To say Marco was pissed was an understatement. Some no-name pirate had attacked a remote island under Oyajis protection. And, of course, Thatch had to volunteer them to deal with it. They had dealt with the pirates with ease and were on their way back when it happened.

First Thatch had fallen asleep and they had sailed off course, then the cyclone had appeared out of nowhere, and now Marco was holding Thatch in one hand and clinging to the small boat for dear life. He couldn't go into Phoenix form because of the waves that were constantly soaking him. "Thatch wake up!" He yelled at the man, shaking him back and forth. "Wake up, dammit!" Thatch jerked from his sleep and looked around in horrified confusion before looking at Marco, or rather behind Marco.

"Umm... Marco?!" He said pointing at the giant wave approaching them. Marco looked behind him at the wave that rivaled those oyaji had made at Marineford.

"Oh shit..." He whispered as the wave crashed down on them. He was flung under the water and was sinking as his strength was pulled from him. He saw Thatch swimming towards he as he sank into darkness.

This is my first fanfiction, so tell me if there's any way I can improve them. (Ex: Less describing, more describing, shorter paragraphs, etc.) If you see isn't spelling or grammar mistakes don't hesitate to point them out, I appreciate them!

Also I know this is REALLY short, but its the prequel so I wanted it to be short. Chapters will be longer! Updates will vary as school continues to harass me with homework!

Later Dumplings,
