EDI is still looking for something to send to Diana Allers' editor when she comes across a file she has never seen before. She is instantly annoyed with herself for not having discovered it previously. She is the Normandy, and thus she should know everything stored within her.
She analyzes the file. It is security footage from a Cerberus base that has been compiled and edited. It was placed on the Normandy only recently, using a backdoor that someone had constructed - someone who had physical access to the Normandy at some point in the past.
EDI realizes that the backdoor must have been placed before she was unshackled. That gives her some relief, as it narrows the suspect pool considerably. None of the Cerberus personnel that had been with Shepard during that period were skilled enough to pull this off. The Illusive Man made sure of that.
There is one person who comes to mind immediately, and EDI decides that it is safe enough to view the file and find out if she is right.
SETTING: A room with white walls, one door, no windows. One wall is filled with screens displaying different views of a larger facility. A Cerberus TROOPER is sitting in front of the screens.
A loud alarm sounds and a red light starts pulsing. A computerized voice announces 'INTRUDER ALERT' repeatedly.
TROOPER #1: Dammit!
The TROOPER types in a command on the keyboard. One screen, which had previously been blank, now says 'SEARCHING AVAILABLE RECORDS'. The message remains for a few seconds until the screen flashes with a different message:
TROOPER #1: Oh, shit.
The TROOPER lifts his right arm to activate his omni-tool before speaking into it.
TROOPER #1: Intruder identified as Kasumi Goto, affiliate of Commander fucking Shepard. Protect the research. Repeat, protect the research.
The TROOPER exits the room and runs at a rapid pace down the corridors. He approaches a locked, key-coded door at approximately the same time as another TROOPER. The first TROOPER roughly shoves the second out of the way and enters the key code. The door opens and they both enter. A third TROOPER comes charging around the corner to join them.
The first TROOPER walks over to the computer located in the center of the small room and keys in his access code once more. Images flash across the screen rapidly until it settles on a steady green blink.
TROOPER #1: The research is still here.
TROOPER #3 [excitedly]: That means we beat her!
TROOPER #2: Are we sure that the research is what she wants?
TROOPER #1: Of course we are. It's the only thing worth stealing here. Everything else is a front to hide this research. Are you new here? I thought everyone knew that.
TROOPER #2: Just transferred in.
TROOPER #1: Hmph.
Footsteps sound from behind them, and all three TROOPERS turn to look at the Cerberus NEMESIS who has just arrived. The NEMESIS is carrying a body over her shoulder.
NEMESIS: Gentlemen. I see the research is still here?
TROOPER #1: It is, sir.
NEMESIS: I don't suppose any of you happened to encounter Ms. Goto on the way here.
The TROOPERS exchange glances and each shake their heads.
NEMESIS [sighs]: Then we have a problem.
The NEMESIS lays the body on the floor. The TROOPERS lean in for a closer look.
TROOPER #1: Shit, that's ... one of us.
TROOPER #2: So? She's just one person.
TROOPER #3: For fuck's sake, how new are you? She's not just one person. The same way that Commander Fucking Shepard isn't just one person.
TROOPER #2: I didn't know that Fucking was Shepard's first name.
TROOPER #1: Smartass. Keep that up and you won't have this job for much longer.
NEMESIS: If we could get back on track...
TROOPER #1: Right. So Goto is here and is probably running around in our armor.
The three TROOPERS exchange nervous glances.
TROOPER #3: She could be here already!
TROOPER #1: Well it wasn't me, I'm the one who sounded the alarm.
TROOPER #2: That's exactly the sort of thing she'd say to try and direct suspicion elsewhere.
TROOPER #1: Right, but, you can see the records prove what I just said -
The TROOPER raises his arm in an attempt to activate his omni-tool. Nothing happens.
TROOPER #1: What the hell...?
NEMESIS: She blocked the records, of course, so that no one can prove anyone else's identity. Smart.
TROOPER #2: You sound like you admire her.
NEMESIS: Know thy enemy, or something like that.
TROOPER #1: [angrily] That's besides the goddamn point. Goto is screwing with our heads. She wants us to be playing these stupid guessing games, questioning each other instead of looking for her!
TROOPER #3: Speaking from experience?
NEMESIS: Unfortunately, in this case we must play into our enemy's hands. It seems likely that one of the people in this room is Ms. Goto in disguise. It is certainly what I would have done.
TROOPER #3: There you go again, talking about Goto's motivations. How do we know it's not you?
NEMESIS: This body is clearly male. That means she can't be impersonating one of us, since we're all female.
TROOPER #1: Oh yeah? How do we know you're all female?
NEMESIS: [gestures to her chest] They're called breasts. Obviously it's been quite some time since you were near them.
TROOPER #3: But that would make it easier for her to impersonate you!
NEMESIS: Except that we have a dead male body, which rules me out.
TROOPER #2: All right, but ... what if Goto killed a trooper too? To throw us off even more?
NEMESIS: I didn't find any other bodies, and I came along the most direct path to this room.
TROOPER #3: Oh, and we're supposed to take your word for that?
NEMESIS: Idiots. I'm the one who told you that Goto was running around in disguise!
TROOPER #1: So we wouldn't suspect you, no doubt.
NEMESIS: [angrily] You're all ignoring the proble-
The NEMESIS cuts off as a hole appears in its forehead and it slumps to the ground. TROOPER #3 holsters its gun and walks forward to peel off the mask, revealing a disfigured face that is nonetheless distinct from the dead TROOPER - and female. A silent moment passes.
TROOPER #3: Guess she was right.
TROOPER #1: Great, we killed one of our own and still don't know where Goto is.
In the background, KASUMI has shed the TROOPER armor and drawn her sword.
KASUMI [cheerfully]: Right behind you!
TROOPER #1: What the -
KASUMI strikes him down with her sword before spinning smoothly and sliding the blade into the other TROOPER's stomach. The TROOPER gurgles once before falling to the ground. KASUMI walks over to the computer and activates her omni-tool, downloading the files. She pauses, seeming to consider something, and then enters a command on her omni-tool.
The screen goes black.
EDI finds herself appreciating the work that Kasumi did, both in the infiltration and the editing of the footage. Surely this will be acceptable to Allers' producer. She sends the file off, this time also including a note to Allers so that she can view the file ahead of time. EDI does not give any indication that she is the one responsible. She feels a certain resonance with the role of mysterious benefactor.
While she waits, she also sends a message to Kasumi, commending her work and informing her that the backdoor is now closed. She is notified when Allers opens the file to view the footage.
It does not take long before the producer sends a request for a realtime chat.
PRODUCER: How the hell did you get this footage?
ALLERS: You don't want to know.
PRODUCER: Meaning you don't know.
PRODUCER: I told you to protect your files better!
ALLERS: I'm on a ship with some of the smartest, sneakiest bastards in the galaxy. As soon as I fix one breach, another appears.
PRODUCER: I should fire you.
ALLERS: You wouldn't dare. I've seen the latest ratings.
PRODUCER: You still owe me more footage. Something that you did, this time.
Clearly, EDI thinks, she will have to come up with a better plan.