Tony finally got everyone back to NCIS. Chelsie stayed with Gibbs and Abby down in Abby's lab while she waited for her mom.

"I really appreciate everything you guys have done for me." Chelsie said.

"It's what we do." Gibbs said. She smiled at him. "If you ever have a problem with anything else, don't hesitate to call." Gibbs handed her his card.

"Thanks." She said. "I'm ready to go back to my life. My dad was the best; I don't know how I'm going to go on without him."

"You know what Ziva told another girl one time?" Abby said. "Loss is a part of life and we don't get over the loss of a loved one; we just get through." Chelsie sighed and put her hands on her head.

"I want Halley." She said. "Her dad is crazy."

"Yeah he is." Gibbs said. "You two don't have to worry about him anymore."

"Thank god." Chelsie said.

"You two must be good friends." Gibbs said.

"She's my best friend." She said.

"It's good to have friends to lean on." Abby said. Ziva walked in with Chelsie's mom and said,

"And family." Chelsie ran over to her mom and hugged her tightly.

"Mom!" she said.

"I missed you so much." Her mom said. She looked up at Gibbs and Abby and said, "Thank you."

"Anytime." Gibbs said. Gibbs and Ziva stayed in Abby's lab after Chelsie and her mom left.

"I'm going to miss that kid." Abby said.

Later that night, Abby went over to Gibbs house. She was feeling lonely.

"Hi Gibbs." Abby said. Gibbs looked up from sanding the boat.

"Hi Abbs, you okay?" Gibbs asked.

"Yeah, I'm just kind of lonely." Abby said.

"Do you miss her?" Gibbs said.

"Yes." Abby said. "This job just gives you every emotion imaginable more than once." Abby noticed a picture on the boat. She picked it up to get a closer look; it was a picture of Gibbs' daughter, Kelly. "Gibbs, has this case reminded you of someone?" Abby asked. Gibbs set his sander down on the boat then sat down on his work bench.

"Some people never leave you." Gibbs said.

"I know." Abby said. "You know you're doing exactly what Chelsie was doing earlier. I guess that's just how you work."

"It's not the best method, but it works." Gibbs said.

"You know having a good support system helps." Abby said.

"My team is my support system." Gibbs said. "It helps to have all of you in my life."

"Aw Gibbs." Abby said as she hugged him. "Even Tony helps? He's not the most helpful person."

"All of you help, even Tony. He's just like me; that's why I give him so much grief." Gibbs said. Abby smiled at him.

"You know I can hear you right?" Tony said. He was at the top of the stairs.

"Well now we do." Abby said. She looked at Gibbs as Tony walked down.

"Gibbs, I've been around you long enough to know that's your way of saying you love all

of us." She said.

Abby put her arm around Tony as he sat down next to her.

"You're right." Gibbs said.

"The three of us have been through the toughest of times together." Abby said.

"Don't forget McGee." Tony said.

"Of course not, but you know what I mean." Abby said.

"Yeah I do." Tony said.

"I really love you guys too." Tony said. Abby hugged both of them. Gibbs let Abby and Tony stay the rest of the night at his house. They spent the rest of the night talking about old times as they made new memories.