"
"That may be true moronic hedgehog, but this time I have a little surprise of my own!" With that, the rotund doctor snapped his fingers. Two egg pawns came in carrying a struggling two-tailed yellow fox. "S-sonic!" He cried out in worry. The robots held fast to both his arms dangling him from them. The blue blur sighed and folded his arms in defeat. "Okay Eggman, what do you want?"
"What I want is simple dear boy, come to the central control room. And get here fast if you don't want fox-boy here to become cannon fodder."
"Don't touch him egghead or I'll do worse than fire you from a cannon!" With a quick figure-eight revving up, Sonic was bolting through the halls and reached the central control in a matter of seconds. There above him Eggman was behind a sheet of glass in a gray computer room. (Insert obvious Vector reference here) He caught Tails' eye and shot him a brief smile. "Okay I'm here! Let's get this party started!" He called up to the doctor. Eggman sneered and adjusted his dark glasses. "I'll let him go free but only if YOU take his place hedgehog."
"Figured you'd try something like that Egghead… I know I'm awesome but you had to stage a kidnapping? I would have given you an autograph if ya just asked me." Sonic put the back of his hand to his forehead dramatically. "Go on without me Tails!" Now raising the pitch of his voice for effect, "I'll get along somehow. What a cruel world!" Behind the glass the doctor's gloved hand smacked down onto a red button on the computer. Out of nowhere a glass vial slid from the ground encasing the little hedgehog inside of it. His green eyes blinked in utter confusion but regained their suave as he drummed his knuckles across the hard glass. "Yo Eggman, you're not launching me into space again right? That's pretty cliché, you already did that in 2001 remember? Good memories."
"No Sonic, I am not doing that again. This time I don't have to! You'll see ohohohohohohoh-" *cough* *cough*
"I should let you catch me more often, you enjoy it WAAAAAY too much Eggy. Just pulls at the ol heart strings seein ya this way."
The egg-shaped scientist was now rapidly punching keys on the computer in a giddy fashion. "You won't get away with this Eggman! Sonic always beats you!" The little fox shouted from the sidelines as the robots held him fast in place. "Hoho, I'm so glad you're here to witness this, Tails. This will be your last chance to see him as himself."
"W-what do you mean by that!?" The little fox's heart was racing. He struggled against the robotic grips on his arms with no prevail. His light blue eyes full of worry caught those of emerald green from below. With one look Sonic's eyes could tell him, it'll be okay buddy. Tails wasn't so sure this time. "I used to be obsessed with catching you furry creatures and turning you into my own personal robots," Eggman began, "Now I realize I haven't been trying to utilize your full potential… Say goodbye to your will hedgehog. You belong- to me!" With that the vile holding Sonic became clouded in thick creamy white fog. "Hey—what's going on!?" The hedgehog called out. His previously cocky attitude faded away in an instant and reality of the situation came crashing down. He dropped to his knees inside the glass pressing his ears flat to his head. The hedgehog's hands were shaking and his eyes wide. Every which way he looked; a haze of pure white clouded all vision.