One Argument Too Many

Amanda King found herself at one of the bars near Dulles Airport, and ordered a white wine. Her family, she didn't have to worry about, as they were in Florida over spring break.

Dotty and her sister Lillian, had taken the boys with them to Epcot, and Disney World. Amanda bowed out, claiming she had a lot of work to do. Somehow, her mother didn't buy it, but felt maybe with the solitude, she'd let some of her stress go, and relax.

While Amanda sat brooding with her thoughts of a certain egotistical spy, a woman came in and sat near her at the bar, saying,"I'd like a stinger, please, and make it a double!" The bartender complied, and the woman noticed Amanda staring at her, and said icily," May I help you,or do you make it a habit of being totally rude?!"

Amanda suddenly shook her head, and said,"Uh, no, no, I'm so sorry-it's just that without blinking an eye, you came in ordering a drink like that, and with such assertiveness..I, I don't usually come to these kinds of places-.." The woman looked her up and down, and nodded.

She said,"Let me guess-PTA? Bridge player? Coupon clipper?" Amanda was stunned! "Wow! How did you-?.." The woman smiled slightly,"I have a sister in Connecticut-she and her husband are thinking of moving to Los Angeles-where I live..god help me.." She took a sip of her drink.

Amanda said," Um, you don't get along?" The woman put her drink down, and said,"Before I continue- Laura Holt..and you are?.." Amanda shook her hand. "Amanda King- I'm sorry- I really shouldn't pry.."

Laura shook her head."No, I'm sorry- yes, my sister and I get along long as she stays where she is with her family-ooh, that sounded harsh- I do love her, but then, there's my mother, and believe me, that's another story altogether.."

Amanda nodded,"I live with my mother and my two little boys- I'm divorced- but we make it, are you here on business?" Laura sighed, finishing her drink."No- just had to take a break from my agency.."

Amanda said slowly,"Uh, agency?" Looking at Laura's outfit, she thought the woman looked dressed to kill, and said,"So, you're a model?" Laura laughed,"Oh, thanks, but god no! I'm a detective-Remington Steele Investigations? Surely you've heard of it?" But Amanda shook her head."Sorry- I work at IFF-International Federal Films here in D.C.-only part-time of course, but maybe someday, I might go full-time.."

Laura looked puzzled."That's strange- I've never been aware of that company-what exactly do you do there?" Amanda finished her drink, and said,"Documentary films-we uh, just finished one on the wildebeests.."

Laura rolled her eyes,"Sounds fascinating.." Amanda suddenly felt as if Francine Desmond were sitting there instead of this woman, making her feel very insignificant! Amanda said suddenly angry,"You know what?! I'm tired of people putting down my choices in life, and making me feel so inferior to them!"

She ordered another round, and continued,"I do a damn good job for them, and they don't even appreciate it-they have me work all hours of the day or night- I don't get enough hours with my kids as it is-the man I work with is totally rude-he all but pats me on the head when I'm around, treats me like an intrusion in his life, when he's the one that recruited me!"

Laura perked up! This was getting interesting!"Um, I'm sorry, did you say, recruit? As in drafted you?" Amanda felt the wine was getting to , boy, slow down, Amanda! She sheepishly smiled."W-well, actually, he was at a train station one day, and I was dropping someone off, and h-he asked me to help him with a location shoot there, and then they liked the finished piece, so the director hired me-producer, that is- the director is the man I work with.."

Laura was tired just listening! How does she do that without taking a breath?! "I see.. tell me more about this company?" But Amanda changed the subject."It must be exciting to be a detective- tell me about that.."

Laura took a drink, saying,"Ah, well, it's not as glamorous as it sounds- not like in the movies-god, if I ever hear a movie description, and the year it came out, it'll be too soon!" Now, Amanda perked up! "Really? So, you aren't a movie fan-wait..what does this have to do with your job?"

Laura clinked her glass with Amanda's!"Exactly! The man I work with, can't solve a case without putting a movie to it! He can't solve a case, period-without me, that is-you know why? Because I invented him! The great Remington Steele doesn't exist!"

Amanda swallowed! "Um, maybe we should have coffee now-are you all right?" Laura said, nodding,"Yeah- maybe we should talk back there.." She gestured to a back booth, and Amanda followed her, after ordering two coffees. They sat, and Laura said," I studied and apprenticed to be a detective-opened my own agency- but no one wanted a female's help with anything- so, I reinvented myself-made up Remington Steele's identity-had cases lined up.. then he appeared in my life-self righteous, self-serving, egotistical- to this day, I don't know his real name-and I don't think he knows it either- not because of amnesia..I think he doesn't remember too much about it."

Laura continued,"Anyway, he conned his way thru our first case together-found myself wanting to help him-so his name and residence are legalized now..for the, look, you probably had somewhere to be, didn't you?"

Amanda said,"You know, I was just heading home-why don't you join me? My family's away, so I have plenty of room.." Laura smiled,"Thanks, Amanda, sure, I'd like that..maybe on the way, you can tell me about your guy trouble.."

They both left laughing, after paying the bar tab. But as they were leaving in Amanda's car, they failed to notice someone following them..