I don't own Naruto or any anime OR anything and I don't make a profit off of my stories

Rated M for sexual content and language and violence

(I'm thinking)
"I'm speaking"
"Demon / summon / ghost speaking"
(Demon / summon / ghost thinking)
/Author's comments\

This is Yaoi Male x Male

Pairing: threesome between Naruto, C and Omoi

Naruto is mostly uke

Last time:

Later that night a certain red head went into her brother's room "I'll make you happy this time brother" she undressed and pressed her naked body against Naruto ...


Blue eyes fluttered open and widened in shock at the naked red haired woman next to him. He slipped out of her grasp in a confused panic and stumbled out of the bed. It was terrifying ... who was he? Where was he? Those were the frantic thoughts that ran threw his head as he stumbled into a bathroom during his attempt to get outside.

"I have to calm down" he gasped as he sat on the edge of the tub. The blonde held his head and took several deep breaths. As he tried to catch his breath his hands touched the back of his neck and he felt something ... a scar? What would cause that?

A dizzy spell hit him and he started seeing things ...

Pain ... people hurting him ...

Someone named Scientist ... no, D ...

A lightbulb? … Blinky ...

Frozen people ...

A blonde woman kneeled down "i wanted to thank you for saving me so i got you something" she set the box down and pulled out some Christmas lights ...

"What are these ... memories?" he wondered as another rush of images and voices entered his mind.

"My name is C" said a blonde man

"we can't help but see what we touch"

"we're living electricity"

Flash of white light and searing pain ... another world with floating squares and cubes

"Alt and D Current, I welcome you to Cloud"

The blonde's eyes widened "Alt ... my name is Alt ... oh god D" (D ... D talk to me)

A voice from deep inside his mind was heard "I-I'm here Alt ... MY TEA!"

(that's not important right now, what just happened?)

"when you touched your scar you unlocked the memories Minato tried to erase ... like that time we touched the envelope and knew what it said, we just read our own mind"

(that's good, I have to get back before A, C and Omoi wage war)

"umm ... Alt, don't you remember what happened?"

(what do you mean? ummm ... oh god) Alt's eyes widened ...

"please don't hurt them" ... a knife ... so much blood ...

"Alt stay calm, Alt don't!" sparks flew off Alt's body as he tried to teleport and collapsed on the floor in pain "I was afraid of that don't go into the digital world either"

(why? What's going on?!)

"it's the seal, we got our memories back, but the seal is still here and it's disrupting our chakra"

(but we can remove it right? I need to get to C and Omoi)

"don't worry about C and Omoi right now, I managed to realize a bit of electricity before the seal took effect ... it should've been enough to cauterize their blood vessels so they may be alive ... and no, we need chakra to remove the seal ... in other words they have to remove it-"

"Naruto? What are you doing here?" Alt turned and saw a naked Rin standing next to the door to the bathroom with a look of concern on her face.

D frowned "Alt stay very calm and pretend to still not know who you are. I have an idea, all you need to do is make skin to skin contact with each person and I'll do the rest"

Alt nodded and took a deep breath to calm himself "w-who are you? D-Do you know where I am?"

Rin smiled and kneeled next to him "your name is Naruto and my name is Rin, I'm your sister ... and lover" she pressed her breasts against his arm.

"ewwww that's just wrong" grumbled D and Alt mentally agreed.

"I-I see ... where are we and what is this scar on my back?" stuttered the seemingly frightened blonde.

"some people from an enemy village kidnaped you and hurt you after finding out who your related to ... they're the reason you can't remember"

"LIAR!" yelled D

(dammit D, don't yell, I'm having enough trouble keeping my hands from snapping her neck I don't need a headache too)

"oops, sorry ... I'll get started" said D

(wait, what are you-) Alt's thoughts were interrupted when Rin put something furry against his hand. He froze (please let that not be what I think- ... thank god, it's just a cat) he was relieved to see a brown cat snuggling in his arms.

"this is Coco, she's been my only source of comfort since you were taken"

(poor kitty) "can I have something to eat?" asked Alt

The red head lit up "of course, you must be starving! Come with me" she took Naruto back to bed and made him watch as she slowly got dressed before taking him downstairs.

Sadly, Minato and Kushina were already up "Naruto you're up! Would you like something to eat?"

Alt gritted his teeth, how could they act so happy after they killed his lovers? "ummm yes please … who are you?"

Minato smiled and laid a hand on Alt's shoulder "I'm your father and this is your mother … know this is probably strange and confusing for you Naruto, but we'll do whatever we can to make you feel at home"

"and regain my memories?" asked Alt innocently. He smirked as they all twitched and looked a little nervous.

Kushina grinned and hid her unease "of course Naru-chan, but the doctors said there's a very slim chance that you will get your memories"

(bullshit) "thank you" he leaned in and took Kushina's hand in his.

D called out from inside their mind "I got it! Alt make sure no one moves them"

(huh what are you-… oh) Alt sweat dropped as the three Namikaze fell to the ground like limp rag dolls. The cloud nin sat down and waited. Suddenly Minato stood up making Alt tense.

"it's ok Alt, it's just me"

"D? How did you get in the blonde thing?" asked the perplexed ninja

"well, I know I can go into a shadow clone so I applied the principles we use for the 'highjack' jutsu and connected us to them … yeah, I don't like it either, but we have to do this to get rid of that seal" he made a hand sign and released the seal. Then Minato fell limp again, but just before Alt could think of leaving he sensed some people coming …


At the moment inside Alt's mind …

"time to wake up now. Can't have you miss this" Minato, Kushina and Rin opened their eyes to find themselves on the floor in a simple home with a Japanese style décor and a cup of tea on the table "good, you're awake"

They turned and smiled "Naruto what's going on?" asked Rin

D sighed at the name "please let me explain, have a seat … it seems we have some more guests" said the blonde as 7 doors appeared, which made 10 in a row, and one person was tossed into the room as each door opened.

Kushina looked at each person "Kakashi, Hiruzen, Inoichi, Ibiki, Jiraiya Danzo and Tsunade, how did they get here?"

Instead of giving an answer D waited for everyone to wake up and take a seat at the table "well let see, where should I start? First my name is D and your inside mine and Alt's mind … your stupid attempts to erase our memories didn't work and Alt is going to Cloud now-"

"why would you go back after what they-" *zap* a spark of electricity forced Kushina back in her seat and made everyone look at D, but remain silent.

"thank you for being quiet" smiled D gratefully even though he was forcing them to behave "now I can explain, I was able to tap into your nerves when Alt touched you. You see, Alt and I are basically living electricity, we can teleport, travel through wires and read information that is hidden even our own memories so tapping into you nerves …well that was easy. The doors you see lead to your bodies. I already used Minato to remove the seal on us, but I could do more" D walked over to a door "I could enter Danzo's body and order his ROOT agents to destroy Konoha or I could enter Minato again and wage war … yes, very tempting possibilities, but not appropriate. I think you all should be given what you want … Alt. Now that I know I can tap into your nervous system I will make sure you feel everything Alt went through because of you … you all volunteered for it" D gave them a sweet smile …


A paced back and forth in his office "I won't stand for this, I'll wage war if I have to-"

The next second Alt appeared in his office holding a cat "hey A"

"Alt? Thank god you're ok, what happened? … and why are you holding a cat?"

"can we explain later? We want to see C and Omoi" A frowned, but took the blonde to the hospital where they found Yugito sitting next to C's bed.

"Alt! you're ok!" Yugito jumped up and hugged the insane blonde "what happened?"

"the things tried erasing our memories, but they neglected to take into account our powers … will they be alright?" asked Alt as he looked at his lovers ... they both had bandages around their throats and were asleep.

Yugito nodded "yes they'll be fine-… oh what a cute kitty"

Alt smiled and held up Coco "yes, she likes us too … for some reason D told me to take her"

"did he say why?" asked A

"nope, he just said he was testing something on new volunteers" said Alt with a shrug.

However, one month later everything became clear …


Alt cuddled close to his two lovers. C and Omoi were released two weeks ago and have been given orders to stay on strict bed rest, which was something Alt was happy to enforce.

*knock*knock* Alt slipped out of bed and opened the door "hi A, hi Bee, what going on?"

Bee opened his mouth to rap, but quickly changed his mind as he saw a spark fly off Alt "the Leaf village is gone and so are the Akatsuki"

"… we don't understand" stated a very confused Alt

"here we have some pictures" said A as he put the photos on the table.

The small blonde skimmed through some photos "whoa, everything is gone! Even the faces on the hokage mountain … everyone is gone"

D frowned from inside their mind "I didn't think this would happen"

"what do you mean D? … This has to do with your experiment, doesn't it?" said Alt

With a slight change in posture D took control "I gave them what they wanted, you Alt … well, technically your memories. I gave them all your sadness, all your pain, everything … I guess they weren't as strong as you Alt. they became unstable and feared everything they once held dear and what threatened them, so they made it all disappear. That's why I told you to take the cat, poor thing has gone through enough"

A and Bee shivered, they could only imagine what drove those people to do this and they knew they wouldn't hear from them again, but they had to admit they had it coming …