It's a beautiful morning in Akashi's mansion. You really happy living together with him. Even at first you didn't really get along with their habits and many other things. Especially with the mansion. It's really big and filled by many butler and maid.

It's pretty helping having a lot of maid and butler because you can't imagine how tired if you clean that mansion by yourself. Today, Akashi goes to his father home. He said that he will at home late night.

It's already 11 o'clock but Akashi isn't arrive yet. Still, you won't sleep until you see he's at home. 30 minutes have passed, and there's a light in front of your house. It's Akashi's car light. You stand up from your seat and rush to the front door. As Akashi walks in, you come to hug him tightly.

"I told you to sleep earlier and don't wait for me right? " Akashi chuckles and strokes your hair

"But I still want to see you before going to sleep ~ I can't sleep alone..."

"Then... what is the perfect punishment for you because disobeyed my order...?" He says and kiss your forehead

"Eh?! You want to give me punishment?! Nooooooooo" You joke as Akashi chuckles

"So, what did your father want to talk with you?" You say

"..Nope... Nothing important... Nah, shall we sleep now? It's already late."


As Akashi take a bath, you plop inside the blanket and wait for him. Tonight, you sleep in his warm hug.


It's a great morning with a greeting from bacon and hot chocolate. Of course you cooked it by yourself for your lovely husband, which is still sleeping. So, you wake him up slowly.

"Seijuro.. Seijuro... Wake up.. Morning already~" You whisper at his ear

"Mgh... still sleepy... 5 more minutes..."

"Come on, Seijuro... Wakey, Wakey~ I will give you kisses if you wake up~ It's limited ~"

"I'm already woke up... " He says vigorously

"Okay.. Then, go take a shower and come eat breakfast with me at 1st floor." You say

"Waaaiiit... The kisses?" He says as he pulls your wrist

"Wait until 1234567890 years again then I will give you"

"Eh~ Then, what if I force you to?"

"Fine, I promise that I will give you after you take a shower and have breakfast with me, okay? A lot mooore kisses~"


-25 Minute Later-

You have finished the breakfast with Akashi. And now, Akashi follows you whenever you go, asking for his kisses.

"Seijuro... Come on... I want to pee... Must you follow me?!"

"I won't follow you if you give me those kisses~"



And you kiss him couple times


"Wha-" Before you could protest, he already kissed you

It's an intense make-out. He won't let you go from his embrace. You struggle so hard but still, you can't compete with his strenght. He is too strong... Until, you feel like you are going to pee in your pants

"Seijuro, I want-" He kiss you again

"What do you want? This?" He trail your thigh and move higher to your womanhood.

"Or maybe this?" He starts to open your clothes but you stop him

"I want to pee. OKAY?"

"O-Oh... Okay..." He lets you go from his embrace and you go to the toilet